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2,000 sap cloud migration project plan jobs fundet

Vi er en IT startup, der er specialiseret i Microsoft Cloud solutions og vi beskæftiger os med at udvikle managed services til Microsoft Økosystem.

€230 - €691
€230 - €691
0 bud

I am in need of webscraping services for Danish Law. Specifically, I would like the data to be scraped from Danish law websites. No translation is necessary as I plan to use the data in Danish. Additionally, I would prefer that the data be directly imported into a database for my use. If you have experience with Danish legal webscraping and are comfortable with this project, I am eager to work together to get this project accomplished. The deliverables are code, sub-domain URLs from three websites + the scraped content. The target web-sites are , and

€18 - €36 / hr
€18 - €36 / hr
29 bud

The specs for this project are Wordpress based / Editable in the backend of the site Fast in google page speed insights Goal is under 2 seconds on all pages WP rocket + CACHING + MINIMISE PICTURES Features Videos Picture slides Animation videos Editable text Editable pictures Editable blocks Editable logos Create unique URLS - SEO wise Design wishes 14 different logos containing the name of each “BRAND name” FIGMA only / UX optimizing just like on FIGMA project Requirements WORDPRESS BASED Able to connect up with our DIV - contact formular on - FROM OUR BACKEND DEVELOPER (RoR Ruby On Rails) It should always be possible to load external JS as the current one is based on, so I don't think they can make something that won't work with the type of solu...

€4122 Average bid
€4122 Gns Bud
52 bud

Hej. Vi er ved at udvikle en webapplikation. Frontend er lavet med Quasar framework og VueJS . Backend er lavet med NestJS og NodeJS. Vi benytter Jira Cloud og Bitbucket fra Atlassian. Vi er så småt gået i gang med at opsætte Bitbucket Pipelines således at vi opnår: 1. På commit i Bitbucket, byg af backend- og frontend-kode samt automatisk kørsels af tests 2. Opsætning af miljøer i Azure (vi forstiller os Dev, Test, Staging og Prod miljøer) 3. Automatisk deployment til Azure Dev miljø, ved commit på Dev branch. 4. Automatisk deployment til Azure Test miljø, ved commit på Test branch. 5. Manuel deployment til Azure Staging/Prod miljø 6. Overblik ("release notes") af æ...

min €46 / hr
min €46 / hr
0 bud

Please, check this website for your reference: I want to make a "page" like this one, at my can see: Position, Stock Code (I do not need this one), Product Name, Pack Qty( I do no need this one), Price, Quantity and Total - you can choose differents products and "add to Cart" with only one click. - I expect you code what I want using "Pages" and "Static Blocks" of magento 1.6. This must be replicable. TOGETHER WITH THE QUOTE, I WILL ANSWER ONLY WHO SEND ME A DESCRIPTION HOW YOU PLAN TO DO THE CODE BE WORKING IN MAGENTO 1.6. IF YOU ARE EXPERT IN MAGENTO AND CAN HAND THIS JOB, GIVE ME A QUOTE. I WILL GIVE ACCESS TO MY WEBSITE, JUST AFTER YOU ACCEPT THE JOB, ANYTHING DIFERENT OF THIS I WILL NOT ACCEPT. Regards, Darley Cassimiro

€150 Average bid
€150 Gns Bud
19 bud
Content Plan
Udløbet left

asdfasfsa fsfsadfdsaf sadfsadfsda fasdf ds

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Gns Bud
10 bud

Design or formulate the financial analysis for a self storage project in order to ascertain its viability.

€385 Average bid
€385 Gns Bud
15 bud
€22 Gns Bud
1 bud

Need Azure, DevOps, Zuul, Docker, Openstack

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr Gns Bud
7 bud

I need someone to make a sketch out of some measurement of our garden. And i would like to see it As photo realistic AS possible. Budget Not over 100 pounds Show me What you have Been Working with before. Dk:Jeg skal bruge en der kan give mig en idé og tegning af vores have ud fra hvad der er der nu. - plantegning over idé til beplantning - idé til terrasse - idé til stier/ belægning i haven. Budget max 900kr

€135 Average bid
€135 Gns Bud
31 bud

Vi vil gerne have gjort rent i huset hver uge. Huset er i ét plan på 167 m2.

€5 - €11 / hr
€5 - €11 / hr
0 bud

Har brug for hjælp til at flytte magento webshop fra til meebox cloud vps på en cloudlinux cpanel 64 platform

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Gns Bud
1 bud

He...bruger sender dokumentet videre 14) Prisen skal være inkl. logik, design, implementering (har indtil videre kun erhvervet mig domænenavn) 15) Jeg forventer at siden skal være klar som "sign up" page snarest muligt 16) Jeg forventer at siden skal være funktionel og køre uden problemer senest til marts 17) maksimale antal brugerlogin er ca. 25.000 18) Det må gerne være i php eller .net og på en cloud tjeneste eftersom jeg ikke kender mængden af uploadet materiale (men det skal kunne skaleres meget på sigt) 19) jeg skal have din hjælp til at udvikle platformen så den er kompatibel med smart phones inkl. andre features om et år (dvs. enten du selv kan få æren eller jeg skal ...

€1071 Average bid
€1071 Gns Bud
13 bud

Jeg har brug for simple vejledninger til funktionerne i microsoft Lync 2013 - beskrevet udfra forskellige brugertyper. Plan 1 brugere: • Kom igang med lync o Log på o Prescence – tilføj kontaktperson – grupper? • Start kommunikation: chat – lyd/samtale + video • Modtag samtale – deltag i samtale Plan 2 brugere: • Indkald møde i kalender • Tilføj bruger til samtale • Oprette grupper af kontaktpersoner • Dele dokumenter, skrivebord • Oversigt over funktioner • Give styring • Optage Kræver microsoft outlook og lync konto og fuld lync 2013 klient installeret.

€141 Average bid
€141 Gns Bud
2 bud

Blogger i sd

€360 Average bid
€360 Gns Bud
9 bud

...list wil a lot of keywords. i just want to be on page 1 at as many as possible if you can do that. Hope to hear from you soon. bedste danske web hosting bedste gratis hosting bedste hosting bedste web hosting bedste webhotel billig domæne hosting billig email hosting billig hosting billig server hosting billig web hosting billig webhotel billige webhotel billigste webhotel billigt webhotel cloud hosting danmark dedikeret server hosting danmark domain hosting easy webshop email hosting danmark find webhotel free hosting free webhotel free webshop gratis webhotel hjemmeside design aalborg hosting billig hosting i danmark hosting priser danmark hosting aalborg hvad er et webhotel hvad er webhotel linux hosting open source webshop server hosting danmark start webshop virtua...

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Gns Bud
7 bud
SEO for
Udløbet left

...list wil a lot of keywords. i just want to be on page 1 at as many as possible if you can do that. Hope to hear from you soon. bedste danske web hosting bedste gratis hosting bedste hosting bedste web hosting bedste webhotel billig domæne hosting billig email hosting billig hosting billig server hosting billig web hosting billig webhotel billige webhotel billigste webhotel billigt webhotel cloud hosting danmark dedikeret server hosting danmark domain hosting easy webshop email hosting danmark find webhotel free hosting free webhotel free webshop gratis webhotel hjemmeside design aalborg hosting billig hosting i danmark hosting priser danmark hosting aalborg hvad er et webhotel hvad er webhotel linux hosting open source webshop server hosting danmark start webshop virtua...

€7 / hr Average bid
€7 / hr Gns Bud
1 bud

Udvikler søges til udvikling af applikation. App'en skal have facebook migration og ideen bag vil være noget hvor folk kan mødes/samles.

€1120 Average bid
€1120 Gns Bud
6 bud

Hejsa Jeg er i gang med at oprette et selskab og har behov for at få lavet et smart og enkelt logo, som beskriver min aktivitet samt navn. Det skal være kort præcist. Det skal kunne bruges på dansk og internationalt plan - eksempelvis engelsk. Mine aktiviteter vil være følgende; Spedition, Rådgivning, 3PL, Transport logistik, oversø, luftfragt, express, som tilbydes kunder i Skandinavien Mit navn er Christian Del Mastro. Logo og firmanavn må gerne hænge sammen. Hjemmesiden vil være bygget op i en enkel og præcis og brugervenlig version.

€57 Average bid
€57 Gns Bud
6 bud

...• Platform: Flutter (for cross-platform development for iOS and Android). • Backend: Firebase (for authentication, database, notifications, and file storage such as images and documents). • Payment System: Integration of Stripe or PayPal for payments (for listings and leasing fees). • Database: Firebase Firestore for storing vehicle data and user information. • Push Notifications: Firebase Cloud Messaging for notifications. • Document Upload: Firebase Storage for storing documents such as identity cards, pay slips, and vehicle registration certificates. • Leasing Calculator: A simple calculation logic for the monthly payment based on vehicle price, down payment, lease term, and interest rate. ⸻ Design Requirements • User Interface ...

€7485 Average bid
€7485 Gns Bud
55 bud

PLEASE READ THE SPECS ATTACHED AND BUDGET; ONLY BID IF YOU BOTH OK FOR YOU. Delivery required 10/12 days: To start ASAP Project Brief: Car Rental Booking System Project Overview Total Budget: $250 USD The goal is to develop a car rental booking system with a user-friendly website, vendor dashboard, and admin panel. The platform will allow users to book cars, pay a 10% deposit (admin fee only), and pay the remaining amount directly to the owner at pickup. Owners will subscribe to a monthly package instead of paying a per-booking commission. DESIGN TO REPLICATE: Website *mrxcmm*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3NDA2NzQwMzAuQ2p3S0NBaUF0NEMtQmhCY0Vpd0E4S3AwQ1k3WS1LcTJnS0pUVTRnUjJwNmRxT0dsYnVkeVNjWVR4cl81VjU1bGZ3ZlJmUnM0dWdXdUZCb0M2d1FRQXZEX0J3RQ..*_gcl_au*

€169 Average bid
€169 Gns Bud
74 bud

We want a mobile app that helps Indian entrepreneurs (especially in Tier 2 & 3 cities) set up and manage their startups. It provides AI-powered guidance for registration, legal compliance, branding, financial services, and i...application to schemes, and notifications. 8. Virtual AI Advisor – 24/7 chatbot for legal, financial, and operational queries. 9. Startup Journey Map – Gamified progress tracker with rewards at key milestones. ⸻ Tech Requirements (Suggested): • Frontend: React Native • Backend: Node.js with MongoDB & MySQL • AI Services: TensorFlow Lite, Azure Cognitive Services • Hosting: AWS or Google Cloud • Integrations: MCA, GSTN, MSME, Startup India APIs • Payments: Razorpay or Stripe • Security: SSL, encr...

€714 Average bid
€714 Gns Bud
17 bud

I'm in need of a very simple floor plan for an interior architecture student. The design should embody common elements typically employed by architects, interior designers, and engineers. The floor plan will be created on AutoCAD based on a fixed core plan. Key Requirements: - Inclusion of a study area and a dining room in the floor plan. - The overall style of the floor plan should be traditional. - Use of brick as a specified material; the plan should represent this appropriately. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in AutoCAD is a must. - Previous experience with interior architecture is preferred. - A deep understanding of traditional design elements will be beneficial. - Ability to create simple, non-professional designs suitab...

€28 Average bid
€28 Gns Bud
19 bud

...have the capability to convert reports into PDF format for sharing. Here are some of the features i want to add...the items #are those features currently available on the platform; Objective: To develop a comprehensive, cloud-based HSE&S management platform that enables real-time data collection, reporting, analysis, and communication for improved workplace safety, compliance, and operational efficiency across multiple projects and clients. Key Features & Functionalities: 1. Client/Company registration & Project Management • Client Registration – Capture company/project details, contract type, and assign unique profiles. • HSE Data Storage – Securely collect, store, and organize all client-specific HSE documentation. • U...

€219 Average bid
€219 Gns Bud
59 bud

I'm in need of a...involving website creation and management. The primary objective of the website is to generate leads, specifically in the education sector. The leads should come from prospective students, parents of students, and educational institutions. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a lead-generating website - Manage and maintain the website - Implement AI for lead generation - Execute a digital marketing plan - Oversee social media marketing and advertising Ideal Skills: - Proficient in website development and management - Experience in AI lead generation - Strong digital marketing background - Expertise in social media marketing and advertising I am looking for a freelancer with a track record in these areas to help enhance my brand visibility and drive leads throu...

€97 Average bid
€97 Gns Bud
31 bud

We're looking for testers to evaluate an AI-powered Excel automation assistant. If you have experience in testing AI-driven applications with proficiency in MS Excel, VBA & Report automation and can systematically assess functionality, usability, and reliability, we’d love to hear from you! ? Ideal Candidate: ? Can prepare a structured test plan outlining major areas of testing based on an understanding of the application. ? Can assess bug criticality by defining a scoring mechanism (e.g., partial vs. full completion) and providing clear, justified reasoning aligned with stakeholder expectations. ? Can identify UX issues and validate functional completeness of tasks. ? Comfortable using LLMs to generate test data (Excel files, tasks) and ensure comprehensive coverage...

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Gns Bud
3 bud will be used by players, coaches, and parents to track training, improve skills, and manage netball teams. ? Ideal Tech Stack: * Flutter or React Native (Cross-platform iOS & Android) * Firebase (User authentication, database, messaging) * TensorFlow / OpenCV (AI motion tracking & video skill evaluation) * Google MediaPipe API (Pose estimation for analyzing movement) * AI APIs (OpenAI, Google Cloud Vision) – For automated training plans * AI Video testing - Use Ai video to test the players (Flexibility, strength and netball skills) ? Key Features Required: ✅ User Roles: Players, Coaches, Parents (with different access levels)
✅ Training Calendar: Coaches assign sessions, players mark as ✅ Completed, ? Modified, ❌ Missed
✅ Drill Library: Videos, images, and desc...

€482 Average bid
€482 Gns Bud
94 bud

We are an advertising agency from Austria and are looking for a talented illustrator to create a map of a campsite for us. The style should be based on the sample image we have attached - a hand-drawn, colorful illustration with a vibrant but clean look. Requirements: The site plan is based on the attached overview image. Style similar to the reference image (hand-drawn, colored, without lettering). Delivery as a high-resolution digital image (AI and svg). If this project works out well, we are interested in a long-term cooperation. Please let us know your price expectations and the estimated turnaround time. We look forward to your feedback! Best regards

€158 Average bid
€158 Gns Bud
77 bud

I'm lo...aim of this project is to enhance the user experience on my site. Key Requirements: - Migrate all existing data from the Woocommerce site to Shopify. - Implement a modern and clean layout. - Improve site navigation. - Ensure the site is mobile-friendly. I am uncertain about the hosting service at the moment, so your expertise on whether to use Shopify's hosting or a third-party service will be valuable. Ideally, you should have: - Extensive experience with both Woocommerce and Shopify. - A strong portfolio of modern, clean web designs. - Skills in improving site navigation and user experience. - Knowledge of mobile-friendly design principles. - Experience with data migration. Your ability to deliver a site that meets these specifications will be key to t...

€259 Average bid
€259 Gns Bud
73 bud

I'm seeking a freelancer who can analyze my established tech company's business plan. The analysis should focus on various aspects of the plan, particularly the market analysis, financial projections, and the business model. Please provide a comprehensive evaluation and suggestions for potential improvements or areas of concern. Experience in analyzing business plans in the technology sector is highly preferred.

€123 Average bid
€123 Gns Bud
50 bud

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I'm looking for a skilled animator to create a smooth curve line graph animation for a line graph. This animation needs to be suitable for both a website and a presentation. I would like the characters to emerge from birth and continue climbing up to the peak and down into old age. I would also like the line to shift and see how, with appropriate preventative interventions, we plan to move this curve so that decline happens later and at a slower rate. (please see my drawing version of this) Key Requirements: - Create a visually appealing smooth curve line graph animation - Ensure the animation is compatible for a website and a presentation - Prior experience in creating graph animations would be a plus - Knowledge of web and presentation animation standards Ideal Skills: - ...

€54 Average bid
€54 Gns Bud
34 bud

I have slightly damaged 50 or less photos (minor scratches, light fading) that need to be restored and digitized. The restored photos should be delivered as digital files via email or cloud storage. In addition to restoration, I would like the following enhancements to be made: - Colorization of black and white photos - Sharpening and detailing - Removing or adding elements Ideal skills for this job include proficiency in photo editing software and experience in photo restoration and enhancement.

€54 Average bid
€54 Gns Bud
21 bud

...--- You have been selected to participate in this project because you indicated that you plan to purchase Premium you are already stocked up and not looking to buy for the given category, please do not make a video for this project. Category: Premium Chocolate Retailers: Your video must be completed at Tesco Extra or Waitrose only (Note: videos made at other retailers including Tesco Express, Tesco Metro, and Tesco Supermarkets that are not Tesco Extra will not be accepted) Please start your video before you enter the store and please tell us which store you are shopping in. Now please head to the main chocolate aisle and shop for premium chocolate as you normally would. SHOW and TELL as you go through the section how you plan to select the ri...

€13 Average bid
€13 Gns Bud
3 bud profiles and presence. • Monitor social media channels for industry trends, news, and competitors. • Engage with followers, respond to inquiries, and manage online reviews. • Analyze and report on social media performance metrics to measure the success of campaigns and strategies. • Collaborate with the marketing team to ensure brand consistency and alignment with overall marketing goals. • Plan and execute social media advertising campaigns to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to the website. • Stay updated with the latest social media trends, tools, and best practices. • Coordinate with influencers and industry partners to expand the company’s reach. • Monitor and manage the company’s online reputation. • I...

€43 Average bid
€43 Gns Bud
21 bud

1-Hour Community Video Tour ? Title: Esrael Gboluhmah Community Tour ? Duration: 1 Hour | Type: 2D Animated ? Hosts: AI-Animated Girls (Abi & Gracine) ? Target Audience: Homebuyers, Investors, Business Owners, Advertisers ...CTA: "Advertise your business—reserve your spot today!" 5️⃣ Creativity & Entertainment (45:00 – 55:00 min) ? Content creators can rent spaces, host events, use digital billboards. ? CTA: "Your community, your stage!" 6️⃣ Closing & Call to Action (55:00 – 60:00 min) ? Flyover Recap: Homes, Businesses, Ad Spaces, Studios ? CTA: "Reserve your home, business space, or ad spot today!" ?️ Production Plan ✅ 2D AI Hosts | ✅ 3D Walkthroughs | ✅ Dynamic Ad Banners ✅ Inquiry Forms | ✅ Smooth Transitions | ✅ AI...

€524 Average bid
€524 Gns Bud
9 bud

I'm in need of a cloud-based, Android mobile solution for capturing fueling data from our on-site bowsers. This will be used by our fleet of trucks at Point A. Key Requirements: - The system must utilize OCR scanning exclusively for capturing truck numbers and flow meter readings, with no manual data entry. - Upon completion of fueling, a receipt should print on a wireless thermal POS printer located at the exit gate. - All transaction history must be accessible and monitorable from Point B via a web dashboard. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in developing Android mobile applications. - Experience with OCR technology and cloud-based solutions. - Familiarity with integrating with thermal POS printers. - Capability to design and implement a secure, user-friend...

€487 Average bid
€487 Gns Bud
61 bud

...high-performance web application. Project Scope: You will be working on: ✅ Frontend Development (React.js, , Tailwind CSS) ✅ Backend Development (Node.js, , MongoDB) ✅ API Integrations (Third-party logistics, payment gateways, and tracking) ✅ Cloud Deployment & Optimization (AWS, GCP, Docker) ✅ UI/UX Improvements (Ensuring a seamless user experience) What We’re Looking For: ✔️ Strong experience in React.js & Node.js ✔️ Experience with MongoDB, PostgreSQL, or Firebase ✔️ Familiarity with RESTful APIs & Microservices ✔️ Knowledge of AWS/GCP, Docker, and CI/CD pipelines is a plus ✔️ Ability to write clean, scalable, and maintainable code ✔️ Good communication skills and ability to work independently Why Join Us? ? Work on an innovative, high-impact ...

€343 Average bid
€343 Gns Bud
35 bud

I'm in need of a professional drafting services with experience in creating detailed and accurate plans for a 2 Story 2 Bed/1.5 Bath - 4 Unit Apartment Building. The drafting will need to be comprehensive, with precise measurements included throughout. I need floorplan, exterior elevations, foundation plan, and a typical wall detail. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in CAD software or similar drafting tools - Experience in residential multi-story projects - Exceptional attention to detail - Ability to interpret and translate design concepts into accurate technical drawings I have made detailed sketches with measurements. I am a home builder and have designed residential plans in the past. I need someone to take my design and put it into CAD.

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Gns Bud
40 bud

I am in urgent need of a professional to revamp my corporate deck consisting of approximately 22 slides. The primary aim of this deck is to secure clients, so it must be both engaging and persuasive. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - PowerPoint Mastery - Pitch Deck Creation - Visual Storytelling Please, detailed project proposals are a must. Your proposal should outline your vision for this project and how you plan to execute it. I am looking to have this project completed as soon as possible.

€67 Average bid
€67 Gns Bud
33 bud

...confirmation - Payment integration with: - KNET (Kuwait's local gateway) - Visa/Mastercard - Apple Pay - Booking confirmation via WhatsApp & SMS 3. Video Recording & Match Viewing - Fixed or Motion-Tracking Camera installed on each field (Veo or other 4k wide angle cameras) - Automatic match recording when booking starts or when clicked on touchscreen - Videos uploaded to the cloud (AWS S3, Vimeo, Mux, , or similar) - Users can watch or download their match replays from the app 4. Live Score Overlay System (Touchscreen-Based Input) - Touchscreen tablet near the field - Players manually tap to update scores during the match - The score appears as an overlay on the recorded & live video - Scoreboard displays: - Team Names + Sco...

€1292 Average bid
€1292 Gns Bud
109 bud

I'm seeking a professional to design a site grading plan for a commercial development project using an existing site plan with grade lines. Key elements of the grading plan: - Drainage systems - Building pads - Parking areas - Sidewalks The grading plan must comply with industry standards. Your expertise should encompass not just the technical skills to create the plan, but also a deep understanding of the relevant industry standards. Experience in commercial site grading is a plus. Please provide examples of your previous work in your bid.

€432 Average bid
€432 Gns Bud
37 bud

I’m doing a project. The attached document is an experimental study on the modification of grouting materials for joints in prefabricated prefinished volumetric construction (PPVC). However, I will want to use ANSYS to do the analysis again. My goal is to evaluate how different grout compositions affect the performance of joints between prefabricated building modules. Specifically, I want to create a 3D geometrical model of a PPVC joint in ANSYS, consisting of two prefabricated modules connected by grout (showing in another attached document). The grout will have varying material compositions, as outlined in the experimental study, incorporating additives such as expansion agents (EA), neoprene latex (NL), and rubber particles (RP). Beyond the geometric modeling, I want to ...

€42 / hr Average bid
€42 / hr Gns Bud
14 bud

I'm seeking a seasoned IT writer with a profound understanding of cyber security and excellent writing skills to craft our company's cyber security statement. ...craft our company's cyber security statement. The primary goal of this document is to foster customer trust and demonstrate our commitment to transparency to potential customers. Key Components: - Comprehensive coverage of our data protection measures - Detailed explanation of our incident response plan Ideal candidates should possess: - A strong background in IT and cyber security - Exceptional technical writing skills - Experience in creating customer-oriented IT documents. This project is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your writing prowess while contributing to our company's commitmen...

€30 / hr Average bid
€30 / hr Gns Bud
27 bud

We are looking for experienced crypto marketers, influencers, or Telegram growth specialists to promote our TRX mining bot on a pay-per-result (CPA) basis. What We Need: Targeted promotion of our Telegram mining bot to real crypto users. Marketing via Telegram groups, influencers, YouTube, Twitter (X), Instagram, TikTok, Reddit, or paid ads. N...experience in Telegram & Web3 promotions. ✅ Influencers & group admins with active crypto audiences. ✅ Affiliate marketers who can drive high-quality traffic. ✅ Paid ad specialists who can run profitable ads on Reddit, Twitter, Telegram, or Google. ? If you have a proven method to bring real users, let's work together! ? Apply now with: Your experience in crypto & Telegram marketing. How you plan to promote our bot. Yo...

€369 Average bid
€369 Gns Bud
1 bud

Project Title: Website Redesign for E-commerce Store on Wix Project Overview: I am looking for an experienced Wix website designer to revamp my existing e-commerce website. The website sells a variety of random goods, and I need it to be more user-friendly, visually appealing, and credible to increase sales. The goal is to improve navigation, enhance trustworthiness, and optimize the shopping experience for customers. Project Goals: - Improve the website’s design for a modern and professional look. - Enhance user experience (UX) to make browsing and purchasing easier. - Optimize the site for mobile responsiveness. - Improve trust signals to boost credibility (testimonials, secure payment options, etc.). - Ensure SEO optimization for better visibility....

€517 Average bid
€517 Gns Bud
218 bud

Title: Collection of technical information on vehicle alert systems <Overview> Please collect technical information on vehicles information that h...the website or YouTube site as the basis for the evidence. ★Please clearly indicate where the above technology is disclosed. [example 1]★Technical Details YouTube: “” Time: 2:30-3:15 Product name: “MODEL S” Company name: “TESLA” [example 2]★Technical Details URL: https://OEczSq Written section: Second paragraph Product name: “MODEL S” Company name: “TESLA” ・The term "plan to sell" includes products under development. ・If the name of the company developing the product is clearly stated in the evidence, the payment requirements are sat...

€46 Average bid
€46 Gns Bud
1 bud

Freelance AI Sales & Pricing Strategy Consultant KratosLab is looking for a freelancer to help structure our chatbot sales strategy, pricing model, and go-to-market approach. If you have experience in B2B sales, AI product pricing, and sa...processes. Bonus Opportunity If you have content creation skills, we could also use help making AI-related videos for YouTube, LinkedIn & Facebook. How to Apply? Send me a message with: 1️⃣ Your experience in sales strategy & pricing for AI or tech products. 2️⃣ Any past work in B2B sales, SaaS, or automation. 3️⃣ Your availability & hourly rate. 4️⃣ A detailed plan on how you would structure chatbot pricing & sales, including key steps you’d take to implement it. Looking forward to connecting! ?

€111 Average bid
€111 Gns Bud
26 bud

Business Requirements Document: eCommerce Website Development 1. Introduction 1.1 Project Overview Dezign Laboratories seeks a vendor to develop a basic eCommerce solution, including website development, with potential CRM and 3PL integration, within a very limited budget and timeframe. 1.2 Purpose This document outlines the requirements for the eCommerce project, enabling potential vendors to understand the project's basic scope and provide proposals within the given constraints. 2. Project Goals Develop a minimally functional eCommerce website. Explore potential CRM and 3PL integrations. Provide basic user functionality. 3. Scope of Work 3.1 eCommerce Website Development Basic online store with order and payment processing. Secure e-payment gateway. Basic...

€361 Average bid
€361 Gns Bud
139 bud

I am in need of a certified engineered plan for a vehicular bridge on a private road in New Hampshire. Spanning a brook, this bridge needs to be 50 feet long and 12 feet wide. Key Specifications: - Construction Material: Steel I-beams topped with pressure-treated wood - Abutments: Cement, positioned outside of the brook embankments to prevent erosion - Design: Rustic style Requirements: - The plan must be certified and suitable for local town approval - It must adhere to local building codes, environmental regulations, and industry best practices The bridge is intended for residential access, so it needs to be sturdy yet fitting with a rustic aesthetic. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in civil engineering with a focus on bridge con...

€2302 Average bid
€2302 Gns Bud
7 bud