Pure sine wave inverter circuit pic microcontrollerJobs


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    2,000 pure sine wave inverter circuit pic microcontroller jobs fundet
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    Hej Sine, hvis du accepterer dette projekt, så kan jeg oprette betalinger og sende opgaver. :-)

    €241 - €241
    €241 - €241
    0 bud
    Udløbet left

    ...Media Track Vi er lokaliseret i Singapore, hvorfra vores medieovervågninger bliver udarbejdet. Tidsforskellen gør, at et gennemarbejdet overblik kan ligge klar i pressechefernes indbakke klokken 6.00 dansk tid. Vi arbejder i teams, der kombinerer god arbejdsmoral og analytisk arbejde i en medieverden, hvor ingen dage er ens. Vi forventer, at vores medarbejdere stiller krav til sig selv, samt til sine kollegaer, således at vi sammen sikrer en høj kvalitet af vores produkter. Om stillingen Vi søger en medieanalytiker, der har en stærk analytisk sans for kundernes behov og har en naturlig interesse for nyheder og pressedækning. Ligeledes forventer vi, at: Du er en god formidler – skriftligt som mundtligt. Du kan arbejde effektivt ...

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud
    Wordpress plugin
    Udløbet left

    Vil have lavet en side hvor man kan designe sine egne neon skilte og få vist et eksempel. Need to make a site where it is possible to design neon signs online and send a mail with the request. Add logos etc.

    €427 Average bid
    €427 Gns Bud
    5 bud

    ...åben platform, hvor alle kan søge og bestille MASSAGE ¤ ESCORT ¤ SEXCAM ¤ STRIPPERE eller EVENT. Altså Skandinaviens bedste hjemmeside indenfor Sex & Erotik til computer og mobilen. En annoncør/udbyder skal have mulighed for at oprette en konto på Sex & Erotik. Og fra denne konto, kan annoncøren/udbyderen uploade sine tilbud indenfor Sex & Erotik til den nye hjemmeside i nogle faste rammer, med tekst og et antal bestemte billeder, eksempelvis optil 9 billeder, og derved tilbyde sine services. Hver annonce er én annonce, og vil være gældende i en periode på 4, 12, 24 eller 48 uger, hvorefter at den automatisk slettes. 1 Annonce, 1 Betaling. Eksempelvis én Stripper annon...

    €1498 - €2995
    €1498 - €2995
    0 bud

    ...udfra nogle specifikke krav og bliver udrustet med informationer, som gør det nemt at gå til opgaven, men det kræver en vis portion forarbejde ved at sætte dig ind i de forskellige fordele og ulemper ved at danne et socialt netværk som dette. Hvad vil være godt, hvad skal man undgå, og hvad er påvist at være til gavn for mennesker som ellers er isolerede med sine udfordringer og kan have et støtte netværk samt dele bekymringsfrit ud af sine daglige problemer og sejre, uden at bekymre sig om at både venner og familie er tilknyttet netværket, da det ikke er en mulighed at dele content ud af SMN som man kan på øvrige kendte netværk. Netværket er internationalt og basere...

    €241 - €724
    €241 - €724
    0 bud
    €343 Gns Bud
    9 bud
    pcb desigg
    Udløbet left

    timer concept lcd 3 relay 3 buttons rtc 6 adc (op amp circuit)

    €82 Average bid
    €82 Gns Bud
    18 bud
    Lav en hjemmeside
    Udløbet left

    ...registered brugere.. (Cars, Personal). Alt efter hvordan Firms Brugerens registrantions værdier er sat af admin, skal Firms Også kunne ændre værdier i Cars og Personal. Note: Der vil være forkellige Firms, som har registredet forskellige Cars og Personal, Og det skal selvfølgelig ikke være muligt for et Firm at se / ændre et andet Firms, Cars eller Personal. Cars skal kunne logge ind og se / ændre sine egne informationer. Personal skal kunne logge ind og se / ændre deres egne informationer. Specielle krav: Jeg ønsker at siden er lavet i Joomla. (Kan forhandles. "hvis du taler godt for din sag.") Jeg ønsker selv at overtage videre development. Da dette kun er første step for...

    €646 Average bid
    €646 Gns Bud
    3 bud
    Web development
    Udløbet left

    Jeg har brug for en ny hjemmeside Designe og bygge den Andet eller ikke sikker Jeg skal bruge det som gps koordination - har en ide hvor man skal kunne tracke sine ting. Hvis du vil høre mere så smid en mail og jeg giver er opkald :)

    €97 Average bid
    €97 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    En helt vildt simpel app, som skal hedde noget lignende "Where'd I put my...", som simpelthen er tænkt til at hjælpe folk med at huske, hvor de har lagt deres ting henne. Vi har alle stået i situationen, hvor man lægger sine nøgler, reserveskruer eller andet, som man får brug for på et senere tidspunkt, et eller andet sted, hvor man tænker, at man selvfølgelig nok skal kunne finde det igen. Dog er det ikke altid tilfældet, så derfor skal der i denne app være mulighed for at skrive, hvad man har lagt og hvor man har lagt det.

    €213 Average bid
    €213 Gns Bud
    2 bud

    simpelt, smart og anderledes på sine egen unikke måde

    €97 Average bid
    €97 Gns Bud
    5 bud

    Some C coding for pic controller 16f877a using MikroC compiler .

    €97 Average bid
    €97 Gns Bud
    5 bud
    En hjemmeside
    Udløbet left

    Godt designet hjemmeside, med det formål at brugere nemt kan komme i kontakt med hinanden, og et sted hvor man kan få besvaret sine spørgsmål omkring computer problemer.

    €238 Average bid
    €238 Gns Bud
    7 bud

    Jeg vil gerne lave en hjemmeside som er ligesom hvor andre folk som spiller CS:GO kan smide deres skins i en pulje og når der så er 80 skins i en pulje vælges en vinder. hver bruger der smider noget i puljen har forskellige % chance det kommer an på hvor meget man har smidt ind. for at kunne putte sine skins i puljen skal man sende dem til en bot som så beregner værdien ud fra Steam market og når vinderen så er fundet så skal botten kunne sende alle skins tilbage til den ene person som vinder untaget 8% som bliver taget i kommision hvilket også skal kunne regnes ud automatisk du skal også sørge for at det bliver lagt op på en server så er hele er klar når du levere det til mig

    €156 Average bid
    €156 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Jeg skal have klonet min livsstils-app "Way of Life - The Ultimate Habit Maker & Breaker" () til Android. Mange af de designmæssige spørgsmål er således afklaret og jeg skal derfor primært bruge en udvikler som hurtigt kan se hvordan den eksisterende app kan udvikles til Android. Hver platform har dog sine "måder" at gøre tingene på, så derfor må du også gerne have forstand på hvordan en måde at gøre tingene på i iOS, måske bør gøres anderledes på Android for at få den rigtig Android-feeling. De overordnede linjer er dog lagt. Way of Life gør flittig brug af SQLite (gennem Core Data) og det forventes at du mestrer enten SQL...

    €4937 Average bid
    €4937 Gns Bud
    10 bud

    Maintenance electrik,instalasi listrik,service AC,rewinding motor AC/DC,generator genset,PLTD,troubleshooting machine,programmer inverter & DC drive

    €1448 - €2895
    €1448 - €2895
    0 bud

    Jeg vil gerne lave en hjemmeside som er ligesom hvor andre folk som spiller CS:GO kan smide deres skins i en pulje og når der så er 80 skins i en pulje vælges en vinder. hver bruger der smider noget i puljen har forskellige % chance det kommer an på hvor meget man har smidt ind. for at kunne putte sine skins i puljen skal man sende dem til en bot som så beregner værdien ud fra Steam market og når vinderen så er fundet så skal botten kunne sende alle skins tilbage til vinderen untaget 10% som bliver taget i kommision

    €141 Average bid
    €141 Gns Bud
    2 bud

    3D Slider for website homepage

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    mikroc project for pic microxcontroller

    €18 - €147
    €18 - €147
    0 bud

    ...fedt. Finde fødevarer i en database lavet af forbrugerne, som indtaster forskellige fødevarer. Og enda kan disse fødevarer scannes ved hjælp af stregkoden. Lave opskrifter (ved at tilføje forskellige fødevarer), som så tilsidst kommer ud med en opskrift, hvor man kan se rettens totale mængde kalorier, proteiner, kulhydrater og fedt. Jeg ønsker en applikation, hvor man som udgangspunkt tracker sine madvarer i sit hjem (tilføjer og sletter - alt efter køb og forbrug). Disse forskellige madvarer skal kunne oprettes af forbrugeren selv, hvor han som minimum skal kunne indtaste kalorier, proteiner, kulhydrater og fedt. Derudover skal man kunne lave opskrifter. Sætte x-antal fødevarer sammen og...

    €242 Average bid
    €242 Gns Bud
    1 bud
    Udløbet left

    microcontroller electronic

    €68 Average bid
    €68 Gns Bud
    1 bud
    Udløbet left

    ...arbejdsløs som ønsker en udfordring, samt muligheden for at fremvise projektet til mulige arbejdspladser for at fremme sin egen karriere En person som i tæt samarbejde med mig, skal oprette et domain, designe hjemmeside i Joomla eller Wordpress. Hjemmesiden skal have følgende funktioner: - Som bruger skal man kunne oprette sin egen bruger profil - Som oprettet, skal man kunne oprette sine egne events i kalender - Siden skal være flere sproget. Dansk talende er vigtigt ! Ved ikke rigtig hvad det er jeg søger, websiden skal være ret minimalistisk i udseendet, så det er ikke en designer. Jeg forstiller mig en HTML programmør eller system udvikler, en som kender alle aspekter af Joomla eller Wordpress, en s...

    €138 - €413
    €138 - €413
    0 bud

    *** OVERVIEW *** - Ten US dollars per hour. - One hour per day (or per night). - You will help me design, code, and develop an IoT product using MicroPython running on an ESP32 microchip. - You do *not* need any experience with microcontrollers, electronics, electrical engineering, mechatronics, Arduino, PCB, circuit design, or Python. - If Freelancer.com prevents you from bidding on this project or if you want to avoid “spending” one of your Freelancer bids you can apply "passively” for this project by pasting "MicroPython_ESP32_11_September_2019" into your Freelancer profile. Please see the section below in this posting called *** APPLYING "PASSIVELY" *** for more information. *** LOCATION *** You must live the Western Balkans in ...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Gns Bud
    3 bud

    ...& Pet on top + Spokane, Wa est. 1944 on the bottom (top & bottom words in a circular arc) *I can send a better pic asap. one of the entire bear showing him with no one sitting on it. 8. Tucker, the tortoise 9. Flower/Plant design with Northwest Seed & Pet Spokane, WA est. 1944 on top 10. Plants/Green House with Gertie the cat silhouette by the back door, Ruby the parrot on the pants table, and an iguana on the top bar, as in the picture.  11. Fish design with Northwest Seed & Pet Spokane, WA est. 1944 on top 12. Division store outline - in sketch style - please include the geckos that are on the building.  13. Sprague store—in sketch style—can include cars out from like in the pic, but if it looks better without them, that's fine,...

    €810 Average bid
    €810 Gns Bud
    60 bud

    I'm seeking an expert who can design a small mixed-signal PCB using FLUX .ai. The primary function of this circuit will be for STM32 or ESP32. Key Requirements: - Proficient in designing mixed-signal circuits - Experienced with FLUX .ai - Capable of designing small PCBs Ideal Skills: - PCB design - Schematic creation - Signal processing expertise - FLUX .ai proficiency The PCB dimensions are flexible. The PCB should be designed to be USB-powered. Please prioritize the placement of essential components based on power and signal requirements. The PCB should support both analog and digital I/O connections. The PCB should be designed to fit a custom enclosure. The PCB should support high-speed operation for the STM32 or ESP32. The dimensions for the custom enclosure are flexibl...

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Gns Bud
    2 bud
    Trophy icon DNA Testing Company Logo Design
    6 dage left

    ...clinical appearance 3. Typography: * Modern, sans-serif font (professional, clear, and futuristic) * Avoid overly decorative fonts (must be easy to read at any size) * Suggested fonts: Montserrat, Lato, or Poppins 4. Iconography (Optional but Preferred): * Subtle DNA helix element (abstract, not overly detailed) * Molecular structure or genetic code representation (minimalist look) * Scientific wave, cell, or network theme (conveys biotech focus) Avoid: * Cartoonish DNA strands * Overcomplicated or crowded graphics * Generic medical symbols (stethoscopes, caduceus, etc.)...

    €24 Average bid
    406 indlæg

    ...clinical appearance 3. Typography: * Modern, sans-serif font (professional, clear, and futuristic) * Avoid overly decorative fonts (must be easy to read at any size) * Suggested fonts: Montserrat, Lato, or Poppins 4. Iconography (Optional but Preferred): * Subtle DNA helix element (abstract, not overly detailed) * Molecular structure or genetic code representation (minimalist look) * Scientific wave, cell, or network theme (conveys biotech focus) Avoid: * Cartoonish DNA strands * Overcomplicated or crowded graphics * Generic medical symbols (stethoscopes, caduceus, etc.)...

    €26 Average bid
    €26 Gns Bud
    86 bud

    ...Illustrator is a must; Canva and AI should not be used for this project. - Demonstrable experience in designing minimalist book covers. - A keen eye for visual aesthetics and ability to translate this into design. - Preferred fonts for the text are clean Arial or modern typefaces. Please provide your portfolio showcasing similar design projects. UPH LOGO GOES ON THE SPINE AND BACK COVER AND ISBN. (pic of burgundy jacket on the front and black jacket on the back) USE THIS SYNOPSIS AND TITLE Title: Beyond the Title Subtitle: Building an Executive Brand to Inspire, Influence, and Advance Your Career Author: Martin Rowinski BACK COVER TEXT: In today’s fast-paced, ever-evolving corporate world, success extends beyond job performance and traditional leadership roles. ...

    €93 Average bid
    82 indlæg

    I'm in need of a professional CAD drafter with expertise in low voltage electrical and telecommunications systems. The end deliverables should be comprehensive construction drawings to include annotating circuit paths on floor plans, riser diagram, rack elevations, etc. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in CAD software - Specialization in low voltage electrical and/or telecommunications drafting - Experience in creating construction drawings - Understanding of voice and data system components and cabling - Attention to detail and accuracy - On time delivery

    min €48 / hr
    Forseglet NDA
    min €48 / hr
    9 bud

    ...provided trust module in the NS-3.38 version. - The integration must modify the use of the WiFi module to the WAVE module, as the trust model is specifically designed for VANET scenarios. - Upon integration, I need you to verify its functionality by running a provided example and producing the expected results. Background: I've attempted to add this module myself but encountered several linking errors and dependency issues. My goal is to have a fully functional trust model in NS-3 for my simulation needs. Ideal candidates for this project should: - Have extensive experience with NS-3, particularly with integrating new modules. - Possess a solid understanding of both the WiFi and WAVE modules. - Be capable of troubleshooting build errors effectively. - Ideally, have...

    €166 Average bid
    €166 Gns Bud
    8 bud

    I need a professional bookkeeper to help me catch up with my business's financial records. My business is service-based, and I have been operating for nearly 2 years with less th...operating for nearly 2 years with less than 2 years worth of transactions. Key responsibilities include: - Recording all income and expenses accurately. - Preparing financial reports to give insight into the business's performance as well as to prepare for tax filing. Tools: - All bookkeeping will be done on Wave, so prior experience with this software is a plus. Ideal freelancer's profile: - Proven experience in bookkeeping, particularly for service-based businesses. - Proficiency in using Wave. - Excellent skills in preparing comprehensive financial reports. - Ability to work i...

    €454 Average bid
    €454 Gns Bud
    61 bud

    I'm looking for a talented content creator with a knack for innovative and futuristic writing. The content will be used to showcase our Lithium-based solar UPS inverter on Amazon, targeting Domestic and small business owners and shop owners in areas where electricity cuts are more prominent. Key Features to Highlight: - High energy efficiency - Long battery life - Smart connectivity - Compact design - Environmentally friendly - High energy delivery capabilities The goal is to create appealing, efficient, and persuasive content that effectively communicates our product's unique features and benefits to potential customers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in product content creation, particularly for tech or home improvement products - Excellent understa...

    €47 Average bid
    €47 Gns Bud
    18 bud

    I'm looking for a talented designer to create an illustrative infographic for my lithium solar inverter. The infographic should be suitable for advertising on my company website or blog. It should effectively highlight: - Key features of the inverter - Environmental benefits - Usage scenarios In addition to the infographic, I need creative ideas for selling and advertising the product online. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in infographic design - Experience with online product advertising - Understanding of e-commerce and digital sales strategies - Knowledge of the solar inverter market would be a plus.

    €50 Average bid
    €50 Gns Bud
    23 bud

    ...version of the logo, possibly including the company phone number (0449 588 233) and tagline (Electrical Contracting). The design should be bold, clean, and readable from a distance. Style & Inspiration: Professional, minimal, and modern. Must reflect trust, quality, and electrical expertise. Open to subtle symbolic elements that reinforce the electrical industry (e.g., lightning bolt, plug, or circuit-inspired details). Deliverables: Facebook Logo: Optimized for profile use. T-Shirt Design: Two versions – front (small) and back (large with phone number). All files in vector format (AI, EPS, SVG), plus PNG and JPG. Additional Notes: I have attached my current logo as a reference. I am open to minor adjustments in typography and layout for a sharper, more polished look. I...

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Gns Bud
    103 bud

    We are looking for a creative and skilled person to develop an innovative boat rental app that meets the needs of both customers and boat owners. The application should be user-friendly, provide an excellent user experience, and include advanced features that surpass existing applications in the mar...growth in the number of users and boats. Technical Support: Continuous technical support should be provided for the application and any issues or malfunctions resolved. Budget and Time Please provide a detailed quote and work plan for developing the application, specifying the expected timeframe for completing the project. Reference Applications You can refer to similar applications such as "Wave", "GetMyBoat", and "Boatsetter" for inspiration and under...

    €684 Average bid
    €684 Gns Bud
    111 bud

    ...us/item/ Motion Software: Control Board: Motor Drivers: Camera: Motion Sensors: A circuit diagram and reference images are attached for clarity....

    €1062 Average bid
    €1062 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    I'm looking for a seasoned CAD professional to help me create an electrical schematic for a commercial building. The project involves designing various electrical parameters like load calculations, circuit design, and wiring diagrams. Skills and experience ideal for this job include: - Proficiency in CAD, specifically for creating electrical schematics - Experience with commercial building electrical design - Ability to conduct precise load calculations - Expertise in circuit design - Competence in developing comprehensive wiring diagrams

    €255 Average bid
    €255 Gns Bud
    10 bud

    ...Consideration: Icon / Symbol: - Minimalist & Geometric Design: A clean, structured icon representing guidance and progress. - Stylized Forward Arrow or Step Symbol: A visual cue for "One Step" and forward motion. - Abstract Migration Path: A smooth, curved line (possibly around a globe) to indicate international movement. - Tech-Inspired Elements: Subtle AI/machine-learning motifs like circuit patterns or a digital wave. Typography Ideas for Consideration: - Bold: A modern, high-tech look that is readable and scalable. - Slightly Rounded Corners: A balance between approachability and sophistication. - Subtle Customization: A letter (possibly “O” or “S”) could be stylized to integrate the step/movement concept. Color Palette Ideas for...

    €30 Average bid
    616 indlæg

    ...Dealer/Installer Toolkit, providing: Full configuration (all settings, e.g., limit switches, motors, etc.) Setup Wizard (mandatory) with GUI screens guiding through each step of device setup. Control (move the lift up/down, set presets, toggle AUX lines, etc.) Monitoring (real-time serial terminal for manual commands, logs, etc.). Firmware Updates over USB for both the main controller and a sidekick microcontroller board. The final app must replace the need for a laptop + terminal software. A dealer can just plug in their Android device with an OTG cable, open this app, and do everything needed. Detailed Requirements 1. USB OTG Connection The boat lift controller appears as a USB-serial device (baud: 115200). The app must detect the controller, request permission, open the ser...

    €1219 Average bid
    €1219 Gns Bud
    36 bud

    Guys, I can use Canva AI logo creator too. Let’s try something a little different. I am looking for a logo I can use as a sign on a rectangular wall ( pic in photos) I'm in need of a professional graphic designer to create a vibrant and cartoonish logo for my ninja turtle-themed pizza restaurant, Cowabunga! Pizza Pies, located in Chicago, Illinois. The design should cleverly incorporate pizza elements in a way that subtly hints at ninja themes, without infringing on copyrights. Key Requirements: - Prominent Pizza Elements: The logo should primarily highlight pizza elements, showcasing our main product. - Chicago Influence: A touch of Chicago-related elements would be great, but not overpowering. - Cartoonish Style: The overall style of the logo should be bright, vibrant...

    €39 Average bid
    378 indlæg

    I'm seeking a skilled mobile app developer to create a cross-platform (iOS and Android) app that connects to a prototype with an ESP32 microcontroller. This prototype sends real-time UV level data, ranging from 0 (lowest) to 11 (highest). The app will need to receive this data live and assess the user's risk based on several additional factors. Key Features: - User Interaction: The app should ask users a series of questions regarding factors that increase UV exposure risks. - Risk Assessment: Based on user responses, the app will generate a risk score. Higher scores will indicate a greater need for alerts. - Personalized Advice: The app should provide users with personalized UV protection tips and general skincare advice. Factors to Consider: The risk assessment should ...

    €349 Average bid
    €349 Gns Bud
    35 bud

    I'm seeking assistance with design...The project involves creating a modulator for the transmitter capable of encoding data using the Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) modulation scheme. Key project components include: - The data will be sourced from an Arduino in binary form and needs to be modulated with a sine wave for transmission. - The drone will communicate its speed to a controller. - An analysis of the characteristics of both linear and non-linear amplifiers through a modulator at the transmitter end. Ideal skills for this project: - Proficient in circuit design and PCB creation. - Experience in working with Arduino and drone technology. - Knowledgeable in both linear and non-linear amplifier characteristics. Please provide a quote and specify any addition...

    €203 Average bid
    €203 Gns Bud
    24 bud

    # Project Description: We are looking for an experienced hardware engineer to design an RFID reader with Wiegand output. The project includes: - Development of an electronic circuit - PCB (Printed Circuit Board) design - Preparation of all manufacturing files (Gerber, BOM, Pick & Place) - Prototyping and testing of a working unit The goal is to develop fully functional hardware that will work with the firmware we provide for proof of concept. # Requirements: ✅ Experience in electronic circuit and PCB design ✅ Knowledge of RFID technologies (13.56 MHz) and Wiegand interface ✅ Designing circuits with LED indicators, buzzer, and other necessary peripherals ✅ PCB optimization to fit a provided enclosure ✅ Generating all necessary manufacturin...

    €206 Average bid
    €206 Gns Bud
    23 bud

    I'm looking for an expert to wire 5 buttons with 5 LED 7-segment counters. The buttons will be manual push buttons, and their function will be to increment the count on the LED counters. I already have the components including Arduino Uno R3 Boards t...The buttons will be manual push buttons, and their function will be to increment the count on the LED counters. I already have the components including Arduino Uno R3 Boards that are pre-programmed with a time delay so the buttons cannot be spammed. I need to understand how the circuit works and how it is wired properly. Wires have been disconnected and it is not working at this time. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in working with 7-segment displays - Experience with wiring manual push buttons - Knowledge of basic circuit des...

    €211 Average bid
    €211 Gns Bud
    37 bud

    1. General Information • Quiz – an intellectual team game with 4 stages and question categories (logic, erudition, memory, general knowledge). • The purpose of the video – to sell the game and moti...vibe should be atmospheric, bright, and energetic. 6. Technical Details File size – 80 GB, RAW file format, Black Magic Pocket Cinema 4k camera. ? First reel – test Text for the video you’ll be adding: QUIZ – a team game where you answer questions and earn points! Gather your team and see who’s the smartest! Play for prizes and become the best! Ranking system – more points, higher ranking! Pure excitement – unexpected questions and thrilling fun! Booking now! Files (videos) Google Drive -

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Gns Bud
    21 bud

    ...the low-level bit-banging, timing, and decoding, while appearing as a USB CDC device (virtual COM port) on the PC side. I have existing Arduino-based code (.ino) that demonstrates how to interface with the PCF7991 (originally for an ATmega328). We plan to port or adapt that code for the ATmega32U4 once the PCB is complete. Objectives Develop a Complete Schematic that includes: ATmega32U4 microcontroller with supporting components (crystal/oscillator if needed, decoupling capacitors, etc.). PCF7991 base station IC, operating at 5 V. All required external components for the PCF7991 (matching network, antenna connections, etc.) according to the datasheet. USB connector (micro-USB or USB‑C), along with ESD protection, D+/D− resistors, and any recommended USB hardware design ...

    €485 Average bid
    €485 Gns Bud
    19 bud
    Trophy icon Philippines Travel T-shirt Design
    3 dage left

    ...and Boracay, so I want to incorporate those words into the design with 2025 Key aspects of the project: - The design should exclusively focus on a minimal design, no clipart - Add words: Manila, Cebu, Boracay - add words Philippines 2025 into the design - The color palette is limited to the red, yellow, blue, and white of the Philippine flag. - try to incorporate a water element, similar to a "wave outline" since the country is made up of several islands DO NOT - do not include an outline of the country - Do not add any clipart - do not add any extra colors Ideal skills for this project: - Strong graphic design background, particularly in T-shirt design. - Experience and understanding of minimalist design principles. - Ability to creatively interpret and highlight ...

    €48 Average bid
    471 indlæg

    I need an experienced programmer to modify the existing code for my ATmega8 microcontroller. We are transitioning to a new Common Cathode 7-segment display, which necessitates changes in the code. The display is controlled directly via I/O pins, so the code adjustments must reflect this. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in programming for ATmega8 microcontroller - Experience with Common Cathode 7-segment displays - Knowledge of I/O pin control and programming - Ability to modify display code and ensure functionality Please note that specific changes in display functionality have not been identified at this time. However, the selected freelancer may need to demonstrate flexibility and problem-solving skills to adapt to any unforeseen requirements.

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Gns Bud
    14 bud