Program input number gave output wordsJobs
...the certificate attributes. - The attestation certificates should be compatible with Android 8 and above. Skills and Experience: - Strong knowledge and experience in Android development. - Familiarity with certificate generation and authentication processes. - Experience working with Android versions 8 or above If you have the necessary skills and experience, please submit your proposal. The output of the Attestation Certificate should be as follow: "MIIC9DCCApugAwIBAgIBATAKBggqhkjOPQQDAjCBiDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgMCkNhbGlmb3JuaWExFTATBgNVBAoMDEdvb2dsZSwgSW5jLjEQMA4GA1UECwwHQW5kcm9pZDE7MDkGA1UEAwwyQW5kcm9pZCBLZXlzdG9yZSBTb2Z0d2FyZSBBdHRlc3RhdGlvbiBJbnRlcm1lZGlhdGUwHhcNNzAwMTAxMDAwMDAwWhcNNjkxMjMxMjM1OTU5WjAfMR0wGwYDVQQDDBRBbmRyb2lkIEtleXN0b3JlIEtleTBZMBMGByqGSM49... or What's important: - Price entry in the backend should be in m² - We should display the price of m² and the price of a box with its contents. - The visitor will enter the surface he needs, it will be rounded up to the next number of boxes that cover that area. - Or he will enter the number of boxes and see how much that is in terms of area. - Both fields are interconnected. - Show the total cost of his order. I will give you more details via chat if needed. I am really looking for someone with good english who can understand the whole picture and do what's needed to deliver a functional end result. I am not looking to micro manage and go through every with : Input file: Output : csv file Script 2: Second script : takes input as fx: On a page like is 35 restaurants We need to scrape following from each restaurant: URL: Rating: Rating count: So for the above page the output should be a cvs file with the following info: "", 4.6, 36 "", 4.1, 316 "", null, null ... ... ... All 35 restaurants. Script: Input CSV file: Output to csv file I want to make a "page" like this one, at my Magento 1.6 store. Check where in my website this most works: How you can see the reference link, is much better to costumer choose what he needs. Some details: - pay attention on the picture with number, the costumer can choose what part he need and add directly to shooping cart - the list of parts showing, you can see: Position, Stock Code (I do not need this one), Product Name, Pack Qty( I do no need this one), Price, Quantity and Total - you can choose differents products and "add to Cart" with only one click. - I expect you code what I want using "Pages" and "Static Blocks" of magento
I have a simple custom indicator in thinkorswim and need converted for tradovate. I hope you have knowledge of trading software. Must start and finish within a few hours. Here is code from thinkorswim that needs to be converted input RiskUnit = 150; input buffer = .00; input digits = 0; def price = close(priceType = ); def candleRangeBull = price - low + buffer; def candleRangeBear = high - price + buffer; def BullRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBull); def BearRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBear); def BullRisk1 = rounddown(Bullrisk, digits); def BearRisk1 = rounddown(Bearrisk, digits); def o = open; AddLabel(yes, "Risk: " + AsDollars(RiskUnit) + " Ele : "+ (if price > o then BullRisk1 else BearRisk1), if price > o then else ); ...
I have a simple custom indicator in thinkorswim and need converted for tradovate. I hope you have knowledge of trading software. Must start and finish within a few hours. Here is code from thinkorswim that needs to be converted input RiskUnit = 150; input buffer = .00; input digits = 0; def price = close(priceType = ); def candleRangeBull = price - low + buffer; def candleRangeBear = high - price + buffer; def BullRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBull); def BearRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBear); def BullRisk1 = rounddown(Bullrisk, digits); def BearRisk1 = rounddown(Bearrisk, digits); def o = open; AddLabel(yes, "Risk: " + AsDollars(RiskUnit) + " Ele : "+ (if price > o then BullRisk1 else BearRisk1), if price > o then else ...
...functions will be more or less the same. The job is ONLY for the price calculator with the green slider input, some variables as add-on choices with a preset default value, and the price with an output. We need a slightly simpler version of the taxi-calculator, so it will fit into smaller space. Instead of the drop-down choices: Vælg by/område (Sjælland/København as default) Hvornår skal du køre? (Hverdage as default) Antal passagerer (1-4 passagerer) Medbringes cykel? (Nej) Skal taxien krydse betalingsbro? (Nej) ...we need some yes/no circles and/or check-boxes like seen in polls or exams with multiple choices. The input in the slider will be postal codes, not kilometers (km) and the output will be the price of the ...
Case: Udvikling og implementering Plecto, som er et software til visualisering af data, der hjælper virksomheden og medarbejderne med at få et indblik i deres performance. Det er et stofware system som skal tilkobles en masse APIér og hvor koder skal sættes op i Plecto for at opnå det ønskede output (data). Freelancer/Konsulent: Vi sørger en der kan udføre HELE processen, således at Plecto bliver et software vi kan arbejde konstruktivt med i forhold til udvikling af virksomheden. For at få succes med udviklingen og implementeringen af Plecto kræver det at man også sætter sig ind i vores øvrige systemer som skal snakke sammen med Plecto, således at vi trækker de rigtige data. Man sk...
Jobbet består i billedbehandling af personalegalleri til website. Hvert billede output størrelse er 243 x 200 pixels gemt til web. OPGAVEFLOW: 1. Fritlægning af portræt m/ansigt-skuldre. 2. Farve- og lysjustering af portræt efter foruddefinerede settings 3. Indsætte/placering på færdig baggrund. 4. Navngive nyt billede gemme
ON DANISH: Jeg skal have skrevet 12 forskellige artikler omkring 12 forskellige emner af 300 ord på dansk ON ENGLISH I need 12 different article with 300 words on Danish
Hi, I am looking for a freelancer to hire for a big project regarding a book translation. Therefore I would like you to do a little translation sample for our customer before chosing the translator for this task. Total word count: 17.000 words. Estimated project start date: October Pleas find the short sample text to be translated here. Important: It does not have to be a 1:1 translation. Feel free to be creative and interpretative. "Åh jo, hvor har jeg haft mange gode oplevelser i klubben …. Dengang i 90´erne da jeg var yngre og slankere; nej måske var jeg ikke slankere, vægten var bare bedre fordelt, dengang var SLM et fristed. Man var fri for PANs larmende technohelvede, til tider intrigante miljø og ubehagelige gl...
We already have a gallery in Aarhus Denmark and is in preparation for the opening of the dept . Number two in Hamburg .. There is in this project need Enthusiasts who can either sell through the Internet, Aarhus Dept. or open their own gallery in their city .. we would want such a scheme supporting the arts , counseling and support in all possible ways , we have the opportunity .. Ground Zero Organisation we are against your opening have certain criteria that must be met .. ----------------------------------------- Vi har allerede et Galleri i Aarhus Danmark og er i forberedelserne til åbningen af afd. nummer to i Hamborg.. Der er i dette projekt brug for Ildsjæle, som enten kan sælge via internettet, Aarhus afd eller åbne deres helt eget galleri i...
Hej alle, Jeg skal et lille program der kan udskrive noget tekst fra 5 textboxe. Bare kald dem Text1, Text2 osv.. Jeg skal bruge en combo hvor jeg kan vælge en værdi. Disse værdier skal kunne redigeres i en ekstern fil (Text / XML) og skal også skrives ud. Udover textboxe skal jeg også bruge enten to comboer, eller fx et treeview. Jeg har nogle værdier "A", og når "A" er valgt er der nogle flere muligheder i en anden kasse eller treeview som passer til "A" Eksempel: Værdi A - Giver valg 1,2,3 Værdi B - Giver valg 4,5,6 osv.. Har du selv en smart måde at lade brugeren vælge først en værdi og derefter de værdier der passer til den første v&a...
Logo ønskes til et ny udviklet, virtuelt gave(kredit)kort. I al sin enkelhed fungere gavekortet, som betalings middel med de samme funktioner, som et MATER; VISA mfl kort. MAn kan købe ind i webshops som har en tilslutningsaftale med os.
We offer 1$ per received SMS. We need 2 informations from you : 1) Is message arrived ? 2) How long did you wait for message ? We need freelancer only from this countries: PANAMA ARGENTINA AUSTRALIA BRAZIL COSTA RICA ESTONIA FINLAND FRANCE GREECE HONG KONG HUNGARY ICELAND IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAPAN KOREA, REP...KOREA, REPUBLIC OF LATVIA LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MALAYSIA MEXICO MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF MOROCCO NEW ZEALAND NORWAY POLAND PORTUGAL RUSSIAN FEDERATION Saudi Arabia SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SWEDEN SWITZERLAND TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA THAILAND TURKEY URUGUAY We are testing our community software and we need testers. You need to be online on when we do that. Your mobile number must be from countries list above. Bid for this ...
...on our virtual servers (“Goonhilly” / “The Lizard” ) and use relevant DBMSs – either PostgreSQL, mySQL or SQLite. It is however acceptable to use a number of a team’s portable computers as train computers. The prototype should focus and demonstrate the potential of your proposed architecture. Especially the future shift to image recognition should be as seamless as possible. It is fully acceptable (and recommended) that security and tamper issues are left to coming prototypes. Equipment provided - 'Goonhilly' and 'The Lizard' – two servers running at a separate network. - A virtual server pr group member. (upon request) - A number of APs using the 5 GHz frequency band (in order to limit the cross...
... login and manage their information – as well as view statistics on recent journeys. - You might implement a manager role that can view statistics about a particular bus/train line or multiple users. Servers and train computers should be located on our virtual servers (“Goonhilly” / “The Lizard” ) and use relevant DBMSs – either PostgreSQL, mySQL or SQLite. It is however acceptable to use a number of a team’s portable computers as train computers. The prototype should focus and demonstrate the potential of your proposed architecture. Especially the future shift to image recognition should be as seamless as possible. It is fully acceptable (and recommended) that security and tamper issues are left to coming prototypes. Equi...
En simpel pænt designet hjemmeside der passer til målgruppe samt formular felter med radio buttons, navn, tekstboks og email - al post skal sendes til domæne email. projektet er i første omgang meget simpelt indtil det er prøvet af. Der skal være et navne felt, email input og tre radio buttons: ved afkryds på første radiobutton skal der være inputformular med 11 felter ved afkryds på anden skal der være en med 6 felter ved afkryds på tredje skal der være en med 6 felter ved afsendelse skal der være en din forespørgsel er modtaget og du vil modtage tilbud indenfor 24 timer al data skal sendes til min email
Hej. Jeg skal have lavet en plakat serie med mine luftfotos. Jeg har selv et forslag, men vil gerne have input og hjælp til at give den det ekstra som mangler.
i need programmer build : - Affiliate System - Page Builder - Admin Panel - User Panel
Jeg har overtaget en webshop, og skal derfor ha ændret tlf. der bliver oplyst. Det ene sted er det et billede som skal ændre og, det anden er teksten øverst oppe. I have bought a webshop, and i need to change the telephone number. The one on the top of the site, and one is a Picture. visit the site,
Vi søger en dansk skribent (Ghostwriter) til at skrive artikler (1000 ord) til et dansk blog medie. Bloggen henvender sig til danske iværksættere og vækstvirksomheder. Din opgave er at omdanne vores input til professionelle og spændende artikler. Vi levere en “synops” på hver artikel, med synspunkter, meninger og facts, som du omdanner til en færdig artikel. Vi leder efter en person som er; - Indfødt dansker, som skriver perfekt fejlfrit på dansk - Føler sig hjemmevandt indenfor iværksætteri og vækstbrancher - Er interesseret i at skrive løbende for os (antal artikler kan vi aftale) Buddet er for 1 artikel (test artikel) 1000 ord på dansk. Send eksempler p&arin...
I need someone writing a number of good SEO quality articles for a new real estate website. For instants: "Are you looking for buying a new flat in London? Do you like to live in the middle of London? Do you wish to..." 1. Articel/blog about: "Flats for sale" 2. Articel/blog about: "Flats for rent" 3. Articel/blog about: "Student residence for rent" 4. Articel/blog about: "Residential rental" 5. Articel/blog about: "Property in London for rent" 6. Articel/blog about: "Property in London for sale" The size of each article should be like: "Lejlighed København Kunne du tænke dig at gå en tur på Langelinje om morgenen, shoppe i butikker på Strøge...
Jeg skal bruge en formular til en mindre wordpres side, der skal være mulighed for at ændre i diverse tekster - hvis der kan kobles noget design i forhold til sitet ind over kunne det være fedt....hvor der står "bestiller" så man har info på den person der bestiller rejsen. nedenstående felter skal være udfra hver person) Den person der er bestiller skal udfylde en del flere info end de andre rejsedeltagere: fornavn / efternavn Addresse / postnr / by telefon email ---- fornavn / efternavn (inputfield) ---- Cykelleje ja / nej (radiobutton) ---- Højde i cm (input number field) ---- Bemærkningsfelt (et text field, har du nogle kommentarer til din bestlling) ---- Je...
...SuperTrend. The AFL will list out all stocks as BUY when Supertrend is GREEN and the price has closed below the rounded price as explained below. The AFL will list out all stocks as SELL when Supertrend is RED and the price has closed above the rounded price as explained below. Inputs Required: - SuperTrend inputs required. Default is 14 and 3. - Time Frame - Current chart time frame. - Rounding Factor input required. A factor of 1 means, For BUY the AFL will add 1 to the current supertrend value and will round off to the next higher round figure. If supertrend value is 279.13+1=280.13 which will be rounded off to 281. The AFL Exploration will list out all the stocks as BUY when supertrend is Green and the recent bar has closed below the rounded figure. For SELL the AFL will s...
I'm looking for a meticulous data entry professional to assist in transferring customer contact information from PDF files into our CRM system. Key Requirements: - Proficient in data entry and familiar with CRM systems - Excellent attention to detail to ensure accuracy - Able to handle data from PDF files Your task will primarily focus on inputting customer contact information, so previous experience handling similar data is a plus.
I require assistance in purchasing an in-store IKEA item, the ÄSPERED headrest in Tibbleby beige/grey (item number 405.643.23), and shipping it to a specific address. Key Tasks: - Purchase the item from an IKEA store in Australia or Japan - Calculate shipping costs and suggest the best shipping options - Ship the item to my specified address Ideal Skills and Experience: - Familiarity with IKEA stores and their purchasing process - Experience in international shipping - Proficient in cost analysis and comparison - Strong communication skills for updates and confirmations Please bid only if you are located in Australia or Japan, and can easily access an IKEA store. Your prompt assistance will be greatly appreciated.
We are looking for a talented and experienced Corporate Video Editor ,person should h...strong editing skills and expertise in creating corporate videos in Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada languages. Key Responsibilities: Editing and producing high-quality corporate videos for internal and external use. Working closely with the content team to understand project goals and deliverables. Creating engaging and professional video content that aligns with brand guidelines. Ensuring the final output is well-edited, error-free, and suitable for the target audience. Requirements: Proficiency in video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.). Fluent in Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada languages. Previous experience in corporate video editing. Strong attention to detail and a creativ...
I'm looking for a modern and trendy Beehiiv newsletter template. The primary aim of the newsletter is to engage with our community. This is for and specifically t...include: - A design that is modern and trendy, appealing to a contemporary audience. - Integration for images and graphics, as we want to make the newsletter visually appealing and engaging. - Links to our social media platforms, to encourage our community to connect with us on different platforms. - A section for subscriber feedback, promoting interaction and showing our audience that we value their input. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in designing newsletters, particularly on the Beehiiv platform. A portfolio demonstrating modern and trendy design aesthetics will be highly advantageous...
I need a professional who can convert food labels and nutritional tables from 17 PDF files into editable text in Adobe Illustrator. Key Requirements: - Some texts are converted to curves. - Some files are converted to images and saved in the PDF. - The final files must be in AI, editable in continuous text format. - Precise matching of ...matching of editable text to the image. The ideal freelancer for this job should: - Be fluent in Brazilian Portuguese. - Have excellent skills in Adobe Illustrator. - Have experience in text conversion from PDF files. - Be detail-oriented and able to match font format, measurements, and layout precisely. Please note, you'll need to match the fonts since I cannot provide the original ones. The final output must match the layout of the PDF f...
...parameters from Firebase, including the print parameters like number of copies and whether to print on the front, back, from the backend. 2) The app will handle user login and account management, with a one-time setup for adding printers. Printers will be pre-installed on the desktop. Users will select from a list of printers to associate with their print category (eg: passport photos -> printer1, page printing -> printer2 etc). 3) The app will facilitate printing of photos and PDFs using a pre-selected printer and update the firebase with the print status. User Roles: The app will primarily cater to standard users, so the design should be intuitive and user-friendly. Authentication: User login will be managed via phone number and OTP Ideal Skills: - Proficiency i...
I'm looking for a straightforward Shopify application that can assist my students in determining the cost of pottery based on its cubic inches. Here's what I need: - On the product page, there should be text boxes allowing students to input the height, width, and depth of their pottery. The price should automatically adjust according to the dimensions they choose and once it has calculated their price, they can add it to the shopping cart. Here is an example of something similar: - The app should incorporate a minimum price, maximum price, maximum size, minimum height, etc. - On the admin side, I need the ability to modify the cost per cubic inch. This should be a fixed price, not dependent on volume range or material type. For example, currently
I'm seeking a freelancer to cr...content for each letter. Your task will involve formatting the letters on three different formal letterheads and sending the completed Word Document back to me. Key Responsibilities: - Incorporate company information and logos sourced from their websites onto the letterheads. - Ensure all letterheads contain the company's name, address, and contact information (general enquiries email and telephone number). - Format the letters using the Times New Roman font throughout. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Microsoft Word. - Attention to detail, particularly in sourcing and accurately representing company information and logos. - Strong understanding of formal letter formatting and design. - Excellent time management skills to ensure timely deli...
I'm seeking someone with strong Google Sheets skills to create a team-wide KPI tracking document tailored to our needs. The document should compile data from different tabs/sheets into a "master" document for our weekly meetings. Key Requirements: - The sheet should automatically add new weekly KPIs to the top of each page. - There must be an input field for setting and distributing new KPIs to team members. - The KPIs will mainly come from manual inputs by team members. KPI Categories: - We're tracking various metrics such as outreach calls, follow-ups, face-to-face meetings, quotes, invoiced sales, and new customers. Setting New KPIs: - New weekly KPIs for each team member will be set manually in a designated field. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficien...
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...Calculator for repayment estimation. • Step-by-Step Loan Application Guide. • Why Choose Us: • Transparent processes. • Personalized loan recommendations. • Dedicated support at every stage. • CTA: • [Find a Business Loan] 3. Loan Finder Tool • Interactive Features: • Filters to search loans by industry, province, loan type, or eligibility. • Personalized loan recommendations based on user input. • User Support: • FAQ on how to use the tool. • CTA: • [Search Loans] 4. Resources • Knowledge Hub: • Articles: • “Top 10 Business Loans for Canadian Startups.” • “How to Maximize Loan Approvals.” • Templates: • Loan Application Checklist. &bu...
Simple and quick paid part-time job opportunities to Filipino. We need individuals or teams. 1. Need a resourceful virtual assistant based in Philippines, skilled in team management and organization. Your main task will be to oversee the collectio...Responsibilities: - You will recruit suitable individuals across Philippines to collect the photos. - You will manage these individuals, ensuring they understand the task and meet the quality standards. - You will send the collected photos to me for review. 2. Or, if you don't have a team but enjoy working outdoors and taking photos everywhere by yourself, we also want you. We pay according to the actual number of photos you take. Payment: - I offer 3 PHP for every qualified photo. - Quick paid! You submit photos everyday, I pa...
I urgently need a marketing designer to develop a small, corporate-style PowerPoint presentation (10 pages or less) to help secure clients for my business. This presentation should detail: - A comprehensive description of my business - A profile of the Founder, President & CEO - The number of our offices and employees - Our unique business model - The services we offer - Our pricing strategy - Examples of past projects - A list of references The presentation should take a corporate and formal visual style, with key elements to be emphasized including: - Our business model and services offered - The profile of the Founder, President & CEO - Examples of past projects and references Ideal candidates for this project should possess strong marketing and design ...
...reflect both a modern and sleek, as well as a bold and eye-catching style. You can get a feel for our tech-oriented business by visiting our website, The wrap will cover: - **Sides**: Our company logo and name (ITIT) alongside a tech-themed background. These need to be prominent, catching the attention of passersby. - **Back**: This should detail our company name, website, phone number, and our four main services: Managed IT Services, Cybersecurity, Network Infrastructure, Surveillance Systems, and Structured Cabling. Color-wise, the design should primarily use our company colors, but I am open to creative suggestions that incorporate bright and vibrant colors, as well as a monochromatic scheme. Ideal skills for this project include: - Graphic design - Vehicl...
I'm looking for a skilled professional who can upscale an existing image for a large, high-resolution print. The image will be used for a banner (specifically, 7m x 3m vehicle wrap that will go on the side of a truck). The final output needs to be suitable for marketing material, so the quality and clarity of the upscaled image is paramount. Hi Res PDF and EPS source file required to be able to be printed in approx 7m x 3m size Include color code breakdown in output. Thanks.
hi if its possible we want prog...programme Schneider HMISTO705 screen whit a automate zelios soft programme running this was a controle for energy 1 screen running data phase 1 XXX ampphase 2 XXX ampdélestage en cours ZONE 1 a 9 (green on RED OFF ) 2e screen ajust the max values in the automation for phase 1 and 2ajute time on and off 3e screen power history graph 4e an image of our current production 5 input 9 output they automat was programme in FDB a month would be my ideal but I can be patient I also want access to remodel in case of future modification password etc. the description is to give the general idea I am also open to other ideas for parameters I will also provide the basic fdb if you speak French it's a plus oth...