Performance appraisal management software visual basicJobs
...can capture the attention of my audience. Videos need to have cover photo too. Requirements: - Experience in creating video content for social media platforms. - Knowledge of the latest trends and techniques in video editing. - Ability to create content that aligns with my brand's image and values. - Strong storytelling and creative skills to engage and captivate the audience. - Excellent time management skills to ensure content is posted once a day. If you have a passion for creating visually appealing and engaging videos for social media, and can meet the daily posting requirement (10 video-Image per day), I would love to hear from you. Please provide samples of your previous work along with your proposal. Please check our instagram account and download our application ...
Integración de software de seguimiento de vehículos/flotas (Webfleet) con software de optimización de rutas.
I have problems installing SQL.
Hi Narola. I need to compile /rebuild project from Visual Studio. Can you help with that?
Warning: The website in question where the calculator plugin is needed is related to a lady who is a sexworker. If you have moral issues with this, then the job is not for you. I would like to encourage females to place a bid. Skills count for more than gender in the end, though. But women ROCK! ;) I will need something visual and/or clickable since I do not speak "tech" at all. It's like reading Mandarin or Swahili to me. Must work in the WP theme Astra. I can't provide link just yet to the Astra theme, since the developer is unavailable for a few days. We can buy the PRO version if needed. Go to The site is in danish, but the functions will be more or less the same. The job is ONLY for the price calculator with the green slider input, some variables
...Udvikling og implementering Plecto, som er et software til visualisering af data, der hjælper virksomheden og medarbejderne med at få et indblik i deres performance. Det er et stofware system som skal tilkobles en masse APIér og hvor koder skal sættes op i Plecto for at opnå det ønskede output (data). Freelancer/Konsulent: Vi sørger en der kan udføre HELE processen, således at Plecto bliver et software vi kan arbejde konstruktivt med i forhold til udvikling af virksomheden. For at få succes med udviklingen og implementeringen af Plecto kræver det at man også sætter sig ind i vores øvrige systemer som skal snakke sammen med Plecto, således at vi trækker de rigtige d...
Write a Software for Google adwords
Team Agent is a teamfinding and team management website for eSport games (League of Legends and Counter-Strike Global Offensive) Demo site: Assignment: The site is almost done, but the last element need to be developed - which are: - Facebook sign up/sign in integration + API info (steam link & In game name) - Build a system that read the grabs from the game publicers API, the user profile of the gamer. - responsive design (mobile friendly) - Application requirements, which is where the teams can tell what kind of members they seek. Based on some dropdown criteria and text. The assignment will have to be done ASAP. We would be pleased to see you have experience with: Python 3+ Django 1.8+ HTML5 Javascript CSS Bash JQuery GNU/Linux Mercurial
desktop software desktop software desktop software
desktop software desktop software desktop software
Vi skal have bygget et lille REST API, der kan tilgå enkelte prædefineret endpoints, og retunere vores ønskede JSON Strings, hvor formatet er prædefineret.
VPS Centos 6,7 med plesk, installer mail så man kan sende mails ud fra magento shop
We have one very compliated SASS-file that is being used for styling a Telerik Kendo UI Scheduler component. The SASS-file contains a lot of redundant code, and is very hard to manage. We would like to clean up this SASS-file. It is already working as it should. It is just a lot of mess. We hope to reduce the size of the file to a minimum, thus improving performance and manageability. We will create a development website and provide you with the necessary credentials in order to log on to the site.
Jeg vil gerne have en instagram slider på bunden af min hjemmeside.
Vi ønsker udviklet en windows dll, der henter et billede hurtigt ind fra et usb endoscope kamera. Dll'en skal bruges i Labview vie dll kald. deres hobbyer, på den måde at man kan oprette som bruger derefter vil man kunne oprette begivenheder til en selvvalgt pris hvorefter andre under samme interesser vil kunne tilmelde begivenheden. (eksempel: Jeg elsker at dyrke cykling, jeg arrangerer og opretter en fælles cykeltur et sted i landet, jeg sætter en pris på 25,- pr deltager, de andre bruger tilmelder sig og jeg bliver betalt) Basic: An Iphone app that can bring people together based on their hobbies , the way that you can create using then will be able to create events for a chosen price then others during the same interests will be able to register the event. (Example : I love to practice cycling, I arrange to create a single bike ride somewhere in the country, I set a price of 25...
Vi har brug for at få udviklet en mobil-APP og en hjemmeside til administration og oprettelse af brugere. Brugere skal kunne oprette sig med et username, samt indtaste generel informationer som navn, adresse, mail, telefonnummer, alder og køn. Når brugeren har oprettet sig med et username, skal brugeren kunne søge på andre brugere KUN ved hjælp af brugerens username. Søges der efter et username som findes, skal brugeren kunne skrive en besked til den anden bruger i et almindeligt beskedsystem, som SMS/imessage. Beskedsystemet skal findes i APPen. Der vil løbende være brug for udvikling, hvorfor det er et længere projekt, men ovenstående er starten.
Davs. Mig og en ven er fuld i gang med at lave en CSGO:betting hjemmeside, såsom osv. Det eneste vi mangler er en cs:go steam bot, som man sender nogle items til, som har en hvis værdi, og som så ryger ind på hjemmesiden.
Ønsker at kunne læse data fra en USB enhed som leverer serielle data.
...vil jeg helst først have det andet til at virke) - Jeg har været på for at finde en masse ting der kunne hjælpe, måske kan i bruge noget af det... - - - - - - - Jeg vil fortrække at betalingsterminalen er Stripe EN TING TIL, SOM FAKTISK ER DET VIGTIGESTE... SIDEN SKAL VÆRE PÅ DANSK, SÅ DER
Har brug for hjælp til at flytte magento webshop fra til meebox cloud vps på en cloudlinux cpanel 64 platform
Lave en LabVIEW VI der kommunikerer med et trådløst betjeningspanel via en CANopen bus.
build proxy server for several computers.
Jeg skal bruge en APP hvor det er en mappe hvor man selv kan lave en masse underkategorier. Når man trykker på en af underkategorierne skal man komme direkte ind på en google map, med de koordinater man selv har sat inde i et kontrol panel som er simpelt. Man skal kunne markere når man har været det sted. Skriv til mig for mere information! (APP til Tablets) Det her skal være en meget simpel APP!
Visual B project for university,,,,,,,,,, Visual B project for university,,,,,,,,,, Visual B project for university,,,,,,,,,, Visual B project for university,,,,,,,,,,
java,j2ee,jsp,servlet,ejb,spring,hibernate,jsf etc....
Visual B project for university,,,,,,,,,, Visual B project for university,,,,,,,,,, Visual B project for university,,,,,,,,,, Visual B project for university,,,,,,,,,,
Hi at the moment i'm looking for someone who can edit my current website. I'm making a Counter-Strike Global Offensive betting site, look at to see an example of what I need to get made. I already have a bot coded for steam which at the moment accept CSGO Key's (a item) and then insert each user into a db which the website then will pick a random winner from. I need this bot and website edited so that you can bet all kinds of items and it will calculate the median of each item's value and then add the amount into %. Lets say the pool close at 100 items, 1 guy bet 10$, another one bet 40$ and last guy bet 90$. Then the guy with the 90$ will have the highest % chance of winning.
Objectives The project in this semester is an interdisciplinary project. It combines distributed systems design, computer science and computer networks. PDA based flexible ticke...acceptable (and recommended) that security and tamper issues are left to coming prototypes. Equipment provided - 'Goonhilly' and 'The Lizard' – two servers running at a separate network. - A virtual server pr group member. (upon request) - A number of APs using the 5 GHz frequency band (in order to limit the crosstalk) is available for demonstration of the prototypes. . Requirements to the software • A CD containing source code for all programs in the project together with the build files and/or make files must be enclosed. • Descriptions of how to co...
Objectives The project in this semester is an interdisciplinary project. It combines distributed systems design, computer science and computer networks. PDA based flexible ticket syst...your proposed architecture. Especially the future shift to image recognition should be as seamless as possible. It is fully acceptable (and recommended) that security and tamper issues are left to coming prototypes. Equipment provided - 'Goonhilly' and 'The Lizard' – two servers running at a separate network. - A virtual server pr group member. (upon request) Requirements to the software • A CD containing source code for all programs in the project together with the build files and/or make files must be enclosed. • Descriptions of how to comp...