Need clone text link adsJobs


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2,000 need clone text link ads jobs fundet

Jeg søger en ekspert i Google Ads, der taler dansk. Dette projekt involverer både optimering af eksisterende kampagner samt oprettelse af nye. Jeg ejer og driver et SEO bureau, så vi har en masse opgaver.

€26 / hr Average bid
€26 / hr Gns Bud
17 bud vores lysterapi, som har til formål at hjælpe danskerne med at opnå en sundere og mere strålende hud ved hjælp af et skånsomt og ikke-invasivt produkt, der skaber synlige resultater. Vi håber at du kunne have lyst til at hjælpe os med at lave nogle videoer (max 1 min pr. video) om vores produkt og tage nogle billeder med produktet. Det vil vi gerne have lov til at bruge på vores hjemmeside og ads (uden navn eller personoplysninger). Vi skal nok sende nogle eksempler på content som inspiration. Vi håber du vil hjælpe os på vej så vi kan komme ud til flere danskere. Du får selvfølgelig produktet tilsendt. Du kan læse mere om vores produktet her: Lad os høre om du ku...

€29 - €238
€29 - €238
0 bud

...this is a long term project. Prefer to developers who have experience of this type of website. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Adifier Child Theme (Classified Ads WordPress Theme) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Currently have a website issue that needs to be fixed on Hosting is with Hostinger and I reached out to them for help and this is the reply: To help reestablish the connection between your Adifier theme and the WordPress database for the recent ads, you can try the following steps: Clear Cache: If you are using a caching plugin or your hosting provides caching services, clear the cache. Sometimes, outdated cached files can prevent new changes from appearing

€148 Average bid
€148 Gns Bud
57 bud

...Sparring og strategisk rådgivning vedrørende Google Ads-kampagner • Assistance med oprettelse og optimering af kampagner • Teknisk viden og support i forbindelse med fejl på Google Ads • Oprettelse af konverteringssporinger for både kampagner og på ny hjemmeside Krav: • Solid erfaring med Wordpress-platformen, inklusive plugin-installation og opdatering • Evnen til at løse tekniske problemer og yde hurtig og effektiv support • Grundlæggende forståelse for webudvikling og HTML/CSS er en fordel • Fleksibilitet og pålidelighed til at levere akut hjælp ved nedbrud • Sparring og strategisk rådgivning vedrørende Google Ads-kampagner • Assistance med opr...

€53 / hr Average bid
€53 / hr Gns Bud
17 bud

Hey We have a very simple video tracking project. Please read everything before you apply for this! The file i have attached is a screenshot of a video, just to show what i am talking about! What i need you to do. - Link to download the video file: - I would like you to change the name on the town sign. (ex. Instead of Aarhus as the screenshot. Make it "Charlottenlund") - The list of names we would like you to make: (Only town names, not the numbers) 1. Charlottenlund 2. Kastrup 3. Odense 4. Sønderborg 5. Kolding 6. Randers 7. Frederikshavn 8. Holstebro 9. Esbjerg 10. Roskilde 11. Næstved

€142 Average bid
€142 Gns Bud
7 bud

Virksomhed inden for revisions- og regnskabsbranchen sørger person til opsætning af Google Ads kampagner og SEO optimering snarest muligt, samt opfølgning og udbygning af Ads kampagne inden for de kommende måneder.

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr Gns Bud
31 bud
Image to ADS
Udløbet left

Hej Sahar N., Jeg lagde mærke til din profil, og vil gerne tilbyde dig et projekt. Vi kan diskutere detaljer over chat.

€558 Average bid
€558 Gns Bud
1 bud

Undefined Market søger en freelancer til primært at hjælpe med Google Ads. Da vores Google Ads allerede har en masse data, vil din primærer opgave være at optimerer samt sørge for at søge annoncer, google shopping feed mm. fungerer og kører optimalt. Det er et plus hvis du i forvejen er bekendt med SEO, konverteringsoptimering, fb ads og andre SoMe ads (dette er IKKE et krav men blot et plus til evt. udvidelse af samarbejdet) Hvis det lyder som noget for dig vil vi med glæde høre fra dig.

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr Gns Bud
50 bud
Udløbet left


€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Gns Bud
12 bud

My website is almost done, Im only missing the SHOP section. My website: (SHOP needs to be done) I want to copy these 8 pages (see links) and that means I want to clone these pages and add in my WP site. Need those 8 sites build on my website. I need almost all details, like pictures and text from the links. No links to the other site, I just borrowing their design. I sell the same products. I need to change prices as well and add option to upload some of my pictures, beside your own means I need a section where you can upload the images from me beside your own. I want to sell some of my pictures as an option too. Please check uploaded files for what I want and compare with links. 8 sites (FRONTPAGE and 2,3,4,5,6,7,8) those files will save you...

€149 Average bid
€149 Gns Bud
10 bud

I need a reliable programmer to a specific project + future projects on same site. First task is mainly in shopify and mailchimp. It's on the site: Good English language skills are important for future good communication. 1. Set up mailchimp so its ready to use. There need to be a pop up on the front page where people can sign up for the newsletter. Text for signup box needs to be simple with the same colours as the website. 

 Title: Nyhedsbrev 
Text: Tilmeld dig og få adgang til eksklusive tilbud og deals. 
 2. I need a banner in the top of the website with the following text: Lagersalg! Vibeke Klint tæpper fra NORDICMODERN, Sted: Nordicmodern, Søllerødvej 111, 2840 Holte. Åbningstider: Lørdag d. 2. ...

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Gns Bud
38 bud

Jeg søger en specialist der kan hjælpe med opsætning af Data Studio og Analytics til pålidelig måling af ROAS på baggrund af forbrug i Google Ads og Facebook Ads. Kontakt mig for nærmere dialog.

€405 Average bid
€405 Gns Bud
6 bud
Steamdanmark clone
Udløbet left

Clone to

€190 Average bid
€190 Gns Bud
1 bud
€7 - €18
0 bud

Hejsa. Jeg søger en programmør/web-developer der kan hjælpe med at udvikle mit online text-based browser spil. Spillet er PHP og SQL, og når spillet er færdigt skal jeg også bruge hjælp til at få det online. Jeg har en test server og et domæne. Er der nogle friske programmører/web-developer derude der kan hjælpe?, mod betaling naturligvis :) Send mig meget gerne en besked og så kan vi tale om projektet evt. i telefonen senere.

€493 Average bid
€493 Gns Bud
3 bud
Link Building
Udløbet left

I don't read autogenerated responses to my ad. So if you want to be considered in relation to this job, please give me a proper offer. I need help with link building. Links must be created to follow pages Keyword: meeting booking, meeting bookers, new customers Keyword: telemarketing Keyword: Sales manager, hire a sales manager, What can you offer? NoFollow and Folllow - PageRang!

€71 Average bid
€71 Gns Bud
16 bud
Apps development
Udløbet left

I have a clone files need to develop

€78 Average bid
€78 Gns Bud
2 bud

Jeg har min WP side liggende på domænet ø Domænerne er hostet ved Jeg har en lydfil her: ø som jeg gerne vil have et link til, så den automatisk afspilles på hjemmesiden.

€26 Average bid
€26 Gns Bud
2 bud

nginx rewrite mod secure link help

€27 Average bid
€27 Gns Bud
6 bud
€3186 Gns Bud
12 bud

I have prepared 4 links and articles in the travel segment before December 29th. They must all be published before 29 December.

€238 Average bid
€238 Gns Bud
3 bud

Hej Simon Har du lavet google ads før?

€80 - €80 / hr
€80 - €80 / hr
0 bud
micro controller
Udløbet left

BMD 350(nordic rigado), ADS 1292

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr Gns Bud
3 bud

Hi, We need general text about flights. Written in simple, understandable sentences. Length: 3000 signs with spaces or 450 words Theme: 4 paragraphs about 1. Travel by plane - it’s safe, fast, cheap and comfort 2. When is the best moment for ticket reservation - 3 month before short travel, 5-6 month before intercontinental flights 3. Differences between low cost carriers and regular airlines - price (lower / higher), luggage politic (free hand luggage, paid registered luggage / free luggage), routes (continental / continental and intercontinental) and others. 4. What can I take to plane (to hand luggage)? (eating, drinks and others) What we want: • We like keywords: cheap flights, cheap tickets. It would be great if you will use them two or three times....

€330 Average bid
€330 Gns Bud
10 bud

I need to add the text to this movie. The text is as below: PLEASE ADD THE TEXT BELOW INTO THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO Nhà hàng Bonjour Vietnam, Copenhagen, Denmark trân trọng gửi tặng món quà bé nhỏ đến các gia đình có hoàn cảnh khó khăn tại Bệnh viện đa khoa tỉnh Hà Nam. THIS TEXT WILL RUN AFTER: Alvorligt syge mennesker i Vietnam, kan ikke regne med at få den slags hjælp, som vi mener er en selvfølge i Danmark. THEN THIS TEXT: Det kun er få år siden, vi selv levede under samme fattige kår, besluttede vi for nogle år siden, at donere en del af vores indtægt til syge mennesker på Ha Nam hosp&ari...

€22 Average bid
€22 Gns Bud
17 bud

Hey, I need you to add text in the left bottom corner of the uploaded video. This is what I want it to say: Risiko Advarsel: Binære optioner er ikke egnet til alle, så sørg derfor, at du fuldt ud forstår de indvolverede risici

€24 Average bid
€24 Gns Bud
9 bud

Hej, Skulle behöva en introduktionskurs i Facebook Ads. Är det något du besitter?

€7 - €7
€7 - €7
0 bud

Hi rajeshsonisl, adwords stopped running my ads due to my links being broken. (but they've worked for a month!) Can you find the error and correct it for me? AdWords - login is sportsvaerksted@ password is moltke00 Google AdWords <adwords-noreply@> 27. apr. (for 3 dage siden) til mig Kunde-id: 425-164-0288 Hej! Vi gør dig hermed opmærksom på, at et af dine websites overtræder vores annonceringspolitikker, og at du derfor ikke kan køre annoncer, der linker til det. Vi afviser også alle nye annoncer, der peger på det pågældende website. Sådan løser du problemet med dit website og får dine annoncer til at køre igen: 1. Foretag de nødvendige ændringer af det website, ...

€48 / hr Average bid
€48 / hr Gns Bud
2 bud
Design a Banner
Udløbet left

We are festival & travel company. We need par time designer for flyers, banners, ads,..etc.

€50 Average bid
€50 Gns Bud
14 bud

SEO SMO (FaceBook) Link Building Forum Posting Blog Posting

€127 Average bid
€127 Gns Bud
3 bud

modify existing android code, add ads etc.

€53 Average bid
€53 Gns Bud
12 bud
Link Building
Udløbet left

I need an SEO expert who can help improve website sales through manually link building, leads generation, social media marketing... The website is a architect company which targets Denmark area. On-page optimization has already been done. Only off-page SEO optimization is required to improve keyword ranking on Google. For anyone interested in this project, please submit a detailed proposal of how the keywords will be ranked and the techniques used. Full report of the work done must be submitted. All work has to be done manually using white-hat processes. -- Only white hat, experienced, highly ranked on SEO experts should bid -- Quality back links must relate to site topic on high quality relevant sites -- No black hat, gray hat or unethical SE...

€281 Average bid
€281 Gns Bud
12 bud

Rewrite 30ish google adwords text ads

€67 Average bid
€67 Gns Bud
4 bud

Craigslist ads for homes for sale

€24 Average bid
€24 Gns Bud
3 bud

Voice over for Internet Marketing Tutorial Videos USA VOICE MALE

€167 Average bid
€167 Gns Bud
7 bud
Google ads
Udløbet left

Doing google ads for me. Att google bing

€48 - €48
€48 - €48
0 bud


€383 Average bid
€383 Gns Bud
2 bud


€238 - €714
€238 - €714
0 bud

assad sad a sd sad sad ads asd asd af dsf df

€10 Average bid
€10 Gns Bud
1 bud

i want ads posting at craigslist............plz so join me thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

€143 Average bid
€143 Gns Bud
1 bud

...efficiently. Project Details: App Name: Name can be discussed later. Platform: Android (to be published on the Google Play Store) Development Language: Java Database: SQL Monetization: Integration of advertisements for revenue Core Features: User authentication and account management Adding and managing expenses Splitting bills among multiple users Expense history and tracking Notifications and reminders Ads integration for monetization Since this is my first app, I am looking for a freelancer who can guide me through the development process, provide best practices, and help me bring this idea to life. If you're interested, please let me know your availability, experience, and pricing. I have never build an app, So I dont have any knowledge, I want to discus, How and what ...

€93 Average bid
€93 Gns Bud
14 bud

...verified by us we charge clients to access these escorts and numbers Offer exclusive perks for paying members Escort & customer personal arrangements - we are not responsible for arranging meetups free Membership VIP Membership Elite Membership Will there be a booking system with time slots or manual scheduling? manual scheduling as they can work at their own time ... Premium Listings & Featured Ads – Higher visibility for an additional fee. escorts should pay extra for their listings to be top of top Should escorts be able to verify their identity through documents or video verification? through video verification and can only be approved by us I want the exact same website , the exact same features and very user friendly also I would like the website to hav...

€2505 Average bid
€2505 Gns Bud
65 bud

I'd like to request a quote for "I need the data scraped from this site: There are about 1100 records in total with Address, Contact, Phone, Email . Outpute in csv.

€29 Average bid
€29 Gns Bud
1 bud

...Fetch live price data using CoinMarketCap API. ✅ Virtual Trading Simulator – Buy and sell cryptocurrencies using simulated money. ✅ Basic Portfolio Tracking – View simulated profit/loss data. ✅ User Onboarding – Guided tutorial to explain app features. ✅ App Store Submission – Ensure the app meets Apple’s guidelines and gets approved. ? Free Version (Monetized with Ads) ✅ Google AdMob Integration – Display banner and interstitial ads. ✅ Basic Trading Engine – Users can buy/sell but with limited features. ✅ Limited Portfolio Tracking – No historical analytics. ✅ Limited Cryptocurrency Selection – Access to only a few major coins. ✅ No Market Alerts – No notifications or insights. ? Premium Subscription ($15/Mont...

€2285 Average bid
€2285 Gns Bud
13 bud

Google Shoping, Merchant Center, Google Ads Produkte einrichten und Kampanjen erstellen

€129 Average bid
€129 Gns Bud
14 bud

I'm looking for an experienced app developer to create a photobook album preview app for both iOS and Android. The app should be integrated with banner and video ads, and have sharing options. Key Requirements: - Develop a cross-platform app (iOS and Android) - Integrate banner and video ads into the app - Implement sharing options within the app - Ensure the app is user-friendly and engaging Ideal Skills: - Proficient in iOS and Android app development - Experience with ad integration in apps - Ability to implement sharing functionalities - Strong focus on UX/UI design principles

€188 Average bid
€188 Gns Bud
18 bud

Job Overview: We are seeking a Digital Marketing & Lead Generation Specialist who will be responsible for creating and executing ...nurture, and convert leads. This includes crafting and executing cold-calling strategies for outreach. CRM Management: Utilize CRM platforms to track leads, manage communications, and optimize conversion rates. Skills & Qualifications: Proven experience in digital marketing with a strong understanding of SEO, SEM, and social media advertising. Experience with tools like Dynamics 365 Sales, Google Ads, Brevo, and LinkedIn Sales Navigator. Strong cold calling and communication skills. Familiarity with lead nurturing, customer relationship management, and marketing automation. Excellent organizational skills and ability to manage multiple campaig...

€2 - €8 / hr
€2 - €8 / hr
0 bud