Microsoft office wordJobs
Vi søger en freelancer der kan assistere (3 måneder med mulighed for forlængelse) med at etablere et rapporterings værktøj i PowerBI. Vi anvender Microsoft Business Central som ERP og har SugarCRM. Disse systemer danner datagrundlaget. Medarbejderen skal gerne kunne møde ind på kontoret i Århus 2-3 gange ugentligt.
I am looking for a fluent Danish speaker to make phone calls for customers in Denmark. The main goal of each conversation is to understand if the company deals with way-finding signage or not (directional signage that helps the public reach their destination inside and outside public buildings, such as hospitals, airports, office buildings, universities etc.). You will be asked to fill-in information in a Google sheet file. We will provide some files, including work procedure, call transcript and google sheets table. Jeg søger en flydende dansktalende person til at foretage opkald for kunder i Danmark. Hovedmålet for hver samtale er at forstå, om virksomheden beskæftiger sig med vejfindingsskilte eller ej (retningsskilte, der hjælper offentligheden me...
Vi er en IT startup, der er specialiseret i Microsoft Cloud solutions og vi beskæftiger os med at udvikle managed services til Microsoft Økosystem.
Knife USP Glock Desert Eagle Sig P228 Five-Seven Dual Elites M3 XM1014 MP5 MAC-10 TMP UMP45 P90 FAMAS Galil Steyr Scout AK-47 Colt M4A1 Steyr AUG Sig 552 AWP SIG SG 550 G3/SG- M249 Grenades Shield C4 Bomb 28 models of weapons Assault Dust2 Inferno Aztec Office These are the 5 most famous cards everyone has played, we will use them as a background 8 characters, 5 backgrounds, 28 models of weapons as a result should be = 1120 art, quality art, if you do not understand something looks like I wrote you all the names, the Internet will show everything
For our company in denmark i need to have transfer pricing dokumentation made based on sale from our head office in denmark to a company we own in Norway. I need it asap.
Hello, i need a typer Hello, i need a typer Hello, i need a typer
DEKOM AG er en international aktør på med...aktivitet og vækstmuligheder. Din profil: - Teknisk og/eller computertræning. - Minimum to års erfaring med installation og konfiguration af Audiovisuelle systemer og præsentationsteknologier. - Du ved, hvad det vil sige at arbejde og indgå i et team og har en arbejdstilgang, som fokuserer på mål og arbejdsprocessen. - Har kørekort (min. B) - Taler og skriver flydende dansk, kendskab til brug af MS-Office. - Taler og skriver engelsk er et plus. Vi har en enormt stor produktportefølje og et bredt og varieret kundesegment. Dine arbejdsopgaver vil derfor ofte ændre sig ift. Både omfang og karakter. Hvis dette lyder som et job for dig og hvis du ønske...
500 word Microsoft Word, Rachmininoff, Symphony No. 2 Op. 27.
Vi er en Dansk virksomhed der udvikler software indenfor social, sundhed og ældresektoren. Projektet vi søger lidt oversættelseshjælp til er i fuld drift i Danmark og er nu ved at blive lanceret hos vores Nordiske naboer. Man kan se løsningen/produktet på Det vi lige nu søger en en person der kan oversætt...drift i Danmark og er nu ved at blive lanceret hos vores Nordiske naboer. Man kan se løsningen/produktet på Det vi lige nu søger en en person der kan oversætte til Norsk. Opgaven: Mangler en person der kan hjælpe med at oversætte en vejledning fra Dansk til Norsk, ca. 30 sider incl. billeder samt oversætte tekst til vores Flex platform. Oversættelsen vil kunne klares med MS office...
Hej Marlene, Jeg har et dokument om Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central som jeg skal have oversat til dansk. 19637 ord. Er det noget du kan klare og hvordan vil det være i forhold til de tekniske/økonomiske termer? Hvad vil dit estimat være for en opgave som denne? /Michael
Hej Opencollar Tech. LLC., Jeg lagde mærke til din profil, og vil gerne tilbyde dig et projekt. Vi kan diskutere detaljer over chat.
PHP Programmer my seqal programmer
Jeg har brug for at få overført alle gamle data fra mit nuværende økonomisystem e-conomic til mit nye økonomisystem Business Central fra Microsoft.
The creation of a virtual office
Must have minimum excel experience
Lav en app (iOS, Andirod, Microsoft) i xamarin som viser hjemmesiden og hjælp til at få den på apple store, google play og Microsoft
Hej, Jeg søger efter en udvikler som har erfaring med at arbejde med webservices. Denne app skal forbinde til Microsoft CRM web api: og så skal den bruge Google Maps API: Den vil hente data ned fra CRM som så vil blive vist på Google Maps, den vil bruge funktioner som 'Distance and travel time' fra google og også vise destination og ruten på kortet. Dette er overordnet beskrivelse, flere detaljer vil blive givet når vi har en samtale. Du må gerne beskrive hvor meget erfaring du har med web service og hvilke webservice du har arbejdet med.
Vi har brug for hjælp til at opbygge i MS Excel rapport, som via Jetreport henter debitor / salgs data fra Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 - SQL database.
Hej, Jeg leder efter nogen til at løse et par matematikopgaver. Opgaverne er vedhæftet og mit budget fremgår af dette projekt. Opgaverne skal løses i et regneark (gerne Microsoft Excel). Deadline er 5 dage efter projektet er uddelt. Se nedenstående vedhæftninger.
I am a photoshop editor. dklfl as;lsa ldfklds; fd ds;l fld fkd;l f;ld ldfk ld lf ;ld f;ld ;lf ; dfldk f' f ldkf;ld's'; f dslkf sd f kd;sl f;l d;lfd ;lds f;ld;l dfsa; df;ldfas ;f ds;l f;lds f;ldsk ;' f'kds;l fds ; dfdlskl;fdk lds ;dfk;lds dflf dslf ldsk fd;l dfldsklf lds flds fklds; a;f ds;l ldfs ld;s fklds f df ;dslk df;l kdfs;l dfs;lkf;l ds;ldfs ;lds kldfs dsl dfkldf sldf klds ;df ldskf;l ds'ldfsk;l;lfd dlkf;lds ;ldf l;ds df;lkdf;ldf ;lds f;ldsk;ldf ;ds;
Hej Vi skal have ændret noget forside og undersider på vores wordpress hjemmeside. Siden som den ser ud i dag Jeg vedhæfter også en fil med design for ny forside og design for nye undersider. Jeg vil gerne tale med dig om hvordan du kan lave det og hvad tid/kr det medfører. Kan du ringe eller sende dit mobil nr? Mange hilnser Bastian Karmann 40 80 67 90
Vi ønsker at udvikle et nyt og mere proessionelt design til vores rapporter. Vi arbejder primært i Excel og Word. Især grafer skal redesignes.
project details pm ..............................................................................................
Jeg har brug for simple vejledninger til funktionerne i microsoft Lync 2013 - beskrevet udfra forskellige brugertyper. Plan 1 brugere: • Kom igang med lync o Log på o Prescence – tilføj kontaktperson – grupper? • Start kommunikation: chat – lyd/samtale + video • Modtag samtale – deltag i samtale Plan 2 brugere: • Indkald møde i kalender • Tilføj bruger til samtale • Oprette grupper af kontaktpersoner • Dele dokumenter, skrivebord • Oversigt over funktioner • Give styring • Optage Kræver microsoft outlook og lync konto og fuld lync 2013 klient installeret.
Jeg har brug for en der kan kigge på dette projekt, og forklare alt hvad der sker i de forskellige C filer. Jeg har brug for at der står kommentarer der beskrive alt hvad der sker i projektet.. Kommentarerne kan evt. bare skrive i et word dokument hvor funktionerne beskrives, og hvor der fortælles hvilken funktionalitet hver metode/funktion har. Jeg vil gerne have dette klar i morgen aften gerne.. Jeg vil ikke give meget mere end 30-40 dollar da projektet kræver ingen kodning, kun forklaring af koden. et stort hjælp vil være hvis det kunne lade sig gøre at skrive det på engelsk tak.. Et link til projektet: hvis man ikke kan downloade den fil jeg har uploadet.
...brands/produkter til vores hjemmeside fra engelsk til dansk. Projektinformation: 1. Projektlængden er 5-7 uger (kan forhandles) 2. 30.000 - 50.000 ord 3. Flydende dansk er et krav 4. Evne til at arbejde selvstændigt med en positiv attitude 5. Evne til selv at prioritere arbejdet og overholde deadlines 6. Grundlæggende kendskab til SEO er et plus 7. Stærke computerfærdigheder og stor erfaring med MS Word 8. Skribenten arbejder hjemmefra og indsender sit arbejde via email Betaling: Lønnen starter på 2,300 DKK og kan forhandles yderligere på baggrund af erfaringsniveau og projektlængden. Inkludér links til eksempler på dine skrivefærdigheder (artikler krediteret til dig foretrækkes) i d...
...project must be in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia** I need an expert to handle the configuration of Active Directory focused on user management, along with the setup of Microsoft 365 and the associated email migration. You will be responsible for: - Setting up Active Directory for efficient user management - Implementing specific security policies including password controls, access restrictions, and audit and monitoring policies - Configuring Microsoft 365 and Office 365 - Handling the migration of existing emails to the new system The ideal candidate should have extensive experience with Microsoft services, particularly Microsoft 365 and Office 365, as well as a deep understanding of Active Directory. Skills in setting up security policies and emai...
I need assistance in transcribing handwritten notes into a Word document. The job primarily involves: - Transcribing text data from handwritten notes - Inputting the transcribed data accurately into a Word document Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Excellent typing skills - Strong attention to detail - Experience with data entry and transcription - Proficiency in Microsoft Word I am looking for someone who can maintain confidentiality and handle the task with utmost professionalism.
Saya mencari freelancer terampil untuk membantu dengan jasa ketik. Proyek ini membutuhkan ketelitian dan efisiensi, dengan kemampuan untuk menyelesaikan tugas dalam jangka waktu 2-3 hari. Idealkan bagi yang memiliki pengalaman dengan entry data dan pengolahan kata. - Ketelitian dalam mengetik dan memeriksa data - Kecepatan mengetik yang tinggi - Pengalaman dengan Microsoft Word atau program pengolah kata lainnya - Kemampuan untuk mengikuti instruksi dengan tepat - Komunikasi yang baik untuk memastikan hasil yang akurat - Waktu pengerjaan yang fleksibel untuk memenuhi deadline yang ketat
I'm looking for a professional PowerPoint designer to create a set of engaging presentation slides for introducing our immigration services. Key Requirements: - Design a series of Microsoft PowerPoint slides - The slides should be professionally designed and suitable for sales presentations - A focus on introducing our immigration services in a clear and compelling way Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Microsoft PowerPoint - Strong design skills - Previous experience creating sales materials, particularly for services - Understanding of immigration services would be a plus
I need a landing page using the link where users can login through and otp code and access their pages where they can edit or create pdf documents on company letterhead page. All pdf generated will be saved on user page and admin page as well and user can only create and view but cannot edit. Editing is only done by admin. word office is the same file use to generate pdf.
Project Description: I am looking for a game developer to build a simple online game where players take on the role of a household bug crusher and crush different types of bugs to earn points. The game should be browser-based and allow users to sign up, play instantly, and compete on a leaderboard. Project Features: User Authentication & Profile Management: Sign-up with username ..."). Additional Features (Optional but Preferred): Basic animations & fun sound effects. Mobile-friendly responsive design. Shareable score (allow players to share their high scores on social media). Technology Stack (Preferred but Open to Suggestions): Frontend: Angular, HTML5 + JavaScript or Unity WebGL, or similar game engine Backend: C# .NET Core (or Node.js/Python if preferred) Database: M...
MAGENTO 2 "ATTRIBUTE SET" EXPERT MAGENTO 2 PRICE RULE EXPERT PRODUCTS IMPORT EXPERT EXCEL EXPERT Please do not bid if you're not a genuine expert that can import thousands of products every week. Tasks and Responsibilities: - Be super organized. We will be sending you documents: please sort them in a way that will make it easy for you to revert to these documents whenever needed. We use Office 365 / OneDrive to organize our documents. - You will be importing using excel or CSV or, if you're a true expert: you may even use XML. You will need to maintain these files. If we find out that an attribute was not defined, we want to make sure it will be easy for you to add the attribute and reimport the products adequately. Note: in some cases, product assets/...
I am looking for a developer to build a WhatsApp Cloud API Webhook using C# with a Microsoft SQL Server database. The webhook should be capable of receiving and processing different types of messages from WhatsApp, including: Text messages Images Buttons (Quick Replies, Call-to-Action, etc.) Interactive Message Replies (NFM – Non-Forwardable Messages) Project Requirements: Technology Stack: Backend: C# (.NET Core) Database: Microsoft SQL Server ORM: Entity Framework Core Webhook Functionality: Receive and parse WhatsApp webhook events. Store received messages in the SQL Server database. Handle different message types dynamically. Additional Requirements: Code should be well-structured and documented. Ensure scalability and security in processing webhook events. Use...
...Meet deadlines - Proactive & willing to go the extra mile - Freshers can also apply Job Responsibility: - Data Entry & basic admin tasks - Do some research jobs related to products and purchase - Online search for suppliers/ whole sellers/ manufacturer who can give quality products at a very competitive price If you are interested, then Please carefully review the provided information and add the word "Rainbow" at the beginning of your cover letter. Also, share your response to the below questions. 1) What commitments do you have right now? Are you employed? Student? Freelancer? 2) If shortlisted, how many hours per day can you contribute during the weekdays? 3) If shortlisted, what would be the lowest hourly rate that you can work for? 4) Your current age &am...
I am looking for an experienced professional who can integrate the ServiceNow Virtual Agent with Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) for automated password reset and change functionalities. This project specifically requires: - Automated password reset and change: The system should allow users to reset and change their passwords automatically through the Virtual Agent, without the need for human intervention. - Multi-factor authentication integration: To enhance the security of the password reset/change process, the system should incorporate multi-factor authentication. The primary platform for initiating the password reset/change process will be the ServiceNow Virtual Agent. Therefore, a deep understanding and prior experience with this platform is crucial. Additionally,...
...current projects and create new detail design drawing sets for several new and upcoming wastewater treatment projects we have in the pipeline. All drawings to date have been developed by a freelance draftsman, who is currently overseas for an extended period. ENVR requires a draftsman to assist in the next few months, and possibly ongoing. Key Requirements: - To be able to work 'in house' at ENVRs office in Stafford, Queensland, at various stages but at a minimum in the beginning or when detailed design is underway. ENVR has Auto-CAD software subscription, or you are welcome to bring your own computer - whatever is preferred. AutoCad: All ENVRs drawings have been developed through AutoCad, with templates created for ease of use. - Design Drawings: These will need to...
I'm in need of a comprehensive list of small real estate residential developers across the entire USA. The information I specifically require includes: - Contact Details: This should encompass the developers' email addresses, phone numbers, and office addresses. Your ideal skills for this project would include proficient data mining skills, familiarity with the real estate industry, and exceptional attention to detail. Prior experience in compiling similar contact lists will be a significant advantage.
I have a Microsoft Word file that requires professional formatting. Some titles are incorrectly positioned at the bottom of pages and need to be moved to the next page for better layout. The current editing is loose and requires improvement. Additionally, I have a PowerPoint presentation, and I need its content integrated into the same Word file. Please insert the Notes view from each slide after the corresponding session in the document. Ensure the Table of Contents is updated accordingly. This task is urgent, and I need it completed within the next 2 hours. The work is straightforward and should take an expert about an hour to complete.
I'm looking to build a semantic search engine for Word and pdf documents. Users will upload their documents, which will then undergo text extraction for processing. The core functionality of this engine will be to convert the text into embeddings and perform a keyword-based semantic search using Qdrant. Key Features: - Uploading and processing Word and pdf documents - Text extraction from the documents - Conversion of text into embeddings - Keyword-based semantic search - Develop a ranking algorithm to prioritize search results based on relevance. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in working with Qdrant - Experience with semantic search engines - Document processing expertise, specifically with Word documents - Ability to implement text extraction functionalities - Un...
...retained. - Standardize the format of phone numbers to ensure consistency (e.g., (123) 456-7890). - Perform data integrity checks to ensure there are no corrupt entries or inconsistencies. - Ensure that the addresses follow a consistent format, including state abbreviations and ZIP codes. Please note, the 'Emails' column should never be altered. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficient in Microsoft Excel - Experience in data organization and cleaning - Attention to detail - Ability to follow specific instructions and rules Standardize all phone numbers to a consistent format. The final combined Excel file should be saved as an XLSX format. Standardize all phone numbers to the format (123) 456-7890. Merge duplicate entries by ensuring the most complete informatio...
I am in need of a talented architect from Vietnam who specializes in commercial projects. Your expertise will be pivotal in bringing this vision to life. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in commercial architecture - Strong design skills - Excellent understanding of construction processes - Experience working on office buildings, retail spaces, or restaurants/hotels.
Vær venlig at Tilmelde dig eller Log ind for at se detaljer. and drive but the user has left. We are stuck with paying license of that user (we have 30 such users) as these users have folders in Drive which are shared and we still need the folders. I need a backup/archiving solution which lets us delete the user and release licenses but we can still have access to the shared folders on Drive and email is still accessible. We have a local server in office with 5TB of space and it can be used to archive these users if needed Odoo Issues: - I require assistance with troubleshooting Odoo as have emails going from Oodo to clients which don't get delivered to clients or go to spam but if we send them direct from Gsuite they go to inbox of recipient fine The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience with...
I have a 100-page document filled with text and scientific information that requires professional formatting to enhance its appearance and engagement level. The document itself does not need content improvement; I am simply looking for a professional who can make it visually appealing and suitable for a serious a...Format the appendix to ensure clarity and ease of reference. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in document design and formatting. - Experience with creating engaging, professional-looking documents. - Ability to source and incorporate appropriate images. - Understands the balance between visual elements and text. - With a keen eye for modern and clean aesthetics. Please use Microsoft Word for the formatting of the document.
I'm seeking a proficient professional to assist me with my Microsoft 365 email setup. This includes: - I moved webhosts, the prior webshost email basic platform needs to be changed to Microsoft 365 at my new hosting. - Email Account Creation: Setting up new email accounts for my team and ensuring they are configured properly. - Email Migration: Transfer existing emails from our previous system to Microsoft 365 without data loss. - Configuration and Security Settings: Customizing the configuration settings to suit our needs and implementing necessary security measures to safeguard our emails. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience with Microsoft 365, particularly with its email capabilities. Also, website set-up and maintenac...
To assist in phased approach cloud migration and integration of tools in AWS environment
I'm seeking a logo for my immigration law office, CUBICA. The firm specializes in various immigration services including asylum, work permits, waivers, family petitions, and more. Design Style: - The logo needs to embody a classic and traditional style, reflective of a reputable law office. Color Scheme: - It should use a blue and white color palette. Design Elements: - The incorporation of 'Scales of Justice' is essential, symbolizing our legal expertise. - I would like to see some immigration symbols, such as a globe or a plane, representing our field of practice. - Use of abstract shapes is encouraged, providing a unique twist to the design. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design and logo creation. - Understanding of law and immigra...