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    2,000 max flash sample jobs fundet

    ...markedet her i Danmark, oplever vi allerede en stor efterspørgsel efter vores produkt. Vi ønsker at fortsætte denne vækst og øge opmærksomheden om vores lysterapi, som har til formål at hjælpe danskerne med at opnå en sundere og mere strålende hud ved hjælp af et skånsomt og ikke-invasivt produkt, der skaber synlige resultater. Vi håber at du kunne have lyst til at hjælpe os med at lave nogle videoer (max 1 min pr. video) om vores produkt og tage nogle billeder med produktet. Det vil vi gerne have lov til at bruge på vores hjemmeside og ads (uden navn eller personoplysninger). Vi skal nok sende nogle eksempler på content som inspiration. Vi håber du vil hjælpe os p&ari...

    €29 - €240
    €29 - €240
    0 bud

    Jeg er selvstændig journalist og leder efter en mand med en god speakerstemme til at optage nogle citater til en podcast. Det er ca. 10-15 citater pr. afsnit, så der er højst max en times arbejde i det pr. afsnit. Arbejdet er betalt – jeg har ikke et kæmpe budget i starten, så jeg kan betale 200 kroner pr. afsnit. Aflønningen vil dog stige, hvis podcasten genererer mere omsætning. Afsnittene vil blive udgivet hyppigt (målet er et ugentligt afsnit), så hvis vi arbejder godt sammen, er der mulighed for en regelmæssig indkomst. Jeg forventer, at du - Har gode kommunikationsfærdigheder - Kan overholde deadlines - Svarer på e-mails og sms'er inden for rimelig tid - Kan intonere stemmer og spille roller ...

    €35 Average bid
    €35 Gns Bud
    3 bud
    Booking Kalender
    Udløbet left

    Jeg skal bruge et tilbud på en Booking Kalender til vores hjemmeside. Se vedhæftede billeder. Det er udlejning af Gokart Max 10 på banen ad gangen

    €1081 Average bid
    €1081 Gns Bud
    4 bud

    Bigo live bot How much is the price of the live broadcast viewer bot you have made and can I see a demo sample video?

    €77 Average bid
    €77 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Facebook medarbejder der sørger for vores facebook spiller max, med opdatering, besvarelser, undersøgelser, informationer, nyheder, gruppedeltagelse, blogs osv.

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud
    design logo
    Udløbet left

    logo designing.. sample will be given.

    €2 / hr Average bid
    €2 / hr Gns Bud
    9 bud
    logo designing
    Udløbet left

    logo designing, i attached sample file.

    €57 Average bid
    €57 Gns Bud
    56 bud
    3D rendering
    Udløbet left

    Min virksomhed laver ure inspireret af flyvemaskiner. Jeg skal have lavet 3D camera circle around the product. Det skal laves indenfor 2-3 dage max. da skal bruge det til en kampagne vi er lige ved at køre.

    €163 Average bid
    €163 Gns Bud
    4 bud

    I have C++ files and flash to convert

    €2202 Average bid
    €2202 Gns Bud
    14 bud

    ...-Vi har brug for en tegning / design af: -De 3 plysdyr - helst en bamse, hund, elefant eller abe - Pyjamas til alle 3 dyr -Alle designs / Tegninger skal være klar til at sende til produktion - hvilket betyder at vi skal kunne sende tegningerne til fabrikanten, så de kan producere plysdyrene og pyjamaserne ud fra disse tegninger. -Dyrenes højde maks. 40 cm og bredde max 25 cm. og dybde max 25 cm. Vi skal se din streg før vi beslutter hvem vi vil arbejde sammen med....

    €451 Average bid
    €451 Gns Bud
    7 bud

    I need someone to make a sketch out of some measurement of our garden. And i would like to see it As photo realistic AS possible. Budget Not over 100 pounds Show me What you have Been Working with before. Dk:Jeg skal bruge en der kan give mig en idé og tegning af vores have ud fra hvad der er der nu. - plantegning over idé til beplantning - idé til terrasse - idé til stier/ belægn...need someone to make a sketch out of some measurement of our garden. And i would like to see it As photo realistic AS possible. Budget Not over 100 pounds Show me What you have Been Working with before. Dk:Jeg skal bruge en der kan give mig en idé og tegning af vores have ud fra hvad der er der nu. - plantegning over idé til beplantning - idé til terrasse...

    €141 Average bid
    €141 Gns Bud
    31 bud
    Design project
    Udløbet left

    Design et logo Det er til Youtube dette logo der bliver designet. Der skal stå teksten 'Simon Max' i logoet

    €45 Average bid
    €45 Gns Bud
    22 bud
    Illustrer Noget
    Udløbet left

    Jeg skal bruge en der kan give mig en idé og tegning af vores have ud fra hvad der er der nu. - plantegning over idé til beplantning - idé til terrasse - idé til stier/ belægning i haven. Budget max 900kr

    €109 Average bid
    €109 Gns Bud
    13 bud

    Hi, I am looking for a freelancer to hire for a big project regarding a book translation. Therefore I would like you to do a little translation sample for our customer before chosing the translator for this task. Total word count: 17.000 words. Estimated project start date: October Pleas find the short sample text to be translated here. Important: It does not have to be a 1:1 translation. Feel free to be creative and interpretative. "Åh jo, hvor har jeg haft mange gode oplevelser i klubben …. Dengang i 90´erne da jeg var yngre og slankere; nej måske var jeg ikke slankere, vægten var bare bedre fordelt, dengang var SLM et fristed. Man var fri for PANs larmende technohelvede, til tider intrigante miljø og ubehage...

    €732 Average bid
    €732 Gns Bud
    23 bud

    modelig 3d max 2016 Saten GEVORGYAN

    €329 Average bid
    €329 Gns Bud
    3 bud
    Lav en hjemmeside
    Udløbet left

    Vil gerne have lavet et website, hvor det er muligt for brugerne at annoncere deres produkter. Det skal være muligt for brugerne selv at ligge billeder op og redigere deres annoncer med max 6 billeder til hver annonce. Det skal være både til private og erhverskunder. Der skal tilknyttes betalinger i form at få lov til at lægge annocen online. både på det enkelte produkt(privatkunder), eller en månedlig betaling så der er ubegrænset mulighed for at ligge billederne op(erhvervskunder). Hertil skal det være muligt for mig, som administrator, at redigere og tilføje/fjerne bannerreklamer på siden. Tankerne bag siden er mig som mellemmand, mellem sælger og køber. Der skal dog være plads ...

    €4801 Average bid
    €4801 Gns Bud
    7 bud

    interior, Exterior design 3d Max ( render Vray )

    €162 Average bid
    €162 Gns Bud
    17 bud
    Diseñar en flash
    Udløbet left

    el de talle 1 de talle 2 de tralle 3 dwetalle 4 detalle 5 detalle6

    €240 - €721
    €240 - €721
    0 bud
    Link Building
    Udløbet left

    ...-- Quality back links must relate to site topic on high quality relevant sites -- No black hat, gray hat or unethical SEO methods are to be used -- no junk profile building techniques are to be used -- No use of automated software or bots -- No links from under construction pages -- No java links, jump scripts, framed pages, redirects, cloaking, CSS redirects, 301 redirects, dynamic links, flash sites/pages, hidden links, no string parameters, etc. -- No link farms, traffic exchanges, link exchange programs or web rings -- No paid traffic sites -- No banned sites, porn, gambling, violent, illegal sites, etc. -- No methods or techniques that will get the site banned, de-indexed or sandbox -- Expert understanding of Google & Panda Updates and how to work with them ...

    €284 Average bid
    €284 Gns Bud
    12 bud
    3D modelling
    Udløbet left

    skills 3ds max, 3d modeling ,3d animation ,3d rendering skills 3ds max, 3d modeling ,3d animation ,3d rendering skills 3ds max, 3d modeling ,3d animation ,3d rendering

    €19 - €19
    €19 - €19
    0 bud

    architect fluent at architectural & landescape & interior design and using autocad & 3d max & photoshop & loumion & sketchup programs

    €534 Average bid
    €534 Gns Bud
    1 bud
    Historier til børn
    Udløbet left

    Til et projekt til børn ønskes små historier skrevet der tilknytter sig til nogle danske sange. For eksempel indgår Den Blå Anemone som en af sangene og der skal skrives en lille eventyragtigt historie. Der skal skrives ca. 8 historier på max 4 linier pr. historie. Versform er også en mulighed. Der vil være en sommerfugl som er den gennemgående figur. Der vil være musik og billeder (illustrationer) som skal understøtte hinanden. Sprog dansk. Til børn mellem 0-6 år

    €235 - €705
    €235 - €705
    0 bud
    Design in Flash
    Udløbet left

    FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef

    €240 - €721
    €240 - €721
    0 bud

    3d modelling + rendering, sketchup/3d max + vray render

    €105 Average bid
    €105 Gns Bud
    18 bud

    Lav SEO og linkbuilding til vores danske webshop. Vi arbejder selv internt med onsite SEO og har cirka 10 blogs, hvor vi løbende skriver artikler med links til webshoppen. Vi har indtil nu derudover haft et par freelancere tilknyttet, sidst primært til linkbuilding. Vi...tilknyttet, sidst primært til linkbuilding. Vi vil dog gerne prøve at skifte til en ny freelancer, idet resultaterne i de sidste måneder er udeblevet. Du skal have grundig erfaring med SEO-arbejde og linkbuilding i Danmark. Du skal have fundet metoder, der også virker efter de seneste pakker fra Google i 2013/14. Vi vil dog ikke risikerer at blive blacklistet, så metoderne skal være white-hat eller max. grey hat. Er du interesseret, så skriv til mig p&ari...

    €28 / hr Average bid
    €28 / hr Gns Bud
    4 bud

    Vi har brug for en online flashapplikation, hvor brugeren kan vælge mellem 5 hvide produkter, f.eks. en T-shirt eller en kop, mfl. Det skal herefter være muligt at udføre følgende funktioner: - Male på produktet med forskellige farver - vælge forskelliige tykkelser af brushes - Zoome ud og ind - Skrive tekster på produktet - vælge fonte og farver til teksten - Slette eller F...Male på produktet med forskellige farver - vælge forskelliige tykkelser af brushes - Zoome ud og ind - Skrive tekster på produktet - vælge fonte og farver til teksten - Slette eller Flytte tekster og malerier rundt og ændre lag rækkefølgen - og endelig skal det være muligt at gemme sit design som en jpg/png...

    €749 Average bid
    €749 Gns Bud
    3 bud

    Animate a synched roadblock for Gold Toe.

    €481 Average bid
    €481 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    ACLS is privately owned construction and logistic company with its offices in United States, Arab Emirates and Afghanistan. The Company has been responsible for the design and construction of some of the most significant projects in Afghanistan. URL Languages and Technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Flash Quality of code The website conforms to W3C can relate to the correct layout of pages for readability as well making sure coded elements are closed appropriately.

    €1060 Average bid
    €1060 Gns Bud
    15 bud

    ...visualizations (if applicable). Ideally suited for use by accountants, finance managers, and analysts. You must have the legal rights to resell these models and be able to transfer those rights to me as part of the transaction. If you have already created such tools and are interested in selling or licensing them, please share a brief description of your models and, if possible, screenshots or sample files for review. I look forward to collaborating with a professional who has a proven track record in financial modeling and analysis....

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Gns Bud
    22 bud living in (or nearby) Kabul Tower Qala Fathullah, Kabul, Afghanistan • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report like the Sample Report....

    €16 Average bid
    €16 Gns Bud
    4 bud

    I'm seeking a talented professional to help translate our migration design for a fintech mobile app into a compelling and well-structured UX case study. The aim is to highlight our design process and showcase the depth of our research and user insights and story telling Key elements to be included: - A detail...processes - A presentation of our final design solutions Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Extensive background in UX/UI design - Exceptional storytelling and writing skills - Ability to present complex design processes in a relatable way - Experience in creating professional UX case studies I will provide all necessary design materials, insights, and data. Please provide a sample of your previous work demonstrating your storytelling abilities and de...

    €160 Average bid
    €160 Gns Bud
    40 bud

    I need to create 6 very simple scenarios in 3ds Max, each representing a different theme: Christmas, Horror, Tetris Game, Robots, Pollution, and Classical Music. The style should be minimalistic. Key Requirements: - Simple but effective 3D modeling - Use of minimalistic design principles - Incorporation of basic lighting and textures - Emphasis on characters, lighting effects, and textures in each scene I will provide reference images for each scenario. The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience with 3ds Max, a good understanding of minimalistic design, and the ability to create simple but engaging 3D scenarios. There are some examples here that are from another topics and it just for you to undestand what i am asking.

    €27 Average bid
    €27 Gns Bud
    29 bud

    We are looking for a detail-oriented freelancer to gather contact information for professionals in the environmental engineering field, specifically targeting roles such as Environmental Engineer, Environmental Engineer, EHS, and SHE specialists. The task involves compiling a list that includes names, emails, designations, organizations, and cities of these individuals. The ideal candidate should have experience in data mining or lead generation and be able to deliver accurate and organized information in a timely manner. Candidates sending sample will be given preference. Also quote your prices per contact. If you send me a sample of approx 10 leads, I will prefer you for this job. I need active and accurate leads, you must be able to provide proof of their accura...

    €109 Average bid
    €109 Gns Bud
    97 bud

    I'm in need of a developer to create a non-collateral flash minting solution for Wrapped Ether (WETH). This system will utilize time locks for transactions, enabling a specific amount of WETH transactions and allowing multiple arbitrage opportunities before the final payment is executed. I'm working with a tight budget but can offer 20% of the funds to the developer in Bitcoin on deployment, in exchange for a lower price for development and testing. Additionally, 1% of the flash minted tokens will be allocated to the project in Bitcoin to lower the initial costs. The project deadline is February 10, 2025. Key Requirements: - Time locks for transactions - Facilitating multiple arbitrage opportunities - Executing the final payment Security: - Basic security measure...

    €410 Average bid
    €410 Gns Bud
    137 bud

    I'm a product design lead looking to translate our migration design for a fintech mobile app into a professional UX case study. The primary goal is to showcase our design process. I need someone with excellent storytelling skills who can present the case study in a well-structured, modern and professional manner. Key elements to highlight in the design process include: - Researc...of the case study should be inspirational and motivational. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Extensive background in UX/UI design - Exceptional storytelling and writing skills - Ability to present complex design processes in a relatable way - Experience in creating professional UX case studies I will provide the design, the insights and any other needed data, kindly provide sample...

    €35 Average bid
    €35 Gns Bud
    33 bud

    I am a skilled 3D interior designer with 5 years of hands-on experience creating visually stunning and functional spaces that align with client visions and modern design trends. My expertise lies in developing realistic 3D models, detailed renderings, and walkthrough animations using industry-leading software such as AutoCAD, SketchUp, 3ds Max, and Blender. I specialize in conceptualizing and executing a wide range of interior spaces, including residential, commercial, and hospitality projects. My designs emphasize a balance between aesthetics and functionality, with a strong focus on spatial planning, color theory, and material selection. Over the years, I have honed my ability to translate 2D plans into immersive 3D visualizations, showcasing lifelike textures, lighting simulati...

    €87 Average bid
    €87 Gns Bud
    15 bud

    I am looking for a skilled professional who can create Power BI and Python-based dashboards to provide actionable insights for a superstore focusing on the ready-to-eat or cooked food category, as well as for a restaurant business. The project involves working with sample data (you can either create data or use existing publicly available datasets) to generate comprehensive insights.

    €71 Average bid
    €71 Gns Bud
    32 bud

    I'm in urgent need of a clothing manufacturer who specializes in acid washed garments. I require one sample of uncuffed, cotton gym sweatpants with a screen printed design (the design will be provided soon). Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in manufacturing acid washed garments - Proficient in working with cotton - Experience in producing gym wear - Capable of high-quality screen printing - Ability to deliver the first sample ASAP.

    €127 Average bid
    €127 Gns Bud
    82 bud
    Bakery shop Designing
    6 dage left

    Project Title: Design a Retro-Futuristic Bakery with a 60s-Inspired Theme **Description:** I am looking for a creative designer to bring my retro-futuristic bakery concept to life. The design should have a 1960s-inspired theme with a focus on functionality, open space, and aesthetics. Her... - **Logo Design:** A retro-style bakery logo. Inspiration & References Please refer to the uploaded sketch for layout and style inspiration. The structure should embody a fun, retro-futuristic vibe while remaining practical for use as a bakery. Skills Required: - Experience with retro or themed architectural design. - Proficiency in 3D modeling/rendering tools (e.g., Blender or 3ds Max). - Graphic design skills for creating the logo. - Ability to deliver photorealistic v...

    €43 Average bid
    €43 Gns Bud
    64 bud

    I'm in search of a proficient, skilled team of freelancers to partner with us in the creation of an AI-enhanced document management platform. This platform is intended to facilitate the storage of files and the streamlining of tender offer analysis ...dashboard for project management and insights. Requirements: - Proficiency in Laravel for backend development. - Experience with AI integration (e.g., Sentence-BERT, T5). - Familiarity with databases (MySQL/PostgreSQL) and vector storage (e.g., LanceDB). - Ability to deliver a functional and reliable first version quickly. We aim for fast results to launch a working version of the platform in 1 month max, with opportunities for iterative improvements over the year. Submit your proposals with relevant experience, timeline, and bu...

    €2303 Average bid
    €2303 Gns Bud
    136 bud

    I'm looking for an experienced freelancer who can create a custom invoice template for me in Perfex CRM. The template should closely resemble a sample I'll provide.

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Gns Bud
    87 bud

    ...willingness to learn and adapt. - Create a free sample video to demonstrate capabilities. - Must be willing to undergo a training session if needed. What We Offer - Pay: $15 per video to start, with opportunities for growth based on performance. Potentially $450 per month. Potential to earn more as you demonstrate your value to the team. - Fast-paced environment with significant growth opportunities. - The chance to become Lead Editor as the team expands - since you'll be one of the first to our team. How to Apply - Start your application with the word "Piano" to confirm you’ve read the job description. - Submit your portfolio showcasing your best three short form edits (IF YOU SEND MORE THAN THREE I WILL NOT LOOK). Create a 15 sec sample vid...

    €343 Average bid
    €343 Gns Bud
    65 bud

    I require a talented interior designer to transform my 3BHK apartment into a modern sanctuary focused on relaxation and comfort. The redesign will encompass the living room, bedrooms, kitchen, and bathroom. Also, Can provide sample photos, required measurements and ideas if required Key Aspects: - Style: The overall aesthetic should be modern, incorporating sleek lines, minimalist design and contemporary furnishings. - Purpose: Each space should be designed with comfort and relaxation in mind, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere and maximise storage Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in modern interior design. - Strong portfolio showcasing previous residential projects. - Excellent understanding of creating comfortable and functional spaces.

    €260 Average bid
    €260 Gns Bud
    45 bud

    Requirements: Brand Name: The logo must include the text Cr8Catalyst. Style: Minimalistic, clean, and modern. Focus on professionalism while being approachable. Avoid overly complex or detailed designs. Icon/Graphic Element: Optional but preferred: An abstract icon or geometric element that symbolizes growth, acceleration, or creativity (e.g., spark, interconnected nodes, or an arr...clean, legible, and align with the brand's modern aesthetic. Colors: Explore these color palettes: Option 1: Electric blue (#007BFF) and vibrant orange (#FF6A00). Option 2: Teal (#17A2B8) and soft yellow (#FFC107). Option 3: Dark navy (#001F3F) and vibrant orange (#FF5733). Please present designs with a white background and, if possible, a dark background version for contrast. Usage: similar to sa...

    €30 Average bid
    329 indlæg

    I need a database for Space and Space Technology Companies - with a focus on company names and Email ID. Key Points: - The main data points to be included are full name, company names and Email ID's - Accuracy of data, specially Emails - Sample File of Required database is attached - To start with we require 10,000 records. - Will pay INR 0.60 per record. Ideal Freelancer: - Prior experience in creating detailed databases - Proficiency in data gathering, scraping and organization - Familiarity with the USA market would be a plus Please include your relevant experience in your application.

    €80 Average bid
    €80 Gns Bud
    57 bud

    I'm seeking a designer with a deep understanding of classic and elegant styles to create a logo for our soon to launch boutique, luxury accommodation: "Fleurieu House". Key Requirements: - The logo should incorporate both text and an icon or symbol, so a good sense for typography and symbolism w...color scheme is open for suggestions, but the resulting logo must work as a black & white as well. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software. - Prior experience in creating luxury brand logos. - Strong understanding of classic and elegant design principles. Reference Material: - Provided is a photo from the house entrance that can be used to inspire the icon. - Also uploaded is 2 sample images that we like to provide context. Please provide a portfolio ...

    €529 Average bid
    €529 Gns Bud
    202 bud

    video of the Issue as well. I want it today as soon as possible. this is mini bug for a typescript/js/React developer. Please bid Original. thanks

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Gns Bud
    36 bud

    ...the configuration file configs/coco/instance-segmentation/swin/ (from Hugging Face). 3) Training: The model should be trained from scratch. 4) Data Augmentation: - Use Albumentations for data augmentation. - Ensure data augmentation can be visualized with images (preferably during training). 5) Data: - Use any publicly available sample dataset in YOLOv8 format. - Limit the training to only one class (my dataset will also have only one class). 6) Metrics: - Display metrics during training (at least every N epochs). - Calculate and save the metrics to a file after training. 7) Validation: - Evaluate the model on validation data after training. - Save the resulting images with predictions

    €113 Average bid
    €113 Gns Bud
    58 bud

    I'm seeking a professional interior visualizer specializing in 3D Max to create high-quality renders of a modern minimal bedroom. The focus should be on the clarity of materials and overall render quality. Key Elements to Include: - Bed room design as per theme - Lighting - exact element as requested Lighting Design: A sophisticated, well-thought-out lighting design is crucial for this project. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional proficiency in 3D Max - Previous experience with modern minimal design - Strong understanding of high-quality rendering techniques - Proven track record with interior visualizations - Mastery of lighting design The quality of the final output needs to be impeccable.

    €85 Average bid
    €85 Gns Bud
    44 bud

    Looking for Laravel and Vue.js Developer Hello, We are looking for a highly skilled and experienced Full Stack Web Developer specializing in Laravel and Vue.js to join our team. We will work on Telegram mi...js. Ensure responsiveness and cross-platform compatibility. Debug and resolve technical issues. Collaborate with the team to implement new features and improve existing ones. How to Apply: If you meet the requirements and are excited about this opportunity, please reply to this job post. A brief description of your expertise with Laravel and Vue.js. Your availability to start. Important : our max offer is Hourly rate: $5/hour for start. if you set more on proposal we directly refuse your post ! Looking forward to working with talented developers ready to grow with us! ? ...

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Gns Bud
    120 bud