Innermax support call center iligan cityJobs
...Denmark. The main goal of each conversation is to understand if the company deals with way-finding signage or not (directional signage that helps the public reach their destination inside and outside public buildings, such as hospitals, airports, office buildings, universities etc.). You will be asked to fill-in information in a Google sheet file. We will provide some files, including work procedure, call transcript and google sheets table. Jeg søger en flydende dansktalende person til at foretage opkald for kunder i Danmark. Hovedmålet for hver samtale er at forstå, om virksomheden beskæftiger sig med vejfindingsskilte eller ej (retningsskilte, der hjælper offentligheden med at nå deres destination inden for og uden for offentlige bygninger,...
...teknisk support til at besvare spørgsmål og løse problemer vedrørende Wordpress • Sparring og strategisk rådgivning vedrørende Google Ads-kampagner • Assistance med oprettelse og optimering af kampagner • Teknisk viden og support i forbindelse med fejl på Google Ads • Oprettelse af konverteringssporinger for både kampagner og på ny hjemmeside Krav: • Solid erfaring med Wordpress-platformen, inklusive plugin-installation og opdatering • Evnen til at løse tekniske problemer og yde hurtig og effektiv support • Grundlæggende forståelse for webudvikling og HTML/CSS er en fordel • Fleksibilitet og pålidelighed til at levere akut hjælp ved nedb...
Der ønskes en tekstboks der vises øverst under lilla streg i toppen på alle sider, såfremt der er tekst i boksen. (se medsendte) Grundfarve lilla farve, som anvendt på siden Tekst farve Hvid Størrelse som søgefelt (måske skalerbar hvis der er brug for mere end en linje eller stor tekst) Mulighed for at jeg selv i backend skriver og tilretter tekst.
When a customer visits my woocommerce shop with an affiliate link: I need "paid" and "pacid" saved as cookie on user device for 40 days. If the customer goes through checkout and to "thank you" page, I need to call an url with curl containing this data: ÆTNINGPRSALG&altsats=SATSGRUPPE This URL uses PAID, PACID, ORDRENUMMER (order id), OMSÆTNINGPRSALG (order total as 9999.99) and SATSGRUPPE, which is always (2). The job is done when cookie is saved and curl contacts external partner url on purchase.
logo motorcycle club ( Riyadh Knights ) you can use the old city as background for the logo :1646203317462&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwivm9yf6ab2AhWNasAKHZpHDkQQ_AUoAnoECAIQBA&biw=1280&bih=569&dpr=1.5#imgrc=pCD1dfpVhjUsNM add a motorcycle , and shield to refer to the Knights something similar to the attached logo
...two documents with URL's that needs to be scraped. The scripts is partly made, but have some flaws. Script 1 : We need to be able to scrape URL's like these: What we need of info is : * Name of restaurant * Adress * Postalnumber + city * URL So the data retrieved should be delivered in a csv file : "Den Gamle Grillbar og BBQ", "Holsteinsgade 12", "8300 Odder", " " "Marios Pizza", "Melstedvej 17", "2770 Kastrup", "" "Tobclas Sandwich", "Torvet 3", "8700 Horsens" ,"" File to
Opgaven: Telemarketing salg til små og mellemstore virksomheder i Danmark inden for bestemte brancher. Formålet er at generere leads til vores salgs-team som følger op med det egentlige salgsmøde. Du vil blive forsynet med... -De første emnelister, -Call script med info på produkter og vores erfaring indenfor de enkelte brancher, -Kort træning indenfor relevante begreber og produkter, -Skype eller andet til opkaldet. Opgaven forventes udført fra din egen adresse. Betaling sker som freelancer/selvstændig. Vi forventer, du... -Er dansk og kan tale og skrive på indfødt Dansk niveau. -Er vant til at arbejde med salg, -Ikke giver op nemt, -Kan se værdien af et langvarigt samarbejde. Nogle engelsk kundskaber t...
Kære Jonas Jeg hedder Cæcilie og kommer fra Center for Ungdomsforskning (CeFU) ved Aalborg Universitet i København. Jeg skriver til dig, fordi vi på CeFU er i gang med et forskningsprojekt omkring unge under 30 år på det digitale arbejdsmarked. Hvis du har tid og lyst, vil vi meget gerne interviewe dig omkring dit arbejdsliv og din oplevelse med at finde arbejde gennem Freelancer? Interviewet vil vare ca. 1 time, og tid og sted kan aftales ud fra, hvad der passer dig bedst. Hvis du er interesseret i dette eller gerne vil høre nærmere, kan du kontakte mig her eller på mail/ telefon: csla@ / 20691799 Vi håber meget, at du har lyst til at deltage. Jeg ser frem til at høre fra dig. De bedste hilsner, Cæcilie &nda...
Hej Perfect Service Support, jeg har lagt mærke til din profil og vil gerne tilbyde dig mit projekt. Vi kan drøfte detaljerne i chatten.
Hej Perfect Service Support, jeg har lagt mærke til din profil og vil gerne tilbyde dig mit projekt. Vi kan drøfte detaljerne i chatten.
Skriv en rapport Vi er ved at udvikle et socialt netværk med det særlige formål at være platformen for supportgrupper, med følsomme topics, som idag er spredt ud over facebook i tusindvis af lukkede grupper, hvor medlemmer giver udtryk for at de vil ønske at der var et specifikt netværk kun til denne type networking og support af personlige udfordringer. Projektbeskrivelsen er på ca.4 a 4 sider og skrives ud fra en projekt skabelon, som belyser formål, målgruppe, problemstilling og fordelene ved at udvikle et international socialt netværk (i form af en app) somi mindre skala har basale features fra Facebook, men som er data og reklame beskyttet. Det sociale netværk, et community som erudelukkende formå...
...være at forfatte tekster som både er søgemaskineoptimeret og fangende for læseren. Det er et krav at du er flydende på dansk, men vil være en fordel hvis du også mestre det engelske sprog. For at komme i betragtning til denne position, beder vi dig skrive 2 korte produktbeskrivelser under 100 ord som indeholder følgende detaljer: Emne: Support - Baseret på klippekort - Der er support til markedsføring og teknisk hjælp. - Keywords: Support, billigt, tilpasset Emne: Hosting & Email - Det er webhotel - Op til 10 e-mail adresser - Keywords: hjemmeside, webhotel Det vil være en fordel, hvis du også laver en kort beskrivelse med dine egne ord af de væsen...
...opgave vil være at forfatte tekster som både er søgemaskineoptimeret og fangende for læseren. Det er et krav at du er flydende på dansk, men vil være en fordel hvis du også mestre det engelske sprog. For at komme i betragtning til denne position, beder vi dig skrive 2 produktbeskrivelser under 100 ord som indeholder følgende detaljer: Emne: Support - Baseret på klippekort - Der er support til markedsføring og teknisk hjælp. - Keywords: Support, billigt, tilpasset Emne: Hosting & Email - Det er webhotel - Op til 10 e-mail adresser - Keywords: hjemmeside, webhotel Det vil være en fordel, hvis du også laver en kort beskrivelse med dine egne ord af de væsentl...
Kunde medarbejder søges til helpdesk support og hjælp til generelt support i en dansk snakkede hurtig voksende firma, humør er en god ting samt loyal og en smule kenskab til computer brug kræves, kontakt for mere info
Database description Database to be run on Internet, with a small number of users, now 6 users. Login for each user, the database is not visible if you are not logged in. The database to be used for the creation and search of records. The information consists of standard personal data, address, and mail. Typing the postcode, the city name is found in an underlying base. Furthermore, there is the creation date / correction date 3 text fields and 2 dropdown field - and a note field. One drop down box shows the default login person (which is part of the drop down option) Searching is done on 3-4 fields individually, and results are displayed as list, which can be clicked on, as each result is displayed. The layout may be edit via CSS. The database must be a SQL database. Th...
We already have a gallery in Aarhus Denmark and is in preparation for the opening of the dept . Number two in Hamburg .. There is in this project need Enthusiasts who can either sell through the Internet, Aarhus Dept. or open their own gallery in their city .. we would want such a scheme supporting the arts , counseling and support in all possible ways , we have the opportunity .. Ground Zero Organisation we are against your opening have certain criteria that must be met .. ----------------------------------------- Vi har allerede et Galleri i Aarhus Danmark og er i forberedelserne til åbningen af afd. nummer to i Hamborg.. Der er i dette projekt brug for Ildsjæle, som enten kan sælge via internettet, Aarhus afd eller åbne deres helt eget ga...
I'm looking to have a smart TV app developed for LG and/or Samsung. THe app would be a simple web-browse player with HTML5 support which is able to display a website in Full Screen mode. No interaction required beyond the entry of the URL and storage. Would ideally like to have the option to have it automatically selected upon turning on the TV. Udvikling af en SmartTV app til LG og/eller Samsung. App er en en simple web-browser player med HTMl5 understøttelse som formår at vise en website i Fullscreen mode. Ingen interaktion påkrævet udover URL indtastning og lagring. Skal gerne kunne vælges automatisk ved tænding af TV. - dog ikke noget krav.
Vi vil meget gerne bruge RepairShopr i vores virksomhed (Mac•Support). Derfor har vi brug for nogle kloge hoveder, som kan forbinde online programmet RepairShopr med vores regnskabsprogram Billy. Det skal være sådan, at vi benytter RepairShopr som hovedprogram. Et eksempel vil være: Kunde kommer ind med en iPhone 5 skærm som er ødelagt: - Opretter kunden i RepairShopr ved skranken. - iPhonen bliver afleveret til teknikeren, som inde på RepairShopr kan se kunden i en ticket. - Teknikeren reparerer iPhonen, hvorefter han skriver en endelig pris på reparationen. - Kunden kommer og henter sin iPhone og betaler, dette foregår stadig i RepairShopr. Billy har dermed ikke været brugt i hele forløbet, men oply...
Skal bruge ca. 2 timers support på en hjemmeside jeg er igang med. timepris 300 kr.
Jeg har et wordpress site og fra tid til anden sker der automatiske opdateringer på sitet der skaber ændringer i udseende funktionaliteter etc. PT er der sket en opdatering der gør, at jeg ikke kan have forskellige billeder på siderne, men kun det samme billede på alle sider. Jeg har brug for support til dette og andre ting jeg ikke selv kan finde ud af at løse.. Se på:
Desktop support,Remote support, server support
Jeg kan ikke komme ind i WP, får denne besked: Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /var/www/ on line 21
. Vi ansætter en medarbejder i et særskilt opfordring til at arbejde for os ! Ingen erfaring, der kræves Arbejdet omfatter telefonopkald til og fra besøgende på vores hjemmeside til at søge denne stilling, så lad os først http: // www . og se, hvad slags virksomhed nyheder, vi er. For det andet, reagere på dette job med dit cv og et foretrukket tidspunkt, hvor du ønsker at starte. Vi betalte et godt stykke arbejde for medarbejderen til højre og . holdning er permanent Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig! Bemærk: kun leje gennem Nubelo!
we need opencart 2.0 full support and mobile phone whit out any code errors templates for online fashion stores. + Design a Logo and banner for the stores support language English and Dansk we need some think like and better look like : 1: 2: 3: We are open to all suggestions only answer me if you are 100% can do this this is 3 time i am sending this project to many mails still no one can make this 100%
We are a company searching for Danish native speakers to assist in the operation of an internet chat. We have already been running this project for some time, and in more than 10 countries. All software is web-based and training will be provided. Requirements: Native Danish in writing Available on Skype most of the day Computer with a fast internet connection Applicants must also have a good level of English At least 18 years old Ideal applicants should be reliable, flexible, and also open-minded, creative, Have a good sense of humor Available to work shift We make quick and prompt monthly payments.
Produkte eines bestehenden Shop's ins Google Merchant Center per API einfügen. We want to get existing products in our webshop available in Google Merchant Center via API.
Hejsa Jeg har skrevet til dig på oDesk, og fandt dig så også her. Er du interesseret i at hjælpe med at oversætte et website til hollandsk, samt en del mere, måske med fastansættelse ? Min e-mail er: support @ cyberfusion .dk - tlf 22 91 31 50 Håber at høre fra dig :) MVH Morten
...Simplify Complex Concepts: DNA testing can be a complex topic for many people. Your design should simplify and visually communicate key concepts such as genetic ancestry, health insights, and personalized recommendations in an easy-to-understand and appealing way. 2. Brand Alignment: The poster should align with GenoConnect’s brand identity—modern, trustworthy, innovative, and approachable. 3. Call to Action: The poster should encourage viewers to take action, such as visiting the GenoConnect website or ordering a DNA testing kit. 4. Deliver it today Key DNA Testing Concepts to Include: - Genetic Ancestry: Highlight how GenoConnect helps users discover their ethnic origins and family history. - Health Insights: Emphasize the ability to uncover genetic predisp...
I specialize in Bókun technical support, OTA integrations, and website development using Duda.
I'm seeking help with team communication, operational support and marketing assistance. Key Responsibilities: - Facilitate clear and effective communication within the team to ensure smooth project progress. - Provide administrative support and help establish processes and guidelines. Ideal Skills: - Excellent communication skills - Experience in project coordination - Administrative support experience - Familiarity with process establishment - Understanding of project management principles
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I'm in need of a skilled software developer to help with various tasks related to a mobile application. This application needs to support both iOS and Android platforms. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in cross-platform mobile app development - Experience with both iOS and Android - Strong software development background - Ability to handle various tasks Experience: - Previous work on mobile applications is crucial - Cross-platform projects in particular will be highly regarded - A portfolio showcasing successful mobile apps will be beneficial
Please apply only if you a...create two sections for a lead-generation landing page for businesses. This is just the start — I am seeking a long-term design partner or agency, with many more design needs to come. If you also have coding skills, that’s a big plus! If you can code, you'll definitely get more work in the future. Requirements: India-based designers only (Preference given to freelancers based in Chandigarh Tri-City area) Available for calls and future availability aligned with USA time Skills Needed: Expert in UI/UX Design with a strong understanding of modern design trends Proficient in Figma Strong knowledge of HTML/CSS, JavaScript, HubSpot, WordPress If you're passionate about delivering great design and ready for a long-term collaboration, ...
I'm looking to build a Crash Game, a popular gambling game, that can be seamlessly integrated into third-party websites via API. This game should be compatible with both web and mobile platforms, and support both iOS and Android operating systems. Key Requirements: - The game must be able to run smoothly on both web and mobile platforms. - Compatibility with both iOS and Android systems is a must. - The game should be integrated into third-party websites using API Integration. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in game development, particularly in creating gambling games. - Strong understanding of API Integration for seamless third-party website compatibility. - Expertise in cross-platform mobile and web development. Your expertise and experience will help bring...
I need assistance in raising $3,000 within 2 weeks for my GoFundMe campaign. The link to the page is: You can promote the link anywhere ethically and use any methods of promotion you see fit, including social media marketing, email campaigns, and content marketing. I have no existing promotional materials or assets, so you will need to be creative and resourceful in your efforts. The ideal freelancer for this project is someone who is experienced in online fundraising and has a track record of successful campaigns. Good luck!
...with accurate details (images, descriptions, pricing, tags, etc.). Ensure each product is properly categorized for easier navigation and searchability. Add any missing product variants (size, color, material, etc.). Update or add SEO-friendly titles, meta descriptions, and product URLs for better search ranking. Google Integration: Ensure that the Shopify store is connected to Google Merchant Center. Sync products with Google Shopping. Set up Google Feed if necessary to ensure products are being properly displayed in Google Search and Shopping. Resolve any issues related to product disapprovals or feed errors. SEO and Performance: Improve SEO on Shopify store (use tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console). Verify proper use of keywords, alt text for images, and schema...
I'm seeking a skilled developer well-versed in Bitcoin, Web3, and backend development. The task is to create an API that can generate Bitcoin addresses. Key Requirements: - The API must support address generation. - The API must use an API key for authentication. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Bitcoin and Web3. - Proficient in backend development. - Previous work on similar API development is a plus.
I'm in need of a seasoned social media marketing professional who can manage my digital ad campaigns across Google, Facebook, and Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Manage and optimize Google Ads campaigns, with a primary focus on Search Ads. - Develop and oversee Instagram Ads aimed at generating leads and sales. - Handle Facebook Ads to support overall campaign objectives. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in managing and optimising Google Ads, particularly Search Ads. - Experience in running Instagram Ads with a focus on lead generation and sales. - Expertise in Facebook Ads. - Strong understanding of social media marketing and digital advertising. - Excellent analytical skills to evaluate campaign performance and make necessary adjustments.
We are seeking a creative and experienced content writer to craft engaging and detailed lists on diver...without discussion. Conditions: Adherence to agreed deadlines is essential. Prior experience in writing detailed lists or similar content is preferred. Topics will be selected in coordination with the client to ensure relevance and quality. Benefits: Opportunity for long-term collaboration if work meets expectations. Flexibility to choose topics within agreed-upon guidelines. Ongoing support and feedback from the client to ensure high-quality output. If you possess the required skills and experience, please apply and include samples of your previous work, particularly lists or similar detailed articles. Confirm in your application that all your writing will be human-...
I'm looking for a motion design visual that will be used on social media to raise awareness for World Obesity Day. Master Visual: 1080 x 1080 px (for Facebook). Objective: Create a generic visual encouraging parents in Greater Nouméa to support their teenagers dealing with obesity by taking them to the Therapeutic Education Center. Example of message on the visual: ➡ « Aidez votre ado à grandir en bonne santé ! » ➡ « RDV au Centre d’éducation thérapeutique » Visual Brief: Highlight a collaborative aspect between the teenager and the healthcare professional (e.g., a friendly fist bump between the patient and the professional). The doctor should appear relaxed, wearing an open lab coat to convey appr... to make them more interactive and effective. I have several ideas that I want to implement, and I need someone with expertise in AI, app development, and augmented/mixed reality. --- ### *Tasks Required*: 1. *Camera-Based Learning App*: - Develop a smartphone app that uses the camera to recognize objects and display their names and pronunciation in Chinese. - The app should support features such as: - Image recognition using AI. - Displaying correct pronunciation of words. - Adding example sentences containing the word. - Suggested technologies: TensorFlow, OpenCV, or other suitable libraries. 2. *Augmented/Mixed Reality (Without Glasses)*: - Develop an augmented reality (AR) or mixed reality (MR) app that displays interacti...
...milestone achievements. - Enable in-app messaging to provide users with updates, tips, and rewards information. - Incorporate a referral program where users earn points for referring friends to join. - Add game-like elements such as levels, badges, and challenges to keep users engaged. - Integrate analytics to track user engagement and the effectiveness of the loyalty program. - Offer multi-language support to cater to a broader audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in creating interactive animations. - Experienced in loyalty program development. - Knowledgeable about cross-platform application development. - Able to integrate complex animations in a user-friendly manner. The animations should have a cartoonish style. The project should be completed within 6 mont...
Hello, I am looking for someone that has worked with the Meta/Facebook/IG Graph API to build a consumer facing app where multiple users can login and interact with my application and perform tasks that call the API. NO AI BOT RESPONSES ALLOWED Answer both question in your proposal.... 1) Have you used the FB Graph API in the past and for what? 2) Will you sign an NDA
...looking for an experienced developer to create an in-browser rich text editor with a virtual keyboard. The editor will need to support the following: - Platforms: It should function seamlessly across both Desktop and mobile platforms (Android and iOS), without triggering the mobile keyboard on these devices. A smooth user experience is crucial. - Download Options: Users should be able to download their edited content in both Image and PDF formats. - Text Formatting: The editor must provide basic text formatting options such as Bold, Italics, and Underline. - Color Options: Options to change the text color - Text Alignment: Options to align text to the left, center, or right. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in JavaScript and experience building cross-platfo...
I'm looking for an expert in Laravel to help me add multilanguage support to my website. The site is currently hosted on c-panel and needs to detect user location for language preference. Project Details: - The site should support Spanish, German, and Dutch. - Language detection should be automatic based on user location. - No need for language-specific URL structures. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Laravel - Experience with multilanguage website integration - Knowledge of c-panel hosting Please, only bid if you can deliver this service effectively and promptly.
We are looking for a skilled healthcare business development professional who can assist with generating B2B sales leads for our Remote Nurse and In-house Nurse Placement Company. An under...primary industry targeted for lead generation will be healthcare. Please provide weekly reports on lead generation performance and conversion rates. Weekly reports on lead generation performance and conversion rates will be discussed in a video call. The primary geographical region for lead generation will be North America. The project duration is estimated to be 3-6 months. The weekly target for lead generation is less than 50 leads. Weekly reports will be submitted via email. The focus will be on targeting private clinics for lead generation. Video call discussions will be conducted via...
I'm looking to develop an app that connects small content creators on various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. The idea is to help these creators grow their online presence by exchanging follows, likes, and comments. Key Requirements: - The app should support Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. - It must facilitate interactions such as follows, likes, and comments. - Users will authenticate their accounts through manual input, so the app needs to be user-friendly and secure. - The app should have push notifications to alert users of new interactions, follows, likes, and comments. - There should be a feature to report abuse or spam to ensure a healthy community. - Include an in-app messaging feature to allow users to communicate with one another. - A...