How much should i charge for a freelance logo designJobs
Jeg er en importør af tjekkisk kvalitets øl, vine, cidere, mm. og søger en fantastisk freelance sælger, der kan opsøge nye kunder og skabe gentagende salg af mine produkter. Sælgeren skal have interesse i at lære produkterne at kende, så de kan præsenteres på den bedste måde, skal kunne gennemskue kundernes behov, navigere i eksklusivitets aftaler (f.eks. med Royal Unibrew, Carlsberg og lign.), skabe tryghed og nysgerrighed hos kunder, så de bestiller jævnligt og bliver sultne efter mere. Produkterne er af høj kvalitet og til konkurrence dygtige priser. Jeg er på udkig efter en sælger, der kan tjene sig selv ind de anbefalede (mindst) 4 gange og jeg er selvfølg...
I am trying to set up a tiling shop and have the product page and ordering process similar to: or What's important: - Price entry in the backend should be in m² - We should display the price of m² and the price of a box with its contents. - The visitor will enter the surface he needs, it will be rounded up to the next number of boxes that cover that area. - Or he will enter the number of boxes and see how much that is in terms of area. - Both fields are interconnected. - Show the total cost of his order. I will give you more details via chat if needed. I am really looking for someone with good english who can understand the
The specs for this project are Wordpress based / Editable in the backend of the site Fast in google page speed insights Goal is under 2 seconds on all pages WP rocket + CACHING + MINIMISE PICTURES Features Videos Picture slides Animation videos Editable text Editable pictures Editable blocks Editable logos Create unique URLS - SEO wise Design wishes 14 different logos containing the name of each “BRAND name” FIGMA only / UX optimizing just like on FIGMA project Requirements WORDPRESS BASED Able to connect up with our DIV - contact formular on - FROM OUR BACKEND DEVELOPER (RoR Ruby On Rails) It should always be possible to load external JS as the current one is based on, so I don't think they can make something that won't work with th...
...this website for your reference: I want to make a "page" like this one, at my Magento 1.6 store. Check where in my website this most works: How you can see the reference link, is much better to costumer choose what he needs. Some details: - pay attention on the picture with number, the costumer can choose what part he need and add directly to shooping cart - the list of parts showing, you can see: Position, Stock Code (I do not need this one), Product Name, Pack Qty( I do no need this one), Price, Quantity and Total - you can choose differents products and "add to Cart" with only one click. - I expect you code
Bigo live bot How much is the price of the live broadcast viewer bot you have made and can I see a demo sample video?
??Frihed og gode indtjeningsmuligheder ?? Hos Boergesen Consult oplever vi stor tilvækst af nye projekter. Derfor søger vi freelance konsulenter til mødebooking på flere projekter. Hold dig ikke tilbage med at ansøge hvis du kan se dig selv i flg. ? Har et stort drive og gåpåmod. ? Har erfaring med mødebooking. ? Har et positivt mindset. ? Har en struktureret tilgang. ? Kan operere freelance. ⏰ Kan arbejde min. 25 timer/ugen. Vi kan tilbyder. ? 105-145€ pr. Booket møde. ? Remote: Arbejd hvor du vil. ? Din foretning, dine arbejdstider. ? Løbende rådgivning og sparring. ⚖️ Opretholdelse af udgifter til ringesystem. Vi ser frem til at hører fra dig.
Vi søger en phoner til løbende validering af vores kunder. Der er IKKE tale om decideret salg. 1. Vi modtager dagligt vores kundeemner i vores system. 2. Du ringer og validerer kundens data. 3. Du skriver en kort beskrivelse af kundens ønsker, behov og tidshorisont mm. 4. Du følger løbende op på alle sager. Du får login til vores system og adgang til vores kunder. Du betales pr. time. Du arbejder hjemmefra og får telefon stillet til rådighed. 15-20 timer pr. uge. 120 kr/time på faktura, så du skal have CVR nummer. Simpel beskrivelse, men skriv eller ring og vi kan uddybe nærmere
...plugin is needed is related to a lady who is a sexworker. If you have moral issues with this, then the job is not for you. I would like to encourage females to place a bid. Skills count for more than gender in the end, though. But women ROCK! ;) I will need something visual and/or clickable since I do not speak "tech" at all. It's like reading Mandarin or Swahili to me. Must work in the WP theme Astra. I can't provide link just yet to the Astra theme, since the developer is unavailable for a few days. We can buy the PRO version if needed. Go to The site is in danish, but the functions will be more or less the same. The job is ONLY for the price calculator with the green slider...
VI søger freelance phonere til validering af vores kundeemner. Der er IKKE tale om decideret salgsopsøgende opkald.
Jeg overvejer at skifte min fuld tids redigerings-gut ud med en freelance ordning. Du skal være dygtig til at redigere og dygtig til grading. Du skal kunne tale dansk. Min hjemmeside er
I forbindelse med opgave, skal vi have en bærende dæk modificeret, hvorfor vi søger en freelance statiker til at beregne en løsning.
Jeg har et lille firma som søger en freelance sælger til at hjælpe med at finde flere kunder. Jeg sælger tandlægeinstrumenter til B2B firma i hele Europa. DVS sælger kunne tale engelsk og med fordele flere forskellige europæiske sprog.
...portal i .Net Kunden skal implementerer en ny B2B portal. Det er en meget vigtig forretningsmæssig opgave som skal implementeres hen over 2018. Den bliver bygget fra grunden, men på kundens tekniske .Net rammeværk/fundament. Primære kompetence: Da vi har mange snitflader har vi behov for en udadvendt og kommunikerende person der ikke har problemer med at holde en del bolde i luften på samme tid. Konsulenten skal også være selvkørende og gerne have arbejdet agilt før. Faglige kvalifikationer: Skal være 100 meter mester i Angular4, men også meget gerne have forståelse for/udviklet lidt i .Net Erfaring: Meget gerne med lignende opgaver hen over de sidste par &ar...
Vi søger freelance konsulenter til telefonisk fra egen lokation eller vort kontor at arrangere møder indenfor forsikring, IT og reklame. Der faktureres fra din side, når mødet er gennemført. Provisionen er en procentuel del af vor pris for mødet. Vi arbejder ud fra etiske retningslinier, f.eks. at vores organisation skal være så transparent som muligt. Derfor er de priser vi tager for møderne selvfølgelig frit tilgængelige for dig som samarbejdspartner. Vi har brug for både dansk-, engelsk- og svensk talende personale. Vi sørger for al software, softphone og holder personalemøde [Removed for encouraging offsite communication which is against our Te...
Hej, Vi søger lige nu et par freelance transskribenter, der kan varetage transskriberingsopgaver for vores danske kunder. Det drejer sig om en stilling, hvor du i høj grad selv kan tilrettelægge dine arbejdstider, men vi forventer selvfølgelig at du er stand til at møde de realistiske deadlines vi præsenterer. Det er et krav at du kan deltage i et Skype interview (eller eventuelt pr telefon), og du må meget gerne inkludere hvornår det passer dig bedst i dit bud. Efterfølgende vil vi gerne give dig et kort testinterview (5 minutter), for at vurdere dit sprogniveau såvel som hvorledes du varetager opgaven (i forhold til formaliteter, men det giver dig også muligheden ... komplet rework, og dertil leder vi efter en freelance web developer som vi kan hyre på timebasis, og som også om nødvendigt vil være i stand til at assistere os med platformen efter endt opgave. Siden er tiltænkt at være i stand til at oprette/håndtere brugere med tilhørende profiler som kan se/uploade/downloade filer, tage imod betaling fra Paypal, kredit kort, etc. og ikke mindst håndtere hele funktionaliteten af hjemmesiden - at processere billeder/videoer med en algoritme vi besidder. Dette indebærer ligeledes at fremvise data i forskellig grafform. Backenden behandler allerede billederne/videoerne. Dette gøres ved at placere dem i en bestemt mappe på den VPS, hvorp...
Jeg søger en skribent til at skrive eller genskrive...en skribent til at skrive eller genskrive 5-10 artikler (på dansk). Artiklerne er til og for virksomheden Er du blogger må de færdige artikler også gerne ligge på din blog, men er formålet er at bruge dem på sitet nævnt ovenfor. Jeg har materialet der skal genskrives/omskrives, for at gøre opgaven nemmere. Emnerne omhandler i grove træk: Freelance arbejde, Voice-overs, Video animation, Logo design, Digital networking, samt andre lignende emner. Det handler om primært at holde fokus på emnerne, men med en mild præsentation af sitet som nævnt ovenfor (For de af emnern...
Jeg skal bruge freelancerer til dette job, som er klar på at være med i et stort netværk. I dette netværk skal det være muligt for kunder at udstede opgaver til freelancerne. Det som så skal være det smarte er at det bliver muligt at byde på opgaven og modtage flere 100 jobs om dagen.
I Robert/Boisen & Like-minded leder efter en talentfuld social media manager. I første omgang til et konkret projekt, vi har for en kunde. Hvis det går godt, kan vores samarbejde udvikle sig til mere. Du er god til at formulere dig på dansk, har marketingerfaring og minimum 2 års erfaring med at være social media manager i den professionelle verden. Hvis du kan nikke til det, vil vi gerne høre fra dig snarest.
Vi leder efter en Articulate freelance medarbejder til ca. 1-2 måneders projektansættelse. Et krav er, at du har stor erfaring med Articulate samt kan arbejde fra vores adresse i Aarhus C.
. Vi ansætter en medarbejder i et særskilt opfordring til at arbejde for os ! Ingen erfaring, der kræves Arbejdet omfatter telefonopkald til og fra besøgende på vores hjemmeside til at søge denne stilling, så lad os først http: // www . og se, hvad slags virksomhed nyheder, vi er. For det andet, reagere på dette job med dit cv og et foretrukket tidspunkt, hvor du ønsker at starte. Vi betalte et godt stykke arbejde for medarbejderen til højre og . holdning er permanent Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig! Bemærk: kun leje gennem Nubelo!
Vi er en nye fodbold site, der netop er gået i luften, og vi beskæftiger os med odds på fodbold. I den forbindelse søger vi fodboldinteresserede og skriveglade blogger til at give deres tips på aktuelle kampe. Hjemmesiden er en dansk version af , og du kan få lov til selv at vælge hvilke kampe du ønsker at skrive om samt hvor mange. Vi søger fodboldinteresserede, researchstærke skriverkarle, så hvis du kan nikke genkendende til det, så søge endelig. Vi aflønner per tip samt for en oversættelse af et tip, så du kan selv vælge hvor meget du vil tjene og hvor meget du vil arbejde. Det er det perfekte freelance job for boldnørden, der dr&o...
Need freelancer for Coolgen in Mainframe
Jeg ejer og driver portalen "NFS - Netværk For Singler" () som idag tæller over 2.400 medlemmer i alderen 30-50 år. Portalen er IKKE en dating portal, men drevet af events, hvor medlemmet kan logge ind og oprette og/eller deltage i forskellige arrangementer, og møde mennesker "the old fashioned way" :) som jeg meget tror på er den rigtige vej til et godt netværk! Og da alle medlemmerne jo er singler, så sker det selvfølgelig at sød musik opstår når man mødes, men portalen har altså alle formål indenfor netværk - nyt job, nogle at fejre jul med, finde en sportsmakker osv. Det jeg behøver, er en initiativrig og fantasifuld freelance market...
Vi søger en organiseret, arbejdsom og veltalende oversætter, som har perfekt grammatik og kan overholde deadlines. Vi er en mode-orienteret e-handel virksomhed fra Danmark, som specialiserer sig i designer solbriller og briller, og vi søger en freelance skribent til at hjælpe os med at oversætte detaljerede beskrivelser af brands/produkter til vores hjemmeside fra engelsk til dansk. Projektinformation: 1. Projektlængden er 5-7 uger (kan forhandles) 2. 30.000 - 50.000 ord 3. Flydende dansk er et krav 4. Evne til at arbejde selvstændigt med en positiv attitude 5. Evne til selv at prioritere arbejdet og overholde deadlines 6. Grundlæggende kendskab til SEO er et plus 7. Stærke computerfærdigheder og stor erf...
I'm looking for a freelance sales executive to work across all major cities in Tamilnadu. This role involves selling physical products in the consumer goods and healthcare sectors. Key Responsibilities: - Generating leads - Closing sales The ideal candidate should have a proven track record in sales, preferably within the specified industries. Experience in reaching and exceeding sales targets is a must.
...of a unique eco-friendly housing project upon its completion. Key aspects of the project: - This isn't just a real estate development; it's a commitment to promoting a healthy lifestyle. - The estate will be designed with abundant access to green spaces, encouraging physical activity and offering a clean, sustainable living environment. - I'm looking to highlight the community benefits of this project as well, alongside its sustainability features. The ideal freelancer for this project will have a strong marketing background, with experience in real estate and sustainability. Your creativity will be key in crafting a compelling title that resonates with potential investors. PROJECT DESCRIPTION LETTER: Dear Inte...
I'm looking for a Woocommerce expert to help me tweak the Deposits plugin. The goal is to make the balance payment customizable, with the inclusion of a delivery charge (previously agreed upon with the customer) that gets added to the final payment. Key Requirements: - Modify Woocommerce Deposits to allow customizable balance payments. - Implement a system for adding a delivery charge to the balance payment. - Ensure the delivery charge is added before the final payment. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Woocommerce and its plugins, particularly the Deposits plugin. - Strong understanding of the WooCommerce payment process. - Excellent coding skills for WordPress/WooCommerce customization.
I am seeking a freelance UI designer for a customer support-focused CRM software. The ideal candidate will possess a deep understanding of modern and minimalist design principles, ensuring the software is user-friendly yet sleek. The project entails: - Designing a desktop-centric UI that caters to customer support needs, with an emphasis on simplicity and efficiency. - Implementing a modern and minimalist aesthetic, balancing functionality with an uncluttered, stylish interface. Experience with UI design for software, particularly CRM or customer support tools, is highly preferred. Proficiency in design software and a keen eye for detail are essential for this role.
...Expert for Tencent Game Localization (English > Malay Translator/Editor) ▼Pair: The Source Language is English while the Target Language is Malay. ▼Recruited by: Sichuan Lan-bridge Information Technology Co., Ltd (Hereinafter referred to as Language Bridge) ▼Industry: Game ▼Type: Remote, Part-time or full-time ★★★ Characteristic Benefits ★★★ ①Long-term and stable job, ②Competitive salary package, ③On-time salary payout, ④Self-developed information management platform that accurately records workload and salary payment, ⑤Comfortable and free remote work environment, ⑥ Fun work of testing and translating games, ⑦Peers having the same hobbies in games, ⑧Sincere and friendly communication. ● About Tencent Games And Us ○ The localization team of Tencent Games has entrusted us to ...
Hello, I have been working in data annotation for almost 3 years, gaining extensive experience in annotations. This makes me a valuable addition to your team. In addition, I have much experience in image annotation, segmentation, bounding boxes, polygons, key points, 2D and 3D annotations, and even LIDAR annotations. Tools: CVAT Roboflow LabelImg Labelbox VGG Doccano Label Studio Annotation Solutions: Bounding Boxes Image annotation Object labeling/tagging Semantic Segmentation Polygons Annotation/masks Polylines Annotation Key Points annotation Sentiment, Text & Topic Analysis Image classification and categorization Object Tracking Data Annotation ...
I'm seeking a skilled freelance Python developer for a short-term project. The primary task involves fixing bugs in our system. If the individual performs well, the project duration may extend. Key Responsibilities: - Identifying and fixing database-related bugs - Troubleshooting and resolving backend bugs Ideal Candidate: - Strong proficiency in Python - Experience with Python Libraries, Postgres, Django, Heroku, and AWS - Ability to deliver high-quality code within tight deadlines - Good problem-solving skills and attention to detail
▼Job Title: Language Expert for Tencent Game Localization (English > Japanese Translator/Editor) ▼Pair: The Source Language is English while the Target Language is Japanese. ▼Recruited by: Sichuan Lan-bridge Information Technology Co., Ltd (Hereinafter referred to as Language Bridge) ▼Industry: Game ▼Type: Remote, Part-time or full-time ★★★ Characteristic Benefits ★★★ ①Long-term and stable job, ②Competitive salary package, ③On-time salary payout, ④Self-developed information management platform that accurately records workload and salary payment, ⑤Comfortable and free remote work environment, ⑥ Fun work of testing and translating games, ⑦Peers having the same hobbies in games, ⑧Sincere and friendly communication. ● About Tencent Games And Us ○ The localization team of Tencent Ga...
▼Job Title: Language Expert for Tencent Game Localization (English > Indonesian Translator/Editor) ▼Pair: The Source Language is English while the Target Language is Indonesian. ▼Recruited by: Sichuan Lan-bridge Information Technology Co., Ltd (Hereinafter referred to as Language Bridge) ▼Industry: Game ▼Type: Remote, Part-time or full-time ★★★ Characteristic Benefits ★★★ ①Long-term and stable job, ②Competitive salary package, ③On-time salary payout, ④Self-developed information management platform that accurately records workload and salary payment, ⑤Comfortable and free remote work environment, ⑥ Fun work of testing and translating games, ⑦Peers having the same hobbies in games, ⑧Sincere and friendly communication. ● About Tencent Games And Us ○ The localization team of Tencen...
...Expert for Tencent Game Localization (English > Burmese Translator/Editor) ▼Pair: The Source Language is English while the Target Language is Burmese. ▼Recruited by: Sichuan Lan-bridge Information Technology Co., Ltd (Hereinafter referred to as Language Bridge) ▼Industry: Game ▼Type: Remote, Part-time or full-time ★★★ Characteristic Benefits ★★★ ①Long-term and stable job, ②Competitive salary package, ③On-time salary payout, ④Self-developed information management platform that accurately records workload and salary payment, ⑤Comfortable and free remote work environment, ⑥ Fun work of testing and translating games, ⑦Peers having the same hobbies in games, ⑧Sincere and friendly communication. ● About Tencent Games And Us ○ The localization team of Tencent Games has entrusted us...
...looking for an experienced freelance web developer/designer to create an e-commerce website for our pet apparel and accessories brand. The website should be visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for performance on both desktop and mobile devices. E-Commerce Functionality: Integration of a secure payment gateway (e.g., Razorpay, cashfreepayments etc) Shopping cart, product filters, and search functionality. Product categories (e.g., pet apparel, pet accessories). User registration/login and order tracking system. Features: Responsive design for mobile and desktop. SEO optimization for better search engine visibility. Social media integration for easy sharing and promotion. Basic analytics integration (e...
...develop an app for the good of humanity. I'm not a rich man. I have a heart for the Lord and simply want to develop an app that will be foundational in nurturing the Christian Faith. If you ask me for more money, I will not reply. I've stated what I'm willing to pay and yes I know you're worth 4x that to develop the app, but I don't have that kind of money. If God calls you to help, he will bless you. If you imagine the app will be successful, then help and you'll be hired as the CTO. If you need to pay rent fast, please find another job that pays better and faster. Thanks If you don't believe in the webapp or are not Christians, please save yourself and don't respond to this post...
I'm looking for a simple, minimalist poly bag design for my clothing brand. The design will primarily utilize a black and white color palette. Key Elements of the Design: - Incorporation of my brand logo - Inclusion of my tagline or slogan The project is straightforward and should not take much time at all. Ideal skills for this project include graphic design, brand development understanding, and experience with packaging design. A portfolio showcasing minimalistic designs, particularly in monochrome, would be advantageous.
I'm looking to establish a website aimed at helping students find freelance job opportunities. The primary goal of this website is facilitating employment for students who might struggle financially. Key Features: - A database of freelance job listings tailored for students. - User-friendly interface to cater to students with varying levels of tech-savviness. - Option for students to create profiles showcasing their skills and availability. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in web development, preferably with experience in creating job portals or platforms. Understanding of the freelance industry and its job market is a plus.
More details: Is this project for business or personal use? For starting a new enterprise What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Experience How soon do you need your project completed? within 2-3 months
Description: We are seeking a highly skilled and creative graphic designer with 3-4 years of professional experience in: • Brochure and Flyer Design • Packaging Design • Logo Design and Branding Requirements: • Proficiency in CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator (AI), and Photoshop. • A strong sense of design aesthetics and an impressive font collection. • Proven ability to create modern, innovative, and visually striking designs. • A portfolio showcasing expertise in the required areas. Who Should Apply: • Designers who are passionate about their craft and pay attention to detail. • Professionals capable of meeting deadlines with creativity and precision. Job Type: Freelance...
About the Role: We are looking for an experienced recruiter to help us find a skilled Azure Data Engineer Technical Trainer/Tutor who can deliver high-quality training to our clients. This role requires candidates with a strong technical background and a passion for teaching. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience in Azure data engineering and training delivery. What We Need From You as a Recruiter: Identify and vet qualified freelance or contract candidates who meet the following job requirements. Manage the recruitment process, from sourcing to presenting a shortlist of top candidates. Ensure candidates are skilled and motivated to handle the responsibilities outlined below. Candidate Responsibilities (For...
Description: I am looking for a freelancer who is an expert in and has experience connecting it to major platforms. Project Details: I need a connection between and Twitter (X). The goal is to upload posts (ideally including photos) from to Twitter. I am using the free version of , so I need to know if this is possible within the limits of the free plan. If this is feasible with the free version, it should be a straightforward task for an expert. I would like to complete the setup via a web conference with screen sharing. Additional Info: I already set up connections for Instagram and Facebook, so I have a basic understanding of the process. We need to focus specifically on th...
I am looking for someone to help promote my GoFundMe and ultimately reach it's goal. This will primarily involve crafting and sending donation appeals to potential donors. Must have Skills: -digital marketing, any marketing. -access to active donors and philanthropists -Campaign goal of 75000 must be reached. No milestones or funds will be advanced. Only upon successful goal of 75000 reached will the payout be released regardless of amount of work put in, it is your expertise I am hiring. The payout will be large for your hard work. But working on contingency is my only option. I have invested to much in fake digital marketers and scammers. Please do not propose if you do not have the experience nor accept this difficult task. If you are co...
I'm seeking someone to perform a code review on an app that's currently being built. The focus should primarily be on the code structure and organization. This initial task will only require a couple of hours of work, but if I am satisfied with your performance, there is a potential for much more work in the future, as this is a large project. You will need to: - Perform a code review, focusing on the structure and organization of the code. - Possibly carry out a small amount of other tasks. The app is being built using JavaScript/React. A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is ready for you to sign if you are serious about taking on the work. Ideal skills for this job include: - Expertise in...
I'm seeking a freelance designer to create a professional, corporate-styled Business Planning Booklet. The project entails: - Designing an editable PowerPoint or high-resolution PDF booklet. - Using provided black-and-white content slides. - Creating a visually appealing cover page. - Formatting tables in a well-structured, professional manner. - Delivering a first draft by either January 12th or 13th, including a sample graph. Key areas of focus: - Overall layout of the booklet. - Ensuring tables primarily serve the purpose of a Departmental Scorecard. Photos for the design will be provided. Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio of similar work, with a clear ability to adhere to a c...
Project Overview: We are seeking a skilled and experienced blog writer or team of writers to rewrite 4000 existing articles from a source website. The goal is to create 4000 entirely new, unique, and plagiarism-free articles for publication on our website. The rewritten content must maintain the original meaning and factual accuracy of the source material while sounding natural, engaging, and human-written. We want to avoid any robotic or AI-generated tone. Project Scope: Content Volume: 4000 articles Source Material: Provided in CSV format (containing article titles and content). Deliverables: 4000 rewritten articles in a specified format (e.g., .docx, .txt, or directly into a WordPress staging environment – to be discussed). Content Requirement...
We’re Looking for an Exceptional Animator & Illustrator! We’re on the hunt for a talented creative to bring our animal mascot to life! This character will be central to our brand, featuring on our website, social media, explainer videos, and more, embodying our playful, energetic, and approachable spirit. This isn’t just about animation—it’s about crafting a character with personality and charm, using a vibrant, modern 2D animation style that connects with our audience and brings our brand to life. What We’re Looking For - Proficiency in 2D animation - Experience with character design and brand animation - Ability to maintain a consistent style across platforms - A creative mindset that...
I have around 500 jpegs of scanned photographs. Each scan can contain multiple photos. I want to separate the photos out to be individual files and touch up the photos to restore quality as much as possible. Please note the specific requirements for this project: - Custom Naming: Each photo should be named using a a variation of the original scanned file's name. - Moderate Restoration: For the majority of the photos the level of touch-up required is moderate. This involves removing minor scratches and blemishes, but does not require detailed retouching or repair of major damage. - Final Format: The final individual photos should all be delivered in PNG format. Ideal candidates for this project should have p...