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Hello everyone Who Can find expired domains for these websites
I must have made a chat robot that can answer chats in a chat program automatically, it must be able to keep a conversation running via chat gpt or similar AI, it must be able to speak both Danish, English and Norwegian. It must be able to answer the texts itself in the window where the text is to be written I has to be able to read previous chats and answers on the website
...looking for a content creator who can help me create engaging content for my social media platforms, specifically Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and media accounts are for our mobile application named Sosiro, we want content to target expats and motivate them to download the app, we prefer video-based posts that can capture the attention of my audience. Videos need to have cover photo too. Requirements: - Experience in creating video content for social media platforms. - Knowledge of the latest trends and techniques in video editing. - Ability to create content that aligns with my brand's image and values. - Strong storytelling and creative skills to engage and captivate the audience. - Excellent time management skills to ensure content is posted ...
I like you to teach me online how to solve two issues with my homepage made in Yootheme. I imagene, that I/you share screen and you talk me though. I guess It will take around 1 hour. This is the homepage: This is the tasks that I need to have solved: 1) I like to have a Trustpilot logo on top of the video. Just like they do here: I have the trustpilologo in png format I have tried one suggested solution online, but then my Header also get transparent, I do not wish that. 2) I like to learn how to make one element, that I can copy to different location - but I only need to make changes one place. The element should have one "mother" so to speak. The four boxes on the front page with Begravelse, bistættelse...
Hej Susanne Jeg kunne se at du befinder dig i Aarhus. Jeg søger en aflyser til en Company Day hvor vi skal rekrutere en praktikant fra Erhvervsskolen i Aarhus. Det er på onsdag fra kl.13.30 til 15.30. Det handler om at være tilstede fysisk på erhvervskolen sammen med en del andre virksomheder, og forklare de studerende der kommer forbi standeren hvad vi søger og lidt om virksomheden og vores kontakt oplysninger. Kunne du være interesseret i opgaven?
Jeg kunne se at du befinder dig i Aarhus og kontakter dig fordi jeg søger en aflyser til en Company Day hvor vi skal rekrutere en praktikant fra Erhvervsskolen i Aarhus. Det er på onsdag fra kl.13.30 til 15.30. Det handler om at være tilstede fysisk på erhvervskolen sammen med en del andre virksomheder, og forklare de studerende der kommer forbi standeren hvad vi søger og lidt om virksomheden og vores kontakt oplysninger. Kunne du være interesseret i opgaven?
...fix a few minor issues on my website. The website is running on wordpress and woocommerce. My theme installed is Deasil Travel theme My website is I need the following things sorted: 1 - I have several pages like this ex. where there is no header image shown. I need this to be fixed, so that every page like that, is showing the same top header image similar to this 2 - All my tours is created as products in wordpress Ex. Under the tab "Dagsprogram" I want for each day shown, be able to add a shortcode for the Image Carousel plugin from shortcode ultimate. 3 - On the frontpage I have a seach
I have a simple custom indicator in thinkorswim and need converted for tradovate. I hope you have knowledge of trading software. Must start and finish within a few hours. Here is code from thinkorswim that needs to be converted input RiskUnit = 150; input buffer = .00; input digits = 0; def price = close(priceType = ); def candleRangeBull = price - low + buffer; def candleRangeBear = high - price + buffer; def BullRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBull); def BearRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBear); def BullRisk1 = rounddown(Bullrisk, digits); def BearRisk1 = rounddown(Bearrisk, digits); def o = open; AddLabel(yes, "Risk: " + AsDollars(RiskUnit) + " Ele : "+ (if price > o then BullRisk1 else BearRisk1), if price >...
I need this article to rank top 5 on google. It is currently ranking page two. This is a no cure no pay job. When it is there. I will pay. Got cheated to many times by people promising results demanding a monthly fee and nothing ha+pend after one year.
I have a non-profit hulporganisation.
...portal in .Net The customer will implement a new B2B portal. It is a very important business task to be implemented over 2018. It is being built from scratch, but at the customer's technical .Net framework / foundation. Primary competence: Since we have many sections, we need an outgoing and communicating person who does not have trouble managing several tasks at the same time. The freelancer must also be self-employed and have worked agile before. Professional qualifications: Must be champion in Angular4, but also very much appreciated / developed a little in .Net Experience: Very happy with similar tasks over the last couple of years. Duration: 9 months, full time. A total of 155 hours per month. The fr...
UI/UX Web Designer for a Desktop & Mobile App (10 hours/week) I’m looking for someone with a lot of experience with UI/UX of Desktop and Mobile Web Apps and a passion for working on a large scale application. We’re working on a productivity software that offers a simple but very effective twist on how people work with Mail, ToDo Lists, Calendars and the like. Opportunity: Work as a Designer with me and our team on a new productivity app called ‘blacksteak’ (project name) that will help thousands of people be more productive and will make work with EMail, Todo Lists, Calendars, etc. fun again.
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'iPad design for an APP - "the undertakers"'
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Design 3 Characters for website'
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Edit steel color'
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Design et Logo'
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Design a logo'
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Lav en Video'
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Design en T-Shirt'
Logo for my homepages (developing, programming) (Football) (bookkeeper) (pain) (detoxing)
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Logo for app and website'
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Lav en Video'
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Homepage for Nano Dry Wash - Waterless Car Wash in Denmark - deadline by 3/21/15'
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Design a Logo for our Academy'
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Design a Logo - ND Creative Solutions'
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Design et Logo'
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Adjusting 2 book covers and upload on Create space today'
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Create a logo for web, business cards etc.'
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Make brochure'
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Design a logo for a SandBlasting company (FAST)'
Work for facebook. Work for facebook. Work for facebook. Work for facebook. Work for facebook. Work for facebook.
Jeg har vedvarende arbejde med relation til vores tidligere projekt 'I need some design work. '
Jeg har vedvarende arbejde med relation til vores tidligere projekt '<font color="#FF0000"><b>Deleted</b></font> project #7247488'
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt '3D model and high res render to flatten with 2d image'
poster for online posts 3 pictures Bold
We are a company searching for Danish native speakers to assist in the operation of an internet chat. We have already been running this project for some time, and in more than 10 countries. All software is web-based and training will be provided. Requirements: Native Danish in writing Available on Skype most of the day Computer with a fast internet connection Applicants must also have a good level of English At least 18 years old Ideal applicants should be reliable, flexible, and also open-minded, creative, Have a good sense of humor Available to work shift We make quick and prompt monthly payments.
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