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Danish Recording Project We have a project, that needs Native Danish speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1166 short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without an echo. 2. Each person Price is 40$ for 1166 short sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure. I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :
I am looking for a content creator who can help me create engaging content for my social media platforms, specifically Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and media accounts are for our mobile application named Sosiro, we want content to target expats and motivate them to download the app, we prefer video-based posts that can capture the attention of my audience. Videos need to have cover photo too. Requirements: - Experience in creating video content for social media platforms. - Knowledge of the latest trends and techniques in video editing. - Ability to create content that aligns with my brand's image and values. - Strong storytelling and creative skills to engage and captivate the audience. - Excellent time management skills to ensure content is posted once a day. If you have
Hey We have a very simple video tracking project. Please read everything before you apply for this! The file i have attached is a screenshot of a video, just to show what i am talking about! What i need you to do. - Link to download the video file: - I would like you to change the name on the town sign. (ex. Instead of Aarhus as the screenshot. Make it "Charlottenlund") - The list of names we would like you to make: (Only town names, not the numbers) 1. Charlottenlund 2. Kastrup 3. Odense 4. Sønderborg 5. Kolding 6. Randers 7. Frederikshavn 8. Holstebro 9. Esbjerg 10. Roskilde 11. Næstved
Integración de software de seguimiento de vehículos/flotas (Webfleet) con software de optimización de rutas.
I am trying to set up a tiling shop and have the product page and ordering process similar to: or What's important: - Price entry in the backend should be in m² - We should display the price of m² and the price of a box with its contents. - The visitor will enter the surface he needs, it will be rounded up to the next number of boxes that cover that area. - Or he will enter the number of boxes and see how much that is in terms of area. - Both fields are interconnected. - Show the total cost of his order. I will give you more details via chat if needed. I am really looking for someone with good english who can understand the
...the following translated from the box in the right hand side ex. Category = Kategori Location = Destination Grade = Indkvarteringsniveau Days = Antal dage Nights = Antal nætter 6 - On this page I need the following translated Read more = Læs mere 7 - All the products in the different product overviews shows with the text "Bestil tilbud" this should be changed to "Læs mere" ex. 8 - Under each product there is also an button with the text "Bestil tilbud" - this should continue having this name. 9 - In the left hand side of all product overviews ex. - There is the box named Indkvarteringsniveau....
...need a reliable programmer to a specific project + future projects on same site. First task is mainly in shopify and mailchimp. It's on the site: Good English language skills are important for future good communication. 1. Set up mailchimp so its ready to use. There need to be a pop up on the front page where people can sign up for the newsletter. Text for signup box needs to be simple with the same colours as the website. Title: Nyhedsbrev Text: Tilmeld dig og få adgang til eksklusive tilbud og deals. 2. I need a banner in the top of the website with the following text: Lagersalg! Vibeke Klint tæpper fra NORDICMODERN, Sted: Nordicmodern, Søllerødvej 111, 2840 Holte. Åbningstider: Lørdag d. 2. april kl. 10-15 & S&osla...
A new hosting company is arising from Scandinavia, and are looking for a Lead Designer who can control and engage in the Wordpress theme setup and functional design. The Website is supposed to be multilangual, by using WPML, and the control panel for the Hosting services is supposed to be build into Wordpress. For the sake of this, the designer will be required to think outside the box, and be able to work from a framework-thinking. The Wordpress tool WHMCS is not part of the project. Find ideas from:
...will be "jumping" prices, not generic. Like postal code 0 to 2500 is base price, 2501 to 2700 plus 100kr, 2701-4000 plus 200kr, 4001-4300 plus 300, 4301-4999 plus 400 and over a certain postal it will only be possible to chose 2 hours for example. The number of "minimum hours for your postal code" should be a separate output just like the price result An alternative input is needed too. An empty box/line where the postal code can be typed in and the calculation will be given without the slider. You can find an example of this here: Scroll down to the pink header saying "Kom din pris lidt nærmere.." There is the direct input to type in as an example. The data will have to be provided by us, so just use example numbers.
...Udvikling og implementering Plecto, som er et software til visualisering af data, der hjælper virksomheden og medarbejderne med at få et indblik i deres performance. Det er et stofware system som skal tilkobles en masse APIér og hvor koder skal sættes op i Plecto for at opnå det ønskede output (data). Freelancer/Konsulent: Vi sørger en der kan udføre HELE processen, således at Plecto bliver et software vi kan arbejde konstruktivt med i forhold til udvikling af virksomheden. For at få succes med udviklingen og implementeringen af Plecto kræver det at man også sætter sig ind i vores øvrige systemer som skal snakke sammen med Plecto, således at vi trækker de rigtige data. Ma...
I need a web page like this one: i want same functions, the same pages. same words. want to be able to change the ad boxes and pop up.
I need a web page like this one: i want same functions, the same pages. same words. want to be able to change the ad boxes.
...each user, the database is not visible if you are not logged in. The database to be used for the creation and search of records. The information consists of standard personal data, address, and mail. Typing the postcode, the city name is found in an underlying base. Furthermore, there is the creation date / correction date 3 text fields and 2 dropdown field - and a note field. One drop down box shows the default login person (which is part of the drop down option) Searching is done on 3-4 fields individually, and results are displayed as list, which can be clicked on, as each result is displayed. The layout may be edit via CSS. The database must be a SQL database. The database must be able to handle Danish characters as “æøå” __________...
...kasse eller treeview som passer til "A" Eksempel: Værdi A - Giver valg 1,2,3 Værdi B - Giver valg 4,5,6 osv.. Har du selv en smart måde at lade brugeren vælge først en værdi og derefter de værdier der passer til den første værdi, så brug den :-) Disse to valgte værdier skal også med på udskriften som tekst. Man skal kunne vælge hvilken printer man vil bruge i en combo / dropdown box. Ved udskrift skal hver værdi skrive på hver sin line. HVER værdi skal skrive to gange lige underhinanden. Jeg skal kunne vælge to forskellige fonte i koden (ikke i GUI). Bare brug af de gængse. Det hele skal printes på en A4-side ved tryk p&arin...
Write a Software for Google adwords
Design boardgame: box, cards ... 1930's gangster style
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desktop software desktop software desktop software
Vi skal have bygget et lille REST API, der kan tilgå enkelte prædefineret endpoints, og retunere vores ønskede JSON Strings, hvor formatet er prædefineret.
VPS Centos 6,7 med plesk, installer mail så man kan sende mails ud fra magento shop
Jeg vil gerne have en instagram slider på bunden af min hjemmeside.
Vi ønsker udviklet en windows dll, der henter et billede hurtigt ind fra et usb endoscope kamera. Dll'en skal bruges i Labview vie dll kald.
Hej, Vi er igang med at udvikle en hjemmeside til vores forretning, og har i forbindelse med det brug for en software til et usb stik. USB stikket skal fungere som en boot loader, der får startet vores hjemmeside op, ved forbindelse til en computer. Softwaren skal kunne arbejde med LINUX. Spørg endelig, hvis du har nogle spørgmål. Hi, We're in the middle of developing a website for our new buisness, and are in need of a software suitable for a USB stick. We want the USB software to work as a boot loader, which starts up our website when connected to a computer. The software should be able to work with LINUX. You're welcome to write us, if you have any questions.
Vi har brug for at få udviklet en mobil-APP og en hjemmeside til administration og oprettelse af brugere. Brugere skal kunne oprette sig med et username, samt indtaste generel informationer som navn, adresse, mail, telefonnummer, alder og køn. Når brugeren har oprettet sig med et username, skal brugeren kunne søge på andre brugere KUN ved hjælp af brugerens username. Søges der efter et username som findes, skal brugeren kunne skrive en besked til den anden bruger i et almindeligt beskedsystem, som SMS/imessage. Beskedsystemet skal findes i APPen. Der vil løbende være brug for udvikling, hvorfor det er et længere projekt, men ovenstående er starten.
Davs. Mig og en ven er fuld i gang med at lave en CSGO:betting hjemmeside, såsom osv. Det eneste vi mangler er en cs:go steam bot, som man sender nogle items til, som har en hvis værdi, og som så ryger ind på hjemmesiden.
Ønsker at kunne læse data fra en USB enhed som leverer serielle data.
...tilmelde sig, som redigeringspersonale, som jeg så kan tildele opgaver. - Jeg forstiller mig at dem som redigere billederne og laver arbejdet skal have 80-90% af pengene, men jeg som ejer af siden får de resterende 10-20% - Når billederne er redigeret skal redigeringspersonale uplode dem til siden, hvor de så skal ligge klar hos kunden, som gerne skal få en mail om at billederne er klar til download - Du skal være god til at få ting til at fungere sammen, for jeg kender intet til den slags - men hvis du kan lave det her, så bliver der flere muligheder i fremtiden, for jeg forstiller mig allerede at man skal kunne tilmelde sig en måneds ordning, hvor man betaler lidt hver måned, men så bliver priserne pr...
Har brug for hjælp til at flytte magento webshop fra til meebox cloud vps på en cloudlinux cpanel 64 platform
Lave en LabVIEW VI der kommunikerer med et trådløst betjeningspanel via en CANopen bus.
build proxy server for several computers.
Jeg skal bruge en APP hvor det er en mappe hvor man selv kan lave en masse underkategorier. Når man trykker på en af underkategorierne skal man komme direkte ind på en google map, med de koordinater man selv har sat inde i et kontrol panel som er simpelt. Man skal kunne markere når man har været det sted. Skriv til mig for mere information! (APP til Tablets) Det her skal være en meget simpel APP!
java,j2ee,jsp,servlet,ejb,spring,hibernate,jsf etc....
Hi at the moment i'm looking for someone who can edit my current website. I'm making a Counter-Strike Global Offensive betting site, look at to see an example of what I need to get made. I already have a bot coded for steam which at the moment accept CSGO Key's (a item) and then insert each user into a db which the website then will pick a random winner from. I need this bot and website edited so that you can bet all kinds of items and it will calculate the median of each item's value and then add the amount into %. Lets say the pool close at 100 items, 1 guy bet 10$, another one bet 40$ and last guy bet 90$. Then the guy with the 90$ will have the highest % chance of winning.