Free yellow pages scraper australiaJobs
The specs for this project are Wordpress based / Editable in the backend of the site Fast in google page speed insights Goal is under 2 seconds on all pages WP rocket + CACHING + MINIMISE PICTURES Features Videos Picture slides Animation videos Editable text Editable pictures Editable blocks Editable logos Create unique URLS - SEO wise Design wishes 14 different logos containing the name of each “BRAND name” FIGMA only / UX optimizing just like on FIGMA project Requirements WORDPRESS BASED Able to connect up with our DIV - contact formular on - FROM OUR BACKEND DEVELOPER (RoR Ruby On Rails) It should always be possible to load external JS as the current one is based on, so I don't think they can make something that won't work with the type of solution we...
I need a web page like this one: i want same functions, the same pages. same words. want to be able to change the ad boxes and pop up.
I need a web page like this one: i want same functions, the same pages. same words. want to be able to change the ad boxes.
Link Building, SEO, Internet Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Market Research
This job has priority over the other Danish job. Please write 6 danish articles - 600-1000 words each. With the following guidelines: Teksterne skal lægges op på diverse blogs, som så til gengæld linker til is. Dermed er der ret frie rammer for hvad du skriver - bare det er kvalitet, og rammer det overordnede emne. Artiklerne skal dermed heller ikke decideret handle om binære optioner - men bare om hvad end der står nedenfor i de 6 punkter. I hver tekst skal der dog være en oplagt mulighed for at linke til vores danske side , så du skal et eller andet sted nævne binære optioner - men om det er i en bisætning, eller om det er fokus for teksten det er lige meget. 1) Noget relateret til investering (bloggen omhandler en g...
meta tag 100 pages, meta tag 100 pages meta tag 100 pagesmeta tag 100 pagesmeta tag 100 pagesmeta tag 100 pagesmeta tag 100 pages
We offer 1$ per received SMS. We need 2 informations from you : 1) Is message arrived ? 2) How long did you wait for message ? We need freelancer only from this countries: PANAMA ARGENTINA AUSTRALIA BRAZIL COSTA RICA ESTONIA FINLAND FRANCE GREECE HONG KONG HUNGARY ICELAND IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAPAN KOREA, REPUBLIC OF LATVIA LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MALAYSIA MEXICO MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF MOROCCO NEW ZEALAND NORWAY POLAND PORTUGAL RUSSIAN FEDERATION Saudi Arabia SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SWEDEN SWITZERLAND TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA THAILAND TURKEY URUGUAY We are testing our community software and we need testers. You need to be online on when we do that. Your mobile number must be from countries list above. Bid for this job : $30.
I need you to create a form with two rows the form consists of the following that can be ticked, for the ticked items a result has to be shown apon submission: 0-7 show green circle. du har lavt stress niveau 8-14 show yellow circle, du har middel stress niveau 15-21 show red circle, du har højt stress niveau 22+ show Red/Black circle, du har ekstremt højt stress niveau Items to tick are listed below, the form has to be made so it Works on our website in wordpress Hovedpine (migræne eller spæninger) Rygsmerter spændte muskler Nakke og skulder smerter Spændinger i kæben Muskel Kramper Nervøs mave andre smerter Kvalme Træthed, mangel på energi Kolde h&ae...