Free bulk sms blackberryJobs


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2,000 free bulk sms blackberry jobs fundet

Navnet til hjemmesiden skal være slikbazar, du vil blive betalt efter resultater og jo bedre et job jo større en betaling. Er en ung person med ikke for mange penge.

€21 Average bid
€21 Gns Bud
8 bud
Website testing
Udløbet left

Vi har udviklet et website til afsendelse og modtagelse af SMS beskeder. Dette er en opgradering af et eksisterende site. Vi har behov for personer der kan udføre en user-test på systemet. Det vil sige blot bruge systemet som det forventes at brugerne vil bruge det. Fejl skal rapporteres i Azure. Vi kører iterationer så der skal testes f.eks. 10 eller 20 timer én uge. Ugen efter rettes fejl og så en test iteration mere.

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Gns Bud
12 bud

Hi Joanna K., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat. hej kan du ringe til mig på 0047 48170218 eller sende mig en sms så kontakter jeg dig for at høre om du er interesseret?

€231 Average bid
€231 Gns Bud
1 bud

We are looking for freelancer who can develop at least 15 videos everyday for 30-45 days i.e 450-675 videos per month.

€273 Average bid
€273 Gns Bud
10 bud

hi, i have bulk project. thanks

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr Gns Bud
3 bud
Web development
Udløbet left

hej. Hej mit navn er Alexander. Jeg søger en der kan hjælpe mig med at lave en vagtplan system. Jeg ved ikke hvordan jeg skal forklare men prøver så godt som muligt. Den skal være let tilgængelig for medarbejderne og...så han kan lægge dem ud på kalenderen ellere dele vagtern ud til de enkelte medarbejder direkte. Chefen skal have en lønsystem så han kan se hvad det koster ham Per medarbejder og hvor meget han skal udbetale til dem med tillæg. Chefen skal kunne også give dem time sedler som medarbejder selv kan udfylde der timer og få den godkendt er chefen eller deres kundes chef. Chefen skal Kommune skrive sms beskeder til medarbejderne. Og ved akut tilfælde Der skal være en GPS c...

€405 Average bid
€405 Gns Bud
20 bud

sms trigger

€312 Average bid
€312 Gns Bud
14 bud

...derefter skal "sælger" acceptere købet og derefter er der en videre process. 1. Forside med valg af adresse/postnr. 2. Side med valg af produkter/leverandøre "xx1" , "xx2", "xx3" osv. 3. Valg af leverandør 4. vælge produkt under den valgte leverandør 5. leverandør acceptere købet 6. køber får bekræftelse på købet er accepteret. Der skal laves en form for bruger certificering, bruger, sms kode, eller "bare" på tlf. nr. Mulighed for bedømmelse/kommentar på hver enkelt leverandør. Med udbyggelse for flere leverandører/produkter forholdsvist nem. Leverandører skal have den fleksibilitet at ku...

€2318 Average bid
€2318 Gns Bud
5 bud

har brug for at sende min tekst fra excel til min mobil iphon 5s via sms

€9 - €28
€9 - €28
0 bud

Calender Shoot for Organisation

€311 Average bid
€311 Gns Bud
2 bud

This job has priority over the other Danish job. Please write 6 danish articles - 600-1000 words each. With the following guidelines: Teksterne skal lægges op på diverse blogs, som så til gengæld linker til is. Dermed er der ret frie rammer for hvad du skriver - bare det er kvalitet, og rammer det overordnede emne. Artiklerne skal dermed heller ikke decideret handle om binære optioner - men bare om hvad end der står nedenfor i de 6 punkter. I hver tekst skal der dog være en oplagt mulighed for at linke til vores danske side , så du skal et eller andet sted nævne binære optioner - men om det er i en bisætning, eller om det er fokus for teksten det er lige meget. 1) Noget relateret til investering (bloggen omhandler en g...

€138 Average bid
€138 Gns Bud
1 bud

Vi har brug for at få udviklet en mobil-APP og en hjemmeside til administration og oprettelse af brugere. Brugere skal kunne oprette sig med et username, samt indtaste generel informationer som navn, adresse, mail, telefonnu...Brugere skal kunne oprette sig med et username, samt indtaste generel informationer som navn, adresse, mail, telefonnummer, alder og køn. Når brugeren har oprettet sig med et username, skal brugeren kunne søge på andre brugere KUN ved hjælp af brugerens username. Søges der efter et username som findes, skal brugeren kunne skrive en besked til den anden bruger i et almindeligt beskedsystem, som SMS/imessage. Beskedsystemet skal findes i APPen. Der vil løbende være brug for udvikling, hvorfor ...

€1048 Average bid
€1048 Gns Bud
8 bud

We offer 1$ per received SMS. We need 2 informations from you : 1) Is message arrived ? 2) How long did you wait for message ? We need freelancer only from this countries: PANAMA ARGENTINA AUSTRALIA BRAZIL COSTA RICA ESTONIA FINLAND FRANCE GREECE HONG KONG HUNGARY ICELAND IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAPAN KOREA, REPUBLIC OF LATVIA LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MALAYSIA MEXICO MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF MOROCCO NEW ZEALAND NORWAY POLAND PORTUGAL RUSSIAN FEDERATION Saudi Arabia SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SWEDEN SWITZERLAND TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA THAILAND TURKEY URUGUAY We are testing our community software and we need testers. You need to be online on when we do that. Your mobile number must be from countries list above. Bid for this job : $30.

€22 Average bid
€22 Gns Bud
15 bud

Projektet består af en webside, som kan styre betalingen af kontingenter i sports klubber. Trænerne i klubberne opretter en profil hvor de angiver h...webside, som kan styre betalingen af kontingenter i sports klubber. Trænerne i klubberne opretter en profil hvor de angiver hvilke spillere som skal betale kontingent, og hjemmesiden hjælper dem derefter med at samle betalingen ind. Betalingen skal ske på websiden, som så bliver sendt til en bankkonto som træneren har informeret da han skabte profilen. Spillerne skal modtage en e-mail eller en SMS-besked, der fortæller dem til at gå ind på websiden til at betale abonnement, og informere træneren når en spiller har betalt. Websiden beder om et mindre ad...

€589 Average bid
€589 Gns Bud
7 bud

this is a test project, please do not bid. this is a test project, please do not bid. this is a test project, please do not bid. this is a test project, please do not bid. this is a test project, please do not bid.

€7 - €19
€7 - €19
0 bud

Design for mail marketing program

€168 - €503
€168 - €503
0 bud

hii freelancers i need sendgrid for bulk mailing my newsletters

€39 Average bid
€39 Gns Bud
4 bud

Jeg har vedvarende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt ' pizza online ordrering system with sms gataway '

€9 - €9 / hr
€9 - €9 / hr
0 bud

Craigslist ads for homes for sale

€23 Average bid
€23 Gns Bud
3 bud


€231 - €692
€231 - €692
0 bud

testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest testtesttesttesttesttesttesttest test test test test

€231 - €692
€231 - €692
0 bud

...Display: Customers can view their available tokens in their Shopify account. 3. Raffle Customization (Admin Panel) Raffle Creation: Admin can set up multiple raffles with different entry limits (10 - 5000 tokens). Prize Management: Assign prizes to each raffle (can be a product or custom prize). Entry Cutoff: Define when entries close. Winner Announcement: Automatically notify the winner via email/SMS. 4. Admin Dashboard (Plugin Panel in Shopify Admin) Overview of Active & Past Raffles Customer Token Tracking (Who has how many tokens?) Manual Token Adjustments (If needed by the admin) Spin & Winner Selection Logs (For transparency) 5. Customizable Spin Wheel Design Wheel Hand (Pointer): Ability to upload a custom pointer image or choose from presets. Center Graphic: Uploa...

€398 Average bid
€398 Gns Bud
79 bud

I'm seeking a modern, minimalist logo for my women's clothing shop, 'Folia'. The logo should skillfully incorporate both text and an icon. While I prefer a modern style, I am open to color suggestions from a designer's perspective, so feel free to propose a suitable scheme. Key Requirements: - Design a modern, minimalist logo incorporating both text ('Folia') and an icon - Propose a suitable color scheme - Willingness to revise the design based on my feedback Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Experience in logo design - Understanding of modern design aesthetics - Excellent communication and willingness to collaborate

€20 Average bid
€20 Gns Bud
52 bud

I'm looking for an expert in cryptocurrency exchange listings. The project involves preparing and submitting a listing for my coin on various free exchanges, highlighting its technical specifications. Key Responsibilities: - Create a compelling coin description for the listing - Emphasize the coin's technical specifications Ideal Skills: - Experience with cryptocurrency exchange listings - Strong understanding of technical specifications of coins - Excellent copywriting skills - Knowledge of various free exchanges Please note, this project does not involve listing on major exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, or Kraken.

€173 Average bid
€173 Gns Bud
6 bud

I'm seeking a talented web developer with experience in AI integration and gamification techniques to build a sophisticated PMP exam simulator. Key Features: 1. Two User Modes: The simulator should cater to two user roles - a Student and an Administrator. The former will take the exams, while the latter will oversee the process. 2. Free Mode: Users should have the ability to navigate through exams, with customizable practice options. 3. AI Mode: This should resemble the adaptive learning style of Duolingo, adjusting the exam's difficulty based on the user's performance. 4. Gamification Elements: The platform should incorporate 'Badges and Achievements' to motivate users and enhance their learning experience. 5. AI Assistant: 'Nexty' should be ab...

€2032 Average bid
€2032 Gns Bud
90 bud

I need assistance migrating 3 corporate email domains, with a total of 646 accounts, from the paid service to a suitable free alternative. Options include Zimbra, Postfix + Dovecot, Mailcow, or iRedMail. Key Tasks: - Recommend and set up the optimal free email server - Configure email records (MX, SPF, DKIM, DMARC) for each domain - Ensure stable sending/receiving of new emails post-migration - Test the email functionality after the move - If possible, transfer old emails (not necessary, but ideal) You will have access to all required domains and existing server. I am open to suggestions for the server and configurations. The sooner this can be done, the better. The ideal candidate should have experience with email server setups and migrations, with a strong understanding ...

€157 Average bid
€157 Gns Bud
8 bud

...the savings. 4. Voiceover: Provide an energetic and friendly voiceover that complements on-screen text. (We’ll need it in our different languages or at least a voiceover in English plus subtitles. We can discuss translations.) & Platform: Ads should typically be 15–30 seconds, but we’re open to your recommendations based on best practices for each platform. Interested? - Feel free to ask questions if you need more details about our brand identity, target audience, or the product’s features. - Share samples or a portfolio of your previous animation and voiceover work. - Provide a rough timeline and cost estimate for storyline development, animation, voiceover, and translations. Attached is our brandguide which can be used throughout the ...

€1830 Average bid
€1830 Gns Bud
44 bud and automatic language detection. The ideal candidate should have expertise in Rails I18n, API integrations, and geolocation services. Key Features & Requirements: 1. Currency Conversion Functionality A form to input the amount for conversion. Dropdowns for selecting "From" and "To" currencies. Fetch real-time exchange rates using an external API (e.g., Open Exchange Rates, – free tier for testing). Display the converted amount with appropriate error handling. 2. Localization & Multi-Language Support (Rails I18n) Implement Rails I18n to support multiple languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Arabic, etc.). Store translations in YAML files (e.g., config/locales/, config/locales/). A dropdown to manually switch languages, ...

€3897 Average bid
€3897 Gns Bud
22 bud

...audience engagement, and digital marketing strategies while following best practices. Responsibilities: ✅ Automate and manage outreach campaigns (email, SMS, social media). ✅ Use scraping tools to collect publicly available data while following ethical guidelines. ✅ Set up and optimize marketing automation workflows (chatbots, autoresponders, etc.). ✅ Analyze and improve engagement, open rates, and conversion rates. ✅ Ensure compliance with anti-spam laws (CAN-SPAM, GDPR, etc.). Requirements: ? Experience with email marketing, lead generation, or outreach automation. ? Familiarity with web scraping, APIs, or CRM automation. ? Understanding of email/SMS deliverability best practices. ? Ability to track and optimize campaign performance (A/B testing, analytics). ? Strong a...

€29 / hr Average bid
€29 / hr Gns Bud
15 bud

I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a VoIP/SIP app for both iOS and Android. The app should include: - Voice calling - Video calling - Messaging MMS & SMS - API based Custom provisioning - PN -Access to contacts. The user authentication for the app will be a code-based system. I am open to any programming languages or frameworks for the development, so feel free to propose what you think would work best. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Extensive experience in VoIP/SIP app development - Proficiency in cross-platform mobile app development - Knowledge of implementing custom provisioning - Experience with secure, code-based user authentication systems - Ability to propose and implement the best suitable programming languages/frameworks.

€2473 Average bid
€2473 Gns Bud
49 bud

Work on interfaces of products and pictures of social media sites to introduce your product or work and also work on doing free business cards that contain work information such as phone number, place and work name ... Vicet card

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Gns Bud
47 bud

I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a frontend for a short-term mobile phone rental service. The service needs to handle user login, phone browsing, and rental management. Key Features: - User login and registration - Browsing available phones - Rental history and management - Overdue reminders - SMS and email reminders - Rental confirmation emails - Customer database - Stock and availability tracking The ideal freelancer should have experience in developing rental service platforms and be proficient in integrating reminder systems and managing customer databases. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.

€505 Average bid
€505 Gns Bud
172 bud

...Connections (For Professionals & Business Owners) Job Listings & Freelance Marketplace Digital Store (E-books, Online Courses, Digital Wall Posters) Messaging System (For Networking & Client Communication) Freemium & Premium Subscription Model Payment Gateway Integration (For Secure Transactions) Customer Support System ✔ Complete Testing & Deployment – Optimized, bug-free, and ready for global launch. ✔ Post-Deployment Support – 3 Months Free ? Tech Stack Preference: We welcome expert recommendations on the best modern tech stack for a scalable, high-performance web platform, with potential future mobile app development. ? Budget & Timeline: ? Budget: ₹1,00,000 – ₹1,30,000 (Max) ⏳ Timeline: 90 Days (Max) ? Proposal Submission: ...

€1231 Average bid
€1231 Gns Bud
41 bud

...embedding the system (iFrame, API, or hybrid) with flawless Google Ads conversion tracking. - Ensure cross-platform compatibility (mobile/desktop) and performance optimization. System Scalability & Customization - Modify the PHP system to support 100+ concurrent events with unique ticket types, pricing rules, and permissions. - Add features: multi-organizer access, dynamic event templates, bulk uploads. Tracking & Analytics - Integrate Google Ads/GA4 tracking for ticket purchases, abandoned carts, and event page interactions. - Ensure UTM parameter passthrough and server-side event tracking compliance. Documentation & Knowledge Transfer - Create detailed technical documentation for the existing system and new changes. - Train internal teams on basic ma...

€29 / hr Average bid
Haster NDA
€29 / hr Gns Bud
138 bud

...Format: Excel, Google Sheets, or an interactive online tool. Optimized for readability on desktop and tablet. Lightweight and fast-loading file. ? Final Goal: This tool should allow me to quickly assess my player’s performance evolution, identify key improvement areas, and adjust training accordingly. I am looking for a professional, intuitive, and efficient solution. ? Need clarifications? Feel free to reach out! ?...

€15 Average bid
14 indlæg

I'm in need of a talented video meme creator capable of producing bulk TikTok-style edits with a focus on promoting a specific narrative. The content should carry anti-communist and anti-Islamic themes, designed to attract and engage a young audience, particularly from the UK, Australia, and the US. Requirements: - Create 10-20 eye-catching, provocative videos daily - Utilize trending TikTok trends, sound bites, and humor effectively - Subtly promote a specific narrative in an engaging manner Skills: - Experienced in video editing and meme creation - Familiar with TikTok trends and culture - Able to deliver cost-effective, high-volume work Please quote your hourly rate or per-video price and specify how many edits you can deliver in an hour.

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Gns Bud
7 bud

I'm looking for a skilled Marathi translator to translate a 1500+ word insurance brochure from English to Marathi. The task is urgent and requires a quick turnaround time. Key Requirements: - Ensure translation is accurate, fluent, and cul...for a skilled Marathi translator to translate a 1500+ word insurance brochure from English to Marathi. The task is urgent and requires a quick turnaround time. Key Requirements: - Ensure translation is accurate, fluent, and culturally relevant. - Use common terms rather than specific terminology. - Prior experience in translating insurance-related content is a plus. - Deliver high-quality, error-free work. Ideal Candidates: - Have a proven track record in translation. - Able to handle urgent tasks efficiently. - Familiar with the insu...

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr Gns Bud
33 bud

...touchscreen, and watch match replays through the app. "Very similar to LeFive and Urban-soccer concept" ### System Features Required 1. User Registration & Login - Login via Google, Apple ID, or Phone Number (OTP via SMS - Zain, Ooredoo, STC Kuwait) - User profiles with match history, stats, and video access 2. Football Field Booking System - Interactive calendar to choose available field slots - Real-time booking confirmation - Payment integration with: - KNET (Kuwait's local gateway) - Visa/Mastercard - Apple Pay - Booking confirmation via WhatsApp & SMS 3. Video Recording & Match Viewing - Fixed or Motion-Tracking Camera installed on each field (Veo or other 4k wide angle cameras) - Automatic match recording...

€1284 Average bid
€1284 Gns Bud
115 bud

Deliverables / Tasks - WordPress website comprising Home...form (we will need odoo CRM access from you) - Responsive and user-friendly design for optimal viewing on various devices. - Basic/On-page SEO optimization - Fast page load times (depends on theme’ performance or will try to minimize as much as possible) So it covers website development, theme, logo design, and On page SEO only with the current budget. Any additional third-party services, such as SMS, email, or chatbot integrations, will be charged separately and with additional timeline based on the requirements. PS. Please note that 50% of the project has already been released. This milestone represents an additional 20%, with over 90% of that work completed. Once the remaining work is finished, the final 30% wil...

€92 Average bid
€92 Gns Bud
1 bud

I'm in need of a web-based email validator software that provides unlimited credits or is free for lifetime usage. The software must deliver accurate validation results and be capable of validating global domains. Key Requirements: - A software that allows for real-time validation. - Ability to perform bulk email validation. - Generation of detailed validation reports. Preferred Validation Techniques: - Syntax checks. - Domain checks. - Most crucially, the capability to check if emails are active or not. If you have such software and can offer a trial period of at least 1 or 2 days, please get in touch. Please ensure you fully understand these requirements before contacting me to avoid wasting time. I'm looking for the best possible price offer.

€31 Average bid
€31 Gns Bud
5 bud

...interactions, SMS, lead generation, and accounting tasks. Key Features: ✅ AI-Powered Customer Interactions – Automated voice, SMS, and chatbot responses to handle client inquiries and appointment bookings. ✅ Integrated Lead Generation – AI-driven ad creation, automated follow-ups, and CRM optimization. ✅ Automated Accounting & Invoicing – Auto-sync payments, generate invoices, and categorize transactions. ✅ Low-Cost, High-Scalability Model – Self-hosted AI tools to minimize ongoing expenses. ✅ Redundancy & Failover – A “cold standby” backup VPS for near-zero downtime. Technology Stack & Responsibilities ? Fixed-Cost (Paid) Components: CRM & Automation → ActiveCampaign ($149/month) AI Ad Creation → Cr...

€1119 Average bid
€1119 Gns Bud
43 bud

Project: Development of a Secure Multi-Channel Messaging Platform Objective: Design and deploy a secure centralized platform enabling message delivery through multiple communication channels, including SMS, email, voice messaging, and push notifications. Technologies and Technical Requirements: Database: MySQL API Development: REST API Tools and Environments: BitBucket, Gateway, Docker Frameworks: Laravel or equivalent framework Security Considerations: Implementation of secure authentication and authorization mechanisms Encryption of sensitive data at rest and in transit Protection against common web vulnerabilities (e.g., SQL injection, XSS, CSRF) Compliance with best practices in cybersecurity and data privacy regulations Required Skills: Experience in developing and integrat...

€22 / hr Average bid
€22 / hr Gns Bud
147 bud

...and make final hiring decisions. • Candidates: Register, apply for jobs, and track application status. • System Users: Role-based permissions ensure security and controlled access. 1.2 Job Posting & Vacancy Management • HR can create, edit, and delete job vacancies. • Each job is assigned a unique job reference ID. • Jobs are posted on the career page and external job boards. • Automated email and SMS notifications for job postings. 1.3 Candidate Registration & Profile Management • Candidates register with email and password. • Profile includes: o Personal details (hidden during shortlisting). o Upload of resume (Word/PDF). o Work experience, education, certifications. o Skills and preferred job categories. o Internal/External cand...

€471 Average bid
€471 Gns Bud
24 bud

...Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for logins & high-value transactions o KYC verification for higher transaction limits • Account Funding o Add money via bank transfer, mobile money, or cash deposits at agents' offices • Send Money o Enter recipient details (manual or from phone contacts) o Generate withdrawal code (PDF, SMS, or WhatsApp shareable) • Wallet Management o View balance & transaction history o Refund processing for failed transactions • Notifications o Real-time SMS, email, and push notifications for all transactions 2.2 Beneficiary (Receiver) Features • Receive Money o Input withdrawal code from sender o Verify transaction details before withdrawal • Withdraw Money at Authorized Agent o Agent validates withdrawa...

€583 Average bid
€583 Gns Bud
20 bud

...(Photos, Videos, Talking Avatars) Generate high-quality AI influencer images for different settings, outfits, and branding purposes. Create AI-generated videos where the influencer talks using lip-syncing AI and deepfake technology. Utilize face-swapping for realistic influencer placements in different video formats (TikTok dances, product promos, lifestyle vlogs, etc.). Automate content scheduling & bulk content creation for long-term scalability. 3. Social Media Growth & Branding Set up and grow Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitter/X accounts for the AI influencer. Use AI automation & engagement strategies to increase followers, interactions, and visibility. Create a personality & brand identity for the AI influencer (bio, story, audience engagement plan). De...

€207 Average bid
€207 Gns Bud
25 bud
Trophy icon Photograph to Stamp Conversion
2 dage left

I'm looking for a freelancer who can interpret a photograph and convert it into a clean, line-based design suitable for a stamp. image should be black and white and include some details but not so many that it would be too busy. Feel free to include the mountain in the background as well as the flag pole with a flying flag. Requirements: - Image Transformation: The project involves transforming a photograph into a stamp design. - Line Style: The lines in the design should be medium and balanced - not too thin or overly detailed, but also not too thick or bold. - Detail Preservation: The design should preserve minimal detail from the original photograph. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design: Strong background in graphic design, particularly in creating line-based designs. - Adobe ...

€9 Average bid
26 indlæg

I'm looking for a professional to create an admin portal for managing photos. The portal should be able to: - Support bulk photo uploads - Facilitate the uploading of photos The admin portal should support the following photo file formats: - JPEG - PNG Ideal skills and experience for the job include web development, familiarity with photo management systems, and experience in creating user-friendly admin portals. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Gns Bud
74 bud

A fast, responsive, and SEO-friendly website showcasing the best free bets from top bookmakers, similar to The site will feature: Daily AI-generated football & horse racing tips automatically posted. AI-generated sports news articles published daily. A sleek homepage displaying free bets in various widgets, along with well-written explanations about free bets. User login for content creators to manage and post content. Built for speed, mobile responsiveness, and top-tier SEO performance.

€450 Average bid
€450 Gns Bud
171 bud

I'm looking for a web developer to create a straightforward open access website. The primary purpose of this site is to display various pages of information about the free journal with links to Dropbox. The site should have a multi-page layout with a navigation menu to easily access different sections. Key Features: - Multi-page layout with a clear navigation menu - Pages containing information about journal - Links to Dropbox for accessing journal issues Ideal Skills: - Web development - Experience with creating multi-page websites - Understanding of user-friendly navigation design Please note, this website does not require functionalities such as article submission, peer review systems or an open access archive. Content can be copied from , currently we are paying $700 p

€12 - €18 / hr
Haster Forseglet
€12 - €18 / hr
79 bud