Follow blogs list moderationJobs


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...certificates should be compatible with Android 8 and above. Skills and Experience: - Strong knowledge and experience in Android development. - Familiarity with certificate generation and authentication processes. - Experience working with Android versions 8 or above If you have the necessary skills and experience, please submit your proposal. The output of the Attestation Certificate should be as follow: "MIIC9DCCApugAwIBAgIBATAKBggqhkjOPQQDAjCBiDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgMCkNhbGlmb3JuaWExFTATBgNVBAoMDEdvb2dsZSwgSW5jLjEQMA4GA1UECwwHQW5kcm9pZDE7MDkGA1UEAwwyQW5kcm9pZCBLZXlzdG9yZSBTb2Z0d2FyZSBBdHRlc3RhdGlvbiBJbnRlcm1lZGlhdGUwHhcNNzAwMTAxMDAwMDAwWhcNNjkxMjMxMjM1OTU5WjAfMR0wGwYDVQQDDBRBbmRyb2lkIEtleXN0b3JlIEtleTBZMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHA0IABD3BS03+1Nrb0JROhvGZUbLaHy...

€121 Average bid
€121 Gns Bud
8 bud you reach the goal of your project. We inspect your task and, in consultation with you, we define the entire description and write a tender project, regardless of the size of the task. This ensures that you receive 100 percent identical offers that you can compare. In addition, all the workflows for how all the work must be carried out are described, which means that you as a customer can follow the process yourself and carry out quality control on an ongoing basis. If challenges arise during the project, we always make our expertise and guidance available to you. A construction manager who works 110% for you So if you want a process where you are held by the hand all the way by competent advisers completely free of charge, send us your task and let us handle your case. A...

€4279 Average bid
€4279 Gns Bud
52 bud

I need a complete material list from drawings. The project is Ib polish.

€143 Average bid
€143 Gns Bud
9 bud
Link Building
Udløbet left

I don't read autogenerated responses to my ad. So if you want to be considered in relation to this job, please give me a proper offer. I need help with link building. Links must be created to follow pages Keyword: meeting booking, meeting bookers, new customers Keyword: telemarketing Keyword: Sales manager, hire a sales manager, What can you offer? NoFollow and Folllow - PageRang!

€72 Average bid
€72 Gns Bud
16 bud

Facebook medarbejder der sørger for vores facebook spiller max, med opdatering, besvarelser, undersøgelser, informationer, nyheder, gruppedeltagelse, blogs osv.

€7 / hr Average bid
€7 / hr Gns Bud
1 bud

This job has priority over the other Danish job. Please write 6 danish articles - 600-1000 words each. With the following guidelines: Teksterne skal lægges op på diverse blogs, som så til gengæld linker til is. Dermed er der ret frie rammer for hvad du skriver - bare det er kvalitet, og rammer det overordnede emne. Artiklerne skal dermed heller ikke decideret handle om binære optioner - men bare om hvad end der står nedenfor i de 6 punkter. I hver tekst skal der dog være en oplagt mulighed for at linke til vores danske side , så du skal et eller andet sted nævne binære optioner - men om det er i en bisætning, eller om det er fokus for teksten det er lige meget. 1) Noget relateret til investering (bloggen omhandl...

€143 Average bid
€143 Gns Bud
1 bud

Keyword list: 1. Hydrocortisone Spray for Dogs 2. Dog Heartworm Medicine 3. Dog Barrier for SUV 4. Tapeworm Medicine for Dogs 5. Belly Bands for Male Dogs 6. Dog Water Bowl No Spill 7. Dog Car Ramps 8. Hot Spot Treatment for Dogs 9. Automatic Dog Waterer 10. Dog Poop Scoopers Same spreadsheet, same steps

€57 Average bid
€57 Gns Bud
1 bud
2013 Exhibitor List
Udløbet left

Collect details

€191 Average bid
€191 Gns Bud
1 bud

Muuv søger en tekstforfatter, der kan hjælpe med at poste relevante musikartikler på Portalen formidler månedligt fle...Ansvarsområder kan bl.a. være; - tekstforfatning - design/opsætning af artikler - arbejde med videomateriale - at bidrage med kreative idéer til udbygning af Vi forventer at du; - har gode skriftlige egenskaber på dansk - har spillet musik, og er velbevandret i musikteori - brænder for musikken - trives med selvstændigt arbejde - har basal kendskab til HTML-koder og arbejde med blogs Forventet arbejdsmængde: Til at starte med vil mængde at arbejde være begrænset (3-5 timer/ugen), men afhængigt af dit engagement, forventes arbejdsm&ael...

€14 - €24 / hr
€14 - €24 / hr
0 bud

Jeg søger en der kan lave en pdf-generator til en hjemmeside. Den skal kunne lave en pdf, ud fra hvilke opskrifter en bruger har valgt. Dvs. brugeren trykker "tilføj til kort" og når brugeren har valgt de opskrifter de ønsker, kan de herefter generere en print-klar pdf med deres valgte opskrifter på. Det skal kunne køre både på webshops og blogs, så det skal kunne køre isoleret og uden at forstyrre andre dele af sitet.

€28 - €234
€28 - €234
0 bud

Lav SEO og linkbuilding til vores danske webshop. Vi arbejder selv internt med onsite SEO og har cirka 10 blogs, hvor vi løbende skriver artikler med links til webshoppen. Vi har indtil nu derudover haft et par freelancere tilknyttet, sidst primært til linkbuilding. Vi vil dog gerne prøve at skifte til en ny freelancer, idet resultaterne i de sidste måneder er udeblevet. Du skal have grundig erfaring med SEO-arbejde og linkbuilding i Danmark. Du skal have fundet metoder, der også virker efter de seneste pakker fra Google i 2013/14. Vi vil dog ikke risikerer at blive blacklistet, så metoderne skal være white-hat eller max. grey hat. Er du interesseret, så skriv til mig på dansk og skriv som emne "Jeg vil gerne hj&aeli...

€28 / hr Average bid
€28 / hr Gns Bud
4 bud
10 Blogs Created
Udløbet left

Create 10 Blog Platforms for Me

€24 / hr Average bid
€24 / hr Gns Bud
1 bud

Vi udfører promotionsopgaver for et irsk selskab i Danmark, men vil gerne starte i har brug for en person, der dels kan oversætte tekster til svensk samt lave telefonisk follow-up på udsendelse af materiale samt generel kommunikation med dem. Evt. kunne der også være flere opgaver, som f.eks. at samle kontaktdata. Det drejer sig måske om 4-8 timer 3-4 gange om året. Kontakt os for flere informationer.

€6 - €11 / hr
€6 - €11 / hr
0 bud

Vi udfører promotionsopgaver for et irsk selskab i Danmark, men vil gerne starte i har brug for en person, der dels kan oversætte tekster til svensk samt lave telefonisk follow-up på udsendelse af materiale samt generel kommunikation med dem. Evt. kunne der også være flere opgaver, som f.eks. at samle kontaktdata. Det drejer sig måske om 4-8 timer 3-4 gange om året. Kontakt os for flere informationer.

€6 - €11 / hr
€6 - €11 / hr
0 bud

Vi udfører promotionsopgaver for et irsk selskab i Danmark, men vil gerne starte i har brug for en person, der dels kan oversætte tekster til svensk samt lave telefonisk follow-up på udsendelse af materiale samt generel kommunikation med dem. Evt. kunne der også være flere opgaver, som f.eks. at samle kontaktdata. Det drejer sig måske om 4-8 timer 3-4 gange om året. Kontakt os for flere informationer.

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Gns Bud
2 bud

...det forudsættes at man kender til HTML og CSS for at kunne følge med. • Serien skal helst være færdige inden for 1 til 2 måneder. Der forventes af dig: • Du har stor erfaring med emnet. • Du er god til at forklare på video / du er pædagogisk. • Du er omhyggeligt og struktureret. • Du har en praktisk tilgang. • Du er minimum 19 år. Du får: • Betaling som angivet ovenfor. • Do-follow link til din egen hjemmeside/virksomhed lagt op sammen med hver video. • Mulighed for at nævne dig selv og din virksomhed i den første video. • Mulighed for at blive set og hørt af ca. 10.000 hjemmeside-interesseret personer månedligt (stor reklamev&a...

€688 Average bid
€688 Gns Bud
3 bud

...alle medlemmerne jo er singler, så sker det selvfølgelig at sød musik opstår når man mødes, men portalen har altså alle formål indenfor netværk - nyt job, nogle at fejre jul med, finde en sportsmakker osv. Det jeg behøver, er en initiativrig og fantasifuld freelance marketingsdude/dudeinde der kan spotte hvor på nettet det vil være mest hensigtsmæssigt at sprede det gode budskab om os: - Blogs ? - Sociale netværk hvor singler kommer ? - Bannere ? - Steder hvor man naturligt vil søge efter arrangementer ? - Eller hent nye idéer som opstår når du får tænkt lidt over konceptet... Vi er relativt små endnu, så vi har ikke det store budg...

€1573 Average bid
€1573 Gns Bud
2 bud

I'm seeking a designer to create various assets for my website. The assets include logos and icons, banners and headers, as well as background images. Key Requirements: - All designs should adhere to a modern and minimalist style. - Ability to work with provided brand guidelines and colors. - Experience in creating website assets is preferred. Skills and Experienc...Key Requirements: - All designs should adhere to a modern and minimalist style. - Ability to work with provided brand guidelines and colors. - Experience in creating website assets is preferred. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop). - Strong portfolio showcasing modern and minimalist designs. - Experience with web design assets. - Ability to follow brand guid...

€368 Average bid
€368 Gns Bud
64 bud

I'm looking for a developer who can create a script or tool that generates random answers based on a list of questions and answers I'll provide. The tool should be able to read the list of questions and answers and generate random answers or according to data that I enter. _Requirements:_ - The tool should be able to read a list of questions and answers - The tool should be able to generate random responses based on the available options - The tool must be able to generate answers according to data that I enter it - The tool should be easy to use and not require advanced technical knowledge _Important notes:_ No complex or attractive design is required. One basic design is enough. - The tool should be functional and do its job, but a lot of additional fea...

€92 Average bid
€92 Gns Bud
50 bud

...talented email designer proficient in Figma to help us deliver client work. The emails will be designed in a Creative/Abstract style, and primarily consist of promotional offers and newsletters. We will be making the brand guidelines and pre built sections, you must be able to work with responsive sections. Key Responsibilities: - Design visually appealing, creative and abstract style emails - Follow our detailed brand guidelines meticulously Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Figma - Experience in designing email for promotional and newsletter content - Ability to interpret and adhere to detailed brand guidelines - Strong understanding of Creative/Abstract design principles This role is crucial for our client work and requires a designer who can deliver high-quality, on-brand ema...

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Gns Bud
73 bud

...English). - Objective: Develop a professional website for TechCraftersHub, showcasing its custom website design, creation, and maintenance services tailored for young entrepreneurs and small businesses. The site should emphasize the company’s unique approach, which blends personalized attention with advanced technology (AI and robotics) for technical tasks. - Timeline: 3 - 4 weeks with weekly follow-up meetings. Sections & Features 1. Home Page (Landing Page): - Welcome & Value Proposition: - A welcome section explaining TechCraftersHub’s unique value, highlighting "Technologically Handcrafted Websites" and the use of AI for technical design. - Work Process: - A step-by-step visual breakdown of the process: - Package selec...

€237 Average bid
€237 Gns Bud
37 bud

...with experience in building Telegram Mini Apps to create an application similar to Dogs. The app will allow users to earn tokens by completing tasks, playing games, inviting friends, and competing on leaderboards. Job Requirements: 1. Task & Earning System • Users can complete various tasks to earn tokens, including: • Watch Ads & Earn (+400 tokens) • Join Telegram Channel (+5,000 tokens) • Follow Twitter/X (+5,000 tokens) • Make a TON Transaction (+10,000 tokens) • Invite Friends: • 10 invites → +20,000 tokens • 25 invites → +50,000 tokens • 50 invites → +100,000 tokens • A verification system should be in place to confirm task completion before rewarding tokens. 2. Play-to-Earn Game System &b...

€27 / hr Average bid
€27 / hr Gns Bud
7 bud platform, enabling patients to discover doctors, engage with a healthcare community, and access home-based medical services. Designed for iOS and Android, the app will prioritize RTL (Arabic) support and deliver a polished, intuitive user experience. Core Features Doctor Listing & Search Functionality Develop a responsive and visually appealing doctor listing screen with options for grid and list views. Implement advanced search and filtering (e.g., by specialty, location, availability). Ensure the design supports light and dark modes with appropriate color schemes and readability. Owner/Manager Verification & Dashboard Create a seamless verification process for clinic owners/managers to submit and validate their credentials (e.g., licenses, IDs). Build a ded...

€2386 Average bid
€2386 Gns Bud
80 bud

I'm looking to set up a simple yet attractive website for a blog centered around product reviews. Key Requirements: - A clean, user-friendly interface - Header and picture placements that are visually appealing - Ability to incorporate future blog posts seamlessly Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in website design and development - Experience with setting up blogs - Knowledge of SEO to enhance blog visibility

€43 Average bid
€43 Gns Bud
34 bud marketing specialist to create and implement a strategic drip campaign for our signature "Power, Purpose & Prosperity" vision board workshop. This hybrid event combines vision boarding with financial strategy, requiring both nurture and transactional email sequences. Campaign Scope: 6-week themed nurture sequence (1 email/week) Complete registration flow Event reminder sequence Post-event follow-up series Required Skills: Proven experience with Flodesk Creative idea for email template design NO copywriting abilities NEEDED - ALL COPY FOR EMAILS WILL BE PROVIDED! Understanding of email marketing best practices Experience with segmentation and automation Knowledge of email deliverability optimization Deliverables: Set up the 6 themed weekly emails in Flodesk ...

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Gns Bud
17 bud

...Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. The model will create engaging video content showcasing our powdered health drink, demonstrating its benefits, and interacting with our target audience in an authentic and fun way. Key Responsibilities: ✔ Create engaging video content featuring our health drink for social media. ✔ Demonstrate product usage and highlight key benefits in a natural, authentic way. ✔ Follow provided scripts or create natural talking points based on brand guidelines. ✔ Showcase an active, healthy lifestyle to connect with our target audience. ✔ Engage with the community by responding to comments (optional). Ideal Candidate: ? Female, 18-30 years old with a vibrant and friendly personality. ? Comfortable speaking on camera and creating engaging content. ? Has experien...

€73 Average bid
€73 Gns Bud
8 bud

...and transportation. Develop a content strategy targeting relevant industry-specific search terms. Content Development & Optimization: Optimize existing website content with targeted keywords. Create high-quality, informative blog posts and landing pages focused on logistics trends, challenges, and solutions. Link Building & Off-Page SEO: Acquire high-quality backlinks from industry directories, blogs, and relevant sources. Technical SEO Enhancements: Improve site speed, crawlability, and indexation. Implement schema markup for better search engine understanding. Performance Tracking & Reporting: Use Google Analytics & Search Console to monitor traffic, rankings, and user behavior. Provide monthly reports with insights and recommendations for ongoing improveme...

€263 Average bid
€263 Gns Bud
66 bud

I'm looking to have MY design colored and shaded for a screen print on a t-shirt. The shirt can either be black or green, and aside from the base color, there can be a maximum of 3 colors (preferably 2). As this is a St. Patrick's Day shirt, I would like you to use your creativity to choose suitable colors f...suitable colors for the occasion. The entire design should be 10.5 inches by 12. In addition to the design, I will be uploading a reference for the lettering. If you could incorporate the lettering in a similar style to the reference, that would be fantastic. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator - Experience with t-shirt design - Creative color selection - Ability to follow design references closely - Understanding of St. Patrick's...

€48 Average bid
69 indlæg

...content links through social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Telegram. Push Notifications: Notifications for creators about sales, feedback, and general updates, and for buyers about new content, sales, or updates to existing content. Admin Panel Features: User Management: Admin can manage both creator and buyer accounts, verify creators, resolve disputes, and handle moderation. Content Moderation: Admin can review and approve content to ensure quality and compliance with platform standards. Payment & Earnings Management: Admin tracks payments, commissions, and processes payouts to creators. Analytics Dashboard: The admin has access to insights on sales, user activity, and overall platform performance. Reports: Admin can generate and download detail...

€4244 Average bid
€4244 Gns Bud
61 bud

I'm looking for a skilled front-end developer to create a web-based todo list application , I need responsive design only experienced developers needed.

€108 Average bid
€108 Gns Bud
45 bud

I am looking for a seasoned professional to develop a custom e-commerce site for me. Key Features: - A clean and modern landing page - Menus, shopping cart, and seamless connection to PaymentAsia or similar - Comprehensive backend for logistics and inventory follow-ups (both customer side and admin side) - Integration of privacy policy, shipping policy, return policy pages, and links to forums - Product review/comments functionality on both the provided forum and product page - Implementation of web and DB load balancing using Xen VM or clouds and security with reverse proxy. - Excellent SEO setup and auto backup routines Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in custom e-commerce site development - Experience with PaymentAsia integration - Strong understanding of SEO and web/cloud balancin...

€1073 Average bid
€1073 Gns Bud
156 bud
100 blogs
9 dage left

Write 100 articles as per contract.

€25 / hr Average bid
€25 / hr Gns Bud
1 bud

I need to convert 1-5 PDF slides into Excel bar charts. These charts will need to adhere to specific formatting requirements that I will provide. The ideal freelancer for this project should have strong skills in Excel, attention to detail, and the ability to follow specific formatting guidelines closely. Please reach out if you're able to assist with this task.

€19 Average bid
€19 Gns Bud
103 bud

I need a skilled developer to create a simple landing page for renting a software investment tool, using React and Node.js. The page should closely resemble a provided image, incorporating a floating WhatsApp button and hover effects for interactions. All content, including text and images, is readily available. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a responsive and in...Responsibilities: - Develop a responsive and interactive sales page in React and Node.js - Implement hover effects for user interactions - Integrate a floating WhatsApp button - Ensure the page closely matches a provided image Ideal Skills: - Proficient in React and Node.js - Experience with creating interactive web pages - Familiarity with integrating social media buttons into web pages - Ability to follow visual desi...

€14 Average bid
5 indlæg

I need a freelancer to transform a video into a PowerPoint presentation for business educational purposes. The presentation should include: - Text summaries: These should succinctly encapsulate key points from the video. - Screenshots from the video: These should be strategically placed throughout the presentation to visually reinforce the text summaries. The goal is a technical p...shown in the video. Please note, the primary format for the presentation is PowerPoint. Experience in creating educational presentations and proficiency in PowerPoint is essential. Video are in english (italian people english speaking) and doucmentation shall all be in english. There are something like 5 videos. if the first one is ok we'll move forward with other one. Many other jobs can follow...

€335 Average bid
€335 Gns Bud
70 bud

I'm seeking a developer to create a bot like those found on or The specifics of the bot's platform and functionalities have not been decided yet and can be discussed further. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in bot development for platforms like Telegram, Discord, or Slack. - Prior experience with creating moderation tools, automated replies, or content posting bots. - Knowledge of integrating bots with social media, payment gateways, or APIs. - Experience with data retrieval and analysis. Please be prepared to share your portfolio with relevant examples.

€161 Average bid
€161 Gns Bud
16 bud our laravel web app : 1-Check screenshots folder zip 2-Read and agree on all our requirements 3-Fixed price : 60usd (any bid high than ll be declined) 4-Fixed time frame : 3 day (any time frame more than ll be declined) WORK REQUIREMENTS : 1-you must start work right now (urgent work) 2-we ll need very quick work with many updates a day (Link+work screenshot+fixed screenshot) 3-you must follow exactly the corrections we ll send you and fix them same day 4-Do not miss our website design and responsivity PS : APPLY ON THIS PROJECT ONLY IF : 1-Read carefully all job post 2-Understood the required work 3-Checked attached zip folder screenshots and links 4-Agreed on our fixed price and fixed time frame 5-read and agree on all our requirements THAN REPLY BY MESSAGE C...

€30 Average bid
€30 Gns Bud
27 bud
Essay Writing
6 dage left

I'm looking for a talented writer to craft an essay. The essay is intended for my course instructor and must meet all the specific instructions I will provide. The paper needs to be completed on time. Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in Humanities - Academic writing experience - Ability to follow instructions precisely - Strong time management skills

€11 / hr Average bid
€11 / hr Gns Bud
54 bud

...CAREFULLY BEFORD BIDDING----------------------- We Urgently need to fix numerous issues with the booking feature in my Laravel web application. Key Requirements: 1. Immediate start: This is an urgent task. 2. Daily updates: I will need numerous updates each day, including a link to the work, a screenshot of the issue, and a screenshot of the fixed issue. 3. Adherence to corrections: You must follow exactly the corrections I send you and fix them the same day. 4. Design and Responsivity: Ensure you do not deviate from our website design and responsiveness. Budget and Timeline: 1. Fixed price: The budget for this task is $60. Any bid higher than this will be declined. 2. Fixed timeframe: The work must be completed within 3 days. Any timeframe longer than this will be declined. ...

€26 Average bid
€26 Gns Bud
22 bud

I'm seeking a skilled Laravel developer to urgently fix issues and complete the creation of the ...immediately - Provide numerous updates daily, including a link to the work, a screenshot of the fixed issue, and a screenshot of the website - Follow corrections I send and fix them the same day - Maintain the design and responsivity of the website To complete this job, you'll need to check the screenshots in the provided folder and agree to all requirements. The job has a fixed price of $60 and a time frame of 3 days. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in Laravel - Experience with web app development - Able to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines - Excellent communication skills for providing frequent updates - Attention to detail to follow design an...

€25 Average bid
€25 Gns Bud
20 bud

I need a photo editor who can help me transform the appearance of a car in a photo. Key Tasks: - Change the car's color to a custom satin green (I can provide a photo of the exact color). - Replace the wheels with a specific style (I have a photo...Tasks: - Change the car's color to a custom satin green (I can provide a photo of the exact color). - Replace the wheels with a specific style (I have a photo of the desired wheels). - Apply a color accent on the car (I can provide details). Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software (Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.). - Strong understanding of color theory and vehicle aesthetics. - Ability to follow detailed instructions and make precise edits. This project requires a keen eye for detail and a creative touch. Serious b...

€80 Average bid
€80 Gns Bud
75 bud

I'm looking for a professional web developer to help me create a comprehensive health and wellness website. This site will primarily serve as a platform for disseminating information and resources related to health and wellness. Key Features: - Articles and Blogs: The site will host various written pieces on health and wellness topics. The developer should be able to create a user-friendly interface that makes accessing and reading these pieces easy. - Health Tips and Guides: The developer will need to incorporate sections dedicated to practical health tips and guides. This may involve creating interactive elements or infographics to engage users. - Educational Videos: The site will also feature a collection of educational videos. The developer should be experienced in setting...

€572 Average bid
€572 Gns Bud
128 bud

I'm looking for an experienced web designer to design 12 pages and a footer for a website using Nicepage. The homepage design is already finalized, and the rest of the pages should incorporate similar design elements to ensure consistency. Key requirements: - Follow the structure outlined in the provided project documents - Use text and images as specified, with styles consistent to the homepage - Include social media links and contact info in the footer design Ideal candidates should have: - Proficiency in Nicepage - Experience with Wordpress and plugin integration After the initial design phase, we'll review and confirm the work together. The project will eventually be imported into Wordpress for further development.

€399 Average bid
€399 Gns Bud
147 bud

I am seeking an experienced Joomla professional to install and configure my website. All design work has been completed, so no design skills are necessary. Your primary task will be to set up the Joomla platform according to the provided design specificat...provided design specifications. Key Responsibilities: - Install the recommended version of Joomla - Configure the website as per the provided designs in and - Install necessary security plugins to ensure the site is secure Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Joomla - Knowledge of recommended Joomla versions - Experience with security plugins - Ability to follow design specifications accurately Please note, the need for content migration has not yet been determined and will be discussed later.

€12 Average bid
€12 Gns Bud
11 bud

...scheduled in a predictable way). Basic Memory Retention – The AI should remember recent interactions within a session to avoid repetitive responses. Content Moderation – AI should avoid inappropriate topics and filter offensive content to maintain community standards. Regional Adaptation (US, UK, Ireland) – AI should recognize slang, common phrases, and cultural context for these regions. Technical Requirements: AI Model: GPT-4 API (or equivalent NLP model). Database: Firebase/MongoDB (for short-term memory retention). Activity Scheduler: CRON jobs or event-based triggers to automate engagement. Content Filtering: Pre-set moderation rules to prevent AI from generating inappropriate content. Deliverables: Working AI Chatbot API or Integration Co...

€1204 Average bid
€1204 Gns Bud
37 bud

I'm seeking a skilled professional to enhance my Facebook account's product promotion and assist in following up on outstanding debts. The focus is on my physical clothing products. Key Responsibilities: - Boost visibility and sales of my clothing line on Facebook. - Follow up on outstanding debts with customers. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in Facebook marketing, specifically for physical products. - Excellent communication skills for debt follow-up. - Knowledge of the clothing industry is a plus. Please note, the goal is to complete this task within 7 days. I have not been using any specific methods for promotion, so I'm open to your expert suggestions.

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Gns Bud
14 bud

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY, LOOK AT THE FILE THAT IS UPLOADED AND GIVE AN ACCURATE QUOTE ! I have an e57 point cloud file of a residential villa. I need an architectural Revit model that is accurate and ...point cloud file of a residential villa. I need an architectural Revit model that is accurate and color coordinated the way I need, change the colours to white with black wintdow trims and roof throughout. Key Requirements: - The model should accurately represent both the interior and exterior of the villa. - It should be detailed with furniture and fixtures, or remove - The color scheme should follow neutral tones. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Revit and point cloud data processing. - Experience in architectural modeling. - Ability to work with detailed specifications and colo...

€97 Average bid
€97 Gns Bud
29 bud

I'm seeking a professional, formal voice-over for an educational video. The video will be 1 to 5 minutes long. Key Requirements: - Experience in providing voice-overs for instructional content is highly preferred. - A voice style that is clear, providing voice-overs for instructional content is highly preferred. - A voice style that is clear, authoritative and engaging is essential to ensure the content is delivered in a professional and formal manner. - Ability to meet deadlines and deliver high-quality audio files. Ideal skills for this job include: - Excellent articulation and diction - Experience in audio editing - Ability to follow a script and deliver within time constraints. Please provide samples of previous work that matches this style and purp...

€133 Average bid
€133 Gns Bud
31 bud

I'm on the lookout for a seasoned PHP developer with extensive experience in coding from scratch, without the use of frameworks. - Initially, I will assess your skills through a series of small projects, each compensated at $30. These tasks will serve as a preliminary evaluation before we consider a longer-term collaboration on more substa...projects, each compensated at $30. These tasks will serve as a preliminary evaluation before we consider a longer-term collaboration on more substantial projects. - I have specific coding standards that must be adhered to, which I can provide detailed examples of. If you're interested, please apply and share examples of your previous PHP work. The ability to follow my established standards and deliver high-quality code is paramount....

€27 Average bid
€27 Gns Bud
64 bud