Dynamics crm 2016 multi select picklistJobs
Vi leder efter en der kan hjælpe os med at lave forskellige monday boards og vedligeholde de boards vi allerede har. Nyt - Tidsregistrering på kunder vedligehold - CRM
Hej Marlene, Jeg har et dokument om Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central som jeg skal have oversat til dansk. 19637 ord. Er det noget du kan klare og hvordan vil det være i forhold til de tekniske/økonomiske termer? Hvad vil dit estimat være for en opgave som denne? /Michael
Hi I need a reliable assistant/secretary to cut and paste data from websites into new contacts in Hubspot. You will get a list of links to companies like this one Your task is to extract the data and enter them into Hubspot. I am not sure how long it will take, so let's do it on an hourly basis. Please state your fee per hour. Please also write if you have experience with Hubspot. You will need a fast and stable internet connection. I look forward to working with you! Take care Erik
Experto en Vtiger para mantencion y desarrollo de CRM
Jeg hedder Oliver. Jeg er 26 år gammel. Min historie starter tilbage i 2009, hvor min far og jeg køber os ind i en lille skomager forretning i København, som vi så udvikler og gøre større. I løbet af 2-3 år har vi fået et større varesortiment, flere kunder og vi har fordoblet den daglige omsætning. I 2016 beslutter vi os for at åbne afdeling 2 i et storcenter i Ringsted, hvor min far står. Med den rette strategi, fik vi den nye butik op og køre med et meget større varesortiment og en god omsætning. Vi havde og har stadig blod på tanden for at åbne flere skomagerbutikker, men må dsv. Bukke under for branchens begrænsninger såsom: personalemangel som ...
ترجمة كتاب الميكانيكا الهندسية استاتيكا ترجمة علمية معتمدة مع الحفاظ على النسق العام بحيث تصلح الترجمة للنشر ككتاب جامعي علما ان ما سنترجمه هي أول 655 صفحة مع ضرورة التنسيق والمحافظة على النسق العام للصفحة اسم الكتاب engineering mechanics statics dynamics 14th edition المؤلف hibbeler يمكنك تحميل الكتاب من خلال هذا الرابط %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%8A%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A%D9%83%D8%A7+%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%87%D9%86%D8%AF%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%A9+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%83%D9%88%D9%86+%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%A9+14+%D9%87%D9%8A%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%84%D8%
ترجمة كتاب الميكانيكا الهندسية استاتيكا ترجمة علمية معتمدة مع الحفاظ على النسق العام بحيث تصلح الترجمة للنشر ككتاب جامعي علما ان ما سنترجمه هي أول 655 صفحة مع ضرورة التنسيق والمحافظة على النسق العام للصفحة اسم الكتاب engineering mechanics statics dynamics 14th edition المؤلف hibbeler يمكنك تحميل الكتاب من خلال هذا الرابط %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%8A%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A%D9%83%D8%A7+%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%87%D9%86%D8%AF%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%A9+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%83%D9%88%D9%86+%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%A9+14+%D9%87%D9%8A%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%84%D8%
Hej mohamedgb00714, jeg lagde mærke til din profil og vil gerne tilbyde dig mit projekt. Vi kan diskutere evt. detaljer på chatten.
Hej orbitalpenguin, jeg lagde mærke til din profil og vil gerne tilbyde dig mit projekt. Vi kan diskutere evt. detaljer på chatten.
Vil gerne have lavet en hjemmeside hvor jeg kan tilbyde print og indramning af fotos. Er inspireret af disse 2 sider: https://www.framebridge.com/build#odc=true;s=artTypeSelection Det skal være muligt at oploade sit billede, og herefter vælge ramme og paspetu type/farve, og se disse med sit eget billede inden bestilling.
Jeg har lavet et stører program der i fremtiden skulle være selv kørende. Programmet kræver dog en hjemmeside hvor 4 forskellige bruger gruppe kan logge på. Alle brugere er meget afhængelige af...skal kunne logge ind og se / ændre deres egne informationer. Specielle krav: Jeg ønsker at siden er lavet i Joomla. (Kan forhandles. "hvis du taler godt for din sag.") Jeg ønsker selv at overtage videre development. Da dette kun er første step for sidens brug. (Har bare ikke tid lige nu.) Så alt code / moduler / komponents osv.. skal overdrages. Opgaven skal være færdig inden 12 - 07 - 2016 Jeg har en ide om hvordan sidens opsætning skal se ud... Menuer login forms osv.. ^ dog ...
Hej, Jeg søger efter en udvikler som har erfaring med at arbejde med webservices. Denne app skal forbinde til Microsoft CRM web api: og så skal den bruge Google Maps API: Den vil hente data ned fra CRM som så vil blive vist på Google Maps, den vil bruge funktioner som 'Distance and travel time' fra google og også vise destination og ruten på kortet. Dette er overordnet beskrivelse, flere detaljer vil blive givet når vi har en samtale. Du må gerne beskrive hvor meget erfaring du har med web service og hvilke webservice du har arbejdet med.
Jeg har egen server som mine kunder skal bruge som webhotel og dertil deres simple hjemmeside. Vi henvender os primært til nye iværksættere inden for håndværk, jura, revision mm. Derfor skal vi bruge 4-10 faste teamer til hjemmesider samt en freelancekonsulent til at oprette websiden med ønskede domæne på serveren, og sørge for at det hele kører. Vi projekterer ca. 200 opgaver i 2016.
Jeg har egen server som mine kunder skal bruge som webhotel og dertil deres simple hjemmeside. Vi henvender os primært til nye iværksættere inden for håndværk, jura, revision mm. Derfor skal vi bruge 4-10 faste teamer til hjemmesider samt en freelancekonsulent til at oprette websiden med ønskede domæne på serveren, og sørge for at det hele kører. Vi projekterer ca. 200 opgaver i 2016.
Jeg skal have kodet følgende design: Hurtigst muligt. Der skal ikke laves det store, blot så det kan fremvises funktionsdygtigt.
På side 1. (ark – ’kontobevægelser’) er der i kolonne D indsat beløb (kr.), - pkt. C Værdien i pkt. C (side 1) ønskes overført til pkt. C (side 2) - arket ’2017’. Der skal indsættes en formel i pkt. C, arket ’2017’ (...formel i pkt. C, arket ’2017’ (side 2) som overfører værdien fra pkt. C (side 1) til pkt. C (side 2). Dette gøres ved: • Det aktuelle ark som værdien i pkt. C (side 1) skal overføres til findes ud fra datoen i pkt. B (side 1). Værdier fra kalenderår 2017 overføres til arket ’2017’. Værdier fra øvrige kalenderår eksporteres til de respektive ark/kalenderår. Dvs. værdier for ka...
Vi har brug for hjælp til at opbygge i MS Excel rapport, som via Jetreport henter debitor / salgs data fra Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 - SQL database.
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Jeg ønsker en liste over folk med Multi Level Marketing erfaring i Danmark. Dog IKKE Herbalife forhandlere.
Jeg skal have klonet min livsstils-app "Way of Life - The Ultimate Habit Maker & Breaker" () til Android. Mange af de designmæssige spørgsmål er således afklaret og jeg skal derfor primært bruge en udvikler som hurtigt kan se hvordan ...hvordan en måde at gøre tingene på i iOS, måske bør gøres anderledes på Android for at få den rigtig Android-feeling. De overordnede linjer er dog lagt. Way of Life gør flittig brug af SQLite (gennem Core Data) og det forventes at du mestrer enten SQLite, det nye RealmDB eller evt. noget 3. som du har god erfaring med. Du skal gerne kunne implementere en slags map/reduce løsning som kan kører multi-threaded. For en gennemgang ...
Jeg skal bruge 4 til 6 mødebookere/sælgere til mødebookning og evt. salg af webløsninger. Du får telefonlister og adgang til webbaseret crm system. Du kan arbejde hjemmefra og/eller fra vores kontor i Glostrup. Ring eller skriv til mig så finder vi ud af detaljerne.
HTML /CRM programming xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
... 3) Michael Omi and Howard Winant, “The Theory of Racial Formation” (pages 105-136 in Racial Formation in the United States) Omi and Winant's work on racial formation theory discusses how race is socially constructed and how racial categories are created, transformed, and destroyed. This framework can help analyze the specific challenges Black women face within the broader context of racial dynamics in society. 4) Sally Haslanger, “A Social Constructionist Analysis of Race” Haslanger's analysis delves into how race is socially constructed and the implications of this construction on individuals and groups. This perspective is valuable for understanding how Black women experience intersecting identities and the unique burdens they carry as a r...
...for) , The flow of the program is : One frame is captured via camera Frame is pre processed— we have this done, our model does a little pre processing but we need you to enhance it to make it better. OCR is run easyOCR , alphabets and numbers are grouped to represent values (our model does not locate ROI) around 5-6 regions of interest — need to add a validation step here as well. (You can select another model as well depends on you but it should be working for our use case) Then the second program runs a set of pre processing On the same image then runs by those models (you need to increase accuracy of the model). This is basically wave pattern recognition and classification. Image needs to be preprocessed for glares , distortion(like for wide angle or fi...
### Project Description: ElevateFlow is a cutting-edge virtual assistant (VA) agency specializing in enhancing productivity and workflow efficiency for businesses leveraging the Go High-Level CRM platform. At ElevateFlow, our mission is to empower clients by streamlining their operations, optimizing marketing and sales funnels, and delivering tailored support with a friendly, approachable touch. #### Key Features and Services: - Go High-Level Expertise: Our team of VAs is thoroughly trained in Go High-Level functionalities, ensuring seamless support for all aspects of the platform, including pipeline management, automated workflows, appointment scheduling, and client communication. - Efficiency Redefined: We focus on simplifying complex tasks and optimizing processes to help cli...
Estoy buscando crear un poster para promocionar unas jornadas de tecnificación para fútbol femenino que se desarrollarán los días 14-15-16 de Abril de 2025 en el campo de fútbol SA NOVA CABANA situada en marratxí. Para niñas nacidas entre 2016 y 2008 Me gustaría mantener el color del esquema del club (naranja y negro) Además de insertar el logo del Ath Marratxi y del ayuntamiento de marratxi En la web hay más información del club.
As a growing jewellery brand, I am in need of a dedicated social media marketing manager who can also manage my e-commerce platforms. Key Responsibilities: - Focus on a multi-platform approach, specifically Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Amazon, and Flipkart. - Create engaging content, primarily product images that showcase our jewellery in a captivating way. - Run targeted ad campaigns to reach potential customers and increase brand visibility. - Actively engage with followers to build a loyal community around our brand. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly in the jewellery or fashion sector. - Strong e-commerce management skills, with a track record of successful sales on platforms like Amazon and Flipkart. - Exceptional con...
...create a unique software that integrates a CRM with a multi-lingual AI personal assistant. This assistant will be tailored for the sales of natural products, particularly plant-based supplements. Key Features: - Desktop and Mobile: The software should be compatible with both desktop and mobile platforms. - Multi-Lingual: The AI should be capable of fluently communicating in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, and German. - Comprehensive Task Management: The assistant will need to handle a variety of tasks including answering calls and texts, booking appointments, managing social media, and digital marketing campaigns, as well as responding to emails. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in CRM and AI software development - Experience in creating mult...
I'm looking for a talented 3D animator to create a 20-second video showcasing the assembly and dynamic movement of office furniture. Key Requirements: - Minimalist and Clean Style: The animation should reflect a minimalist and clean aesthetic. - Highlighting Multi-Purpose Use: The animation should showcase the versatility and multi-purpose use of the furniture. - Clear Background: The 3D animation should be set against a clean, clear-colour background. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D Animation Software - Strong understanding of minimalist design - Experience in creating engaging, high-quality animations - Ability to convey innovation and quality through animation
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I'm in need of an original i...track that embodies the fun, energetic vibe of Yung Gravy's 'Oops Baby'. The track should be upbeat and fun, suitable for a lively and playful setting. Key Points: - The instrumental should make use of a variety of instruments, with a prominent focus on whatever is needed to create a full, rich sound. - A bass guitar, synthesizer, and drums are potential candidates, but I trust your expertise to select the best instruments for this project. - The mood of the track should be consistently upbeat and fun, matching the style of Yung Gravy's music. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in music production and composition. - Familiarity with Yung Gravy's style and similar upbeat, fun tracks. - Ability to create a ric...
...’s API to automatically import product data, including images, descriptions, prices, and stock levels. Additionally, I require an automated email system to handle order confirmations and customer approvals before production. Below are the specific tasks that need to be completed. Scope of Work: 1. Shopify Setup & General Configuration Configure the basic settings of my Shopify store Select and set up a suitable Shopify theme Optimize payment and shipping settings 2. Midocean API Integration Establish a stable API connection with Automatically fetch and sync product data (names, descriptions, images, prices, stock levels, etc.) Ensure daily automatic updates for stock and price changes 3. Product Management & Categorization Properly categorize imported ...
...store’s theme. • Ensure all elements are both functional and aesthetically cohesive. 5. Lighting and Ambiance: • Develop a lighting plan that enhances product visibility and creates a welcoming atmosphere. • Consider ambient, task, and accent lighting to highlight different store areas. 6. Color Scheme and Materials: • Propose a harmonious color palette that reflects our brand identity. • Select materials and finishes for walls, floors, and fixtures that are durable and stylish. 7. 3D Visualization: • Produce high-quality 3D renderings of the entire store, including interior and exterior views. • Provide walkthrough animations to simulate the customer experience within the store. Deliverables: • Detailed floor plans and la...
...store’s theme. • Ensure all elements are both functional and aesthetically cohesive. 5. Lighting and Ambiance: • Develop a lighting plan that enhances product visibility and creates a welcoming atmosphere. • Consider ambient, task, and accent lighting to highlight different store areas. 6. Color Scheme and Materials: • Propose a harmonious color palette that reflects our brand identity. • Select materials and finishes for walls, floors, and fixtures that are durable and stylish. 7. 3D Visualization: • Produce high-quality 3D renderings of the entire store, including interior and exterior views. • Provide walkthrough animations to simulate the customer experience within the store. Deliverables: • Detailed floor plans and la...
English CRM Setup and Configuration for Legal Services with WordPress Frontend Be careful! Read the Brief carefully. We’ve tried to be as specific as possible: do not send low initial offers and then increase them in chat later on, you will be discarded like a used potato chip! I’m not a technician, but I have colleagues who manage everything with autoresponders and low-quality CRMs, so don’t try to make it complicated. We appreciate and select only those who tend to simplify the language. And we take into account the speed of chat responses and the value of content. If you ghost us and reply after 12 hours to seem busy, your application will end up in the trash! :) PROJECT OVERVIEW This project aims to develop a web platform integrated with a CRM...
I'm seeking a lively, charismatic woman with a passion for social communication and rock music to conduct live interviews on YouTube. This project revolves around entertaining fellow rock music fans. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct live interviews with rock enthusiasts - Engage with the audience and create an entertaining atmosphere Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background or interes...fellow rock music fans. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct live interviews with rock enthusiasts - Engage with the audience and create an entertaining atmosphere Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background or interest in social communication - Passionate about rock music - Comfortable performing live and engaging with an audience - Experience with YouTube and understanding of its platform ...
I'm a beginner in the dropshipping world, looking for an experienced professional who can guide me on both Alibaba and Amazon. I need to learn about every aspect of the process, including: - Product Sourcing: Understanding how to find and select potential products on Alibaba. - Listing Optimization: Learning how to create attractive and competitive listings on Amazon. - Order Fulfillment: Gaining insights into the best practices for ensuring timely and efficient order delivery. The ideal freelancer should have considerable experience with both Alibaba and Amazon, and a proven track record in teaching these platforms. Patience, clear communication, and expertise in product sourcing, listing optimization, and order fulfillment are essential.
I'm seeking referral partners from all age groups for a comprehensive education enrollment campaign. This initiative aims to promote a wide array of career-oriented educational programs, from primary and secondary educatio...sector. - Social media influencers: Individuals with a significant online presence who can reach a broad audience. - Community leaders: Respected figures within local communities who can help spread the word. Skills and Experience: - Strong communication and networking skills. - Experience in the education sector or with educational programs. - Proficiency in social media and understanding of its dynamics. - Possessing a respected position within a community. I'm looking forward to working with dedicated and passionate individuals who can help shape ...
I need an expert to update my iOS app. Carplay works but there are some to be improved. My priority is carplay. - Updating carplay by the way that works on carplay devices without user need to open app on iphone (Multi radio streaming app) - Updating pods's to latest versions and codes beloging pods - Updating deprecated codes Please if you have experience on carplay audio apps send send me pm (if not please dont waste my time). I look forward to your proposal.
I'm l...HTML expert to design a dynamic client onboarding form for my website. This form should be linked directly to my HubSpot CRM. The form will be a URL link-only accessible page. Key Requirements: - The form should incorporate conditional fields, file uploads and a multi-step progression. - It should align with my brand identity, using specific brand colours and logo, as well as custom fonts. - Upon submission, the form should directly integrate with my HubSpot CRM. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of HTML and web form design. - Experience with HubSpot CRM integration. - Strong understanding of brand design elements. - Ability to create a user-friendly, dynamic, multi-step form. - Form will contain up to 400 questions - Form will be built a...
...in both 32 and 64 bit (Windows). It should be possible to specify the directory where the FFmpeg dll's should be loaded from (to make sure different versions can use different versions of the dll's). - It should play audio using the default audio device and it should paint the video on a TPanel or similiar canvas. - Video should be scaled to the size of the target canvas, with the option to select between stretched or borders if the canvas does not have the same proportions as the source video. - It should be possible to adjust the audio level. - The component should generate an event for every frame played or whenever the position in the video is changed, providing the current frame time. - The component should expose properties of the loaded video file, incl...
I need a straightforward user login system using only a Username and Password on my MS Azure account. This project involves creating several protected pages, including a Dashboard, Users List, Device List, User Details, and Device Details. Key aspects of the project: - A simple, secure...and minimalistic design for all protected pages. - Two-tier user access: Admin and Regular User. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficiency in .NET for frontend development. - Extensive experience with MS Azure. - Proven track record in creating secure login systems. - Strong ability to design and implement various protected web pages. Please note, the login system does not require Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) or Single Sign-On (SSO). ***The project must be deployed on our Azur...
...website and app issues promptly. Requirements: ✔ Mastery of WordPress & Elementor – Proven experience building high-quality WordPress websites with Elementor. ✔ Strong Backend & Frontend Development Skills – Expertise in PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, and database management (MySQL, SQL). ✔ Experience with APIs & Third-Party Integrations – Ability to work with RESTful APIs, payment gateways, and CRM systems. ✔ SEO & Performance Optimization – Understanding of speed optimization, Core Web Vitals, and best SEO practices. ✔ Security Best Practices – Knowledge of website security, firewalls, and malware prevention. ✔ Problem-Solving & Independence – Ability to troubleshoot and resolve issues without excessive oversight. ✔ ...