Data visualization in excelJobs
...produktfeed-import til Excel via Make Projektbeskrivelse: Vi er på udkig efter en dygtig freelancer med erfaring i automatisering og databehandling, som kan hjælpe os med at automatisere importen af forskellige produktfeeds fra flere leverandører direkte ind i et Excel-ark ved brug af automatiseringstjenesten Make (tidligere Integromat). Opgaver: Opsætning i Make: Opsætte automatiserede workflows i Make, der importerer produkter baseret på specifikke EAN numre fra en liste, vi har tilgængelig i en særskilt fane i Excel-arket. Dataselektion: Sikre, at kun produkter, der matcher EAN-numrene på vores liste, bliver importeret. Dataimport: Automatisk import af følgende produktdetaljer til Excel: ...
Hej, Jeg har behov for en Expert, som kan udvikle en kalender for mig. Jeg har et rengøringsselskab, hvor vi få udleveret et kalender fra vores kunder. Alle kunder har forskellige fridag, men de fleste har helligedage som lukkede også er der enkelte der har ekstra feriedage, så de skal også indtastes. Herudover vil jeg indtaste, hvor menge timer medarbejderne har enkelte dage, så jeg kan beregne hvor timer der skal udbetales. Eksempelsvis har en kunde 20 arbejdsdage, hvor medarbejderen arbejder dagligt 10 timer, så i alt skal der udbetales 200timers løn.
I have an invoice template, i need to add a second page to it that have instead of the columns Beskrivning Antal Enhet à pris Moms Moms kr Belopp should have 10 columns. I have attached the invoice template. So i need a second description page to this template.
Design or formulate the financial analysis for a self storage project in order to ascertain its viability.
Must have minimum excel experience
Lave noget arbejde i Excel Jeg har bruge for hjælp til at laver et system på excel over købesaftaler
Jeg har brug for en ny hjemmeside Bare bygge den Internetbutik Skal sælge gavekort på min webshop på shopify og have betalingsmodul fra pensopay på samt 4 API opkoplinger diverse social media integration samt adwords og trustpilot, Excel fil fra bestilling skal sendes til produktionssted
Jeg skal ha lavet et database program hvor jeg kan indføre forskellige data hver dag. Skal helst kunne køre som app på både android og ios, ios i første omgang Jeg skal selv kunne skrive og lave nye data der skal indføres. Der skal være et pænt layout og være meget nemt at gå til Der skal være en backend, hvor man selv kan tilføje og rette i de ting der skal indtastes. Der skal ikke være begrænsninger for hvor mange indtastninger man kan lave Alt skal kunne konverteres og udskrives i pdf og excel Der vil være småting der skal ændres og tilføjes løbende, så det skal være en der kan arb på projektet noget tid
Skal have lavet en opgave i Regnskab. Skal laves på excel.
På side 1. (ark – ’kontobevægelser’) er der i kolonne D indsat beløb (kr.), - pkt. C Værdien i pkt. C (side 1) ønskes overført til pkt. C (side 2) - arket ’2017’. Der skal indsættes en formel i pkt. C, arket ’2017’ (side 2) som overfører værdien fra pkt. C (side 1) til pkt. C (side 2). Dette gøres ved: • Det aktuelle ark som værdien i pkt. C (side 1) skal overføres til findes ud fra datoen i pkt. B (side 1). Værdier fra kalenderår 2017 overføres til arket ’2017’. Værdier fra øvrige kalenderår eksporteres til de respektive ark/kalenderår. Dvs. værdier for kalenderåret 2016 indsættes i ark &r...
Vi har brug for hjælp til at opbygge i MS Excel rapport, som via Jetreport henter debitor / salgs data fra Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 - SQL database.
har brug for at sende min tekst fra excel til min mobil iphon 5s via sms
Hej, Jeg leder efter nogen til at løse et par matematikopgaver. Opgaverne er vedhæftet og mit budget fremgår af dette projekt. Opgaverne skal løses i et regneark (gerne Microsoft Excel). Deadline er 5 dage efter projektet er uddelt. Se nedenstående vedhæftninger.
Hej, jeg søger en som kan lave et design til et træningsprogram. Jeg har et design som I kan gå udfra, når I kontakter mig på mail. Håber i kan hjælpe. Mvh. Martin Nielsen
Vi ønsker at få en pris på at få oversat den engelske LOD manual inkl. excel workbook til dansk.
Vi ønsker at få en pris på at få oversat den engelske LOD manual inkl. excel workbook til dansk.
project for dangersystem dangersystem dangersystem
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Application that can upload excel sheet to sql table'
Solve excel problem using excel solver
Jeg skal lave en prissammenligningsside. Jeg har samlet alle priser hos en forhandler og skal nu have fundet de samme produkter hos andre forhandlere. Jeg har lavet et excel ark hvor jeg liste alle URLs til den primære forhandler. Det er så jeres opgave at gå ind og finde det tilsvarende produkt hos de andre forhandlere og indsætte links i Excel arket. For at produkterne er de samme skal I tjekke at billedet er ens. Hvis I ikke kan finde det pågældende produkt skal der bare skrives 0 i cellen. Se vedhæftede fil for hvordan templaten ser ud. Det drejer sig cirka om 1000 produkter og 10 forhandlere, der skal tjekkes
Vi søger en programmør og en seo, som kan hjælpe os opbygge , hvilket er en skabelon, men som ikke er klar til at gå, indtil vi har skabt det, som vi ønsker det. 1: Vi ønsker at gøre en affiliate program, hvor vi kan have et system til at betale datterselskaber af de tilbud, de recruite på excel, så alle salg registreret under affiliate. Freelanche sælgere eller søsterselskaber får 10% provision af alle salg via deal sites. 2: Vi ønsker at skabe en form for affiliate, hvor medlemmerne kan anbefale nye medlemmer, og få 2%, hvis salget sker til deres anbefalede medlemmerne, hvis de anbefaler mere end 3 eller 5%, hvis de anbefaler mere end 10 og derover. Så også et system / excell...
Jeg har vedvarende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt ' Looking for a user-interface for Excel'
Take excel spreadsheet & upload via talend to REST service. Might have to work via multiple sheets. Rory to pass on details.
I'm looking for a VB professional who can set up a system to receive TradingView platform's Webhook messages in real-time. The messages primarily consist of trade alerts. The system must be able to: - Capture and log the alerts in an Excel file, with a specific structure of 'Timestamp and Alert Message'. - Function continuously, 24/7. In case of any system issues, I would prefer to be notified through mobile alerts. Ideal skills for this project: - Expertise in Visual Basic - Proficient in Excel - Familiarity with TradingView platform and Webhook messages - Experience with setting up local computer hosting for such tasks - Ability to create an alert system for troubleshooting. Please note, this project has tight tim...
I'm in the process of renovating a whole house and I need a qualified Quantity Surveyor to help me with a summary of material costs. I have spreadsheets detailing the measured work and I need these costs itemized in detail. Key Requirements: - Review and analyze spreadsheets detailing the measured work, For example: The measured work states that there is 125m2 of tiling. I want to know how many kilograms of tile adhesive are needed. Similarly, the measured work states 45m2 of self leveling concrete at average depth of 5mm so how many kilograms bags do I need? - Produce a detailed itemized list of material costs in an Excel spreadsheet. I need you to create a worksheet listing all the materials used and their costs which can be referenced in othe...
...are looking for freelancers for a data entry project that involves typing text data from GIF images into Excel files manually (strictly no copy-paste or OCR tools). Below are the detailed work instructions: Work Process: 1. You will receive a ZIP file containing multiple GIF image files. 2. You need to extract the ZIP file and access the images. 3. Open each GIF image in any compatible image viewer (Paint, Microsoft Picture Manager, or any standard image viewer). 4. You need to manually type the content shown in the image into a new Excel file. 5. Save each Excel file with the same name as the corresponding GIF image file. 6. Ensure the Excel files are saved using the same name format as received in the ZIP file. Typing &a...
Descripción del puesto Buscamos un/a Administrativo/a Contable y Atención al Cliente...contratos, licitaciones y trámites administrativos. Coordinación con otros departamentos para el correcto flujo de información. Requisitos Formación en Administración y Finanzas, Contabilidad o similar. Experiencia previa en funciones contables y administrativas. Experiencia en atención al cliente y gestión de call center. Conocimiento de herramientas de contabilidad y gestión administrativa. Manejo de Excel y otros programas de ofimática. Habilidades organizativas, atención al detalle y capacidad de trabajo en equipo. Se valora positivamente: Experiencia en el uso de software contable y ERP. Conocimientos en fisca...
Data Analysis & Reporting: Collect, clean, and analyze large datasets to identify trends and insights. Develop and maintain interactive dashboards and reports using visualization tools (Power BI, Tableau, Matplotlib, Seaborn, etc.). Perform statistical analysis to support business strategies and decision-making. Top 5 Country Analysis. such as total confirmed cases, deaths cases, Recovered cases , Active cases per capita. Bar charts showing total cases/deaths/confirmed/Recovered/Active. Line graphs Showing Month Wise confirmed/Recovered Cases. Heat maps Showing County Wise Active Case. Suggest areas for further investigation, such as the long-term effects of COVID-19 or the effectiveness of different public health strategies. In summary, the impact of COVID-1... into an Excel sheet. The data needs to be structured with column headers for each type of data. Key Requirements: - Extracting and compiling Email addresses, Phone numbers, Names, Specialties, and Affiliation (place of work) [ all possible, not found to be named NA] . - Organizing the extracted data with column headers for each type of data in the Excel sheet. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data extraction and Excel. - Attention to detail to ensure all relevant contact information is captured accurately. Final outcome: from the following website Selection of > Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Kuwait > countries Selection of > All specialties Selection of > Editor, Author, Reviewer. ...
✨ What I Offer: ✅ Corporate Planning & Summaries: Transform complex business goals into clear, actionable reports or PPTs. ✅ Document Digitization & Typing: Fast, error-free manual data entry for handwritten notes, PDFs, or scans. ✅ Bilingual Translation: Seamless EN↔CN translations with context-aware accuracy (business docs, creative content, emails). ✅ Light Code Generation: Python, HTML, or Excel macros to automate tasks or simplify workflows. ? Bonus Services (My Chinese Advantage!): ? Meaningful Chinese Names: Get a personalized, culturally rich Chinese name (for individuals, brands, or products). ?️ Learn Conversational Chinese: Fun, practical lessons to boost fluency—perfect for travelers or business pros! Why Choose Me? ? Speed + Quality: Quick tu...
...looking for a highly skilled PowerPoint designer to create a professional, visually engaging, and data-driven presentation based on my existing content. The presentation should be well-structured, easy to understand, and follow my organization’s branding. The project involves: ? Professional PowerPoint Design Designing a modern and visually appealing presentation. Ensuring smooth transitions and animations to enhance readability. Using icons, infographics, and structured layouts for a clean, corporate look. ? Data Visualization & Reports Presenting statistical data using clean and interactive charts. Converting Excel data into clear and effective visuals. Ensuring the presentation is data-driven and easy to update. ? Brandin...
...profiling sheet. This tool will be used to input various client data points and generate structured outputs based on predefined parameters and conditions. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in advanced Google Sheets functions, data organization, and automation techniques to streamline profiling and reporting. Responsibilities: Design and develop a structured Google Sheets client profiling tool. Implement input fields with logical outputs based on predefined conditions. Utilize advanced formulas (e.g., IF, VLOOKUP, INDEX/MATCH, ARRAYFORMULA) to generate automated results. Create conditional formatting for easy data visualization and interpretation. Develop AESTHETIC drop-down menus, checkboxes, and other user-friendly data ...
I am looking for an experienced Power BI expert to help me create a dynamic and insightful report. The data sources for this report will be: Online Data API – The expert should have experience connecting and integrating APIs with Power BI. Excel Sheet – The report should also incorporate data from an Excel file. Requirements: Strong expertise in Power BI, including data modeling, DAX, and visualization. Experience in API integration with Power BI. Ability to merge and transform data from multiple sources. A keen eye for detail to ensure accuracy and efficiency. Deliverables: A well-structured Power BI report that efficiently integrates data from both sources. Properly formatted and interactive visuals...
As we agreed, I will make an excel file for you about honey industry in Europe, and the EU regulations regarding "superfoods".
I need someone to convert data from a PDF to an Excel spreadsheet. The PDF contains text organized in bullet points or lists. The text should be entered into Excel as plain text only, without any specific formatting. Approx 300 records. budget max = $5
I'm looking for an experienced data analyst or Excel expert to create a template for me. This template will take mixed data (both text and numbers) as input and output the results in a spreadsheet. Key Responsibilities: - Design a user-friendly template for data input - Implement custom formulae for processing the data - Ensure the output is in a clear, organized spreadsheet Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel or similar spreadsheet software - Experience with creating data processing templates - Ability to design custom formulae Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.
Hello, I am a second-year Computer Science Engineering student at Sharda University with hands-on experience in data entry, processing, and database management. I have worked on MySQL projects, which has enhanced my ability to organize and handle data efficiently. My skills include Microsoft Access, Excel, and data processing tools, along with a keen eye for detail and fast, accurate typing. With my technical background, I can ensure precise and well-structured data entry. I am eager to contribute to your project and deliver high-quality results within the given timeline. Looking forward to your response! Best regards, Tanay Mehta
...Cálculo y control de adelantos y costos de viaje. Registro y mantenimiento de archivos de conocimiento sobre logística de viajes. Organización y gestión de briefings y debriefings de viajes. Requisitos Experiencia previa en agencia de viajes (imprescindible). Manejo avanzado de Amadeus. Nivel avanzado de inglés (español obligatorio; se valoran otros idiomas). Dominio de herramientas digitales: Excel, TripIt, Gmail y ChatGPT. Habilidad para trabajar en equipo y coordinar con diferentes actores del viaje. Capacidad de gestión bajo presión y flexibilidad para emergencias. Condiciones Modalidad: Freelance (remoto). Horario: Establecido, pero con flexibilidad según las necesidades del negocio. Duración: Contrato abi...
I'm seeking an Excel expert to create a macro that automates data entry for daily inventory updates. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Excel, specifically in developing macros. - Experience with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). - Ability to streamline repetitive tasks and ensure data accuracy. Task: - Automate the entry of inventory details into Excel on a daily basis. The goal is to save time and reduce errors in our inventory tracking process. Your expertise in data processing and problem-solving will be crucial in delivering a tailored solution that meets our needs.
1) Write a code to read (Peripheral inputs) PIW 240, PIW xxx.... 2) Move the value to the excel in real time. 3) You can use any library (like libnodave, Snap7, modbus) and any coding language(Python, C, etc...). Please be noted that PIWxxx values are not moving to any DB or MW, they are simply being called to a custom block FC to which handles the control logic.