Copy editing journal articlesJobs


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2,000 copy editing journal articles jobs fundet
News media
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these pages are news media, I need to find someone who can find all expired domains on the articles on the pages, and tell how to find them, maybe a program that can?

€19 Average bid
€19 Gns Bud
10 bud

... media accounts are for our mobile application named Sosiro, we want content to target expats and motivate them to download the app, we prefer video-based posts that can capture the attention of my audience. Videos need to have cover photo too. Requirements: - Experience in creating video content for social media platforms. - Knowledge of the latest trends and techniques in video editing. - Ability to create content that aligns with my brand's image and values. - Strong storytelling and creative skills to engage and captivate the audience. - Excellent time management skills to ensure content is posted once a day. If you have a passion for creating visually appealing and engaging videos for social media, and can meet the daily posting requirement (10 video-Image per day), I...

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Gns Bud
37 bud

...introduce my product/service to potential customers. - I do not have an existing script or narrative, but I have a rough idea of what I want to convey. - The video length required is 1 minute. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong scriptwriting skills to create a compelling and engaging script. - Experience in creating video explainers for product/service introductions. - Proficiency in video editing and animation software to bring the script to life. - Creativity and ability to turn rough ideas into a visually appealing and informative video. If you have the skills and experience required, please submit your proposal with examples of your previous work in video explainers.

€124 Average bid
€124 Gns Bud
38 bud

Hej Alexander, Jeg skriver på vegne af VELUX hvor vi har brug for hjælp til at skrive en eller flere case articles for vores datterselskab Vario by VELUX (Custom skylights) på ca. 600 ord stykket. Vi har et budget på 250 GBP pr artikel. Den første skal allerede bruges i denne uge. Kontakt mig venligst på (snabel-A) hvis det lyder interessant. OBS: vi skal gerne kunne betale via faktura, hvis muligt. Håber på at høre fra dig, Mads

€280 Average bid
€280 Gns Bud
1 bud

Hej Jeppe, jeg skriver på vegne af VELUX hvor vores kollegaer hos Vario (custom rooflights) har brug for hjælp til at skrive en (måske flere) case articles på ca. 600 ord. Vi har et budget på ca. 250 GBP pr artikel. Den første artikel har vi en komplet brief klar til. Den skal være færdig denne uge. Du må meget gerne kontakte mig her eller på @ hvis det lyder interessant. Vi skal gerne kunne betale via faktura, men det ved jeg ikke om er en mulighed for dig. Mvh Mads

€280 Average bid
€280 Gns Bud
1 bud

... This is the homepage: This is the tasks that I need to have solved: 1) I like to have a Trustpilot logo on top of the video. Just like they do here: I have the trustpilologo in png format I have tried one suggested solution online, but then my Header also get transparent, I do not wish that. 2) I like to learn how to make one element, that I can copy to different location - but I only need to make changes one place. The element should have one "mother" so to speak. The four boxes on the front page with Begravelse, bistættelse, gør mere selv afsked og sig farvel på din måde" is used in many different locations: etc.. Ps

€30 Average bid
€30 Gns Bud
8 bud

My website is almost done, Im only missing the SHOP section. My website: (SHOP needs to be done) I want to copy these 8 pages (see links) and that means I want to clone these pages and add in my WP site. Need those 8 sites build on my website. I need almost all details, like pictures and text from the links. No links to the other site, I just borrowing their design. I sell the same products. I need to change prices as well and add option to upload some of my pictures, beside your own means I need a section where you can upload the images from me beside your own. I want to sell some of my pictures as an option too. Please check uploaded files for what I want and compare with links. 8 sites (FRONTPAGE and 2,3,4,5,6,7,8) those files will save you time. FRONTPAGE - https://www

€146 Average bid
€146 Gns Bud
10 bud

I need two things: 1. HTMLNewsletter Design to be setup and edited in Campaign Monitor using their editing software (I do not want to edit HTML Code once job is complete) I will need to edit all text, links and images. 2. I require dropdown tabs like in the following newsletter link. A recreation of the newsletter style will be fine as long as I can edit for our company branding. For those interested in the project pls send me an example if possible of a HTML newsletter where you have a dropdown tab like in the below example.

€75 Average bid
€75 Gns Bud
18 bud
Project for Inez D.
Udløbet left

Hi Inez. I would like you as we agreed, that u make the backside the same as the frontside on the invitation. I would also like you to write a standard text on the backside, I think its smartest for u to just copy/paste it. "Kære ______________ Banen er kridtet op til et kæmpe derby! Målscoren bliver 30, og I skal hive sejren hjem sammen med mig! Fodboldstøvlerne må i gerne lade blive hjemme, det er dog tilladt at spille med promille og højt humør. Stadionpølserne er erstattet med lækker mad, og det er tilladt at danse med modstanderen. Det vil glæde mig til at se jer til en kæmpe fest, på vores landstadion, klokken 17:00. Høstenvej 21, 4690 Haslev. SU: 01.03.20" on the front side ...

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Gns Bud
1 bud
€7 Gns Bud
1 bud

I have a pdf that needs minor editing.

€36 Average bid
€36 Gns Bud
54 bud

I have written a 4 page paper that I need help with editing. I am a creative author :)

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Gns Bud
25 bud

Must have minimum excel experience

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Gns Bud
117 bud
Write some Articles
Udløbet left

writing any type of data in english

€381 Average bid
€381 Gns Bud
2 bud
€20 Gns Bud
45 bud
Trophy icon Copy laugh sound effect
Udløbet left

Jeg har brug for en som kan kopiere en latter / grin ud fra et lydklip. Det skal helst være eksakt kopi da tonefaldet er meget vigtig til det som det skal bruges til efterfølgende. Det skal være uden ekkoet som er på filen og uden menneske / tale og abe lyde. Kun grinet.

€99 Average bid
4 indlæg
€21 Gns Bud
11 bud
€89 Gns Bud
11 bud


€297 Average bid
€297 Gns Bud
9 bud

Jeg skal have genoptegnet nogle gamle maskine tegninger i autocad, jeg har de gamle hard copy tegninger, som skal ændres en smule, og der skal tilføjes en ekstra ovn. Yderligere information

€1774 Average bid
€1774 Gns Bud
13 bud


€27 Average bid
€27 Gns Bud
2 bud


€73 Average bid
€73 Gns Bud
6 bud
€9 - €9
0 bud

rediger 6 masterspin 1500 mots minimum volet ROULANT electricien electricien2 serrurier VOLET ROULANT PLOMBIER

€401 Average bid
€401 Gns Bud
2 bud

fdsdfsdfsdf dsfds fsdfsdf sdfsdf sdfsd sa sdsd sdfsdfr sdfsdfsdf dsfsdf sdfsdfsd dsfsdf dsfsdfsd dsfsdfdsfsdfdsfdsfdsffdsfsdf

€141 - €424
€141 - €424
0 bud

This job has priority over the other Danish job. Please write 6 danish articles - 600-1000 words each. With the following guidelines: Teksterne skal lægges op på diverse blogs, som så til gengæld linker til is. Dermed er der ret frie rammer for hvad du skriver - bare det er kvalitet, og rammer det overordnede emne. Artiklerne skal dermed heller ikke decideret handle om binære optioner - men bare om hvad end der står nedenfor i de 6 punkter. I hver tekst skal der dog være en oplagt mulighed for at linke til vores danske side , så du skal et eller andet sted nævne binære optioner - men om det er i en bisætning, eller om det er fokus for teksten det er lige meget. 1) Noget relateret til investering (bloggen omhandl...

€139 Average bid
€139 Gns Bud
1 bud

newsletter for Homeowners Association

€46 Average bid
€46 Gns Bud
4 bud
Blog Articles
Udløbet left

Writing blog articles

€105 Average bid
€105 Gns Bud
1 bud

Private job for Stammer editing sale letter

€84 Average bid
€84 Gns Bud
3 bud

Menerima Jasa Mendesign =D Brosur,editing foto,Logo,Kalender etc,,

€0 - €0
€0 - €0
0 bud

Hi I own three sites: , & I need you to copy the template and content of from one webhotel to another, and upload it to Then, I need you to replace content and texts from with content and subpages from In short, i need: 1. Copy site from to new webhotel (from to ) and upload to site 2. Replace content from Sjove-citater with content from sjove-jokes (less than 20 sub sites) 3. Create new header and a new simple logo for favicon 4. Same setup as with the mobile responsiveness Give me a fair offer. Best

€143 Average bid
€143 Gns Bud
10 bud
write articles
Udløbet left

write for my blog

€124 Average bid
€124 Gns Bud
1 bud
Article job
Udløbet left

Write articles for me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

€7 / hr Average bid
€7 / hr Gns Bud
1 bud
€19 - €19
0 bud
SEO min Hjemmeside
Udløbet left

I need someone writing a number of good SEO quality articles for a new real estate website. For instants: "Are you looking for buying a new flat in London? Do you like to live in the middle of London? Do you wish to..." 1. Articel/blog about: "Flats for sale" 2. Articel/blog about: "Flats for rent" 3. Articel/blog about: "Student residence for rent" 4. Articel/blog about: "Residential rental" 5. Articel/blog about: "Property in London for rent" 6. Articel/blog about: "Property in London for sale" The size of each article should be like: "Lejlighed København Kunne du tænke dig at gå en tur på Langelinje om morgenen, shoppe i butikker på Strøge...

€72 Average bid
€72 Gns Bud
19 bud

Bid for more detailsBid for more detailsBid for more detailsBid for more detailsBid for more detailsBid for more detailsBid for more details

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Gns Bud
1 bud
New articles
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See your mail for details. Thanks

€56 Average bid
€56 Gns Bud
1 bud
Write some Articles
Udløbet left

Jeg ønsker at skrive om mode og design.

€93 Average bid
€93 Gns Bud
1 bud

Picture editing for phone charger etc.

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Gns Bud
1 bud
Udløbet left

Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy Payments for sales copy.

€60 Average bid
€60 Gns Bud
1 bud
Tanmoy - Tanmoy
Udløbet left

Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy Payments for sales copy.

€17 Average bid
€17 Gns Bud
1 bud
Blog articles
Udløbet left

Blog articles

€38 / hr Average bid
€38 / hr Gns Bud
1 bud

FashionGPS Login: Username: elizabeth@ Password: FashionGPS Our Website: Username: fcsiteteam@ Password: FCteammembers

€91 Average bid
€91 Gns Bud
1 bud

Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektLooking for PRO Sales Copy writing Emails and Auto responded, Homepage'

€5 - €5 / hr
€5 - €5 / hr
0 bud

Check PMB for details...

€2 / hr Average bid
€2 / hr Gns Bud
1 bud
Writing articles!!!
Udløbet left

Check PMB for details...

€2 - €2 / hr
€2 - €2 / hr
0 bud

I need a creative and aesthetically inclined photographer to do a product photoshoot of unstitched suit fabric. The photographer will be required to take 4-5 images per product from different angles. Photos will be used for both my website and Instagram. Ideal skills and experience: - Previous experience in apparel photography - Strong creative and aesthetic sense - Por...different angles. Photos will be used for both my website and Instagram. Ideal skills and experience: - Previous experience in apparel photography - Strong creative and aesthetic sense - Portfolio demonstrating modern and minimalistic, traditional and vibrant, and elegant and luxurious styles - Ability to highlight product features through innovative photography techniques - Proficiency in post-shoot editing and ...

€134 - €401
€134 - €401
0 bud

I'm looking for a small student well-being website focused on mental health resources specifically designed for high school students. Key Features: - A dedicated section for mental health resources which includes articles and tips. - Self-assessment tools to help students gauge their mental health. Ideal Skills: - Web development skills, preferably with experience in creating interactive and user-friendly websites for young audiences. - Understanding of mental health and ability to curate appropriate content. - Experience with creating self-assessment tools would be a bonus.

€170 Average bid
€170 Gns Bud
83 bud