Converting 3ds max flashJobs
...markedet her i Danmark, oplever vi allerede en stor efterspørgsel efter vores produkt. Vi ønsker at fortsætte denne vækst og øge opmærksomheden om vores lysterapi, som har til formål at hjælpe danskerne med at opnå en sundere og mere strålende hud ved hjælp af et skånsomt og ikke-invasivt produkt, der skaber synlige resultater. Vi håber at du kunne have lyst til at hjælpe os med at lave nogle videoer (max 1 min pr. video) om vores produkt og tage nogle billeder med produktet. Det vil vi gerne have lov til at bruge på vores hjemmeside og ads (uden navn eller personoplysninger). Vi skal nok sende nogle eksempler på content som inspiration. Vi håber du vil hjælpe os p&ari...
Jeg er selvstændig journalist og leder efter en mand med en god speakerstemme til at optage nogle citater til en podcast. Det er ca. 10-15 citater pr. afsnit, så der er højst max en times arbejde i det pr. afsnit. Arbejdet er betalt – jeg har ikke et kæmpe budget i starten, så jeg kan betale 200 kroner pr. afsnit. Aflønningen vil dog stige, hvis podcasten genererer mere omsætning. Afsnittene vil blive udgivet hyppigt (målet er et ugentligt afsnit), så hvis vi arbejder godt sammen, er der mulighed for en regelmæssig indkomst. Jeg forventer, at du - Har gode kommunikationsfærdigheder - Kan overholde deadlines - Svarer på e-mails og sms'er inden for rimelig tid - Kan intonere stemmer og spille roller ...
Jeg skal bruge et tilbud på en Booking Kalender til vores hjemmeside. Se vedhæftede billeder. Det er udlejning af Gokart Max 10 på banen ad gangen
Facebook medarbejder der sørger for vores facebook spiller max, med opdatering, besvarelser, undersøgelser, informationer, nyheder, gruppedeltagelse, blogs osv.
Min virksomhed laver ure inspireret af flyvemaskiner. Jeg skal have lavet 3D camera circle around the product. Det skal laves indenfor 2-3 dage max. da skal bruge det til en kampagne vi er lige ved at køre.
...-Vi har brug for en tegning / design af: -De 3 plysdyr - helst en bamse, hund, elefant eller abe - Pyjamas til alle 3 dyr -Alle designs / Tegninger skal være klar til at sende til produktion - hvilket betyder at vi skal kunne sende tegningerne til fabrikanten, så de kan producere plysdyrene og pyjamaserne ud fra disse tegninger. -Dyrenes højde maks. 40 cm og bredde max 25 cm. og dybde max 25 cm. Vi skal se din streg før vi beslutter hvem vi vil arbejde sammen med....
I need someone to make a sketch out of some measurement of our garden. And i would like to see it As photo realistic AS possible. Budget Not over 100 pounds Show me What you have Been Working with before. Dk:Jeg skal bruge en der kan give mig en idé og tegning af vores have ud fra hvad der er der nu. - plantegning over idé til beplantning - idé til terrasse - idé til stier/ belægn...need someone to make a sketch out of some measurement of our garden. And i would like to see it As photo realistic AS possible. Budget Not over 100 pounds Show me What you have Been Working with before. Dk:Jeg skal bruge en der kan give mig en idé og tegning af vores have ud fra hvad der er der nu. - plantegning over idé til beplantning - idé til terrasse...
Design et logo Det er til Youtube dette logo der bliver designet. Der skal stå teksten 'Simon Max' i logoet
Jeg skal bruge en der kan give mig en idé og tegning af vores have ud fra hvad der er der nu. - plantegning over idé til beplantning - idé til terrasse - idé til stier/ belægning i haven. Budget max 900kr
Vil gerne have lavet et website, hvor det er muligt for brugerne at annoncere deres produkter. Det skal være muligt for brugerne selv at ligge billeder op og redigere deres annoncer med max 6 billeder til hver annonce. Det skal være både til private og erhverskunder. Der skal tilknyttes betalinger i form at få lov til at lægge annocen online. både på det enkelte produkt(privatkunder), eller en månedlig betaling så der er ubegrænset mulighed for at ligge billederne op(erhvervskunder). Hertil skal det være muligt for mig, som administrator, at redigere og tilføje/fjerne bannerreklamer på siden. Tankerne bag siden er mig som mellemmand, mellem sælger og køber. Der skal dog være plads ...
el de talle 1 de talle 2 de tralle 3 dwetalle 4 detalle 5 detalle6
...-- Quality back links must relate to site topic on high quality relevant sites -- No black hat, gray hat or unethical SEO methods are to be used -- no junk profile building techniques are to be used -- No use of automated software or bots -- No links from under construction pages -- No java links, jump scripts, framed pages, redirects, cloaking, CSS redirects, 301 redirects, dynamic links, flash sites/pages, hidden links, no string parameters, etc. -- No link farms, traffic exchanges, link exchange programs or web rings -- No paid traffic sites -- No banned sites, porn, gambling, violent, illegal sites, etc. -- No methods or techniques that will get the site banned, de-indexed or sandbox -- Expert understanding of Google & Panda Updates and how to work with them ...
skills 3ds max, 3d modeling ,3d animation ,3d rendering skills 3ds max, 3d modeling ,3d animation ,3d rendering skills 3ds max, 3d modeling ,3d animation ,3d rendering
architect fluent at architectural & landescape & interior design and using autocad & 3d max & photoshop & loumion & sketchup programs
Til et projekt til børn ønskes små historier skrevet der tilknytter sig til nogle danske sange. For eksempel indgår Den Blå Anemone som en af sangene og der skal skrives en lille eventyragtigt historie. Der skal skrives ca. 8 historier på max 4 linier pr. historie. Versform er også en mulighed. Der vil være en sommerfugl som er den gennemgående figur. Der vil være musik og billeder (illustrationer) som skal understøtte hinanden. Sprog dansk. Til børn mellem 0-6 år
FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef
3d modelling + rendering, sketchup/3d max + vray render
Lav SEO og linkbuilding til vores danske webshop. Vi arbejder selv internt med onsite SEO og har cirka 10 blogs, hvor vi løbende skriver artikler med links til webshoppen. Vi har indtil nu derudover haft et par freelancere tilknyttet, sidst primært til linkbuilding. Vi...tilknyttet, sidst primært til linkbuilding. Vi vil dog gerne prøve at skifte til en ny freelancer, idet resultaterne i de sidste måneder er udeblevet. Du skal have grundig erfaring med SEO-arbejde og linkbuilding i Danmark. Du skal have fundet metoder, der også virker efter de seneste pakker fra Google i 2013/14. Vi vil dog ikke risikerer at blive blacklistet, så metoderne skal være white-hat eller max. grey hat. Er du interesseret, så skriv til mig p&ari...
Vi har brug for en online flashapplikation, hvor brugeren kan vælge mellem 5 hvide produkter, f.eks. en T-shirt eller en kop, mfl. Det skal herefter være muligt at udføre følgende funktioner: - Male på produktet med forskellige farver - vælge forskelliige tykkelser af brushes - Zoome ud og ind - Skrive tekster på produktet - vælge fonte og farver til teksten - Slette eller F...Male på produktet med forskellige farver - vælge forskelliige tykkelser af brushes - Zoome ud og ind - Skrive tekster på produktet - vælge fonte og farver til teksten - Slette eller Flytte tekster og malerier rundt og ændre lag rækkefølgen - og endelig skal det være muligt at gemme sit design som en jpg/png...
ACLS is privately owned construction and logistic company with its offices in United States, Arab Emirates and Afghanistan. The Company has been responsible for the design and construction of some of the most significant projects in Afghanistan. URL Languages and Technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Flash Quality of code The website conforms to W3C can relate to the correct layout of pages for readability as well making sure coded elements are closed appropriately.
HelloFreelancers, I want to post 10-12 Gigs on Fiver and i want someone who can design Gig Graphics to upload on freelancer. Budget: 1000 - 1500 INR Timeline: Max. 1 Week Apply with your portfolio.
...spb_prestation_lot__prix_unitaire_ht spb_prestation_lot__prix_total_ht spb_prestation_lot__taux_tva spb_prestation_lot__prix_total_ttc ? Notes: The invoice number should be extracted from the PDF and added to each row. The total price (TTC) should be calculated automatically: ini Copier Modifier prix_total_ttc = prix_total_ht * (1 + taux_tva / 100) Some fields may need data cleaning (e.g., converting 1 234,56 € into 1234.56). ? Technical Requirements: ✅ The script should be written in Python (pdfplumber, PyMuPDF, pandas, etc.) or PHP. ✅ It should work automatically on multiple PDF files, not just one. ✅ It should be configurable to adjust column formatting if needed. ✅ The output should be a CSV file compatible with phpMyAdmin (; delimiter). ✅ Optional: A simple dra...
I'm looking for a professional 3D artist with a strong and the impact on a significant tree, with streetscape and views from the adjoining apartment building. Proposed house plans, some existing renders of the proposed house and photos of the significant tree and exterior of the apartment building are available. Approx 4-5 renders are required. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in 3D rendering software (e.g. AutoCAD, Blender, SketchUp, 3ds Max) - Proven track record in architectural visualization - Strong understanding of residential architectural design - Ability to produce photorealistic exterior renderings - Excellent attention to detail - Able to provide the required 3D visualisation within 10 days - this is critical. - work within preferred...
I need assistance converting 13 files of Gujarati language image content into a Word file using specific fonts. Each file contains 5 pages, with full page text and one image per page. Specific requirements: - Use "Noto Sans Gujarati" or "Noto Serif Gujarati" fonts - Convert the images accurately to maintain the integrity of the original text Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word and image manipulation - Familiarity with Gujarati language and script - Experience in document formatting and font management - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy and consistency throughout the project
Hello, I am looking for a highly skilled PowerPoint designer to create a professional, visually engaging, and data-driven presentatio...and follow my organization’s branding. The project involves: ? Professional PowerPoint Design Designing a modern and visually appealing presentation. Ensuring smooth transitions and animations to enhance readability. Using icons, infographics, and structured layouts for a clean, corporate look. ? Data Visualization & Reports Presenting statistical data using clean and interactive charts. Converting Excel data into clear and effective visuals. Ensuring the presentation is data-driven and easy to update. ? Branding & Theme Customization Applying the official branding (colors and logo) of my organization. Ensuring a consistent theme...
...components to ensure a small image size and fast boot time Expected Deliverables 1️⃣ Yocto Layer & Configuration Files Custom Bitbake recipes for required software Proper and setup 2️⃣ Buildable Yocto Image Compatible with Raspberry Pi 4 (ARM64) Optionally extendable for x86-based boards 3️⃣ Documentation & Setup Guide Steps to rebuild the image from source Instructions to flash the image onto an SD card 4️⃣ Testing & Debugging Verify Chromium, GPIO, SPI, Node.js, and Python functionality Ensure fast boot time & stability Required Skills & Experience ✔ Strong knowledge of Yocto Project & Bitbake recipes ✔ Experience with embedded Linux & cross-compilation ✔ Familiarity with Chromium browser setup in Yocto ✔ Hands-on with Raspberry Pi, GPIO, SPI,...
I need someone to convert data from a PDF to an Excel spreadsheet. The PDF contains text organized in bullet points or lists. The text should be entered into Excel as plain text only, without any specific formatting. Approx 300 records. budget max = $5
I'm in need of a mid-poly 3D model of a sword adorned with a black ribbon. This model is intended for use in animation or film, so it will need to be detailed enough to stand up to close scrutiny, but not so complex that it can't be easily it will need to be detailed enough to stand up to close scrutiny, but not so complex that it can't be easily rendered. Key Requirements: - Proficient in creating mid-poly 3D models - Experience in designing for animation or film - Ability to create visually appealing and accurate representations of the given design Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software (e.g., Blender, Maya, 3ds Max) - Strong understanding of the principles of 3D modeling, including topology, UV mapping, and texturing - Prior experie...
I'm in need of a skilled 3D animator who can help me with the rendering of a building scenario. All elements are prepared, I just need a clean, high-quality realistic exterior rendering. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in using 3D software for rendering (preferably Blender, Autodesk Maya, or 3ds Max) - Exceptional 3D animation and visualization skills - Expertise in producing high-quality, realistic renderings - Previous experience with exterior building animations Don't hesitate to apply if you have the necessary proven skills.
I'm looking for a professional to set up a comprehensive marketing funnel aimed at converting leads into sales for my digital products. Key Aspects of the Project: - The primary goal of the funnel is Sales Conversion. - It should incorporate multiple platforms: Email Marketing, Social Media, and Landing Pages. - The products being promoted are exclusively Digital Products. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in sales funnel development specifically for digital products. - Proficient in Email Marketing, Social Media Management, and Landing Page Optimization. - Strong track record of enhancing sales conversion rates.
I'm seeking a talented freelancer to create a compelling, high-converting sales landing page for my automation consultancy services. The landing page needs to effectively communicate our cutting-edge expertise and drive conversions. Key Requirements: - Design a visually appealing and user-friendly landing page. - Craft engaging, innovative and authoritative copy that showcases our services and expertise. - Incorporate strong CTAs (Call-to-Actions) throughout the page. - Set up a newsletter sign-up form and clear opportunities for visitors to engage. - Include service overview sections and client testimonials to build credibility and trust. The ideal candidate will have: - Proven experience in designing and writing for sales landing pages. - Expertise in SEO and conversion op...
I'm looking for a professional editor and desi...Checking/updating the references and standardizing the citation formatting. Design/Formatting: - Basic design updates to the existing Google Doc (airing out pages to make them less text-dense, color coding sections). - Redesigning graphics to ensure a coherent brand feel across the manual. - A complete redesign of the manual using Canva, which has more robust design features than Google Docs. - Converting the redesigned manual into an interactive PDF. Your proposal should highlight your editing experience, proficiency with citation formatting, and design skills, particularly with Canva. A keen eye for detail and a sense for brand consistency will be key in this project. Please include examples of similar projects you've co...
I'm looking for a professional web developer with extensive experience in WordPress and Elementor to convert my static HTML website into a WordPress site. The site has a simple structure, featuring a single header, single footer area, and a total of 5 pages, and all containe...editable. Key requirements: - Convert a couple of pages that utilize custom post types, specifically for team members, bios, and a list view of files. - Ensure that the current design is maintained throughout the conversion process without any design updates or alterations. - make sure all elements are editable via Elementor Ideal skills: - Proficiency in WordPress and Elementor - Experience with converting HTML to WordPress - Ability to handle custom post types - Strong attention to detail to maintain ...
Looking for an experienced WordPress developer to build a fast, interactive, and visually appealing eCommerce website for selling digital license keys. The website must have smooth transitions (AJAX-based), engaging animations, multi-currency/language support, dynamic pricing, sales funnels, tax calculations based on customer location, etc. It should include features like quan...details, please check the attached document. Important Instructions: - Carefully read the attached document. - Must have solid knowledge of WordPress and programming (Headless WordPress may be required). - Review all tasks carefully before accepting; once started, no backing out due to feasibility issues. - No fixed deadline; estimate the timeline before starting (can be extended by 1-2 weeks max based on ...
...exceed 2 pages b. If you choose to present a PowerPoint care plan, it should be no longer than 15 slides, including title and reference slides, and not be overcrowded (talking points should be in your notes). c. If you choose to present a video care plan, it should be no longer than 8 minutes to give you time for introduction and wrap-up. d. If your presentation is electronic, please put it on a flash drive for the presentation. Make this a fun and somewhat simplified version of a care plan. Follow the basic requirements of items to include in a care plan. Demonstrate that you can identify the priority problem, data, goal, interventions, and resources. Some ideas are to do something similar to the poster board care map used in the acute semester for ICU experience, create a Powe...
...experienced 3D rendering artist specializing in 3ds Max to enhance the quality of my existing renders. I have already set up the scene with materials and lighting and generated basic-level renders. Now, I need a skilled professional to refine and optimize the scene for better realism and overall presentation. Scope of Work: -Analyze my current 3ds Max scene and suggest improvements. -Enhance lighting setup for better realism, depth, and shadows. -Adjust materials, textures, or reflections if needed for a high-end look. -Optimize render settings for maximum quality without excessive render times. -Add or adjust background elements for a more polished composition (if necessary). -Provide high-quality final renders in high resolution. -Return the optimized 3...
...Brief: Real Estate Website Customization (Lofty CMS) Project Overview: I am a real estate agent in Canada, looking for a skilled website designer to customize and optimize my real estate website built on Lofty CMS. ? MLS & IDX Integration is already done ? Domain is set up with GoDaddy I need a professional who can enhance the website layout, lead capture, SEO, and branding to create a high-converting real estate website. ? Scope of Work: ✅ Website Customization: Improve layout, branding, and user experience ✅ Lead Capture Optimization: Enhance contact forms for buyer & seller inquiries ✅ SEO Optimization: Ensure better local search rankings ✅ Community & Listing Pages: Add localized market insights ✅ Mobile-Friendly Enhancements: Ensure a seamless experience acr...
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I need a freelancer to redesign a fillable PDF questionnaire and marketing sell sheets. The project involves converting a Word document into a fillable PDF with bullet holes. Key requirements: - Redesigning the layout and design of the PDF - Adding or editing interactive fields - Updating the branding and colors to match my brand Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in Adobe Acrobat or similar software for creating fillable PDFs - Graphic design skills to enhance the layout and design - Attention to detail for interactive fields and branding consistency
I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me create a straightforward order placing system using Google Script or a similar tool. It should be designed for physical goods. Key Features: - Order Creating ( Check the google doc ) - Order Tracking: The system should allow users to track their orders. - Webhooks: I need the system to support webhooks for real-time updates and notificatio...similar platforms - Experience in developing order management systems - Knowledge of implementing order tracking features - Familiarity with using and implementing webhooks. Please refer to the detailed requirements in this document: GOOGLE DOC IS THE MAIN FILE TO ACCESS AND UNDERSTAND . 1-2 DAY MAX TIME FRAME
I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me create a straightforward order placing system using Google Script or a similar tool. It should be designed for physical goods. Key Features: - Order Creating ( Check the google doc ) - Order Tracking: The system should allow users to track their orders. - Webhooks: I need the system to support webhooks for real-time updates and notificati...or similar platforms - Experience in developing order management systems - Knowledge of implementing order tracking features - Familiarity with using and implementing webhooks. Please refer to the detailed requirements in this document: GOOGLE DOC IS THE MAIN FILE TO ACCESS AND UNDERSTAND . 1 DAY MAX TIME FRAME
I need a simple and efficient API for converting YouTube videos to MP3 files. The API should accept a videoId and a bitrate, process the request, and return a JSON response containing a link to the MP3 file. The API should be lightweight, fast, and designed for exclusive use by me. Key Requirements: YouTube to MP3 Conversion: The API should accept a YouTube videoId and a bitrate (e.g., 128kbps, 192kbps, 320kbps). Return a JSON response with a link to the converted MP3 file. On-the-Fly Processing (Optional): Ideally, the API should process the conversion on-the-fly without saving the file on the server. If on-the-fly processing is not feasible, implement a temporary storage system with automatic file deletion after a specified time (e.g., 1 hour). Scalability: The API should ...
I am looking for a skilled developer/designer to create a simple yet effective 2D visualizer for flooring and carpets on my WordPress/webshop. The visualizer should allow customers to: - Select from various wood and carpet options in different colors and designs. - Visualize their choices in a 2D model of a modern living room, bedroom, kitchen, and office. - Receive an automatic price calculation based on their selected size and material. The ideal candidate for this project should: - Have prior experience in developing similar projects - Be able to provide examples of previous work - Deliver quality work at a reasonable price Please note that extravagant bids will not be considered. The visualizer should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and seamlessly integrate into my existing we...
I'm seeking a Google Ads specialist who can help me generate leads for my educational website. The primary goal of this campaign is to attract students. Key Objectives: - Create and manage a Google Ads campaign specifically targeting students. - Drive traffic to my educational website with the aim of converting visitors into leads. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in managing Google Ads campaigns, preferably for educational websites. - Excellent understanding of how to target specific demographics, particularly students. - Strong analytical skills to track campaign effectiveness and make necessary adjustments.
I’ve attached the first 9 carousel slides that I’ll be using. Then I want something aesthetically pleasing for these words. I need an Instagram carousel 4:5 ratio 11 slides MAX with all this information word for word: I can’t say enough about my time at W.O.F.T. and the Women for Gun Rights Elite Ladies Event—an experience that pushed me, challenged me, and completely reshaped how I think about self-defense, preparedness, and situational awareness. At W.O.F.T., we weren’t just standing on a range punching paper—we were thrown into real-world self-defense scenarios that tested our skills, instincts, and decision-making in ways I never expected. ? Firearms Training: We shot rifles and shotguns, but the focus was on handguns, because that’...
I'm seeking an experienced Wordpress developer to construct a modern and clean website for me. Key Requirements: - Build a 6-7 page website including: Home, About Us, Services, Partner, Need Help, Tune Options, and Shop. - Implement payment systems including Credit/Debit Cards, Stripe, and crypto. -Log in account to see all history - Apply a sleek, modern and clean design style through...account to see all history - Apply a sleek, modern and clean design style throughout the site. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Wordpress with a portfolio of modern, clean websites. - Expertise in integrating various payment methods. - Strong understanding of web design principles and user experience. Please provide examples of your previous work and your approach to this project. ...