Cofigure wordpress pluginsJobs
Hej, Jeg søger en der kan lave en wordpress hjemmeside for mig. Skal indeholde flot design, nem og enkel og med diverse plugins som skal bruges. Hjemmesiden skal være en dansk hjemmeside som er en slags platform for freelancers. Plugins skal være med brugerprofiler, betaling osv. Du skal have styr på at opsætte de ting som en freelancer hjemmeside skal bruge.
...(Classified Ads WordPress Theme) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Currently have a website issue that needs to be fixed on Hosting is with Hostinger and I reached out to them for help and this is the reply: To help reestablish the connection between your Adifier theme and the WordPress database for the recent ads, you can try the following steps: Clear Cache: If you are using a caching plugin or your hosting provides caching services, clear the cache. Sometimes, outdated cached files can prevent new changes from appearing correctly. Re-save Permalinks: Go to your WordPress Admin area, navigate to Settings > Permalinks, and simply click "Save Changes" without making any changes. This can sometimes re...
Hvad skal du hjælpe os med? • Teknisk vedligeholdelse og opdatering af Wordpress-plugins • Akut hjælp og fejlfinding i tilfælde af nedbrud på hjemmesiden • Generel teknisk support til at besvare spørgsmål og løse problemer vedrørende Wordpress • Sparring og strategisk rådgivning vedrørende Google Ads-kampagner • Assistance med oprettelse og optimering af kampagner • Teknisk viden og support i forbindelse med fejl på Google Ads • Oprettelse af konverteringssporinger for både kampagner og på ny hjemmeside Krav: • Solid erfaring med Wordpress-platformen, inklusive plugin-installation og opdatering • Evnen til at løse tekniske prob...
I need an skilled Wordpress / Woocommerce freelancer, to help me fix a few minor issues on my website. The website is running on wordpress and woocommerce. My theme installed is Deasil Travel theme My website is I need the following things sorted: 1 - I have several pages like this ex. where there is no header image shown. I need this to be fixed, so that every page like that, is showing the same top header image similar to this 2 - All my tours is created as products in wordpress Ex. Under the tab "Dagsprogram" I want for each day shown, be able to add a shortcode for the Image Carousel plugin from shortcode ultimate
Page speed for my website is so bad: I need this fixed. Plugins and website have to run the same way (unless we agree on disable).
Logo designing
hello freelancers. Need help to fix all issues on my websites:
Vi trænger til at få forbedret vores uploadfacilitet på , sådan at det bliver lettere for brugerne at uploade og redigere deres profilbilleder og billeder til fotoalbum. Løsningen skal kunne uploade i et bestemt formater, samt gemme et par ekstra thumbs i mindre formater. Under upload skal det være muligt at beskæfre og rotere fotos. Samtidig skal b...ekstra thumbs i mindre formater. Under upload skal det være muligt at beskæfre og rotere fotos. Samtidig skal billederne navngives så de passer til den enkelte bruger, og disse oplysninger skal samtidig gemmes i brugerens oplysninger i en sql-database. Løsningen skal virke til alle browsere samt til mobilenheder og de gængse browsere der anvendes dér. L&osla...
...• Inkluderer shortcodes for registreringssider, kontrolpaneler osv, så admin selv kan bygge sitet op som ønsket Designet af siden Backend Scripts: Cookie disclaimer SEO – Yoast W3 Total Cache Automatickly rezise pictures Google score on minimum 95 % Wordfence – 2 way login - så kunderne kan chatte med ejerne af siden og få hjælp Rich snippets til undersiderne Login på bruger siden med Facebook eller Instagram Udfordringer – Hvordan med betaling, skal kunderne betale det upfront eller skal de i butikken og betale, eller skal det ske via forudbetaling til butikken? Når kunden vælger bekræft køb får de tilsendt en regning hvor beløbet skal overføres ti...
I need a web page like this one: i want same functions, the same pages. same words. want to be able to change the ad boxes and pop up.
Dette tema () skal tilpasses listings som indeholder følgende; navn, titel, adresse, fødselsdato, dato for medlemskab. Der er 15.000-20.000 listings, der skal importeres til sitet. Alle listings er personer. Sitets forside skal være et google kort med listings, der skal kunne søges i. Desuden skal alle listings kunne søges på, og være på en underside som en liste. Oprettede brugere skal kunne kommenterer på hver listing (person). Sitet skal derudover indeholde følgende undersider: - About - Contact Alle skrift skal skrives med denne font:
Jeg fik for nogle år siden programmeret min virksomheds website. Jeg havde en relativ god dialog med programmøren som i sidste ende ikke var særlig pålidelig og vel blev forsinket med 6-12 måneder. Nu er jeg på et sted hvor jeg har et par initiativer jeg godt kunne tænke mig at få implementeret men tilliden til programmøren er ikke tilstede. Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at få tredje part på for at gennemgå koden og vende tilbage med et overblik over følgende: ¥ Versionsstyring og backup på kode. ¥ Korrekt brug af designmønstre/patterns. ¥ Anvendelse af best practices. ¥ Sikkerhed. ¥ Semantisk korrekt og valid kode/HTML
Hejsa! Jeg har brug for en til at lave et Wordpress tema som jeg selv kan lave om på osv, ud fra 5 skærme jeg har. Skærmene kan blive fundet her:
project budget 2500 INR. Read doc file
Jeg vil gerne have følgende plugins til at virke på : Facebook Auto Publish Og et form plugin der kan tage mere end een form på siden. Feks.: WordPress Contact Forms by Cimatti
Jeg har vedvarende arbejde med relation til vores tidligere projekt 'Opret en Wordpress Skabelon '
Jeg har brug for en designer med god smag og erfaring i at arbejde med Wordpress Avada. Grundelementerne på forsiden er defineret og menustrukturen er på plads. Jeg har derfor brug for design af i første omgang forsiden, en hovedside (produktkategori) og en underside (specifikt produkt). Opgaven kræver sparring med vores egen grafiker omkring overordnet stil/tone (herunder farvepalet).
Jeg skal have lavet en hjemmeside til at samle folk der vil sælge deres High End tøj hvilket betyder jeg skal bruge et "Forum" hvor folk kan smide billeder op osv.
Jeg har en hjemmeside der er bygget på en skabelon foretaget af en herinde fra freelancer, så jeg ved desværre ikke meget om det, men desværre har jeg 2 gange indenfor kort tid fået virus på siden, gennem bla. DZS-Videogallery kan dette erstattes af et andet plugin og hvordan ? samtidig ønsker jeg direkte link/dele funktion på alle videoer til facebook lige pt. Køre videoer via. VIMEO og deler man video der, så linker den tilbage til VIMEO MEN den skal linke tilbage til Hjemmesiden.
Hejsa Jeg har behov for en classifieds hjemmeside, det som det skal være er et B2B hjemmeside. Hjemmesiden skal indeholde annoncer som henvender sig kun til erhver...række oplysninger som kan benyttes til at validere at der ligger et firma bag. Det skal styres af administrator. Brugerne skal både kunne oprette annoncer eller skrive til andre på allerede oprettede annoncer. Der skal kunne integreres betaling som udgangspunkt Paypal men der findes et dansk plugin som understøtter DIBS som er en dansk betalingesformidler. jeg har kigget og der findes div plugins men af dem jeg har set skal der rettelser til for at det får rigtige look etc. Der er helt sikkert behov for yderligere detaljering men dette er i overskrifter hvad jeg ha...
Jeg skal have flyttet en rimelig stor WordPress hjemmeside fra et midlertidigt domæne til det korrekte domæne. Begge domæner er hosted hos Som sagt er hjemmesiden færdig, og det eneste som jeg skal have hjælp til er at flytte den.
Crear un sidebar personalizado para un blog Wordpress
Det hele foregår på domænet: Opsætning af WordPress tema , så det ligner demo DEMO: Skal kunne løses hurtigt og uden fejl !!
Dette website skal oversættes til tysk og spansk. Der skal installeres relevante plugins, tages back up af database m.m.
Jeg kan ikke komme ind i WP, får denne besked: Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /var/www/ on line 21
Hej, Jeg har behov for hjælp til installation af et wordpress ecommerce theme. Det volder en del problemer for mig, hvorfor jeg nu leder efter lidt kyndigere hænder. Der er blandt andet også nogle plugins der skal oversættes, men temaet skulle dog være gjort klar til dette. Temaet jeg skal have installeret er dette:
Jeg skal have gennemgået min webshop for fejl og bugs. Den er lavet i wordpres med et wootique theme med woocommerce som ecommerce plugin. Der er desuden tiulføjet en række plugins, eks multilingual, google analytics m.m. Shoppen er pt nede efter en bug i forbindelse med opdatering af plugins. Den fejl skal først rettes, så vi kan modtage ordre. Herefter skal ryddes op og renses ud, så shoppen i går ned igen.
Jeg søger en programmør som kan bygge mig en wordpress guide på mit domænenavn Det skal være et simpelt design, hvor forsiden skal være som en blog med indlæg, og man så kan klikke på hver indlæg og læse om dette. Det er en Step-by-step guide, go skal indeholde, alt far oprettelse af hosting(mochahost), quick start guide, installer plugins, lave sider, indsætte indhold, se tutorials(bare links fra youtube, SEO og mere. Meningen er at skulle have et par enkelte reklamer på de forskellige sider indenfor for feks hosting, templates osv så du skal også vide en del om dette når du sætter websitet op. Ud over dette skal du vide en del om SEO så alt bli...
Jeg skal bruge en formular til en mindre wordpres side, der skal være mulighed for at ændre i diverse tekster - hvis der kan kobles noget design i forhold til sitet ind over kunne det være fedt. Ydermere skal der også være "normal" validering på formularen, så nummer felter kan man kun skrive tal o.s.v På sigt skal der også kunne sættes priser på turene og betales online, så der må gerne være en form for klargæring til woocommerce, dette ved jeg gravityforms allerede har. Så måske bare en pris på ovenstående ville være fint, da det er en ekstra udvikling. Jeg har prøvet at ridse de fleste ting op som man skal kunne, det kan godt være der ...
Minecraft Server Setup Description: Hello, I'm looking for a freelancer to help set up a Minecraft server that is easy for players to join without requiring them to install mods on their own PCs. The server should support plugins or mods that enhance gameplay without requiring client-side installations. Requirements: Lobby: This lobby should be in an inaccessible area of the world (e.g., a floating island or separate dimension). Minecraft Version: The server should run on the latest or near-latest Minecraft version. Gameplay Features: A map plugin or mod to enhance navigation. A chocolate crafting mod/plugin for custom recipes. An additional plugin/mod recommended by you that improves the player experience. Resource Areas: I'm open to suggestions regarding the best hos...
I’m looking for an experienced WordPress developer to recreate the **Simple Will Questionnaire** from a sample form and implement it on my WordPress site. This form needs to be dynamic, with **conditional logic**, so subsequent questions change based on the user's responses for a personalized and relevant experience. **Project Requirements:** - Build a multi-step form with conditional logic. - Ensure the form is user-friendly, responsive, and secure. - Data should be stored and emailed upon submission. - Advise on or assist with the **potential transfer of a business website** from Squarespace to WordPress for scalability. **Deliverables:** - Fully functional form on WordPress with conditional logic. - Documentation on managing and u...
I'm seeking a versatile, all-in-one SEO expert to optimize my WordPress site. The primary objective is to enhance my site's search engine rankings. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze current SEO performance - Implement strategies to boost search engine visibility - Manage and optimize backend setup If your work meets my expectations, I'm open to hiring you for ongoing monthly management. Ideal Skills: - Proven expertise in SEO, particularly focused on improving search engine rankings - Extensive experience working with WordPress - Excellent understanding of backend site management and optimization
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I'm looking for an experienced WordPress and Vue.js developer to enhance the functionality of the BookingPress plugin on my site. Key Customization Areas: - Service Package Integration: This involves the creation and incorporation of diverse service packages within the plugin. - Membership Module Development: A robust membership module needs to be designed and integrated, allowing for tiered access and benefits. - Reports Generation: Enhance the plugin's reporting capabilities to provide comprehensive and insightful data. - Expense Management Module: Develop and implement an expense management module to track costs and expenditures. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven expertise in WordPress and Vue.js development - Prior experience with BookingPress plugin cu...
I'm looking for a seasoned WordPress expert to build a sleek, modern and minimalist website for my agency. The primary purpose of this website is to generate leads, so it should be optimized for conversions. Key Features: - A comprehensive overview of our services - An engaging 'About Us' section - A section dedicated to client testimonials - A portfolio showcase This website needs to outline our services, showcase our portfolio, and ultimately generate leads. I'm particularly interested in a professional and minimalist design style. Ongoing Support: Post-launch, we will also require continuous development support to manage updates, troubleshoot issues and enhance the website as needed. Please provide examples of your top recent projects for review.
The primary concern is connection errors that arise after I edit a post (page) and click the Save button. These issues need urgent fixing to ensure the website runs smoothly. The ideal candidate for this job should have: - Extensive experience with WordPress database optimization and troubleshooting. - Strong understanding of MySQL and WordPress architecture. - Proven track record of fixing database connection errors.
Hello there, as the title says I need one wordpress ecommerce store made fast. Please use a premium theme, pro plugins, import 40-60 products via any aliexpress plugin and overall look neat, with homepage, store page, categories, contact page, about us, testimonials and refund & privacy policies and everything else in order to look high quality. My budget will not exceed $15-$20 for this as it is simple and quick to make so please keep your offers suitable. I will pay the hosting and domain. Payment made only after completion.
About InviteDekho InviteDekho is a leading digital invitation platform, offering affordable and stylish video, PDF, and website invitations for weddings, birthdays, and special occasions. Our mission is rendering and high-quality output. ? Work closely with the InviteDekho team for feedback and revisions. Requirements ✔ Proficiency in Adobe After Effects (Essential). ✔ Experience with Premiere Pro and ability to convert/edit projects. ✔ Strong understanding of motion graphics, typography, and visual storytelling. ✔ Ability to deliver high-quality work within deadlines. ✔ Familiarity with plugins like Element 3D, Trapcode Suite, and Motion Bro (a plus). ✔ A strong portfolio showcasing motion graphics work, preferably wedding or event-related. website:
I am looking for a freelancer to create a customized WordPress blog for me. This blog will primarily showcase images. Key requirements: - Experience in WordPress development and customization - Proficiency in creating visually appealing layouts for image-centric blogs - Ability to implement a Contact Form plugin for reader interaction Ideal candidates should have a portfolio of similar projects. Knowledge of SEO and Social Media integration is a plus, but not necessary. All content and images will be provided by me. I am looking for a fast turnaround time and regular communication throughout the project.
We are hiring an experienced WordPress and WooCommerce developer for ongoing support and upgrades to our e-commerce platform. Candidates must have a professional experience in creating service-based e-commerce platforms with a mobile-first sales approach, featuring dynamic booking and pricing, including: different time slots, additional services, solo or group guest bookings options, coupons, discounts and special prices, as well as service providers (staff management and availability). Candidate must be experienced in: - Service-based e-commerce platforms - Wordpress, Woocommerse, Elementor - Plugin Woocommerce Booking and Appointments by Pluginhive - Payment methods distriction and Instalment payments via Stripe - Mobile-first approach sales First Requirements: out proce...
I need a bespoke After Effects tool for text highlighting and animation tailored for right-to-left text. The built-in AE support is not sufficient for my needs. This tool must support a variety of highlighting styles: - Standard highlights - Animated ...styles: - Standard highlights - Animated highlights that jump between words or expand across sentences - Custom text reveal effects As I've already tested all available solutions, this requires a unique, purpose-built approach. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Extensive knowledge of After Effects and its scripting capabilities - Experience in creating custom tools, scripts, or plugins for After Effects - Understanding of right-to-left text formatting - Ability to create a variety of text highlighting and a...
We are seeking an experienced WordPress developer to implement French translations on our existing English website. The website is fully operational in English, and we have already obtained all the necessary translations. The task involves integrating these translations to provide a seamless bilingual experience for our visitors. Objectives: Implement the French language version of the website using the provided translations. Ensure that the language switcher is correctly configured and user-friendly, allowing visitors to toggle between English and French with ease. Maintain full functionality of all features and plugins in both language versions. Perform thorough testing to ensure that the integration is flawless across all pages and that there are no translation mi...
The freelancer will be responsible for the following tasks: Make Specific Checkout Fields Optional: Make the following fields optional (not required): Billing last name Billing town/ City Shipping last name Shipping street address Ensure these changes work seamlessly with the Divi-buil...address. Remove Asterisks from Optional Fields: Remove the asterisk (*) from optional fields to improve the visual design. Ensure Compatibility with Divi: All changes must work seamlessly with the Divi theme and its custom checkout modules. Ensure no conflicts with existing Divi settings or plugins. Testing and Debugging: Test the checkout page thoroughly to ensure all changes work as expected. Fix any issues that arise during testing. the work should be done within 2 hours and ...
My WordPress website is displaying a critical error message upon URL entry. The message reads "There has been a critical error on this website." - Troubleshooting: The issue arose without any recent installations or updates on plugins or themes. - Access: I can still access the admin area of the site. I'm seeking an experienced WordPress developer who can quickly diagnose and rectify this issue. Knowledge in debugging and error resolution is essential. Please include previous relevant experience in your bid.
I'm seeking a seasoned WordPress developer with a strong focus on website maintenance, particularly on security updates. Key Responsibilities: - Regularly updating the WordPress core, themes, and plugins to ensure optimal performance and security. - Conducting thorough malware scanning and removal to keep the site clean and secure. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive experience in WordPress maintenance. - Strong understanding of website security protocols. - Proven track record of successful malware removal and website optimization. - Excellent skills in updating and customizing WordPress themes and plugins.
I need an expert with Wordpress to assist with my booking system. While it functions, it is not user-friendly and has some errors that need fixing. The website in question is Key Issues: - Errors during booking process: There are issues when trying to reset the booking date and adding a new date, when the date has passed. - User experience: The booking system is currently clunky and complicates the user experience. I am looking for someone who can not only fix these current errors, but also improve the overall user interface of the booking system. Ideally, you should have a strong background in Wordpress and experience in improving booking systems specifically.
We are looking for an experienced WordPress & Elementor Pro Developer to enhance our eyewear e-commerce website ([]()). The primary objective is to implement a custom lens selection popup, similar to , which appears after a user selects a frame and clicks "Add to Cart." Key Responsibilities: ✅ Develop and integrate a custom lens selection popup in WooCommerce, triggered upon clicking "Add to Cart" after selecting a frame. ✅ Design a smooth and interactive UI/UX for the lens selection process. ✅ Implement logic for: - Different lens types (Single Vision, Bifocal, Progressive, etc.) - Coatings (Anti-glare, Blue Cut, UV Protection, etc.) - Prescription details (SPH, CYL, Axis, PD, etc.) ✅ Ensure the feature
I'm looking for someone to help me update the dependencies of an older Android Studio project (2020 version) using Gradle, Java, and XML. I'm currently facing...Compatibility issues I don't have a specific version of dependencies in mind for the update. My only preference is that everything works smoothly after the update. Please note, the project does have some custom configurations and plugins in the current Gradle build, so familiarity with custom Gradle setups would be beneficial. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient in Java and XML - Experience with Android Studio (2020 version) and Gradle - Able to solve dependency conflicts and compatibility issues - Familiar with custom Gradle configurations and plugins - Able to work with the latest...
I'm in need of a skilled Wordpress Elementor designer to help fix some issues on my blog page. This is for an existing business and I need the fixes completed ASAP. Key requirements: - Fix layout design issues: There are some elements on the blog page that aren't aligning properly or are appearing out of place. - Address responsive design problems: I also need your expertise in making sure the blog page is fully responsive across different devices. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficiency in Wordpress and specifically, working with Elementor. - Previous experience in fixing layout design and responsive design issues. - Ability to work quickly and efficiently, as this project has a very tight deadline.