Autocad 2d 3d planJobs
I am in need of webscraping services for Danish Law. Specifically, I would like the data to be scraped from Danish law websites. No translation is necessary as I plan to use the data in Danish. Additionally, I would prefer that the data be directly imported into a database for my use. If you have experience with Danish legal webscraping and are comfortable with this project, I am eager to work together to get this project accomplished. The deliverables are code, sub-domain URLs from three websites + the scraped content. The target web-sites are , and
I am looking for a skilled freelancer who can create a script and video explainer for my product/service introduction. Requirements: - The purpose of the video explainer is to introduce my product/service to potential customers. - I do not have an existing script or narrative, but I have a rough idea...jaCUzRmVtYWlsJTNEQmFzaGlyLmtoYWxmYW4lNDBnbWFpbC5jb20lMjZ1dG1fc291cmNlJTNEYWN0aXZlY2FtcGFpZ24lMjZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtJTNEZW1haWwlMjZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ24lM0RzY2llbmNlLW9mLXNjYWxlLWZ1JTI2dXRtX3Rlcm0lM0Ruby13YXRjaC1tMQ==&sig=BneRPvi4QYgLhp3DYEQkTpThZRQTPseYv5YEYdsy4eiP&iat=1690395318&a=%7C%7C66897782%7C%7C&account=getscalable%2Eactivehosted%2Ecom&email=q0ZI7Q9I9dKfParAdMTwHII1DLx0VrvI62NAJWftq%2FwiXbQAPn9cnQ%3D%3D%3AVODxTM%2BCE21F1nrU%2BVcvffhgnIjaAkM8&s=75634b9edf8...
... Hvordan virker det? (This is how it works) Inspiration sites (media agency - but I like the layout alot! Marketing GOALS for the next 12 months NEXT STEPS MARKETING PLAN / SMART GOALS SPECIFIC (Specific (simple, sensible, significant). Capture 2% of the market for all construction offers MEASURABLE (Measurable (meaningful, motivating). Go get 108 new suppliers Get 50-150 new tasks every month Scale the business by 350% year 1 Scale the business by 500% year 2 Achievable (Achievable (agreed, attainable) Go get 108 new suppliers Get 50-150 new tasks Scale the business
Hello, these are the guns and their dimensions for Sigsauer models. 1) Sigsauer P226 Legion: 2) Sigsauer P226 Sport:
Please, check this website for your reference: I want to make a "page" like this one, at my can see: Position, Stock Code (I do not need this one), Product Name, Pack Qty( I do no need this one), Price, Quantity and Total - you can choose differents products and "add to Cart" with only one click. - I expect you code what I want using "Pages" and "Static Blocks" of magento 1.6. This must be replicable. TOGETHER WITH THE QUOTE, I WILL ANSWER ONLY WHO SEND ME A DESCRIPTION HOW YOU PLAN TO DO THE CODE BE WORKING IN MAGENTO 1.6. IF YOU ARE EXPERT IN MAGENTO AND CAN HAND THIS JOB, GIVE ME A QUOTE. I WILL GIVE ACCESS TO MY WEBSITE, JUST AFTER YOU ACCEPT THE JOB, ANYTHING DIFERENT OF THIS I WILL NOT ACCEPT. Regards, Darley Cassimiro
View the video and pay attention at the 30 second mark. The 3D animated teeth brushing is what I need. Can you replicate that? Must be located in the USA, preferably Texas. When you respond, reveal the state you're located in. USA ONLY.
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt '2d pictures of furniture'
Necesito modelar en 3D una figura femenina afín a la masculina que adjunto.
Design or formulate the financial analysis for a self storage project in order to ascertain its viability.
Hej, Jeg har et indretningsfirma RUMraketten, og jeg er igang med at optimere siden, så den giver mine kunder en bedre oplevelse, mere informativ og kreativt. Jeg vil gerne ha installeret en kode, som kan gøre dette på min hjemmeside - http...RUMraketten, og jeg er igang med at optimere siden, så den giver mine kunder en bedre oplevelse, mere informativ og kreativt. Jeg vil gerne ha installeret en kode, som kan gøre dette på min hjemmeside - :li:activity:6503226463838306304 eller Så det kan bruges til før/efter billeder eller et før billede og så laver jeg evt. en 3D tegning på hvordan rummet kan komme til at se ud. Jeg har wordpress holder til hos Unoeuro. Håber på jeres hjælp. Venlig hils...
Min virksomhed laver ure inspireret af flyvemaskiner. Jeg skal have lavet 3D camera circle around the product. Det skal laves indenfor 2-3 dage max. da skal bruge det til en kampagne vi er lige ved at køre.
jeg vil gerne have et 2D spil udviklet for mig. Mobil app
I need someone to make a sketch out of some measurement of our garden. And i would like to see it As photo realistic AS possible. Budget Not over 100 pounds Show me What you have Been Working with before. Dk:Jeg skal bruge en der kan give mig en idé og tegning af vores have ud fra hvad der er der nu. - plantegning over idé til beplantning - idé til terrasse - idé til stier/ belægning i haven. Budget max 900kr
Jeg skal have genoptegnet nogle gamle maskine tegninger i autocad, jeg har de gamle hard copy tegninger, som skal ændres en smule, og der skal tilføjes en ekstra ovn. Yderligere information
Hej, Jeg skal have lavet ca. 20 forskellige tegninger af garderober. De skal være renderet og skal bruges som illustration til en hjemmeside. Jeg har vedhæftet eksempler appendix 1 på hvordan tegningerne kan se ud. Du vil modtage stregninger fra mig som vist på side to i appendix 1 som du skal gøre til 2d renderet tegninger.