Add text input field flashJobs
Hey We have a very simple video tracking project. Please read everything before you apply for this! The file i have attached is a screenshot of a video, just to show what i am talking about! What i need you to do. - Link to download the video file: - I would like you to change the name on the town sign. (ex. Instead of Aarhus as the screenshot. Make it "Charlottenlund") - The list of names we would like you to make: (Only town names, not the numbers) 1. Charlottenlund 2. Kastrup 3. Odense 4. Sønderborg 5. Kolding 6. Randers 7. Frederikshavn 8. Holstebro 9. Esbjerg 10. Roskilde 11. Næstved
... File to work with : Input file: Output : csv file Script 2: Second script : takes input as fx: On a page like is 35 restaurants We need to scrape following from each restaurant: URL: Rating: Rating count: So for the above page the output should be a cvs file with the following info: "", 4.6, 36 "", 4.1, 316 "", null, null ... ... ... All 35 restaurants. Script: Input CSV file: Output to csv file How you can see the reference link, is much better to costumer choose what he needs. Some details: - pay attention on the picture with number, the costumer can choose what part he need and add directly to shooping cart - the list of parts showing, you can see: Position, Stock Code (I do not need this one), Product Name, Pack Qty( I do no need this one), Price, Quantity and Total - you can choose differents products and "add to Cart" with only one click. - I expect you code what I want using "Pages" and "Static Blocks" of magento 1.6. This must be replicable. TOGETHER WITH THE QUOTE, I WILL ANSWER ONLY WHO SEND ME A DESCRIPTION HOW YOU PLAN TO DO THE CODE BE WORKING ...
I have a simple custom indicator in thinkorswim and need converted for tradovate. I hope you have knowledge of trading software. Must start and finish within a few hours. Here is code from thinkorswim that needs to be converted input RiskUnit = 150; input buffer = .00; input digits = 0; def price = close(priceType = ); def candleRangeBull = price - low + buffer; def candleRangeBear = high - price + buffer; def BullRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBull); def BearRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBear); def BullRisk1 = rounddown(Bullrisk, digits); def BearRisk1 = rounddown(Bearrisk, digits); def o = open; AddLabel(yes, "Risk: " + AsDollars(RiskUnit) + " Ele : "+ (if price > o then BullRisk1 else BearRisk1), if price > o then else ); ...
I have a simple custom indicator in thinkorswim and need converted for tradovate. I hope you have knowledge of trading software. Must start and finish within a few hours. Here is code from thinkorswim that needs to be converted input RiskUnit = 150; input buffer = .00; input digits = 0; def price = close(priceType = ); def candleRangeBull = price - low + buffer; def candleRangeBear = high - price + buffer; def BullRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBull); def BearRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBear); def BullRisk1 = rounddown(Bullrisk, digits); def BearRisk1 = rounddown(Bearrisk, digits); def o = open; AddLabel(yes, "Risk: " + AsDollars(RiskUnit) + " Ele : "+ (if price > o then BullRisk1 else BearRisk1), if price > o then else ...
...The site is in danish, but the functions will be more or less the same. The job is ONLY for the price calculator with the green slider input, some variables as add-on choices with a preset default value, and the price with an output. We need a slightly simpler version of the taxi-calculator, so it will fit into smaller space. Instead of the drop-down choices: Vælg by/område (Sjælland/København as default) Hvornår skal du køre? (Hverdage as default) Antal passagerer (1-4 passagerer) Medbringes cykel? (Nej) Skal taxien krydse betalingsbro? (Nej) ...we need some yes/no circles and/or check-boxes like seen in polls or exams with multiple choices. The input in the slider will be postal codes, not kilometers (km) and the output w...
Hejsa. Jeg søger en programmør/web-developer der kan hjælpe med at udvikle mit online text-based browser spil. Spillet er PHP og SQL, og når spillet er færdigt skal jeg også bruge hjælp til at få det online. Jeg har en test server og et domæne. Er der nogle friske programmører/web-developer derude der kan hjælpe?, mod betaling naturligvis :) Send mig meget gerne en besked og så kan vi tale om projektet evt. i telefonen senere.
Hej, Jeg søger et par freelancere / selvstændige der er villige til at bruge cirka 45 minutter af deres hverdag til at svarer på en håndfuld spørgsmål, der gerne skulle kunne hjælpe i forbindelse med det field research som jeg er igang med at undersøge til min afsluttede opgave på SDU. De eneste krav der er til dig som respondent, er at du skal være registreret freelancer / have dit eget CVR nr. Samt tidligere have været i kontakt med et eller flere konsulenthuse, i forbindelse med at finde en projektstilling / job. Der er tale om et interview, der både kan foregå personligt eller via Skype. Det tager formentlig cirka 45 minutter, og der vil være nogle spørgsmål omkring hvilket grun...
Hello, i have a magento 2.2 installed and i need help in two point - already installed webnise product tag but not works in frontend bcz don't see anything - amasty order attributes: there is a field where i should display a date. this date coming from 2000 but this refer to birth date of the customer so we should edit this to bring the year before the 2000s.
Hi, We need general text about flights. Written in simple, understandable sentences. Length: 3000 signs with spaces or 450 words Theme: 4 paragraphs about 1. Travel by plane - it’s safe, fast, cheap and comfort 2. When is the best moment for ticket reservation - 3 month before short travel, 5-6 month before intercontinental flights 3. Differences between low cost carriers and regular airlines - price (lower / higher), luggage politic (free hand luggage, paid registered luggage / free luggage), routes (continental / continental and intercontinental) and others. 4. What can I take to plane (to hand luggage)? (eating, drinks and others) What we want: • We like keywords: cheap flights, cheap tickets. It would be great if you will use them two or three times. It&rsq...
I need to add the text to this movie. The text is as below: PLEASE ADD THE TEXT BELOW INTO THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO Nhà hàng Bonjour Vietnam, Copenhagen, Denmark trân trọng gửi tặng món quà bé nhỏ đến các gia đình có hoàn cảnh khó khăn tại Bệnh viện đa khoa tỉnh Hà Nam. THIS TEXT WILL RUN AFTER: Alvorligt syge mennesker i Vietnam, kan ikke regne med at få den slags hjælp, som vi mener er en selvfølge i Danmark. THEN THIS TEXT: Det kun er få år siden, vi selv levede under samme fattige kår, besluttede vi for nogle år siden, at donere en del af vores indtægt til syge mennesker på Ha Nam h...
Hey, I need you to add text in the left bottom corner of the uploaded video. This is what I want it to say: Risiko Advarsel: Binære optioner er ikke egnet til alle, så sørg derfor, at du fuldt ud forstår de indvolverede risici
...small number of users, now 6 users. Login for each user, the database is not visible if you are not logged in. The database to be used for the creation and search of records. The information consists of standard personal data, address, and mail. Typing the postcode, the city name is found in an underlying base. Furthermore, there is the creation date / correction date 3 text fields and 2 dropdown field - and a note field. One drop down box shows the default login person (which is part of the drop down option) Searching is done on 3-4 fields individually, and results are displayed as list, which can be clicked on, as each result is displayed. The layout may be edit via CSS. The database must be a SQL database. The database must be able to handle Danish ch...
modify existing android code, add ads etc.
el de talle 1 de talle 2 de tralle 3 dwetalle 4 detalle 5 detalle6
...-- Quality back links must relate to site topic on high quality relevant sites -- No black hat, gray hat or unethical SEO methods are to be used -- no junk profile building techniques are to be used -- No use of automated software or bots -- No links from under construction pages -- No java links, jump scripts, framed pages, redirects, cloaking, CSS redirects, 301 redirects, dynamic links, flash sites/pages, hidden links, no string parameters, etc. -- No link farms, traffic exchanges, link exchange programs or web rings -- No paid traffic sites -- No banned sites, porn, gambling, violent, illegal sites, etc. -- No methods or techniques that will get the site banned, de-indexed or sandbox -- Expert understanding of Google & Panda Updates and how to work with them ...
En simpel pænt designet hjemmeside der passer til målgruppe samt formular felter med radio buttons, navn, tekstboks og email - al post skal sendes til domæne email. projektet er i første omgang meget simpelt indtil det er prøvet af. Der skal være et navne felt, email input og tre radio buttons: ved afkryds på første radiobutton skal der være inputformular med 11 felter ved afkryds på anden skal der være en med 6 felter ved afkryds på tredje skal der være en med 6 felter ved afsendelse skal der være en din forespørgsel er modtaget og du vil modtage tilbud indenfor 24 timer al data skal sendes til min email
Hej. Jeg skal have lavet en plakat serie med mine luftfotos. Jeg har selv et forslag, men vil gerne have input og hjælp til at give den det ekstra som mangler.
project for dynamiteboy
Vi søger en dansk skribent (Ghostwriter) til at skrive artikler (1000 ord) til et dansk blog medie. Bloggen henvender sig til danske iværksættere og vækstvirksomheder. Din opgave er at omdanne vores input til professionelle og spændende artikler. Vi levere en “synops” på hver artikel, med synspunkter, meninger og facts, som du omdanner til en færdig artikel. Vi leder efter en person som er; - Indfødt dansker, som skriver perfekt fejlfrit på dansk - Føler sig hjemmevandt indenfor iværksætteri og vækstbrancher - Er interesseret i at skrive løbende for os (antal artikler kan vi aftale) Buddet er for 1 artikel (test artikel) 1000 ord på dansk. Send eksempler p&arin...
FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef FAS FEdgdvd gf ef
Voice over for Internet Marketing Tutorial Videos USA VOICE MALE
Jeg søger en som kan lave et modul til Prestashop. Modulet skal fungere på den måde, at nyoprettede kunder skal kunne udfylde nogle spørgsmål, hvorefter de får tilsendt en voucher (rabatkode) som de kan bruge på webshoppen. Shopejeren skal have mulighed for at def...måde, at nyoprettede kunder skal kunne udfylde nogle spørgsmål, hvorefter de får tilsendt en voucher (rabatkode) som de kan bruge på webshoppen. Shopejeren skal have mulighed for at definere disse spørgsmål via backend-administrationen, samt udtrække data fra de besvarede spørgsmål. Der skal være mulighed for at fjerne, ændre og oprette spørgsmål via backend. Spørgsmål skal kunne...
Jeg skal bruge en formular til en mindre wordpres side, der skal være mulighed for at ændre i diverse tekster - hvis der kan kobles noget design i forhold til sitet ind over kunne det være fedt. Ydermere skal der også væ har info på den person der bestiller rejsen. nedenstående felter skal være udfra hver person) Den person der er bestiller skal udfylde en del flere info end de andre rejsedeltagere: fornavn / efternavn Addresse / postnr / by telefon email ---- fornavn / efternavn (inputfield) ---- Cykelleje ja / nej (radiobutton) ---- Højde i cm (input number field) ---- Bemærkningsfelt (et text field, har du nogle kommentarer til din bestlling) ----...
Vi har brug for en online flashapplikation, hvor brugeren kan vælge mellem 5 hvide produkter, f.eks. en T-shirt eller en kop, mfl. Det skal herefter være muligt at udføre følgende funktioner: - Male på produktet med forskellige farver - vælge forskelliige tykkelser af brushes - Zoome ud og ind - Skrive tekster på produktet - vælge fonte og farver til teksten - Slette eller F...Male på produktet med forskellige farver - vælge forskelliige tykkelser af brushes - Zoome ud og ind - Skrive tekster på produktet - vælge fonte og farver til teksten - Slette eller Flytte tekster og malerier rundt og ændre lag rækkefølgen - og endelig skal det være muligt at gemme sit design som en jpg/png...
ACLS is privately owned construction and logistic company with its offices in United States, Arab Emirates and Afghanistan. The Company has been responsible for the design and construction of some of the most significant projects in Afghanistan. URL Languages and Technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Flash Quality of code The website conforms to W3C can relate to the correct layout of pages for readability as well making sure coded elements are closed appropriately.
I'm seeking a professional article finder with a keen understanding of nursing research. The primary goal is to locate specific research articles within the field of nursing. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in academic database navigation - Strong research skills - Background in nursing or healthcare - Experience in finding and sourcing research articles Articles need to be specific in proving an intervention is evidence-based. Primary articles must be systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
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I need a professional to create a comprehensive wiki page for a scientist or academic. The page will detail their early...create a comprehensive wiki page for a scientist or academic. The page will detail their early life, career contributions, and accolades. Key sections to include: - Early Life and Education: This should cover the individual's formative years and their educational journey. - Career and Contributions: This will encapsulate the person's professional life and their significant contributions to their field. - Awards and Recognition: This section will highlight the honors and accolades the individual has received. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong understanding of wiki's guidelines and protocols, and experience in writing for acade...
Arbitrage Trading Requirements Experience in this field required. Using DEX’s, uniswap, kyber, 0x, bancor, balancer, sushiswap etc. Preferably Python but not mandatory. Preferably VS Code. Some of #1 have been done in Python and but requires serious testing. Stage 1 (Proof of concept): Obtain batch pricing of DEX coins from , thegraph or etc. Create a GUI frontend for identifying, highlighting opportunities. Textbox for minimum % profit, excluding all others. Implement profitably of trade with total cost of trade, including gas fees. Possibly implement triangular trade analysis for obscure trading opportunities. Stage 2 (Implementation of trades): Wallet code for trading. Implement buying and selling of identified pairs within/across
Expert FFmpeg. - Dashboard > show total streams online/offline > total input/output mbps/gbps network metrics > total connections online > total transcode profiles Show metrics gpu utilization, ram usage, degree/encoder/decoder stats it should support multi gpu. Usermanagement, create edit/delete/block/kick(dissconnect active connecctions) user/ allow from X host or XX and XX hosts / max allowed connections / bouqet asignment - Fingerpint send line text or able to use to use username to show on the streams of userline. - Transcoding profiles hevc/h264 - stream management, overview see stream status,bitrate/acodec/vcodec/format/total connections to channel, uptime channel, channel shour url Creating stream, selecting profile for transcoding, and all metrics ...
...All Supply Chain Activities Objective: Develop a comprehensive framework of supply chain workflows to identify inefficiencies and optimize performance. Steps to Complete: Activity Identification: Document end-to-end processes, from procurement to final delivery. Categorize into strategic (forecasting), operational (inventory management), and tactical (order fulfillment) processes. Stakeholder Input: Interview teams across procurement, warehouse, and logistics to uncover process pain points. Visual Mapping: Use tools like Lucidchart or similar, to create process flows, highlighting financial metrics such as cost-per-shipment, inventory holding costs, and waste percentages. Performance Metrics: Include lead times, error rates, and cost analysis in the process review. Deli...
I am in need of a skilled medical writer with a strong background in cardiology. Your task will be to write research articles focused on this specific field. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge in cardiology - Experienced in medical writing, specifically research articles - Excellent writing and communication skills - Ability to conduct thorough research and present complex information in an understandable way Please provide samples of your previous work in the field of cardiology. Looking forward to collaborating with you.
I'm looking to develop a robust hospital system which encompasses features for patient management, staff scheduling, and medical records management as i have done some of it The primary users of this system will be: - Doctors and nurses: They will need to access patient information, schedule staff shifts, and input medical records. - Administrative staff: They will use the system for overall hospital management and coordination. - Patients: They will have limited access for personal medical information and scheduling appointments.
I am looking for an agent in Sialkot to assist me with field visits and negotiating with local vendors in the textile industry. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct field visits to local suppliers - Negotiate deals on my behalf Ideal Skills: - Experience in quality control - Familiarity with local suppliers - Strong communication skills The agent will primarily be dealing with textile products. Please ensure you have the relevant experience and knowledge in this field. Your ability to communicate effectively and assess product quality will be crucial to the success of this project. To work 6/7 hours a day 5 days a week salary is 35000 pkr
...All Supply Chain Activities Objective: Develop a comprehensive framework of supply chain workflows to identify inefficiencies and optimize performance. Steps to Complete: Activity Identification: Document end-to-end processes, from procurement to final delivery. Categorize into strategic (forecasting), operational (inventory management), and tactical (order fulfillment) processes. Stakeholder Input: Interview teams across procurement, warehouse, and logistics to uncover process pain points. Visual Mapping: Use tools like Lucidchart or similar, to create process flows, highlighting financial metrics such as cost-per-shipment, inventory holding costs, and waste percentages. Performance Metrics: Include lead times, error rates, and cost analysis in the process review. Deli...
Project Title: Create a Figma Prototype for Our Website Project Description: We’re on the hunt for a assets. 3. Our Style Preferences: • Clean, modern, and user-friendly. • Experience in designing websites for CRM tools or similar platforms would be a huge plus! 4. Timeline: • We’re hoping to get this wrapped up within 14 days. Who You Are: • A Figma pro with a strong portfolio of website designs. • Detail-oriented and open to feedback, with the ability to refine designs based on input. • Experienced in creating engaging and intuitive user experiences. If this sounds like something you can bring to life, we’d love to hear from you! Please share your portfolio and let us know your availability to get started. ...
I'm seeking a skilled SOP writer who can craft a compelling Statement of Purpose for my Master's application in Business Administration. The SOP should be tailored to highlight my strengths and experiences relevant to the field, demonstrating my passion and potential for success in this discipline. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in writing university admission SOPs, particularly for business-related fields. - Exceptional written communication skills. - Ability to articulate personal experiences and aspirations in a persuasive manner. - Understanding of what admission committees in business schools are looking for.
...Objective: Send two email campaigns to 5,000 current sports bettors with accounts who have not yet made a deposit. Project Overview: Target Audience: 5,000 recipients. Data provided in Excel format (includes recipient email addresses and other necessary details). Email Content: Email 1: Includes a dynamic, clickable banner and text for sports bettors. (both provided by me. Naturally I want your input). Email 2: Sent three days after the first email, includes new text aimed at casino and slots players (provided by me). Sending Details: Emails should be sent from a professional-looking sender name such as: "Mike Spencer – Your V.I.P. Host". The sender email address must be configured to forward any replies directly to my email. Testing and Approval: A...
The concept of my software is as follows: I provide an input in this format: :70255400-zone-custom-sessid-OV8O1koo-sessTime-15:184fERnR From this line, the IP address () is automatically extracted and checked against the following websites: : To determine the proxy type. If the proxy type is identified as Residential or Cellular, the process continues. : To check the fraud score of the IP address. If the fraud score is below 10, the original proxy line is included in the output. The software delivers only the valid proxy lines that meet these criteria as the final output.
...should be classic in style and time-proven, appealing to our target audience in the competitive field of economy and world politics. - Incorporating elements of Budapest's architectural details will be a significant aspect of the design. This will not only represent our base, but also add a unique touch to our logo. - The use of Budapest landmarks should be subtle yet impactful, showcasing the city's architectural grandeur without overwhelming the core design. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in logo design, particularly with classic styles. - Strong understanding and appreciation for architectural design and details. - Experience working with clients in the scientific or academic field is a plus. - Ability to create a design that is bot...
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to create a minimalist, text-only logo for me. The design should be clean and simple, yet impactful, embodying the essence of minimalist style. This is a logo for a website community. The name is Eating Disorder Recovery Circle. Color Preferences: - The logo should incorporate crisp, clean colors, Ideal Skills: - Expertise in minimalist design - Proficiency in typography - Strong understanding of color theory - Experience in creating text-based logos The final deliverables should include all necessary files for both print and digital use. Please provide examples of similar work in your proposal. PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU SUBMIT A DESIGN SHOWN ON THE SIDE OF A BUILDING, OR ANYTHING NOT A WEBSITE, YOU ARE TELLING ME YOU'VE NOT RE... attach a Skitch of the services. Add a space in the profile for a second language (Arabic), A similar space for the same main language Note: The profile file is compressed. The profile should include: - Our company history and values to present our brand ethos and dedication to architecture - A presentation format; a blend of engaging visuals and succinct text would be ideal. The target audience for this profile is potential clients, therefore the content should be tailored to showcase our capabilities, reliability, and innovative approach to architecture in a way that appeals to prospective clients. Skills and experience needed: - Exceptional content development and presentation design skills - Background in architecture or understanding of the field would be...
I am seeking a skilled WordPress developer to assist in building my site. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in WordPress development - Familiarity with various WordPress themes and plugins - Knowledge in SEO optimization and social media integration - Experience in creating custom contact forms - Strong understanding of e-commerce and portfolio site deve...Familiarity with various WordPress themes and plugins - Knowledge in SEO optimization and social media integration - Experience in creating custom contact forms - Strong understanding of e-commerce and portfolio site development. Please note, I have not yet determined the specific type of WordPress site I want to create, nor do I have a particular theme in mind. Recommendations and creative input would be greatly ap... copied from some other ecommerce portal • Admin panel management on - customer communication, uploading pictures based on category, gifts uploading/deletion/hide on gift page portal, coupons creation/deletion/hide, category creation/deletion/uploading/hide, price change option for individual purchase page and combo pages which will be independent of each pages, enable and disable combo pages, flash messages for every occasion in PNG/jpg format, orders tracking and printing, google analytics, Reports, pushing orders from admin panel to shipping delivery partners, stock maintenance, billing details(which can be sent to customer on phone and email) & few other features if any as per the tracker • Combo pages with conditions as explained high level in walk-through an...
I'm seeking an experienced DevOps professional to set up a GPU server on Google Cloud. The server will primarily be used for running machine learning models, specifically in the field of Computer Vision. The preferred framework for these models is TensorFlow. Key Responsibilities: - Set up and configure the GPU server on Google Cloud. - Ensure the server is optimally tuned for TensorFlow and Computer Vision tasks. - Provide documentation and support for server usage. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Google Cloud and - Strong background in DevOps, particularly in setting up GPU servers. - Proficiency in TensorFlow and Computer Vision. Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.
Here the requirement please make a real offer i will not discuss with place holder offer. Degree in Graphic Design, UI/UX Design, or related field. Equivalent experience may also be considered. Experience: Proven experience in designing user interfaces for mobile or web applications. Strong portfolio showcasing similar projects, preferably with a focus on onboarding screens, interactive features, and modern design principles. Technical Skills: Proficiency in tools like Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, or other design platforms. Familiarity with prototyping tools for creating interactive mockups. Basic understanding of front-end development (HTML/CSS) is a plus for design feasibility. Design Knowledge: Strong grasp of typography, layout, color theory, and visual hierarchy. Experience design...