Sleek Product Promotion Landing Page Design

  • Status: Closed
  • Præmier: $50
  • Modtagne indlæg: 24
  • Vinder: WebSazzad

Konkurrence Instruktioner

I'm looking for a talented web designer who can create a professional and sleek landing page for promoting a product or service.

RISK gives customers detailed reports assessing their startup ideas and identifying its strengths, weaknesses, and overall viability.

Key Requirements:
- Expertise in web design with a focus on landing pages.
- Ability to translate a product's value proposition into an engaging user experience.
- Experience in designing clean, professional and sleek interfaces.
- Knowledge of best practices for lead generation and user engagement on landing pages.

Please note, I currently do not have specific brand guidelines or color schemes in mind, so I will need your creative input and expertise in this area.

Ideal freelancers for this project will have a robust portfolio of similar landing page designs, and a keen understanding of user-centered design principles.

The landing page will promote an online business consultancy service. The landing page should have a bold and vibrant style. Please incorporate testimonials and reviews from past users to build trust. The landing page should have a modern and dynamic inspiration. The primary objective is to increase conversions from visitors to customers.

The current landing pages are:


However we are looking for something much stronger, higher converting and more visually exciting whilst remaining in tune with the product: a service provides customers with a detailed report assessing their startup idea to identify its strengths, weaknesses, and overall viability.

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  • SumbulN
    • 2 måneder siden

    Check entry #41

    • 2 måneder siden
  • hiteshm16
    • 2 måneder siden

    Figma prototype link -

    • 2 måneder siden
  • hiteshm16
    • 2 måneder siden

    Have a look on my entry #42 .

    • 2 måneder siden
  • hiteshm16
    • 2 måneder siden

    Kindly wait for our entry. We are working on your project and will upload the entry before time period.

    • 2 måneder siden
  • sudpixel
    • 2 måneder siden

    @contestholder kindly provide feedback for #35 so that I can update as per your choice

    • 2 måneder siden
  • marslan005
    • 3 måneder siden

    Do you want a figma design or codding

    • 3 måneder siden
  • himanshujangid03
    • 3 måneder siden

    Hi, working on it. Thanks

    • 3 måneder siden
    • 3 måneder siden

    Kindly check entry #24 , feedback appreciated!

    • 3 måneder siden

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