Award-Winning Product Design for Amazon
- Status: Closed
- Præmier: $30
- Modtagne indlæg: 352
- Vinder: rmrayhan3494
Konkurrence Instruktioner
(This contest is concurrent to the other design contest "Innovation Protested by 8 US and International Patents". Matching entries for both contests will be given a preference in the selection of a winner.)
Help me create a compelling, modern, minimalist square image for my Amazon listing. This image should creatively showcase our product's impressive achievement of winning 7 industry awards over the years. The design can incorporate elements like 7 banners, gold cups, award certificates, stars, or a combination of these, all arranged in an orderly yet visually appealing manner. There should be these words included on this square picture, "7 Industry Awards Won" that are easily readable. The inclusion of an image (see attachment) highlighting my product is optional.
As an alternative, the square picture can include both the reference to the 7 awards and the 8 patents by having each icon stacks. For example, one stack of 7 gold cups or medallions with a ribbon and one stack of patents or red seals with the title "7 Industry Awards Won" and "Innovation Protected by 8 US and Intl. Patents".
Key requirements:
- The overall design should be attractive, modern, and minimalist.
- The design should effectively convey our product's achievement of winning 7 awards.
- No specific preference for design style, but the use of bright and colorful, flat design, line art, or monochrome with accents could be considered.
Judging Criteria: The general attractiveness of the overall design and its effectiveness in conveying the message.
Skills and experience ideal for this job:
- Proficiency in graphic design, particularly for product listings on e-commerce platforms.
- Experience with creating minimalist and modern designs.
- Strong understanding of visual communication and design aesthetics.
Anbefalede færdigheder
“Very talented, cooperative and hardworking. Will hire again.”
gent88, United States.
Bedste indlæg fra denne konkurrence
rmrayhan3494 Bangladesh
sadiaahmed6 Bangladesh
digiraf07 Pakistan
digiraf07 Pakistan
md2sabbir Bangladesh
md2sabbir Bangladesh
digiraf07 Pakistan
mIrfankhan52 Pakistan
digiraf07 Pakistan
Mostafa9182 Egypt
mIrfankhan52 Pakistan
mIrfankhan52 Pakistan
Charoi Bangladesh
yogeshoneness730 India
digiraf07 Pakistan
digiraf07 Pakistan
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