5 Mistakes to Avoid When Bidding on a Project

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You’ve been bidding on a couple of projects lately but you haven’t won any of them. Are you bidding on the wrong projects? Possibly. Or maybe it’s the way you’ve created your bids?

There are some common bidding mistakes you might be committing but are completely unaware of. Read on and find out how you can avoid these blunders the next time you bid.  

Writing a generic proposal

When you are hunting for projects on Freelancer.com and spot one that catches your attention, the absolute best thing you can do to get this employer to notice you is to write a detailed, thought-out, personal proposal.

Why? Very simple, you are competing with ALL the freelancers who bid on this project, and just like in an interview, you have to get the employer's attention by demonstrating you want this job badly enough and are willing to go the extra mile to get it.

You should include things like questions you may have about the project brief, related projects that make you the perfect candidate for this, years working with any software or technology mentioned, etc.

Related Article: How to Craft a Compelling Bid

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Bidding on a Project - Image 1


You might think that by quoting a fairly low price you will get the employers’ attention and once you show them how talented you are, you will be able to persuade them to increase the price later on.

You are very far from the truth.

Even if you do get these employers’ attention, the interest might not last long when they start chatting with you and you told them you can’t perform the task at hand with the budget you proposed earlier. This is unbecoming of you and might drive employers away.

Estimate how much it will cost you based on the project information given and stick your bid amount. If you are unsure of the amount as they may be other details missing on the project brief, write questions on your proposal and mention how these things might affect the price quoted initially.

Related Article: What You Need to Know About Bids and the Bidding Process

Bidding on something you have no expertise in

Have you ever encountered a project that caught your interest, and thought of this: “I’ll do some research and figure it out later”? There is a huge problem if you’re doing this.

Employers think they’re paying someone who can do the job in the best possible manner. If you do not have the right set of skills, don’t give the employers false hopes that you can deliver the highest quality output if you don’t match the level of expertise the project calls for.

It’s always best to have the confidence that you can deliver what you promised. Keep this in mind and aim for great reviews and ratings. Having a good reputation on the site helps you attract future potential employers.

Related Article: The Freelancer.com Bid Ranking Guide

Bidding on something when you are currently overloaded with work

There really is no explanation needed for this one. We understand you might feel there are numerous jobs for you and you want to bid on them all, but you’re overloaded and that’s far from being a good idea. By overloading yourself, you are at a high risk of getting bad reviews because of possible late deliveries, sloppy project management, poor communication, and so on.

At Freelancer.com, we have thousands of projects posted daily. Complete your current jobs first and when you’re ready to take on new projects, that’s when you should start bidding again.

Giving out personal details on bid

This is part of our Terms & Conditions. Anything that has your personal information will be deleted and you will be given a fair warning. Please ensure you follow the T&C as this will be your guide in having a secure freelancing experience on our platform.

Any bidding experience you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments section below.

Oprettet 19 oktober, 2016

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