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    house with view of the roof of glas

    Who we are

    The German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) represents the commercial, industrial and service sector in Germany. Its members are the 79 chambers of industry and commerce (IHKs) with several million companies from industry, trade and services – from kiosk owners to large groups of companies.

    Cameras at conference

    DIHK image database

    Do you need pictures of our recent events? Are you looking for portraits of our CEO, the DIHK staff or the managing board to illustrate your content? Please find a variety of images and the terms of use in our image database.


    Do you need some information on digital economy, energy and climate politics or EU-legislation concerning enterprises? Are you looking for an expert for economic topics? Please check our contact list.

    Paper with datas

    German Economy

    How does the German economic policy affects and influences the enterprises in Germany? What are the most important recent economic developments and political decisions on German economic policy? Read more about the German economy and about the DIHK positions and surveys on it.

    International Economy

    How is the German economy performing in worldwide business? Which obstacles do the companies face, which suggestions for improvement does the CCI organisation make? Find out how the export oriented German economy develops abroad.

    Drei Fahnen mit der EU-Flagge


    The DIHK team in Brussels is committed to representing the interests of German business and is in direct contact with the decision-makers of the EU Commission, Parliament and Council. More details can be found here.