Handbooks and Extras

User Handbooks

DEVONthink To Go3.8.6PDFePub
DEVONagent Pro3.11.8PDFePub


Browser Extensions

Clip to DEVONthinkFirefoxInstall
Clip to DEVONthinkChromeInstall

Install all extensions directly from within DEVONthink (DEVONthink > Install Add-Ons) or download them with the links above.


Bookmarklets are tiny applications contained in the address of a bookmark. To install a bookmarklet drag or add it from the list above to your web browser’s bookmark bar.

Extensions and Plugins

Document SearchAlfredLearn More
PopClip PluginsPopClipLearn More
Quick Look Plugins ListmacOSLearn More
Quick Look Plugins for DevsmacOSLearn More

Open Source

Pantomime (with fixes)1.2.2Download