Hi everyone,
Sorry I haven't written and drew in a while. Maybe you haven't noticed this ... XP I had some problems with my computer and with laziness . I've got a lot to learn for school, but I don't do this too... ^^; :iconorzplz:Although I did some scraps and I try to do some animations but hmm... I need to work on it. Maybe I need different program. For now I'm using Photoshop to do simple things.
You know how it is - a bad workman blames his tools.By the way I want to wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ^3^
Hi everyone!This is my first journal so at the beginning I want to thank you all for two thousand pageviews, and for all the faves and watch! ^3^Btw have you seen the new K-ON!! opening and ending? I know, I know K-ON again... but I'm in K-ON mood XD Here you are:New OP --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyOLb8D8ezI&feature=related
New ED --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-xNybD8kho&feature=related