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zuzyah on DeviantArt
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To be honest and as you can see by the art I’m not feeling well today. Actually I feel pretty sick 😔 I still don’t know how is it possible to catch a cold while sitting at home. But it seems that it happens 🙈 let’s hope it’s not a covid-19. Ha-ha.
I hope your day was better then mine!
Cheers from my bed! 🖤
To be honest and as you can see by the art I’m not feeling well today. Actually I feel pretty sick 😔 I still don’t know how is it possible to catch a cold while sitting at home. But it seems that it happens 🙈 let’s hope it’s not a covid-19. Ha-ha.
I hope your day was better then mine!
Cheers from my bed! 🖤
Image size
1836x1916px 1.97 MB
© 2020 - 2025 zuzyah
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