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The Air Egg hatched into this dragon: Kihrana
Information about Air dragons, from my series, The Legend of the Golden Dragon (dont need to read it if you dont want)
Air dragons are the lightiest and fastest of all.
They can fly just with 1 week of borned and by the time they are 12 years old they can fly to a speed of 600 k/h (kilometers per hour). They dont have to many stamina, so they get tired really fast if toy fly this fast, but with a lot of training and disipline the can high their stamina to fly as long as they want (but it's hard to get this results).
Most of the messenger dragons of the world are air dragons; they send messages from zone to zone, regardless how far their objetive is (that's why they train to high their stamina).
They are hairless due to their evolution and avoid the air friction (._.).
In groups they are able to make tornados and even storms.
The air dragons usually live in the top of mountains, but someones prefer meadows and forests.
Their standar skin color is white and their eyes are yellow, brown or orange.
blah, blah, blah ._.
This little dragon was bought for 22
I actually didnt know what kind of with i had to use for a white dragon, i tried with many whites and i got this ._.
Whatever, i hope likes this female dragon!
What you can do with your dragon
-Draw him
-Use as personal character
-Include in stories
-Turn into grown up! (i would love to see this )
-Love him
What you can not do with your dragon
-Resell her
-Hate her
Please take care and love this little dragon
Fire dragon hatchling: [link]
Air dragon hatchling: [link]
Water dragon hatchling: [link]
Earth dragon hatchling: [link]
Electricity dragon hatchling: [link]
Ice dragon hatchling: [link]
Metal dragon hatchling: [link]
Black dragon hatchling: [link]
Want one? ask me 4 one!
Information about Air dragons, from my series, The Legend of the Golden Dragon (dont need to read it if you dont want)
Air dragons are the lightiest and fastest of all.
They can fly just with 1 week of borned and by the time they are 12 years old they can fly to a speed of 600 k/h (kilometers per hour). They dont have to many stamina, so they get tired really fast if toy fly this fast, but with a lot of training and disipline the can high their stamina to fly as long as they want (but it's hard to get this results).
Most of the messenger dragons of the world are air dragons; they send messages from zone to zone, regardless how far their objetive is (that's why they train to high their stamina).
They are hairless due to their evolution and avoid the air friction (._.).
In groups they are able to make tornados and even storms.
The air dragons usually live in the top of mountains, but someones prefer meadows and forests.
Their standar skin color is white and their eyes are yellow, brown or orange.
blah, blah, blah ._.
This little dragon was bought for 22
I actually didnt know what kind of with i had to use for a white dragon, i tried with many whites and i got this ._.
Whatever, i hope likes this female dragon!
What you can do with your dragon
-Draw him
-Use as personal character
-Include in stories
-Turn into grown up! (i would love to see this )
-Love him
What you can not do with your dragon
-Resell her
-Hate her
Please take care and love this little dragon
Fire dragon hatchling: [link]
Air dragon hatchling: [link]
Water dragon hatchling: [link]
Earth dragon hatchling: [link]
Electricity dragon hatchling: [link]
Ice dragon hatchling: [link]
Metal dragon hatchling: [link]
Black dragon hatchling: [link]
Want one? ask me 4 one!
Image size
1463x1771px 1.05 MB
© 2011 - 2025 Zugoldragon
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Sorry to bother you ;3; would I be able to return this dragon...? D;