Zoo-photographers's avatar


Zoo Photography Club
Years Ago

Comments 944

anonymous's avatar
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Orphydian's avatar
Our brand-new group has a certain affinity with your group scope. Ofc there is a lot of filtering and selection going on like there should be on any group. We kindly ask to affiliate with you.

ArsRapax | DeviantArt
PaigeMillsArt's avatar
Thank You (16) for the add! Butterfly  
DPasschier's avatar
Is this group dead? I hope not :(
Mouselemur's avatar
Hi :wave:

Nope the group is not dead ;)
The thing is, we only have two active admins for the group (me and another, who I believe is now on a trip to Africa) and our call for help hasn't garnered us any new people.
So we're not as active as we once were, but we are in fact still here ;)
AnimalPhotographer's avatar
Any Themes for this month or just submit to anything that's open right now? Waaaah! 
Mouselemur's avatar
Hello :wave:

We don't really work with themes anymore, I'm afraid. But since you've asked, I've finally took the time (thanks for the reminder!) to change up the open folders. Please submit accordingly ;)
AnimalPhotographer's avatar
Alright, nice to know. Hug