Zonoya717's avatar


Love Is In The Air! ๐Ÿ’–
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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Varied
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All Out With Pride: You participated in LGBTQ+ Pride Month!
DeviantArtโ€™s 23rd Birthday: You celebrated another year of DeviantArt!
Winter WonderLAD: You made a winter masterpiece!
Share the Love: Participated in DeviantArt's 2020 Valentine's Day celebrations.
Show Your Heart: Participated in DeviantArt's 2019 Valentine's Day celebrations
My Bio

Stamp COMMUNIST by Sinceritta Proud to be a Commie -stamp- by KPOCTAUntitled by Marxism Fan Stamp by Nakamo Atheist Stamp by Kezzi-Rose
Tomboy-Stamp by SilazVarulven TOMBOY by NatureNeverHurries STAMP: lol, lady-like? by StampsGoneMissing Girly by black-cat16-stamps Makeup2 by black-cat16-stamps
GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME by Dametora There's Nothing Wrong With Being Asexual Stamp by AdaleighFaith Asexuality by black-cat16-stamps Asexuality does exist by KittyJewelpet78

Stamp  -  England by fmr0 Stamp  -  Union Jack by fmr0 Britain by Eventer4Ever-Ali UK Flag by mysage Tea Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Tea Makes Everything Better by delusional-dreams British Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Heart UK Stamp by mylastel Stamp  -  London Calling by fmr0 I LOVE BRITISH ACCENTS by ProfessorUtonium Big Ben Stamp by mompants300 You're All Late for Tea V2 by EmmaL27 British stamp by crazykitkatlove Proud To Be British by MatthewsStamps Love London Stamp by irreplaceablemartina London stamp by Celle13 LONDON by LunaDora Tea by ChibiRiceball Stamp - Fond of Tea by Rittik Keep Calm and Carry On stamp by Bourbons3 British Accent Stamp by Zibby-Doodles [Stamp] English by ZAXXlNE English is Beautiful Stamp by Yrkzorz


Glitterfy.com - Flag Glitter Graphics





Heart Greetings everyone! :) (Smile)
This is me, Zonoya717! :D (Big Grin)
Star! I am a girl (19) from Belarus. Welcome to my page! Hi!
Star! I hope, you will like my drawings, because I think, they are beautiful and I try my best to improve my art skills, because I really love to draw. I also love listen to music (Epic Music, House of Anubis, Harry Potter, Kung Fu Panda 2, Spyro and other), playing videogames (Spyro, Lego, Rayman) and read books (Warrior Cats, The Hobbit). I'm really trying to improve at everything I do. Heart
Star! I think I'm quite a friendly person, but don't go fake or mean to me - I can respond that. Stare I don't think I can forgive someone easily when it comes to something serious/mean or just rude.
Star! I love drawing fan art and my characters + I'd love to be able to draw people without any problems in the future, so I'm learning and practicing! :D (Big Grin)
Star! I REALLY don't like when people keep telling me what's wrong on my pictures too much... I can see the mistakes myself now, but I didn't when I was younger. :) (Smile)
Star! I'm a huge hater of copies, copycats and anything copied. So please, don't rip designs from my OCs, names, ideas, style. Thank you! Heart Love Hug
Star! Also I love to watch films, movies and serials. My favourite films are Star Wars, Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean, fav movie is Kung Fu Panda 2, fav serial is Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger and Power Rangers (Super) Megaforce. :D (Big Grin)
Star! I like to write stories and fanfics about my characters, but I'm not very good at writing, but I try my best on it. :) (Smile)
Star! When I grow up, I want to be a writer, programmer and artist. So, I try my best to improve my skills at these things. Aww


:) (Smile) My Best Groups! :) (Smile)
:iconthe-legend-of-gordon: :iconelloise-series: :iconcao-fan-club: :iconlightinthedarkness12: :iconspyrofan-club: :icongordonfanclub: :icontomriddlefanclub: :iconharry-potterfans: :iconreturnofthesith-fans: :iconcats-oftheclans: ;) (Wink)

Heart Join this group, please! Heart :icondarksparklefanclub:

:D (Big Grin) My Best Latest Art (Almost all of them are digital here)! :D (Big Grin)
Gift For GreenCat771 - Happy Birthday! by Zonoya717 Funny Gordon Doodle by Zonoya717 Just A Drawing Of Gordon by Zonoya717
The Ice Keeper by Zonoya717 The Water Keeper by Zonoya717 The Earth Keeper by Zonoya717
Everything Burns by Zonoya717 Cornish Rex Wallpaper by Zonoya717 Just Gordon Doodle by Zonoya717
Would You Like Some Tea? by Zonoya717 I Am Mad Englishman! by Zonoya717 Rayman's Best Friend by Zonoya717
A Little Sir by Zonoya717 A Little Inventor by Zonoya717 Gordon Is Having Fun by Zonoya717
Little Fluffy by Zonoya717 A Legendary Hero by Zonoya717 Gordon and Flower by Zonoya717
Cute Little Kitty by Zonoya717 Bright Sunny Day by Zonoya717 Gordon - Another Old Art by Zonoya717
Gordon - Very Old Art by Zonoya717 The Evil Genius' Smile by Zonoya717 The Hero Of The Glade Of Dreams by Zonoya717
Rayman's Faithful Helper by Zonoya717 Ales Mansay - I've Got A Lum! by Zonoya717 The Magician's Cousin by Zonoya717
Request For Boogeyboy1 - Boogey Boy by Zonoya717 Gordon - Happy Easter! by Zonoya717 Nobody Loves Me... by Zonoya717
Grand Minimus by Zonoya717 Goth Teensy by Zonoya717 Ales Mansay AKA The Magician by Zonoya717
Happy Birthday, Maer Adventure! by Zonoya717 Gift For Shadow-Crystol - Shadow by Zonoya717 Fire Teacher by Zonoya717
Cute Little Hero by Zonoya717 Bow Before Me! by Zonoya717 I Never Said I'm Sorry... by Zonoya717
I Walk Alone by Zonoya717 Feel The Power Of The Dark Side! by Zonoya717 Gordon - Pretty Old Art by Zonoya717
Gordon - Happy Valentine's Day! by Zonoya717 Happy Birthday, IcelectricSpyro! by Zonoya717 Just Gordon ^_^ by Zonoya717
Liam - Malcom's Friend by Zonoya717 Nan - Malcom's Best Friend by Zonoya717 Spyro's First Flight by Zonoya717
The Best Headmaster by Zonoya717 Gift For VedranR - Gesellana by Zonoya717 Gordon - Happy New Year! by Zonoya717
Cornish Rex - Merry Christmas! by Zonoya717 Morning Flight by Zonoya717 If Only They Were Friends by Zonoya717
805th by Zonoya717 An Italian Villain by Zonoya717 Happy Halloween! by Zonoya717
Following The Magic by Zonoya717 Beyond Good And Evil by Zonoya717 The Chosen One by Zonoya717
Gift For BORZ5666 - Happy Birthday! by Zonoya717 Happy Birthday, Mommy! by Zonoya717 Yellow-Eyed Hero by Zonoya717
Green-Eyed Beauty by Zonoya717 Lord Of Evil by Zonoya717 A Beautiful Lady by Zonoya717
Happy Birthday, Daddy! by Zonoya717 The Best Friend Of Nao by Zonoya717 The Last Of Electric Cats by Zonoya717
Lord Of Darkness by Zonoya717 Gift For GreenCat771 - Happy Birthday! by Zonoya717 Little Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717
Gordon - Quick Drawing by Zonoya717 Egyptian Mau - Tablet by Zonoya717 Rickshaw The Butterfly - Tablet by Zonoya717
Gordon - Big Head - Tablet by Zonoya717 716th by Zonoya717 Psycho The Psychopath - Gift - Tablet by Zonoya717
Derpy and Trict - Request - Tablet by Zonoya717 What The? - Second Art On Tablet by Zonoya717 My Most First Art On Tablet by Zonoya717
Happy Birthday, DeviantART! by Zonoya717 Gordon - Final Hour by Zonoya717 Gordon - Hero - Tablet by Zonoya717
Gordon - Fire Breath - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon - Colourful World - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon - Merry Christmas (Old) - Tablet by Zonoya717
Gordon Is Watching You! - Tablet by Zonoya717 Malcom VS Elloise - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gift For VedranR - Euralien - Tablet by Zonoya717
Despair - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717
Little Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717 Art Trade - Green Cat - Tablet! by Zonoya717
Gordon - Big Head - With Big Crystal - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717 Cornish Rex and Egyptian Mau - Enemies - Tablet by Zonoya717
Dark Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717 Egyptian Mau - Tablet by Zonoya717 Art Trade - Winter Rix - Tablet! by Zonoya717
Russeltim - Tablet by Zonoya717 Cornish Rex - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon - Big Head - Tablet by Zonoya717
Gordon - The Darkness Inside - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717
Cornish Rex - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon Swims - Tablet by Zonoya717 Running Through The Dark Forest - Tablet by Zonoya717
The Joker In His Normal Form (MLP FIM) - Tablet by Zonoya717 Dark Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717 Dark Gordon VS Gordon - Darkness VS Light - Tablet by Zonoya717
Gift For GreenCat771 - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gift For Squigmunks - Rosestar - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717
Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717 Nao and Cao - Light and Darkness by Zonoya717 Dark Gordon VS Gordon - Darkness VS Light - Tablet by Zonoya717
Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon - Fire Breath - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717
Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717 Cao - The Whole Of China Will Be Mine! - Tablet by Zonoya717
Trict - Lineart - Request - Tablet by Zonoya717 Just A Cat Doodle - Tablet by Zonoya717 Spyro - Tablet by Zonoya717
The Joker In His Normal Form (MLP FIM) - Tablet by Zonoya717 The Joker - Why So Serious? by Zonoya717 Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717
600th by Zonoya717 Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717 Skylend - Request - Tablet by Zonoya717
The Joker (MLP FIM) - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon - The Lost Hero - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717
My New OC Pony - The Joker - Tablet by Zonoya717 The Second Chance Cover - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon - Tablet by Zonoya717
Dark Sparkle Returns Cover by Zonoya717 Ami - Tablet by Zonoya717 Gordon - A Light of Good Powers - Tablet by Zonoya717
Two Heroes - Tablet by Zonoya717 Tiff - Request - Tablet by Zonoya717 Cornish Rex by Zonoya717
Leo by Zonoya717 Gordon - Light in the Darkness by Zonoya717 Gordon by Zonoya717 Gordon by Zonoya717 Spyro - Finished Version by Zonoya717 Ready to Fight by Zonoya717 Sphinx by Zonoya717 Clare by Zonoya717 Emily 2 by Zonoya717 Ice Cat 2 by Zonoya717 Gordon by Zonoya717 Gordon by Zonoya717 Sitmerus by Zonoya717 Mainard by Zonoya717 :thumb300111324: :thumb299651055: :thumb298019589: :thumb297556226: :thumb297430614: :thumb297208464: :thumb296566262: :thumb296563904: :thumb296178603: :thumb296175661: :thumb294273516: :thumb294414083: :thumb293125117: :thumb292629434: :thumb292390734: :thumb292058159: :thumb292000251: :thumb291718561: :thumb291704179: :thumb291661039: :thumb291495722: :thumb291214571: :thumb291031604: :thumb291019153: :thumb290950096: :thumb290822534: :thumb290814450: :thumb290783576: :thumb290780473: :thumb290758368: :thumb290630320: :thumb290627514: :thumb290573137: :thumb290260991: :thumb290135838: :thumb290130978: :thumb289598662: :thumb289244726: :thumb289094731:

LOL Animation! LOL
:thumb291553633: :thumb291553272: :thumb291552829: :thumb291541364: :thumb291378531: :thumb291369633:

Heart My Best Friends! Heart
:iconnastya2000: ::icongreencat771: :iconlordshenofficial: :icon16able: :iconthedestroyer200: :iconicelectricspyro: :iconofficialwarriorcats: :iconlucifero717: :iconspyro00and0cynder: :iconmalcom717: :iconsexy-dragoness: :iconspyro0and0cynder: :iconshalonesk: :icondizzyatdizumnl: :iconfreddy1016: :iconlordofthepeacocks: :iconkrowlethal: :iconprocar: :iconturbomun: :iconxamechanx: :iconsinistereternity: :iconcao-plz: :iconnao-plz: :iconmasterfei-plz: :icontwistedartsticmind: :iconlordshens: :iconnika-artist: :iconlordshenfan: :iconknufad-zzaj: :iconemp-bartes: :iconandebyful: :iconithriller3: :iconalsatic: :iconlorendiva: :iconhogwarts-girls: :iconsonicfox25: :icongamerdragon1992: :iconmrsmiles14: :iconbronydanceparty: :iconabluskittle: :iconwoodentoaster: :iconagentfreeman:
That's not all! :) (Smile)

Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart

What i use:
:thumb167616455: :thumb167616425: :thumb167616485: :thumb167616523: :thumb167616572: :thumb167616600: :thumb167616624: :thumb167616669: :thumb167618441: :thumb167618519: :thumb167618569: :thumb167618240: :thumb167617689: :thumb167617979: :thumb53612976:

Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart

Heart :thumb167857730: :thumb167611672: :thumb167611646: :thumb167611458: :thumb167611285: :thumb167610731: :thumb167632572: :thumb167632477: :thumb167632706: :thumb167632126: :thumb167631449: :thumb167631397: :thumb167871875: :thumb168991027: Heart

Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart

Heart :icongiftsask: :icongiftsopen: :icongiftsfriendsonly: Heart
Love Status Stamps + Plz Accounts! Love
Follow me, and very soon, you'll hear the tale of Nightmare Moon! Listen close, my little dears! I'll tell you where you got your fears! Of Nightmare Night, so dark and scary! Of Nightmare Moon, who makes you wary! Every year, we put on a disguise, to save ourselves, from her searching eyes! But NightMare Moon wants just one thing. To gobble up ponies in one quick swing! Hungrily, she soars the sky! If she sees no pony, she passes by! So if she comes and all is clear, Equestria is safe another year! A perfect question, my little friend! For Nightmare Moon you must not offend! Fill up her belly with a treat or two, so she won't return to come eat you!
I like it! LOL

Star! Star! Star! Status Star! Star! Star!

:thumb168007422: :thumb168006092: :thumb129094997: :thumb193877113: :thumb185298684:

Star! Requests Star!

Star! Art Trades Star!

Star! Gifts Star!

Star! Collabs Star!

:p (Lick)oints: Point Commissions :p (Lick)oints:

Star! To do list, plans Star!

Star! Ideas and possible PICs Star!

Star! Longer WIPs Star!

Favourite Visual Artist
Hm, i don't know! Me! I'm kidding! ABluSkittle, MrSmiles14, ShaloneSK, IcelectricSpyro, nastya2000, Seeraphine... and many other, especially MLP FIM, Spyro and Rayman artists! XD
Favourite Movies
Star Wars, Harry Potter, Pirates of Caribbean, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, The Lion King, Kung Fu Panda 2, Kung Fu Panda, Blast From The Past.
Favourite TV Shows
My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic, Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, Power Rangers (Super) Megaforce, Kung Fu Panda - Legends of Awesomeness, Power Rangers (Super) Samurai, Supah Ninjas, Sponge Bob Squarepants, House of Anubis, Winx Club, Fred: The Show.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Skillet, Aviators, Linkin Park, Rayman Origins & Legends OST, Audiomachine, Two Steps From Hell, X-Ray Dog, Wooden Toaster, The Living Tombstone, H8 Seed, Mic The Microphone, Forcedemodo, Omnipony and many other MLP FIM musicians.
Favourite Books
Warrior Cats, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Winx Club, Witch.
Favourite Games
Spyro 1-8, Rayman Legends, Rayman Origins, Batman: Arkham City, Origins, Asylum, All Lego games, The Catz, The Dog, Angry Birds.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Playstation 2, 3, 4, Computer, Xbox 360, PSP.
Tools of the Trade
Tablet (used to touchpad, but now not), paper, pencils, programs, notebook.
To be added.
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Blood Moon

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To be added.
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Hello everybody! It's me, Zonoya717 and I wanted to say that today is March 8th and that means, it's Women's Day today! Hooray! I want to congratulate all women on this day and wish all of you to be joyful and happy. Today is going to be a great day! Hope I'll get lots of presents and lots of different delicious things. Have an awesome day too! Bye! See you later!
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Post Spotlight

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Post Spotlight

What part of the Spyro you like best?

ย  | ย 123 votes
  • All Spyro games

  • Spyro the dragon

  • Spyro 2 Ripto's rage

  • Spyro 3 Year of the dragon

  • Spyro 4 Enter the dragonfly

  • Spyro 5 A hero's tail

  • Spyro 6 A new beginning

  • Spyro 7 The eternal night

  • Spyro 8 Dawn of the dragon

  • I hate Spyro or i never play in this game

Post Spotlight

What is your favourite character in Spyro?

ย  | ย 123 votes
  • All characters

  • Spyro

  • Cynder

  • Sparx

  • Hunter

  • Ignitus

  • The Chronicler

  • Malefor

  • Dark Spyro or Dark Cynder

  • None or i never play in this game

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Zonoya717's avatar

You're very welcome! :heart: :love: :star:

Artsupportlike's avatar

And thank you for the LGBT rainbow llama emoticon

Zonoya717's avatar

You're very welcome! :dance:

Artsupportlike's avatar

You draw really good ! ๐Ÿ‘

Zonoya717's avatar

Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoy my art, it means a lot to me! :dummy:

AurulentPrince's avatar

Thank you for the llama. :)