PilgrimZombieSandwich on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zombiesandwich/art/Pilgrim-154617604ZombieSandwich

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My Patreon: www.patreon.com/darktownart :heart: My Facebook: www.facebook.com/DarkTownArt/

edit: Uploaded a better version. ^_^
AH! ENOUGH NOW! I have been working on this silly portrait for too long. And risk is high that I am going to ruin it when I get too worked up with it, so I have to stop it now!!!

Yes I worked with a model and from photo reference here, but what I care about is: Is this a good result? Because I am totally errorblind now. I think maybe something could be wrong about her neck or her eyebrows. But that's just my impression.

Guys when you see something could you please tell me? And telling about how this piece makes me mad; listen to that while you still can: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ipmez…

By the way: Yes I played Bioshock 2. All the way through. And it was AWESOME! I am much nicer than the other daddies. :P

PS: I love Enayla and all my fantasy art is inspired by her and meant to honor her art!
Image size
568x700px 47.95 KB
© 2010 - 2025 ZombieSandwich
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