Damn Ladderszombiekittiesrock on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zombiekittiesrock/art/Damn-Ladders-220977858zombiekittiesrock

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Damn Ladders



Alright, so, I seriously BSed the hell out of this, it's why it sucks lol, I was just messing around with my tablet on iScribble and listening to PyschadelicSnake's live stream and I got this idea to draw him yelling at Miku, well, almost yelling.
earlier today, I was playing fatal Frame I and Miku kept going up and down the f*ckin' ladders and just started to annoy the living hell out of me! And then I remembered, this happened to Snake.

Yeah, so, it's a late birthday gift *Sorry D=* For Snake. Happy 20th Lee!!

Gratulerer med dagen!! *Norwegian for Happy Birthday*

.. Fucking ladders.

Lee (c) Belongs to Himself. He is his own person.
Miku (c) Well, fuck, I can't remember but she isn't mine

PS. Snake, for some odd reason, if you ever find this I'm VermillionDreams on J-tv and ZombieKittiesRock on Youtube ^.^

PSS I suck at drawing males ;~;
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