Available for commissions
I live in Mexico, I freelance as designer and work in productions such as events, parades as well as commercials and movies.
I'm very comfortable with pencils, watercolors and carving, but keep trying to learn new techniques as well. Photography is also one of my passions, with it I like to explore my country and its culture, as well as show some political and social concerns.
Feel free to contact me if you see something you like in the gallery.
Thanks for the add to your collection.
You're welcome.
Thank you for all the faves!
You're welcome, and hey, thanks for sharing your charming sketches
hey sugar, thank you for all the favs and a watch. right back at ya.
Hi, you're welcome. To be honest whith you, i had no time to carefully llok at your gallery and give it the apreciation it desrves, , but I knew instantly that I was a a fan of it. I might do that right now.
im sooooooooooo appreciative of your feedback about my work! it's very refreshing after taking a long brake, to return to so much positivity! <3