Zoemy's avatar


ZoemyArt (ZA)
533 Deviations


Due to family problems, I can't continue drawing for the moment...

Thanks to all my dear followers for their loyalty! :hug:

Hope to see you back soon!...

Until then, I wish you all the best!:heart:

Gatsby Deco


 . _TO MY COMIC_ . 

Fejlc Patreon

is a

fantasy, adventure, drama


that I write and draw all the time.

I create the comic using traditional techniques (coloured pencil, pigma micron )

Post-production is done on the computer. (darkening, glitter etc.)

The comic is planned to be a series of books in which you can experience:

- funny childhood adventures, excitement, fear, love, fighting, landscapes and a perfect, beautiful kingdom.

You can follow the characters' character development and experience their situations and trials.

Sketch serries // The black jaguar
Quest for the Power Crystal - Storm at sea
Eila rides - sketch
Power Crystal . Relaxing weekend
Power Crystal comic:Wade and an old enemy -
ready: Page 23
Power Crystal comic Scene: Bandit attack

The first 3 protagonists who are brought together by fate on a great journey.

You'll sail on a pirate ship, laughing with the cool and funny pirate crew.

The journey takes them into the jungle,

where Eila searches for the Power Crystal that can save her beloved city and her family.

But will she find the Power Crystal or is just a legend?

All will be revealed in the comic books.

If you like adventure then come and go on a GREAT JOURNEY!

If you'd like to read the comic so far, please support me with a free watching.

If you'd like to support my comics and my art, you can do so by subscribing or buying a premium gallery.

I am grateful for all the subscriber, buyer,

favourites and watchers!

Img20240501 01561755
Quest for the Power Crystal - Eila
Img20241116 17224454
Group 2114


Take part in a Great Journey!
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Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • July 5
  • Deviant for 7 years
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Bleeding Heart: Your passion is an inspiration! (38)
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My Bio

Hi, I'm Zoemy!

my maiden name: BótaNoémi (just because I signed many of my drawings like this) or the old my name (2011): Cluny91, BnCluny .

// Cluny in the Redwall story was my favourite character ...why did I pick her name back then, don't ask -_-' //

For the moment my YouTube channel is still empty, but i plan to upload videos next year :)

I have written an exciting story that I would like to draw in the form of a comic book to present to you!

If I succeed, I would like to publish it as a pocket comic in the future :)

A Quest for the Power Crystal is a long novel that I have written. I will draw the novel in comic book form, using a mix of traditional and digital drawing.

Story for Book 1:

There is a legend of a powerfull crystal that has saved people from danger in the past. OVer the years many people have searched for it, to get their hands on its power, but no one manages to find the crystal...

Eila wants to save her village, people and her family from a mysterious and dangerous infection that is spreading and already closing in on her home. That is why she longs to find the Power Crystal.

Though the chances are low, she is accompanied by a kind spirit-like being (for she always takes a different form) that guides and supports her on the journey. This gives Eila the courage and confidence she needs on her long and dangerous journey.

From the mountains to the jungle, with the sea in between...

If you like adventure in winter-summer, sea, jungle, storm, air, etc....

then come and go on a great adventure! I can also recommend this comic to those who like to cry, rejoice and fight with the characters!

I hope you like my older drawings. Check them out in my gallery!

Please do not use my art for commercial purposes!

If you want to support my work and my comic, you can do it here:

Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/zoemy77978

or join me on Patreon:


Thank you and I appreciate all support!


Favourite Visual Artist
Fantasy, Butterfly, Disney, Princess, Blumen, Animal ...
Favourite Movies
Madagascar 1-3, Kung Fu Panda 1-3, Croods ...
Favourite TV Shows
Candy-Candy, Disney, DreamWorks etc
Favourite Books
Bible, Christian books, Fantasy, Pirate, Lucky Luke, Asterix, Manga
Favourite Games
Rayman Origins+Legends, Portal 2, Fable 1-3, Skyrim, Prince of Persia, Borderlands

VOTE on the NEXT painting

Which picture would you like to see next as a digital p...

  |  29 votes
  • 01.

    Our cultur is dying

  • 02.

    The crystal chooses -Eila-

  • 03.

    after being chosen, Eila shines

Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (1)
Bleeding Heart: Your passion is an inspiration! (38)
Bleeding Heart
Confetti: Cheers to you! (18)
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
Platinum Fragment
Scored 1st Subscriber: Congrats on getting your first-ever subscriber!
Scored 1st Subscriber

Profile Comments 337

anonymous's avatar
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Aliana-chan's avatar

Köszönöm szépen a favot, sokat jelent. :hug:

Zoemy's avatar

:hug: akkor be is követlek, hátha annak is örülsz! :)

Lilgrimmapple's avatar

Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for the points!

TheTie-DyeJedi's avatar

Thank you for the favorites!

Zoemy's avatar

You are welcome. I really like your drawings!! I could imagine them in a book :) as illustrations!! ❤️❤️

TheTie-DyeJedi's avatar

Aw, thank you! I do illustrate my own fan-fiction stories, but I hope to illustrate my own books one day. :3

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