I'm Zach Heiser. My ultimate goal is to one day work as a character designer for cartoons & animated films, as well as working as a freelance illustrator for comics & children's books. For now, I'm just an aspiring artist trying to make his start. So thanks for checking out my page & I hope you guys can bare with me
While I am trying to get commissions and apply to grad school, I am also currently working on my own original webcomic, "Dim Bulbs," for Iron-Gibbet Comics (@I-GComics)
Tumblr: zachsketches.tumblr.com/
Twitter: twitter.com/ZachHeiser1
hello, i am making an original pokedex fic (basically i expand the entries from a few sentences to a few paragraphs) and i would really like to use your fakemon. is that ok? i would credit you
Sure, as long as you also let me know when the fakemin pokédex is up
the intro is already up if you want that. and thanks.
here is the link to the fic