Hostile 'Hos' GreyZikore on DeviantArt

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Hostile 'Hos' Grey



Well, I sketched Hos here on Friday and tried to finish him at home. He nearly didn't make it. XD The top right corner has water damage and there's a green line I couldn't get out. Both were from my son.

He's the oldest son of Grim and Rowdy. X3

Name: (Indigo) Hostile 'Hos’ Grey
Parents: Grim Grey, Rowdy Smurfette
Gender: Male
Relationship Preferences: Heterosexual
Personality: Hos is very intelligent, enjoys fighting, and prefers it to be melee. He is an excellent strategist and can pick out weaknesses in foes. He learns spells to the end of enchantment and creates armor, weaponry, and items to help him fight.
Appearance: Hostile looks like a blend of his parents. He has purple eyes, indigo eyebrows (these gave him his child name). His clothing of choice is a brown button down long sleeved shirt, vertically striped vest, brown slacks and loafers or brown smurf leggings, and a brown bowler hat. All of his clothing is enchanted. Accessories and accent colors tend to be shades of purple.
Other: He knows the power word style of healing magic. He favors hatchets and knives. He has four throwing hatchets and several knives of various sizes located about his person. He doesn't need glasses.
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EpicSmurfGirl's avatar
He reminds me of the old wild west hustlers!!