Ziggy's Logo
Current Residence: ::deviantshare.com:add:bloggerpinocomics::
Operating System: Windows XP
Favourite cartoon character: Bugs Bunny & Vash
Personal Quote: "Ego sum qui sum"
Hey again, happy new year my friend! ^^
Are you still working on my Power Girl comic cover request? It's been awhile.
Hello ! Thanks for the CSA Redesign and trhe Sinestro Corps OC Favs ! :D
Hey, are you still active here? Just curious is all.
Hello ! Thanks for the Zod Panorama Fav ! Cheers :)
Hi, thx for watching, cheers
Many thanks for fave on Rebecca 😃
You can see more of her here:
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Please subscribe, it would be a great help for me to produce more pictures for you to enjoy.