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Deviation Spotlight

Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (55)
birthdAy '09: Enjoys birthday shenanigans
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
My Bio

Ever since I can remember, I've always been creating things on paper. Trying to learn the fundamentals of art and illustration, I thrive to learn more and more about technique and enhance my skills even further.

Current Residence: USA, IA
Favourite genre of music: All kinds, country not so much
Favourite style of art: Digital, Concept
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
MP3 player of choice: Sansa
Shell of choice: Ghost
Wallpaper of choice: High-Res anything breathtaking
Skin of choice: soft
Favourite cartoon character: Kiba - Wolf's Rain
Personal Quote: Dying or getting killed isn't something unnatural. Living aimlessly without a purpose is.

Favourite Visual Artist
Randis Albion
Favourite Movies
LOTR Series
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Yoko Kanno, Hans Zimmer, Howard Shore, Ed Harrison
Favourite Games
Final Fantasy VII
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop, Paintshop Pro, 3D Studio Max
Other Interests
Music, Design/Art, Martial Arts, Video Games, Anime, Fitness.
Hello fans and friends,I just wanted to make a quick invitation to anyone who has Facebook and wants to support my art @ ZC-Designs. The like/support would be greatly appreciated! I hope to start some commissions soon and await any requests to expand my horizons.Just go to http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZC-Designs/169284116549173Thanks, ZC
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Chapter 1?

0 min read
So recently I've been getting around to focusing more on my main story. I know the last update was pretty old and I do procrastinate but, I really need to get this done and I've finally come up with a plausible beginning that will tie things together quite nicely. I wish I could say more but there is work that needs to be done and I will do the best I can to get Chapter 1 out asap. The way the story spans would go well as a trilogy, but we will see.Incase no one noticed yet I did make a high res teaser image.http://zigan.deviantart.com/art/RHS-Wall-C1-195991987?q=gallery%3Azigan%2F10570022&qo=0A lot more concepts need to be done, but it wo...
anonymous's avatar
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My Story

0 min read
I'd like to take this time to release some information probably not many of you know. But I have been wanting to bring a certain thought to life--a story and idea that I've had for some time now.It is a combination of many events, ideas, religion, science, drama, and action all packed into several character's lives, however, there is a main character to this story. I want to bring to light on certain things how I feel could be real or possible in our universe, and when you think about science in religion, it is the most debatable concept that man has never been able to 100% accurately tell. Not saying that I can, I just want people to expe...
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Profile Comments 45

anonymous's avatar
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TixieLix's avatar
Thanks for the fave on my Street Fighter and Zelda work! ^^
bark2008's avatar
Check your notes please ^^"
Reilune's avatar
:la:Thank you so very much for the :+devwatch: and support! :ahoy: It really means a lot to me! :tighthug:

:rose: Jessica
rafiqm's avatar
Thanks for joining the :iconclub-street-fighter: Club

I wish you have lots of fun here, feel free to post your Street fighter work in our gallery :handshake:

Be sure you put the club icon in your journal to help spread the word! :handshake:
Zigan's avatar
Thanks very much for inviting me. Will do :)
ChaosSpawn's avatar
Happy Birthday :cake:
Zigan's avatar