[Curio] PerpetuityZhoid on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zhoid/art/Curio-Perpetuity-1083343695Zhoid

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[Curio] Perpetuity


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"We have been... Traveling."

There was little need to explain it to him, really. She no longer answered to his words, and he no longer called upon her deeds.

"Just us. The new circle. We take no part in the petty squabbling."

No bond of authority existed within the splinters of a broken hall-to-be, leaving each party free to go their own way.

"The southern lands are... Interesting. But I have my circle, and that is enough."

The two figures behind her fidgeted in silent agreement. There was no more reason to stay in the northern wastelands. The end of the world had come and gone.

"I know you won't come. That is your right."

Each end, looping into a joined new beginning.

"But it's yours too, if you want it."

A perpetual, unending circle.


Name of Event: End and Begin

Focus Curio: Hela
Guest Curio: Sidney, Sasha, Galispar (NPC)

EXP Tally:


Token Tally:

25 T - Freestyle Entry
Total: 0 EXP / 25 T

Image size
1500x2106px 5.29 MB
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