Jujur, masih bingung juga kenapa aku nulis jurnal ini. :iconhappytearsplz:
Tapi, buat orang Indonesia yang faham sama jurnal ini, salam kenal untuk kesekian kalinya..
Karena ini akun udah lama buangeeetttt nggak di buka.. :iconorzplz:
dan aku udah planning buat buka ini dan update ini lagi.. :iconplanningplz:
Jadi.. mohon bantuannya.. Terimakasih.. :iconsmartyplz:
[x] Both of your parents are from Asia
[x] You were born in Asia
[ ] You use the term "Azn"
[ ] You think DDR is cool
[x] You've watched lots of anime
[x] You like Korean drama
[x] You have stuff hanging on your phone
[x] You think your parents want you marry within your own race.
[x] You eat rice almost everyday
[ ] You drink lemon tea
So far: 7[x] You style your hair.
[x] You have a facebook
[x] You speak languages other than English…
[x] Your parents are strict
[x] Your parents have high expectations of you
[x] You always get A's/B's on your report
[ ] You do Chemistry/Biology/Physics/Accounting
[x] You know your multiplication table