Hi! My name is Ze(also spelt Zee), I love manga and I'm a super big yu-gi-oh fan LOL
I'm working on a small comic thingy called Disk Duel! I'm making all the art and writing all by myself so it's gonna take awhile for new updates 'n stuff ;v;
Although not necessary but super appreciated, some people like giving gifts so here's my "little" wishlist! https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/3NY71CG88XNUC?ref_=wl_share&fbclid=IwAR1E1K6DrAgRlWUAXMRJ3i2T-LDhd6MZXUfKrmn81WA-_BgBnnVoi_ZL2I8
I hope you all like my art <3