Yuri and Wolfram ChibisZetra on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zetra/art/Yuri-and-Wolfram-Chibis-65151148Zetra

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Yuri and Wolfram Chibis



It's not really that great but I need to post something XD I've got a bigger project on the go right now so that's taking up all my inspiration.

This is Yuri and Wolfram, inspired by the episode of Kyou Kara Maou called Salutations Yuri.

The words are a line from the them song, and I believe the english lyrics are Little and fragile pieces of life, you and I
Are holding them one by one

bye byes :3
Image size
991x669px 86.99 KB
© 2007 - 2025 Zetra
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megusagara's avatar
I remember the chapter of the anime whit this scene xD is very cute!