Current Residence: SouthTown Favourite genre of music: Hip-Hop, Video Games, Rap Favourite cartoon character: Baldwin P. Vess Personal Quote: "Put the boots to him meduim style!"
Favourite Visual Artist
Kinu Nishimura, Kenichi Sonoda, Francisco Jose de Goya, Chris Sanders
Favourite Movies
Equilibrium, Aliens, Starship Troopers, Snatch
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Notorious BIG, Guns and Roses, Lil Kim, Missy Elliot
Favourite Games
Halo, Rival Schools, LoK Series, SSX series, VJ, R&C Series
Today is Andy's 1 year anniversary of his Death and we the twins want to thank everyone that has come by and sent their condolences. If you want to do your own private tribute just send us the Link and I'll pass it off to Andy's Family. Thanks again.
On April 23, the artist of this site Arnaldo "Andy" Robles passed away. We the twins would like to thank all those for the kind words and prayers. It's really uplifting to see this many people care so much for him. Thank you again. His memorial will be in his home town of Middletown on May the 17.Many of you didn't know he was sick because we wanted to keep it private. Only the people closest to him and really knew of his sickness. Even through all the pain he endured he still kept on doing what he knew best, draw. He'd tell you in a minute he wasn't better than all artists he knew. He just couldn't do what they did; Computer coloring, pos...
Angry Viking Press Crew:
:iconsadfatduck: :iconshonuff44: :iconcrybringer: :iconjayaxer: :iconjohnnybuddahfist: :iconubermorte: :iconjman2004: :iconEbonyleopard:
Get your copies of :iconshonuff44: comic "CoCo GunBun" at the Angry Viking press website:
While you're there you can order Ken Singshow's "Androzon" and Ratbat's "Edenworld Comics. Coming soon :iconcrybringer: Great Masterpiece "Demon Mages"
Wow it's been a long time since I posted a journal ...