The thing is....I don't ever want to love by duncanfan1234, journal
The thing is....I don't ever want to love
As you can see, I'm of course having a shitty day, that caused me to cry, almost kill my self, my mother almost got killed, almost having the cops come. And...after dealing with this for a long time..I don't ever want to love, or be loved. My father isn't even a human being, he is, I hope, leaving and disowning me. I'm starving, but guess who isn't eating? my mother and I...if she's still father left her in the middle of the highway...literally, you know that grass circle in the highway? yeah..she's there and he won't get her, and he attacked me in the kitchen, getting in my face and screaming at me. So, now I have....six marks ...
I won't. I just won't. I don't care that he gives me the most amazing hugs or kisses, or that he melts the ice in my heart everytime I speak to him. It doesn't matter that he sends me cute texts, it doesn't matter that he is a perv yet romantic. I didn't care that he kicked Jeremy in the balls really hard because he called me mental when I was having a anxiety attack....Or when I feel like I'm going to die when he's gone.. I'm not in love. I don't and can't love. I hate love, and love hates me. It's been like that for years. Why is it being nice to me now? I won't say I'm in love....*blushes lightly* *picks up a picture that he drew me and...
Emma, just like you, I hated love, I never believed in it. But when I met you, and we started talking and getting to know each other, I realized that love isn't a bad thing. That cupid has finally set me up with true love. The moment I first looked into your beautiful blue eyes, I realized that you're the reason I haven't died yet. You're my other half basically. You're always on my mind, 24/7, no lie. You're all I think about, you're my everything, my life, my universe. A day has not gone by where I don't get sad because I'm not with you, sitting next to you making you smile, hearing your voice. When I say I miss you, I ...
Jealousy is a bitch. It really is. Like today, my gf kept obssessing over some guy saying how he's more aforable than me, has better hair, more manlier, and she kept staring at him mouthin the words, he's hot. Like really? Even though I told her to stop but she never did. I was so jealous and so hurt. How am I not suppuse to be scared that she'll leave me when she does stuff like this? I was so hurt and so jealous when she never stopped. I felt so unloved and so betrayed. I don't think she understands how jealous she made me. I just really hate when she does this. :(
You're beautiful, cute, funny, I'll admit it, you are selfish sometimes, and there are times however when you're not the most kindest and understanding person but you make up for it. I love you, I really do. I love you more than words can ever describe. I go to Hell and back for you. I'd be willing to sit through the torture of a 1D or Justin Beiber concert for you. There are times however when you do make me mad (like when you ate my fucking hash brown) but I mever show it because I never want to hurt. I was scared we wouldn't last at first, but now I see that nothing can seperate us. I want to marry you, grow old with you. I want to be t...
Spread the DA love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!)
RULES: 1- You can hug the person who hugged you! 2- You -MUST- hug 6 other people, at least! 3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their user page! 4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet) 5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away