MH- Morpheus MansonZer0-hero on DeviantArt

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MH- Morpheus Manson



New Monster high oc is what was voted for the most, so I present to you one of 3 new monster high ocs, Morpheus Manson! 
Name: Mopheus Manson

Age: 17...light years 

Monster parents: The sandman

Killer style: Dreamy pastel goth. I'm kind of a huge space case ( Not the crazy definition unless you count crazy over space. ) I love galaxy print, pastels, and I always incorporate stars, the moon and sun into my clothes 

Freaky flaw:  I can't speak, I was 'born' mute, but it isn't so bad! I can communicate through sign language or creating messages in dream sand. 

Pet: One of the sheep someone was counting while I gave them sweet dreams followed me home. I named him Baaaahb and I can summon him up with my dream sand whenever I like, which is quite often. 

Favorite activity: When i'm not helping dad provide dreams to the world, I love star watching, video games, reading and watching syfy movies and anime. I also really love cosplaying and role-playing...Most people call me a bit of a nerd. 

biggest pet peeve: I really dislike being brought out of my comfort zone. I enjoy my laid back life of TV and video games and I don't need a grand adventure, if I want one i'll just have it in the dream realm. 

Favorite school subject: Astronomy, I love learning about stars and space! 

Least: Dead languages i'm not very good at communicating in the first place 

Favorite color: Any pastel color, gold is also really nice because it reminds me of dad and our dream sand. 

Favorite food:  Warm milk and honey with sugar cookies. 

Bff's: Jace Thánatos, Baby Ku, ( Open to more, feel free to ask!)

- He wasn't born, he was created from stardust and dream dust by the sandman, the sandman is his only parent.
- He's a HUGE fan of Guardians of the galaxy and Sailor Moon'
-Like his bio suggests he is mute. 
- He's a bit on the awkward side and has trouble making friends
-He and Baby Ku used to date, they met when he was giving someone dreams and she was out for a midnight snack 
- His hair is naturally white, he has his hair dyed to match the sunset. 

Jace// Kinga-of-Queens 
galaxy print was found on google! 
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1800x2000px 1.01 MB
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anderach's avatar
He reminds me of Sandman from Rise of the Guardians.