Well, sort of. It was my birthday yesterday. Dad took me grass-kart riding today, though, and I got a sprained ankle, and my hands are rubbed raw. I also got a lot of great birthday presents - although half of them were early to some degree... I'm not complaining

. This is partly why I'm making this post, actually. I would like to dedicate this post to
kasamizuki.deviantart.com/ and
hermionestar.deviantart.com/ - known to me as Kanata and Hazuki, respectively. Sorry, but I don't know how to do fancy links here

Anyway, both of these people were under no obligation to give me a birthday present - and I wouldn't have expected them to, either - yet they saw fit to do something incredibly generous... again. Not the first time they've treated me to birthday presents

. While people in real life lavished me with games for the 360, anime box sets and even my long-awaited dance mat (will try that out when I download Stepmania and my ankle heals), Kanata and Hazuki each gave me a creative gift of a drawing.
kasamizuki.deviantart.com/art/… is what Kanata made for me. While it probably means nothing to most people, this is an incredibly personal gift to me, focused on the life of my longest running RP character, Asukai Rin. It's an album cover that reflects the life she's led, the people she's met, and her relationship with them. I was completely taken aback when I received this - and it explained some of the questions that Kanata was asking in the days prior, as well. I couldn't have asked for anything better.
hermionestar.deviantart.com/ar… is Hazuki's gift, and would likely appeal to a larger base of people. This is Rin herself - 3 years into the future. As my friends on Naruto: Shattered Pieces would know, I've been excited by the prospect of a timeskip for quite some time now, and in particular, the dilemma of what would happen to the charming young ninja. Hazuki was more up-front with her gift, offering it to me a few days ago, and probing me for details. I must say, I am very pleased with the result! She even managed to have it ready for me just before midnight her time, meaning it was in time for my birthday, her time

To the both of you, thank you very much. I'm sure most of the people reading this would know about them already, but to those who don't, I urge you to look at their galleries - they're work is more than deserving of a little look. Consider this my thank you - plugging of your dA's

I would also like to thank
aequora.deviantart.com/ - or Naz - for messaging me out of the blue to wish me a happy birthday. I don't even think I told her about it

. Anyway, she offered to do something for me, and I asked if she would draw Sahar for me, a task she took to with gutso. Though she hasn't finished, I don't see why I should neglect her generosity, particularly since we don't talk nearly enough. Thank you, Naz! I can't wait to see what you draw!
www.acornrack.com/nsp - if any of you aren't a part of NSP, and enjoy roleplaying of the play by post variety, I highly recommend joining.