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  • July 17
  • Australia
  • Deviant for 17 years
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (246)
My Bio

Current Residence: Australia
Favourite genre of music: J-pop/rock
Favourite style of art: Fantasy, sci-fi, anime
Operating System: Windows Vista
MP3 player of choice: Creative ZEN
Wallpaper of choice: Anime
Favourite cartoon character: Rin, Archer, Lancer, Revy and Iroh
Personal Quote: Hard work may pay off in the long run, but laziness always pays off right now!

Favourite Movies
Don't know :D
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Kajiura Yuki, FLOW, Mami Kawada, Ali Project, etc.
Favourite Writers
Kevin J Anderson, Peter Hamilton, Terry Pratchett, Chris Avellone and Nasu Kinoko
Favourite Games
RPGs, VNs and space sims
Favourite Gaming Platform
All of them - I care about the games rather than the system.
Tools of the Trade
The Written Word
Other Interests
Anime, roleplaying, games

10 Sketch Meme

0 min read
"The first 10 people who comment on this journal will get a sketch, free. However, in return, you must offer 10 free sketches in your own journal. If you've already done 10 Free Sketches, simply link the journal entry in your comment... You still qualify."I was inspired to do this by :iconkearra:. I'm doing this out of stubbornness and a desire to inspire someone else rather than a desire to improve myself, though that would be pretty cool as well. I'll also be allowing people to request short literary pieces as well, since I have more faith in my writing than my drawing. Either way, I will do my best to offer something semi-decent for any...
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Music Meme

0 min read
Tagged by ~Kasamizuki - no idea how to do that icon thingie, so deal with it :D.1) Please post the rules in your journal. 2) Say your 5 favourite bands/artists, 3 favourite songs by them, and what genre they are. 3) No tag-backs and the same person can't be tagged twice. 4) You have to tag at least 5 people. Random ones will do if you're desperate. But you can tag more. 5) Post the icons of your tagged people in your journal, and send them a message telling them they're taggedSee-Saw (J-Pop) -Anna ni Issho Datta no ni -Yasashi Yoake -ObsessionFLOW (Alternative rock) -Colors -Go!!! -Re:memberKawada Mami (J-pop/trance) -Hishoku no Sora -Radi...
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0 min read
After reading another person's journal update for the sake of updating, I decided to do likewise. Besides, it makes sense, since I have some news - not that anyone's interested :D.I'll be changing my degree from a Bachelor of Communication to a Bachelor of Arts. Why, you ask? Frankly, because I hate public relations. I'm sick of it. I went into the course hoping to do journalism, but I hated it. So, I picked PR instead, thinking it was more interesting - well, Film Studies would have been better, but I can't see myself making movies for a living. Turns out that was crap as well. I figured switching courses would be better than doing someth...
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Profile Comments 64

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Inntary's avatar
cool art gallery^^
mrokat's avatar
Hey! Catch a llama and have a nice day! :D (Big Grin)
Zephaeon's avatar
Awww, that's cute - no problem!
Mariipie's avatar
O-M-G Thankyou for the watch!! ♥
Revontulet1982's avatar
Well that was an unexpected llama XD